/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "DB.hpp" #include "EmbeddedNetworkController.hpp" #include <chrono> #include <algorithm> #include <stdexcept> using json = nlohmann::json; namespace ZeroTier { void DB::initNetwork(nlohmann::json &network) { if (!network.count("private")) network["private"] = true; if (!network.count("creationTime")) network["creationTime"] = OSUtils::now(); if (!network.count("name")) network["name"] = ""; if (!network.count("multicastLimit")) network["multicastLimit"] = (uint64_t)32; if (!network.count("enableBroadcast")) network["enableBroadcast"] = true; if (!network.count("v4AssignMode")) network["v4AssignMode"] = {{"zt",false}}; if (!network.count("v6AssignMode")) network["v6AssignMode"] = {{"rfc4193",false},{"zt",false},{"6plane",false}}; if (!network.count("authTokens")) network["authTokens"] = {{}}; if (!network.count("capabilities")) network["capabilities"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!network.count("tags")) network["tags"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!network.count("routes")) network["routes"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!network.count("ipAssignmentPools")) network["ipAssignmentPools"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!network.count("anchors")) network["anchors"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!network.count("mtu")) network["mtu"] = ZT_DEFAULT_MTU; if (!network.count("remoteTraceTarget")) network["remoteTraceTarget"] = nlohmann::json(); if (!network.count("removeTraceLevel")) network["remoteTraceLevel"] = 0; if (!network.count("rules")) { // If unspecified, rules are set to allow anything and behave like a flat L2 segment network["rules"] = {{ { "not",false }, { "or", false }, { "type","ACTION_ACCEPT" } }}; } network["objtype"] = "network"; } void DB::initMember(nlohmann::json &member) { if (!member.count("authorized")) member["authorized"] = false; if (!member.count("ipAssignments")) member["ipAssignments"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!member.count("activeBridge")) member["activeBridge"] = false; if (!member.count("tags")) member["tags"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!member.count("capabilities")) member["capabilities"] = nlohmann::json::array(); if (!member.count("creationTime")) member["creationTime"] = OSUtils::now(); if (!member.count("noAutoAssignIps")) member["noAutoAssignIps"] = false; if (!member.count("revision")) member["revision"] = 0ULL; if (!member.count("lastDeauthorizedTime")) member["lastDeauthorizedTime"] = 0ULL; if (!member.count("lastAuthorizedTime")) member["lastAuthorizedTime"] = 0ULL; if (!member.count("lastAuthorizedCredentialType")) member["lastAuthorizedCredentialType"] = nlohmann::json(); if (!member.count("lastAuthorizedCredential")) member["lastAuthorizedCredential"] = nlohmann::json(); if (!member.count("vMajor")) member["vMajor"] = -1; if (!member.count("vMinor")) member["vMinor"] = -1; if (!member.count("vRev")) member["vRev"] = -1; if (!member.count("vProto")) member["vProto"] = -1; if (!member.count("remoteTraceTarget")) member["remoteTraceTarget"] = nlohmann::json(); if (!member.count("removeTraceLevel")) member["remoteTraceLevel"] = 0; member["objtype"] = "member"; } void DB::cleanNetwork(nlohmann::json &network) { network.erase("clock"); network.erase("authorizedMemberCount"); network.erase("activeMemberCount"); network.erase("totalMemberCount"); network.erase("lastModified"); } void DB::cleanMember(nlohmann::json &member) { member.erase("clock"); member.erase("physicalAddr"); member.erase("recentLog"); member.erase("lastModified"); member.erase("lastRequestMetaData"); } DB::DB(EmbeddedNetworkController *const nc,const Identity &myId,const char *path) : _controller(nc), _myId(myId), _myAddress(myId.address()), _path((path) ? path : "") { char tmp[32]; _myAddress.toString(tmp); _myAddressStr = tmp; } DB::~DB() { } bool DB::get(const uint64_t networkId,nlohmann::json &network) { waitForReady(); std::shared_ptr<_Network> nw; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); auto nwi = _networks.find(networkId); if (nwi == _networks.end()) return false; nw = nwi->second; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l2(nw->lock); network = nw->config; } return true; } bool DB::get(const uint64_t networkId,nlohmann::json &network,const uint64_t memberId,nlohmann::json &member) { waitForReady(); std::shared_ptr<_Network> nw; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); auto nwi = _networks.find(networkId); if (nwi == _networks.end()) return false; nw = nwi->second; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l2(nw->lock); network = nw->config; auto m = nw->members.find(memberId); if (m == nw->members.end()) return false; member = m->second; } return true; } bool DB::get(const uint64_t networkId,nlohmann::json &network,const uint64_t memberId,nlohmann::json &member,NetworkSummaryInfo &info) { waitForReady(); std::shared_ptr<_Network> nw; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); auto nwi = _networks.find(networkId); if (nwi == _networks.end()) return false; nw = nwi->second; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l2(nw->lock); network = nw->config; _fillSummaryInfo(nw,info); auto m = nw->members.find(memberId); if (m == nw->members.end()) return false; member = m->second; } return true; } bool DB::get(const uint64_t networkId,nlohmann::json &network,std::vector<nlohmann::json> &members) { waitForReady(); std::shared_ptr<_Network> nw; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); auto nwi = _networks.find(networkId); if (nwi == _networks.end()) return false; nw = nwi->second; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l2(nw->lock); network = nw->config; for(auto m=nw->members.begin();m!