/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "node/InetAddress.hpp" #include "node/EllipticCurveKey.hpp" #include "node/EllipticCurveKeyPair.hpp" #include "node/Utils.hpp" #include "node/Identity.hpp" #include "node/Packet.hpp" #include "node/Salsa20.hpp" #include "node/HMAC.hpp" #include "node/MAC.hpp" #include "node/Peer.hpp" #include "node/Http.hpp" #include "node/Condition.hpp" using namespace ZeroTier; static unsigned char fuzzbuf[1048576]; static const char *hmacShaTV0Key = "key"; static const char *hmacShaTV0Msg = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; static const unsigned char hmacShaTV0Mac[32] = { 0xf7,0xbc,0x83,0xf4,0x30,0x53,0x84,0x24,0xb1,0x32,0x98,0xe6,0xaa,0x6f,0xb1,0x43,0xef,0x4d,0x59,0xa1,0x49,0x46,0x17,0x59,0x97,0x47,0x9d,0xbc,0x2d,0x1a,0x3c,0xd8 }; static const unsigned char s20TV0Key[32] = { 0x0f,0x62,0xb5,0x08,0x5b,0xae,0x01,0x54,0xa7,0xfa,0x4d,0xa0,0xf3,0x46,0x99,0xec,0x3f,0x92,0xe5,0x38,0x8b,0xde,0x31,0x84,0xd7,0x2a,0x7d,0xd0,0x23,0x76,0xc9,0x1c }; static const unsigned char s20TV0Iv[8] = { 0x28,0x8f,0xf6,0x5d,0xc4,0x2b,0x92,0xf9 }; static const unsigned char s20TV0Ks[64] = { 0x5e,0x5e,0x71,0xf9,0x01,0x99,0x34,0x03,0x04,0xab,0xb2,0x2a,0x37,0xb6,0x62,0x5b,0xf8,0x83,0xfb,0x89,0xce,0x3b,0x21,0xf5,0x4a,0x10,0xb8,0x10,0x66,0xef,0x87,0xda,0x30,0xb7,0x76,0x99,0xaa,0x73,0x79,0xda,0x59,0x5c,0x77,0xdd,0x59,0x54,0x2d,0xa2,0x08,0xe5,0x95,0x4f,0x89,0xe4,0x0e,0xb7,0xaa,0x80,0xa8,0x4a,0x61,0x76,0x66,0x3f }; static int testCrypto() { unsigned char buf1[16384]; unsigned char buf2[sizeof(buf1)],buf3[sizeof(buf1)]; std::cout << "[crypto] Testing ECDSA... "; std::cout.flush(); for(unsigned int k=0;k<64;++k) { EllipticCurveKeyPair kp; kp.generate(); for(int i=0;i<32;++i) buf1[i] = (unsigned char)rand(); std::string sig = kp.sign(buf1); if (!EllipticCurveKeyPair::verify(buf1,kp.pub(),sig.data(),sig.length())) { std::cout << "FAIL" << std::endl; return -1; } } std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; std::cout << "[crypto] Testing HMAC-SHA256... "; std::cout.flush(); memset(buf1,0,sizeof(buf1)); HMAC::sha256(hmacShaTV0Key,strlen(hmacShaTV0Key),hmacShaTV0Msg,strlen(hmacShaTV0Msg),buf1); if (memcmp(buf1,hmacShaTV0Mac,32)) { std::cout << "FAIL (test vector 0) (" << Utils::hex(buf1,32) << ")" << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; std::cout << "[crypto] Testing Salsa20... "; std::cout.flush(); for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;++i) { for(unsigned int k=0;k buf; std::cout << "[identity] Generate identity... "; std::cout.flush(); uint64_t genstart = Utils::now(); id.generate(); uint64_t genend = Utils::now(); std::cout << "(took " << (genend - genstart) << "ms): " << id.toString(true) << std::endl; std::cout << "[identity] Locally validate identity: "; if (id.locallyValidate(false)) { std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FAIL" << std::endl; return -1; } { Identity id2; buf.clear(); id.serialize(buf,true); id2.deserialize(buf); std::cout << "[identity] Serialize and deserialize (w/private): "; if ((id == id2)&&(id2.locallyValidate(false))) { std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FAIL" << std::endl; return -1; } } { Identity id2; buf.clear(); id.serialize(buf,false); id2.deserialize(buf); std::cout << "[identity] Serialize and deserialize (no private): "; if ((id == id2)&&(id2.locallyValidate(false))) { std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FAIL" << std::endl; return -1; } } { Identity id2; id2.fromString(id.toString(true).c_str()); std::cout << "[identity] Serialize and deserialize (ASCII w/private): "; if ((id == id2)&&(id2.locallyValidate(false))) { std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FAIL" << std::endl; return -1; } } { Identity id2; id2.fromString(id.toString(false).c_str()); std::cout << "[identity] Serialize and deserialize (ASCII no private): "; if ((id == id2)&&(id2.locallyValidate(false))) { std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "FAIL" << std::endl; return -1; } } return 0; } static int testPacket() { unsigned char salsaKey[32],hmacKey[32]; Packet a,b; for(unsigned int i=0;i<32;++i) { salsaKey[i] = (unsigned char)rand(); hmacKey[i] = (unsigned char)rand(); } std::cout << "[packet] Testing Packet encoder/decoder... "; a = Packet(); a.setVerb(Packet::VERB_HELLO); for(int i=0;i<32;++i) a.append("supercalifragilisticexpealidocious",strlen("supercalifragilisticexpealidocious")); b = a; a.compress(); unsigned int complen = a.size(); a.uncompress(); std::cout << "(compressed: " << complen << ", decompressed: " << a.size() << ") "; if (a != b) { std::cout << "FAIL (compresssion)" << std::endl; return -1; } a.compress(); a.encrypt(salsaKey); a.decrypt(salsaKey); a.uncompress(); if (a != b) { std::cout << "FAIL (encrypt-decrypt)" << std::endl; return -1; } a.hmacSet(hmacKey); if (!a.hmacVerify(hmacKey)) { std::cout << "FAIL (hmacVerify)" << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl; return 0; } static int testOther() { std::cout << "[other] Testing Base64 encode/decode... "; std::cout.flush(); for(unsigned int k=0;k<1000;++k) { unsigned int flen = (rand() % 8194) + 1; for(unsigned int i=0;i &headers,const std::string &body) { if (code) std::cout << "[net] " << url << " " << code << " bytes: " << body.length() << std::endl; else std::cout << "[net] " << url << " FAILED: " << body << std::endl; testHttpDoneCondition.signal(); return false; } static int testNet() { std::cout << "[net] GET http://www.uc.edu/" << std::endl; new Http::Request(Http::HTTP_METHOD_GET,"http://www.uc.edu/",Http::EMPTY_HEADERS,std::string(),&testHttpHandler,(void *)0); testHttpDoneCondition.wait(); std::cout << "[net] GET http://zerotier.com/" << std::endl; new Http::Request(Http::HTTP_METHOD_GET,"http://zerotier.com/",Http::EMPTY_HEADERS,std::string(),&testHttpHandler,(void *)0); testHttpDoneCondition.wait(); std::cout << "[net] GET http://www.google.com/" << std::endl; new Http::Request(Http::HTTP_METHOD_GET,"http://www.google.com/",Http::EMPTY_HEADERS,std::string(),&testHttpHandler,(void *)0); testHttpDoneCondition.wait(); return 0; } int main(int argc,char **argv) { int r = 0; srand(time(0)); r |= testNet(); r |= testCrypto(); r |= testPacket(); r |= testOther(); r |= testIdentity(); if (r) std::cout << std::endl << "SOMETHING FAILED!" << std::endl; return r; }