/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #ifndef ZT_NODE_HPP #define ZT_NODE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include "Constants.hpp" #include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h" #include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp" #include "InetAddress.hpp" #include "Mutex.hpp" #include "MAC.hpp" #include "Network.hpp" #include "Path.hpp" #include "Salsa20.hpp" #undef TRACE #ifdef ZT_TRACE #define TRACE(f,...) RR->node->postTrace(__FILE__,__LINE__,f,##__VA_ARGS__) #else #define TRACE(f,...) {} #endif namespace ZeroTier { /** * Implementation of Node object as defined in CAPI * * The pointer returned by ZT_Node_new() is an instance of this class. */ class Node { public: Node( uint64_t now, void *uptr, ZT_DataStoreGetFunction dataStoreGetFunction, ZT_DataStorePutFunction dataStorePutFunction, ZT_WirePacketSendFunction wirePacketSendFunction, ZT_VirtualNetworkFrameFunction virtualNetworkFrameFunction, ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigFunction virtualNetworkConfigFunction, ZT_PathCheckFunction pathCheckFunction, ZT_EventCallback eventCallback); ~Node(); // Public API Functions ---------------------------------------------------- ZT_ResultCode processWirePacket( uint64_t now, const struct sockaddr_storage *localAddress, const struct sockaddr_storage *remoteAddress, const void *packetData, unsigned int packetLength, volatile uint64_t *nextBackgroundTaskDeadline); ZT_ResultCode processVirtualNetworkFrame( uint64_t now, uint64_t nwid, uint64_t sourceMac, uint64_t destMac, unsigned int etherType, unsigned int vlanId, const void *frameData, unsigned int frameLength, volatile uint64_t *nextBackgroundTaskDeadline); ZT_ResultCode processBackgroundTasks(uint64_t now,volatile uint64_t *nextBackgroundTaskDeadline); ZT_ResultCode join(uint64_t nwid); ZT_ResultCode leave(uint64_t nwid); ZT_ResultCode multicastSubscribe(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t multicastGroup,unsigned long multicastAdi); ZT_ResultCode multicastUnsubscribe(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t multicastGroup,unsigned long multicastAdi); uint64_t address() const; void status(ZT_NodeStatus *status) const; ZT_PeerList *peers() const; ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *networkConfig(uint64_t nwid) const; ZT_VirtualNetworkList *networks() const; void freeQueryResult(void *qr); int addLocalInterfaceAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage *addr); void clearLocalInterfaceAddresses(); void setNetconfMaster(void *networkControllerInstance); ZT_ResultCode circuitTestBegin(ZT_CircuitTest *test,void (*reportCallback)(ZT_Node *,ZT_CircuitTest *,const ZT_CircuitTestReport *)); void circuitTestEnd(ZT_CircuitTest *test); ZT_ResultCode clusterInit( unsigned int myId, const struct sockaddr_storage *zeroTierPhysicalEndpoints, unsigned int numZeroTierPhysicalEndpoints, int x, int y, int z, void (*sendFunction)(void *,unsigned int,const void *,unsigned int), void *sendFunctionArg, int (*addressToLocationFunction)(void *,const struct sockaddr_storage *,int *,int *,int *), void *addressToLocationFunctionArg); ZT_ResultCode clusterAddMember(unsigned int memberId); void clusterRemoveMember(unsigned int memberId); void clusterHandleIncomingMessage(const void *msg,unsigned int len); void clusterStatus(ZT_ClusterStatus *cs); void backgroundThreadMain(); // Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------ /** * Convenience threadMain() for easy background thread launch * * This allows background threads to be launched with Thread::start * that will run against this node. */ inline void threadMain() throw() { this->backgroundThreadMain(); } /** * @return Time as of last call to run() */ inline uint64_t now() const throw() { return _now; } /** * Enqueue a ZeroTier message to be sent * * @param localAddress Local address * @param addr Destination address * @param data Packet data * @param len Packet length * @param ttl Desired TTL (default: 0 for unchanged/default TTL) * @return True if packet appears to have been sent */ inline bool putPacket(const InetAddress &localAddress,const InetAddress &addr,const void *data,unsigned int len,unsigned int ttl = 0) { return (_wirePacketSendFunction( reinterpret_cast(this), _uPtr, reinterpret_cast(&localAddress), reinterpret_cast(&addr), data, len, ttl) == 0); } /** * Enqueue a frame to be injected into a tap device (port) * * @param nwid Network ID * @param source Source MAC * @param dest Destination