=nw->members.end();++m) members.push_back(m->second); } return true; } bool DB::summary(const uint64_t networkId,NetworkSummaryInfo &info) { waitForReady(); std::shared_ptr<_Network> nw; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); auto nwi = _networks.find(networkId); if (nwi == _networks.end()) return false; nw = nwi->second; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l2(nw->lock); _fillSummaryInfo(nw,info); } return true; } void DB::networks(std::vector<uint64_t> &networks) { waitForReady(); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); networks.reserve(_networks.size() + 1); for(auto n=_networks.begin();n!=_networks.end();++n) networks.push_back(n->first); } void DB::_memberChanged(nlohmann::json &old,nlohmann::json &member,bool push) { uint64_t memberId = 0; uint64_t networkId = 0; bool isAuth = false; bool wasAuth = false; std::shared_ptr<_Network> nw; if (old.is_object()) { json &config = old["config"]; if (config.is_object()) { memberId = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(config["id"],0ULL); networkId = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(config["nwid"],0ULL); if ((memberId)&&(networkId)) { { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); auto nw2 = _networks.find(networkId); if (nw2 != _networks.end()) nw = nw2->second; } if (nw) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(nw->lock); if (OSUtils::jsonBool(config["activeBridge"],false)) nw->activeBridgeMembers.erase(memberId); wasAuth = OSUtils::jsonBool(config["authorized"],false); if (wasAuth) nw->authorizedMembers.erase(memberId); json &ips = config["ipAssignments"]; if (ips.is_array()) { for(unsigned long i=0;i<ips.size();++i) { json &ipj = ips[i]; if (ipj.is_string()) { const std::string ips = ipj; InetAddress ipa(ips.c_str()); ipa.setPort(0); nw->allocatedIps.erase(ipa); } } } } } } } if (member.is_object()) { json &config = member["config"]; if (config.is_object()) { if (!nw) { memberId = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(config["id"],0ULL); networkId = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(config["nwid"],0ULL); if ((!memberId)||(!networkId)) return; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); std::shared_ptr<_Network> &nw2 = _networks[networkId]; if (!nw2) nw2.reset(new _Network); nw = nw2; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(nw->lock); nw->members[memberId] = config; if (OSUtils::jsonBool(config["activeBridge"],false)) nw->activeBridgeMembers.insert(memberId); isAuth = OSUtils::jsonBool(config["authorized"],false); if (isAuth) nw->authorizedMembers.insert(memberId); json &ips = config["ipAssignments"]; if (ips.is_array()) { for(unsigned long i=0;i<ips.size();++i) { json &ipj = ips[i]; if (ipj.is_string()) { const std::string ips = ipj; InetAddress ipa(ips.c_str()); ipa.setPort(0); nw->allocatedIps.insert(ipa); } } } if (!isAuth) { const int64_t ldt = (int64_t)OSUtils::jsonInt(config["lastDeauthorizedTime"],0ULL); if (ldt > nw->mostRecentDeauthTime) nw->mostRecentDeauthTime = ldt; } } if (push) _controller->onNetworkMemberUpdate(networkId,memberId); } } else if (memberId) { if (nw) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(nw->lock); nw->members.erase(memberId); } if (networkId) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); auto er = _networkByMember.equal_range(memberId); for(auto i=er.first;i!=er.second;++i) { if (i->second == networkId) { _networkByMember.erase(i); break; } } } } if ((push)&&((wasAuth)&&(!isAuth)&&(networkId)&&(memberId))) _controller->onNetworkMemberDeauthorize(networkId,memberId); } void DB::_networkChanged(nlohmann::json &old,nlohmann::json &network,bool push) { if (network.is_object()) { json &config = network["config"]; if (config.is_object()) { const std::string ids = config["id"]; const uint64_t id = Utils::hexStrToU64(ids.c_str()); if (id) { std::shared_ptr<_Network> nw; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); std::shared_ptr<_Network> &nw2 = _networks[id]; if (!nw2) nw2.reset(new _Network); nw = nw2; } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l2(nw->lock); nw->config = config; } if (push) _controller->onNetworkUpdate(id); } } } else if (old.is_object()) { const std::string ids = old["id"]; const uint64_t id = Utils::hexStrToU64(ids.c_str()); if (id) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_networks_l); _networks.erase(id); } } } void DB::_fillSummaryInfo(const std::shared_ptr<_Network> &nw,NetworkSummaryInfo &info) { for(auto ab=nw->activeBridgeMembers.begin();ab!=nw->activeBridgeMembers.end();++ab) info.activeBridges.push_back(Address(*ab)); for(auto ip=nw->allocatedIps.begin();ip!=nw->allocatedIps.end();++ip) info.allocatedIps.push_back(*ip); info.authorizedMemberCount = (unsigned long)nw->authorizedMembers.size(); info.totalMemberCount = (unsigned long)nw->members.size(); info.mostRecentDeauthTime = nw->mostRecentDeauthTime; } } // namespace ZeroTier