/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Identity.hpp" #include "Salsa20.hpp" #include "HMAC.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { void Identity::generate() { delete [] _keyPair; // Generate key pair and derive address do { _keyPair = new EllipticCurveKeyPair(); _keyPair->generate(); _address = deriveAddress(_keyPair->pub().data(),_keyPair->pub().size()); } while (_address.isReserved()); _publicKey = _keyPair->pub(); // Sign address, key type, and public key with private key (with a zero // byte between each field). Including this extra data means simply editing // the address of an identity will be detected as its signature will be // invalid. Of course, deep verification of address/key relationship is // required to cover the more elaborate address claim jump attempt case. unsigned char atmp[ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; _address.copyTo(atmp,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH); SHA256_CTX sha; unsigned char dig[32]; unsigned char idtype = IDENTITY_TYPE_NIST_P_521,zero = 0; SHA256_Init(&sha); SHA256_Update(&sha,atmp,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH); SHA256_Update(&sha,&zero,1); SHA256_Update(&sha,&idtype,1); SHA256_Update(&sha,&zero,1); SHA256_Update(&sha,_publicKey.data(),_publicKey.size()); SHA256_Update(&sha,&zero,1); SHA256_Final(dig,&sha); _signature = _keyPair->sign(dig); } bool Identity::locallyValidate(bool doAddressDerivationCheck) const { unsigned char atmp[ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; _address.copyTo(atmp,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH); SHA256_CTX sha; unsigned char dig[32]; unsigned char idtype = IDENTITY_TYPE_NIST_P_521,zero = 0; SHA256_Init(&sha); SHA256_Update(&sha,atmp,ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH); SHA256_Update(&sha,&zero,1); SHA256_Update(&sha,&idtype,1); SHA256_Update(&sha,&zero,1); SHA256_Update(&sha,_publicKey.data(),_publicKey.size()); SHA256_Update(&sha,&zero,1); SHA256_Final(dig,&sha); return ((EllipticCurveKeyPair::verify(dig,_publicKey,_signature.data(),_signature.length()))&&((!doAddressDerivationCheck)||(deriveAddress(_publicKey.data(),_publicKey.size()) == _address))); } std::string Identity::toString(bool includePrivate) const { std::string r; r.append(_address.toString()); r.append(":1:"); // 1 == IDENTITY_TYPE_NIST_P_521 r.append(Utils::base64Encode(_publicKey.data(),_publicKey.size())); r.push_back(':'); r.append(Utils::base64Encode(_signature.data(),_signature.length())); if ((includePrivate)&&(_keyPair)) { r.push_back(':'); r.append(Utils::base64Encode(_keyPair->priv().data(),_keyPair->priv().size())); } return r; } bool Identity::fromString(const char *str) { delete _keyPair; _keyPair = (EllipticCurveKeyPair *)0; std::vector fields(Utils::split(Utils::trim(std::string(str)).c_str(),":","","")); if (fields.size() < 4) return false; if (fields[1] != "1") return false; // version mismatch std::string b(Utils::unhex(fields[0])); if (b.length() != ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH) return false; _address = b.data(); b = Utils::base64Decode(fields[2]); if ((!b.length())||(b.length() > ZT_EC_MAX_BYTES)) return false; _publicKey.set(b.data(),b.length()); _signature = Utils::base64Decode(fields[3]); if (!_signature.length()) return false; if (fields.size() >= 5) { b = Utils::base64Decode(fields[4]); if ((!b.length())||(b.length() > ZT_EC_MAX_BYTES)) return false; _keyPair = new EllipticCurveKeyPair(_publicKey,EllipticCurveKey(b.data(),b.length())); } return true; } // These are core protocol parameters and can't be changed without a new // identity type. #define ZT_IDENTITY_DERIVEADDRESS_ROUNDS 4 #define ZT_IDENTITY_DERIVEADDRESS_MEMORY 33554432 Address Identity::deriveAddress(const void *keyBytes,unsigned int keyLen) { unsigned char dig[32]; Salsa20 s20a,s20b; SHA256_CTX sha; /* * Sequential memory-hard algorithm wedding address to public key * * Conventional hashcash with long computations and quick verifications * unfortunately cannot be used here. If that were used, it would be * equivalently costly to simply increment/vary the public key and find * a collision as it would be to find the address. We need something * that creates a costly 1:~1 mapping from key to address, hence this odd * algorithm. * * This is designed not to be parallelizable and to be resistant to * implementation on things like GPUs with tiny-memory nodes and poor * branching capability. Toward that end it throws branching and a large * memory buffer into the mix. It can only be efficiently computed by a * single core with at least ~32MB RAM. * * Search for "sequential memory hard algorithm" for academic references * to similar concepts. * * Right now this takes ~1700ms on a 2.4ghz Intel Core i5. If this could * be reduced to 1ms per derivation, it would take about 34 years to search * the entire 40-bit address space for an average of ~17 years to generate * a key colliding with a known existing address. */ // Initial starting digest SHA256_Init(&sha); SHA256_Update(&sha,(const unsigned char *)keyBytes,keyLen); // key SHA256_Final(dig,&sha); s20a.init(dig,256,"ZeroTier"); unsigned char *ram = new unsigned char[ZT_IDENTITY_DERIVEADDRESS_MEMORY]; // Encrypt and digest a large memory buffer for several rounds for(unsigned long i=0;i