/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #ifndef ZT_TOPOLOGY_HPP #define ZT_TOPOLOGY_HPP #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <map> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <stdexcept> #include "Constants.hpp" #include "Address.hpp" #include "Identity.hpp" #include "Peer.hpp" #include "Mutex.hpp" #include "InetAddress.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include "Packet.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "Dictionary.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { class RuntimeEnvironment; /** * Database of network topology */ class Topology { public: Topology(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,bool enablePermanentIdCaching); ~Topology(); /** * Set up supernodes for this network * * @param sn Supernodes for this network */ void setSupernodes(const std::map< Identity,std::vector< std::pair<InetAddress,bool> > > &sn); /** * Set up supernodes for this network * * This performs no signature verification of any kind. The caller must * check the signature of the root topology dictionary first. * * @param sn Supernodes dictionary from root-topology */ void setSupernodes(const Dictionary &sn); /** * Add a peer to database * * This will not replace existing peers. In that case the existing peer * record is returned. * * @param peer Peer to add * @return New or existing peer (should replace 'peer') */ SharedPtr<Peer> addPeer(const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer); /** * Get a peer from its address * * @param zta ZeroTier address of peer * @return Peer or NULL if not found */ SharedPtr<Peer> getPeer(const Address &zta) const; /** * Get an identity if cached or available in a peer record * * @param zta ZeroTier address * @return Identity or NULL-identity if not found */ Identity getIdentity(const Address &zta); /** * Save identity in permanent store, or do nothing if disabled * * This is called automatically by addPeer(), so it should not need to be * called manually anywhere else. The private part of the identity, if * present, is NOT cached by this. * * @param id Identity to save */ void saveIdentity(const Identity &id); /** * @return Vector of peers that are supernodes */ inline std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> > supernodePeers() const { Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m); return _supernodePeers; } /** * @return Number of supernodes */ inline unsigned int numSupernodes() const { Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m); return _supernodePeers.size(); } /** * Get the current favorite supernode * * @return Supernode with lowest latency or NULL if none */ inline SharedPtr<Peer> getBestSupernode() const { return getBestSupernode((const Address *)0,0,false); } /** * Get the best supernode, avoiding supernodes listed in an array * * This will get the best supernode (lowest latency, etc.) but will * try to avoid the listed supernodes, only using them if no others * are available. * * @param avoid Nodes to avoid * @param avoidCount Number of nodes to avoid * @param strictAvoid If false, consider avoided supernodes anyway if no non-avoid supernodes are available * @return Supernode or NULL if none */ SharedPtr<Peer> getBestSupernode(const Address *avoid,unsigned int avoidCount,bool strictAvoid) const; /** * @param zta ZeroTier address * @return True if this is a designated supernode */ inline bool isSupernode(const Address &zta) const throw() { Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m); return (_supernodeAddresses.count(zta) > 0); } /** * @return Set of supernode addresses */ inline std::set<Address> supernodeAddresses() const { Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m); return _supernodeAddresses; } /** * @return True if this node's identity is in the supernode set */ inline bool amSupernode() const { return _amSupernode; } /** * Clean and flush database */ void clean(uint64_t now); /** * Apply a function or function object to all peers * * Note: explicitly template this by reference if you want the object * passed by reference instead of copied. * * @param f Function to apply * @tparam F Function or function object type */ template<typename F> inline void eachPeer(F f) { Mutex::Lock _l(_activePeers_m); for(std::map< Address,SharedPtr<Peer> >::const_iterator p(_activePeers.begin());p!=_activePeers.end();++p) f(*this,p->second); } /** * Apply a function or function object to all supernode peers * * Note: explicitly template this by reference if you want the object * passed by reference instead of copied. * * @param f Function to apply * @tparam F Function or function object type */ template<typename F> inline void eachSupernodePeer(F f) { Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m); for(std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> >::const_iterator p(_supernodePeers.begin());p!