MAC * @param etherType 16-bit ethernet type * @param vlanId VLAN ID or 0 if none * @param data Frame data * @param len Frame length */ inline void putFrame(uint64_t nwid,const MAC &source,const MAC &dest,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len) { _virtualNetworkFrameFunction( reinterpret_cast(this), _uPtr, nwid, source.toInt(), dest.toInt(), etherType, vlanId, data, len); } /** * @param localAddress Local address * @param remoteAddress Remote address * @return True if path should be used */ bool shouldUsePathForZeroTierTraffic(const InetAddress &localAddress,const InetAddress &remoteAddress); inline SharedPtr network(uint64_t nwid) const { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); return _network(nwid); } inline bool belongsToNetwork(uint64_t nwid) const { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); for(std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, SharedPtr > >::const_iterator i=_networks.begin();i!=_networks.end();++i) { if (i->first == nwid) return true; } return false; } inline std::vector< SharedPtr > allNetworks() const { std::vector< SharedPtr > nw; Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); nw.reserve(_networks.size()); for(std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, SharedPtr > >::const_iterator i=_networks.begin();i!=_networks.end();++i) nw.push_back(i->second); return nw; } /** * @return Potential direct paths to me a.k.a. local interface addresses */ inline std::vector directPaths() const { Mutex::Lock _l(_directPaths_m); return _directPaths; } inline bool dataStorePut(const char *name,const void *data,unsigned int len,bool secure) { return (_dataStorePutFunction(reinterpret_cast(this),_uPtr,name,data,len,(int)secure) == 0); } inline bool dataStorePut(const char *name,const std::string &data,bool secure) { return dataStorePut(name,(const void *)data.data(),(unsigned int)data.length(),secure); } inline void dataStoreDelete(const char *name) { _dataStorePutFunction(reinterpret_cast(this),_uPtr,name,(const void *)0,0,0); } std::string dataStoreGet(const char *name); /** * Post an event to the external user * * @param ev Event type * @param md Meta-data (default: NULL/none) */ inline void postEvent(ZT_Event ev,const void *md = (const void *)0) { _eventCallback(reinterpret_cast(this),_uPtr,ev,md); } /** * Update virtual network port configuration * * @param nwid Network ID * @param op Configuration operation * @param nc Network configuration */ inline int configureVirtualNetworkPort(uint64_t nwid,ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigOperation op,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nc) { return _virtualNetworkConfigFunction(reinterpret_cast(this),_uPtr,nwid,op,nc); } /** * @return True if we appear to be online */ inline bool online() const throw() { return _online; } #ifdef ZT_TRACE void postTrace(const char *module,unsigned int line,const char *fmt,...); #endif /** * @return Next 64-bit random number (not for cryptographic use) */ uint64_t prng(); /** * Post a circuit test report to any listeners for a given test ID * * @param report Report (includes test ID) */ void postCircuitTestReport(const ZT_CircuitTestReport *report); private: inline SharedPtr _network(uint64_t nwid) const { // assumes _networks_m is locked for(std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, SharedPtr > >::const_iterator i=_networks.begin();i!=_networks.end();++i) { if (i->first == nwid) return i->second; } return SharedPtr(); } RuntimeEnvironment _RR; RuntimeEnvironment *RR; void *_uPtr; // _uptr (lower case) is reserved in Visual Studio :P ZT_DataStoreGetFunction _dataStoreGetFunction; ZT_DataStorePutFunction _dataStorePutFunction; ZT_WirePacketSendFunction _wirePacketSendFunction; ZT_VirtualNetworkFrameFunction _virtualNetworkFrameFunction; ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigFunction _virtualNetworkConfigFunction; ZT_PathCheckFunction _pathCheckFunction; ZT_EventCallback _eventCallback; std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, SharedPtr > > _networks; Mutex _networks_m; std::vector< ZT_CircuitTest * > _circuitTests; Mutex _circuitTests_m; std::vector _directPaths; Mutex _directPaths_m; Mutex _backgroundTasksLock; unsigned int _prngStreamPtr; Salsa20 _prng; uint64_t _prngStream[16]; // repeatedly encrypted with _prng to yield a high-quality non-crypto PRNG stream uint64_t _now; uint64_t _lastPingCheck; uint64_t _lastHousekeepingRun; bool _online; }; } // namespace ZeroTier #endif