/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include "Updater.hpp" #include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "Defaults.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include "Topology.hpp" #include "Switch.hpp" #include "SHA512.hpp" #include "../version.h" namespace ZeroTier { Updater::Updater(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv) : _r(renv), _download((_Download *)0) { refreshShared(); } Updater::~Updater() { Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); delete _download; } void Updater::refreshShared() { std::string updatesPath(_r->homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "updates.d"); std::map ud(Utils::listDirectory(updatesPath.c_str())); Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); _sharedUpdates.clear(); for(std::map::iterator u(ud.begin());u!=ud.end();++u) { if (u->second) continue; // skip directories if ((u->first.length() >= 4)&&(!strcasecmp(u->first.substr(u->first.length() - 4).c_str(),".sig"))) continue; // skip .sig companion files std::string fullPath(updatesPath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + u->first); std::string sigPath(fullPath + ".sig"); std::string buf; if (Utils::readFile(sigPath.c_str(),buf)) { Dictionary sig(buf); SharedUpdate shared; shared.fullPath = fullPath; shared.filename = u->first; std::string sha512(Utils::unhex(sig.get("sha512",std::string()))); if (sha512.length() < sizeof(shared.sha512)) { TRACE("skipped shareable update due to missing fields in companion .sig: %s",fullPath.c_str()); continue; } memcpy(shared.sha512,sha512.data(),sizeof(shared.sha512)); std::string signature(Utils::unhex(sig.get("sha512sig_ed25519",std::string()))); if (signature.length() < shared.sig.size()) { TRACE("skipped shareable update due to missing fields in companion .sig: %s",fullPath.c_str()); continue; } memcpy(shared.sig.data,signature.data(),shared.sig.size()); // Check signature to guard against updates.d being used as a data // exfiltration mechanism. We will only share properly signed updates, // nothing else. Address signedBy(sig.get("signedBy",std::string())); std::map< Address,Identity >::const_iterator authority(ZT_DEFAULTS.updateAuthorities.find(signedBy)); if ((authority == ZT_DEFAULTS.updateAuthorities.end())||(!authority->second.verify(shared.sha512,64,shared.sig))) { TRACE("skipped shareable update: not signed by valid authority or signature invalid: %s",fullPath.c_str()); continue; } shared.signedBy = signedBy; int64_t fs = Utils::getFileSize(fullPath.c_str()); if (fs <= 0) { TRACE("skipped shareable update due to unreadable, invalid, or 0-byte file: %s",fullPath.c_str()); continue; } shared.size = (unsigned long)fs; LOG("sharing software update %s to other peers",shared.filename.c_str()); _sharedUpdates.push_back(shared); } else { TRACE("skipped shareable update due to missing companion .sig: %s",fullPath.c_str()); continue; } } } void Updater::getUpdateIfThisIsNewer(unsigned int vMajor,unsigned int vMinor,unsigned int revision) { if (!compareVersions(vMajor,vMinor,revision,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION)) return; std::string updateFilename(generateUpdateFilename(vMajor,vMinor,revision)); if (!updateFilename.length()) { TRACE("an update to %u.%u.%u is available, but this platform or build doesn't support auto-update",vMajor,vMinor,revision); return; } std::vector< SharedPtr > peers; _r->topology->eachPeer(Topology::CollectPeersWithActiveDirectPath(peers,Utils::now())); TRACE("new update available to %u.%u.%u, looking for %s from %u peers",vMajor,vMinor,revision,updateFilename.c_str(),(unsigned int)peers.size()); for(std::vector< SharedPtr >::iterator p(peers.begin());p!=peers.end();++p) { Packet outp((*p)->address(),_r->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_FILE_INFO_REQUEST); outp.append((unsigned char)0); outp.append((uint16_t)updateFilename.length()); outp.append(updateFilename.data(),updateFilename.length()); _r->sw->send(outp,true); } } void Updater::retryIfNeeded() { Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); if (_download) { uint64_t elapsed = Utils::now() - _download->lastChunkReceivedAt; if ((elapsed >= ZT_UPDATER_PEER_TIMEOUT)||(!