=_supernodePeers.end();++p) f(*this,*p); } /** * Pings all peers that need a ping sent, excluding supernodes * * Ordinary peers are pinged if we haven't heard from them recently. Receive * time rather than send time as OK is returned on success and we want to * keep trying if a packet is lost. Ordinary peers are subject to a frame * inactivity timeout. We give up if we haven't actually transferred any * data to them recently, and eventually Topology purges them from memory. */ class PingPeersThatNeedPing { public: PingPeersThatNeedPing(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,uint64_t now) throw() : _now(now), _supernodeAddresses(renv->topology->supernodeAddresses()), RR(renv) {} inline void operator()(Topology &t,const SharedPtr<Peer> &p) { /* For ordinary nodes we ping if they've sent us a frame recently, * otherwise they are stale and we let the link die. * * Note that we measure ping time from time of last receive rather * than time of last send in order to only count full round trips. */ if ( (!_supernodeAddresses.count(p->address())) && ((_now - p->lastFrame()) < ZT_PEER_PATH_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT) && ((_now - p->lastDirectReceive()) >= ZT_PEER_DIRECT_PING_DELAY) ) { p->sendPing(RR,_now); } } private: uint64_t _now; std::set<Address> _supernodeAddresses; const RuntimeEnvironment *RR; }; /** * Ping peers that need ping according to supernode rules * * Supernodes ping aggressively if a ping is unanswered and they are not * subject to the activity timeout. In other words: we assume they are * always there and always try to reach them. * * The ultimate rate limit for this is controlled up in the Node main loop. */ class PingSupernodesThatNeedPing { public: PingSupernodesThatNeedPing(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,uint64_t now) throw() : _now(now), RR(renv) {} inline void operator()(Topology &t,const SharedPtr<Peer> &p) { /* For supernodes we always ping even if no frames have been seen, and * we ping aggressively if pings are unanswered. The limit to this * frequency is set in the main loop to no more than ZT_STARTUP_AGGRO. */ uint64_t lp = 0; uint64_t lr = 0; p->lastPingAndDirectReceive(lp,lr); if ( (lr < RR->timeOfLastResynchronize) || ((lr < lp)&&((lp - lr) >= ZT_PING_UNANSWERED_AFTER)) || ((_now - lr) >= ZT_PEER_DIRECT_PING_DELAY) ) p->sendPing(RR,_now); } private: uint64_t _now; const RuntimeEnvironment *RR; }; /** * Computes most recent timestamp of direct packet receive over a list of peers */ class FindMostRecentDirectReceiveTimestamp { public: FindMostRecentDirectReceiveTimestamp(uint64_t &ts) throw() : _ts(ts) {} inline void operator()(Topology &t,const SharedPtr<Peer> &p) throw() { _ts = std::max(p->lastDirectReceive(),_ts); } private: uint64_t &_ts; }; /** * Function object to forget direct links to active peers and then ping them indirectly */ class ResetActivePeers { public: ResetActivePeers(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,uint64_t now) throw() : _now(now), _supernode(renv->topology->getBestSupernode()), _supernodeAddresses(renv->topology->supernodeAddresses()), RR(renv) {} inline void operator()(Topology &t,const SharedPtr<Peer> &p) { p->clearPaths(false); // false means don't forget 'fixed' paths e.g. supernodes Packet outp(p->address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_NOP); outp.armor(p->key(),false); // no need to encrypt a NOP if (_supernodeAddresses.count(p->address())) { // Send NOP directly to supernodes p->send(RR,outp.data(),outp.size(),_now); } else { // Send NOP indirectly to regular peers if still active, triggering a new RENDEZVOUS if (((_now - p->lastFrame()) < ZT_PEER_PATH_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT)&&(_supernode)) { TRACE("sending reset NOP to %s",p->address().toString().c_str()); _supernode->send(RR,outp.data(),outp.size(),_now); } } } private: uint64_t _now; SharedPtr<Peer> _supernode; std::set<Address> _supernodeAddresses; const RuntimeEnvironment *RR; }; /** * Function object to collect peers with any known direct path */ class CollectPeersWithActiveDirectPath { public: CollectPeersWithActiveDirectPath(std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> > &v,uint64_t now) throw() : _now(now), _v(v) {} inline void operator()(Topology &t,const SharedPtr<Peer> &p) { if (p->hasActiveDirectPath(_now)) _v.push_back(p); } private: uint64_t _now; std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> > &_v; }; /** * Validate a root topology dictionary against the identities specified in Defaults * * @param rt Root topology dictionary * @return True if dictionary signature is valid */ static bool authenticateRootTopology(const Dictionary &rt); private: const RuntimeEnvironment *RR; void _dumpPeers(); void _loadPeers(); std::string _idCacheBase; // empty if identity caching disabled std::map< Address,SharedPtr<Peer> > _activePeers; Mutex _activePeers_m; std::map< Identity,std::vector< std::pair<InetAddress,bool> > > _supernodes; std::set< Address > _supernodeAddresses; std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> > _supernodePeers; Mutex _supernodes_m; // Set to true if my identity is in _supernodes volatile bool _amSupernode; }; } // namespace ZeroTier #endif