/* * Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2026-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #ifndef ZT_HASHTABLE_HPP #define ZT_HASHTABLE_HPP #include "Constants.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ZeroTier { /** * A minimal hash table implementation for the ZeroTier core */ template class Hashtable { private: struct _Bucket { _Bucket(const K& k, const V& v) : k(k), v(v) { } _Bucket(const K& k) : k(k), v() { } _Bucket(const _Bucket& b) : k(b.k), v(b.v) { } inline _Bucket& operator=(const _Bucket& b) { k = b.k; v = b.v; return *this; } K k; V v; _Bucket* next; // must be set manually for each _Bucket }; public: /** * A simple forward iterator (different from STL) * * It's safe to erase the last key, but not others. Don't use set() since that * may rehash and invalidate the iterator. Note the erasing the key will destroy * the targets of the pointers returned by next(). */ class Iterator { public: /** * @param ht Hash table to iterate over */ Iterator(Hashtable& ht) : _idx(0), _ht(&ht), _b(ht._t[0]) { } /** * @param kptr Pointer to set to point to next key * @param vptr Pointer to set to point to next value * @return True if kptr and vptr are set, false if no more entries */ inline bool next(K*& kptr, V*& vptr) { for (;;) { if (_b) { kptr = &(_b->k); vptr = &(_b->v); _b = _b->next; return true; } ++_idx; if (_idx >= _ht->_bc) { return false; } _b = _ht->_t[_idx]; } } private: unsigned long _idx; Hashtable* _ht; _Bucket* _b; }; // friend class Hashtable::Iterator; /** * @param bc Initial capacity in buckets (default: 64, must be nonzero) */ Hashtable(unsigned long bc = 64) : _t(reinterpret_cast<_Bucket**>(::malloc(sizeof(_Bucket*) * bc))), _bc(bc), _s(0) { if (! _t) { throw ZT_EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < bc; ++i) { _t[i] = (_Bucket*)0; } } Hashtable(const Hashtable& ht) : _t(reinterpret_cast<_Bucket**>(::malloc(sizeof(_Bucket*) * ht._bc))), _bc(ht._bc), _s(ht._s) { if (! _t) { throw ZT_EXCEPTION_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _bc; ++i) { _t[i] = (_Bucket*)0; } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _bc; ++i) { const _Bucket* b = ht._t[i]; while (b) { _Bucket* nb = new _Bucket(*b); nb->next = _t[i]; _t[i] = nb; b = b->next; } } } ~Hashtable() { this->clear(); ::free(_t); } inline Hashtable& operator=(const Hashtable& ht) { this->clear(); if (ht._s) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ht._bc; ++i) { const _Bucket* b = ht._t[i]; while (b) { this->set(b->k, b->v); b = b->next; } } } return *this; } /** * Erase all entries */ inline void clear() { if (_s) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _bc; ++i) { _Bucket* b = _t[i]; while (b) { _Bucket* const nb = b->next; delete b; b = nb; } _t[i] = (_Bucket*)0; } _s = 0; } } /** * @return Vector of all keys */ inline typename std::vector keys() const { typename std::vector k; if (_s) { k.reserve(_s); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _bc; ++i) { _Bucket* b = _t[i]; while (b) { k.push_back(b->k); b = b->next; } } } return k; } /** * Append all keys (in unspecified order) to the supplied vector or list * * @param v Vector, list, or other compliant container * @tparam Type of V (generally inferred) */ template inline void appendKeys(C& v) const { if (_s) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _bc; ++i) { _Bucket* b = _t[i]; while (b) { v.push_back(b->k); b = b->next; } } } } /** * @return Vector of all entries (pairs of K,V) */ inline typename std::vector > entries() const { typename std::vector > k; if (_s) { k.reserve(_s); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _bc; ++i) { _Bucket* b = _t[i]; while (b) { k.push_back(std::pair(b->k, b->v)); b = b->next; } } } return k; } /** * @param k Key * @return Pointer to value or NULL if not found */ inline V* get(const K& k) { _Bucket* b = _t[_hc(k) % _bc]; while (b) { if (b->k == k) { return &(b->v); } b = b->next; } return (V*)0; } inline const V* get(const K& k) const { return const_cast(this)->get(k); } /** * @param k Key * @param v Value to fill with result * @return True if value was found and set (if false, v is not modified) */ inline bool get(const K& k, V& v) const { _Bucket* b = _t[_hc(k) % _bc]; while (b) { if (b->k == k) { v = b->v; return true; } b = b->next; } return false; } /** * @param k Key to check * @return True if key is present */ inline bool contains(const K& k) const { _Bucket* b = _t[_hc(k) % _bc]; while (b) { if (b->k == k) { return true; } b = b->next; } return false; } /** * @param k Key * @return True if value was present */ inline bool erase(const K& k) { const unsigned long bidx = _hc(k) % _bc; _Bucket* lastb = (_Bucket*)0; _Bucket* b = _t[bidx]; while (b) { if (b->k == k) { if (lastb) { lastb->next = b->next; } else { _t[bidx] = b->next; } delete b; --_s; return true; } lastb = b; b = b->next; } return false; } /** * @param k Key * @param v Value * @return Reference to value in table */ inline V& set(const K& k, const V& v) { const unsigned long h = _hc(k); unsigned long bidx = h % _bc; _Bucket* b = _t[bidx]; while (b) { if (b->k == k) { b->v = v; return b->v; } b = b->next; } if (_s >= _bc) { _grow(); bidx = h % _bc; } b = new _Bucket(k, v); b->next = _t[bidx]; _t[bidx] = b; ++_s; return b->v; } /** * @param k Key * @return Value, possibly newly created */ inline V& operator[](const K& k) { const unsigned long h = _hc(k); unsigned long bidx = h % _bc; _Bucket* b = _t[bidx]; while (b) { if (b->k == k) { return b->v; } b = b->next; } if (_s >= _bc) { _grow(); bidx = h % _bc; } b = new _Bucket(k); b->next = _t[bidx]; _t[bidx] = b; ++_s; return b->v; } /** * @return Number of entries */ inline unsigned long size() const { return _s; } /** * @return True if table is empty */ inline bool empty() const { return (_s == 0); } private: template static inline unsigned long _hc(const O& obj) { return (unsigned long)obj.hashCode(); } static inline unsigned long _hc(const uint64_t i) { return (unsigned long)(i ^ (i >> 32)); // good for network IDs and addresses } static inline unsigned long _hc(const uint32_t i) { return ((unsigned long)i * (unsigned long)0x9e3779b1); } static inline unsigned long _hc(const uint16_t i) { return ((unsigned long)i * (unsigned long)0x9e3779b1); } static inline unsigned long _hc(const int i) { return ((unsigned long)i * (unsigned long)0x9e3379b1); } inline void _grow() { const unsigned long nc = _bc * 2; _Bucket** nt = reinterpret_cast<_Bucket**>(::malloc(sizeof(_Bucket*) * nc)); if (nt) { for (unsigned long i = 0; i < nc; ++i) { nt[i] = (_Bucket*)0; } for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _bc; ++i) { _Bucket* b = _t[i]; while (b) { _Bucket* const nb = b->next; const unsigned long nidx = _hc(b->k) % nc; b->next = nt[nidx]; nt[nidx] = b; b = nb; } } ::free(_t); _t = nt; _bc = nc; } } _Bucket** _t; unsigned long _bc; unsigned long _s; }; } // namespace ZeroTier #endif