_download->currentlyReceivingFrom)) { if (_download->peersThatHave.empty()) { // Search for more sources if we have no more possibilities queued TRACE("all sources for %s timed out, searching for more...",_download->filename.c_str()); _download->currentlyReceivingFrom.zero(); std::vector< SharedPtr > peers; _r->topology->eachPeer(Topology::CollectPeersWithActiveDirectPath(peers,Utils::now())); for(std::vector< SharedPtr >::iterator p(peers.begin());p!=peers.end();++p) { Packet outp((*p)->address(),_r->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_FILE_INFO_REQUEST); outp.append((unsigned char)0); outp.append((uint16_t)_download->filename.length()); outp.append(_download->filename.data(),_download->filename.length()); _r->sw->send(outp,true); } } else { // If that peer isn't answering, try the next queued source _download->currentlyReceivingFrom = _download->peersThatHave.front(); _download->peersThatHave.pop_front(); _requestNextChunk(); } } else if (elapsed >= ZT_UPDATER_RETRY_TIMEOUT) { // Re-request next chunk we don't have from current source _requestNextChunk(); } } } void Updater::handleChunk(const Address &from,const void *sha512,unsigned int shalen,unsigned long at,const void *chunk,unsigned long len) { Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); if (!_download) { TRACE("got chunk from %s while no download is in progress, ignored",from.toString().c_str()); return; } if (memcmp(_download->sha512,sha512,(shalen > 64) ? 64 : shalen)) { TRACE("got chunk from %s for wrong download (SHA mismatch), ignored",from.toString().c_str()); return; } unsigned long whichChunk = at / ZT_UPDATER_CHUNK_SIZE; if ( (at != (ZT_UPDATER_CHUNK_SIZE * whichChunk))|| (whichChunk >= _download->haveChunks.size())|| ((whichChunk == (_download->haveChunks.size() - 1))&&(len != _download->lastChunkSize))|| (len != ZT_UPDATER_CHUNK_SIZE) ) { TRACE("got chunk from %s at invalid position or invalid size, ignored",from.toString().c_str()); return; } for(unsigned long i=0;idata[at + i] = ((const char *)chunk)[i]; _download->haveChunks[whichChunk] = true; _download->lastChunkReceivedAt = Utils::now(); _requestNextChunk(); } void Updater::handlePeerHasFile(const Address &from,const char *filename,const void *sha512,unsigned long filesize,const Address &signedBy,const void *signature,unsigned int siglen) { unsigned int vMajor = 0,vMinor = 0,revision = 0; if (!parseUpdateFilename(filename,vMajor,vMinor,revision)) { TRACE("rejected offer of %s from %s: could not extract version information from filename",filename,from.toString().c_str()); return; } if (filesize > ZT_UPDATER_MAX_SUPPORTED_SIZE) { TRACE("rejected offer of %s from %s: file too large (%u > %u)",filename,from.toString().c_str(),(unsigned int)filesize,(unsigned int)ZT_UPDATER_MAX_SUPPORTED_SIZE); return; } if (!compareVersions(vMajor,vMinor,revision,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION)) { TRACE("rejected offer of %s from %s: version older than mine",filename,from.toString().c_str()); return; } Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); if (_download) { if ((_download->filename == filename)&&(_download->data.length() == filesize)&&(!memcmp(sha512,_download->sha512,64))) { // Learn another source for the current download if this is the // same file. LOG("learned new source for %s: %s",filename,from.toString().c_str()); if (!_download->currentlyReceivingFrom) { _download->currentlyReceivingFrom = from; _requestNextChunk(); } else _download->peersThatHave.push_back(from); return; } else { // If there's a download, compare versions... only proceed if this // file being offered is newer. if (!compareVersions(vMajor,vMinor,revision,_download->versionMajor,_download->versionMinor,_download->revision)) { TRACE("rejected offer of %s from %s: already downloading newer version %s",filename,from.toString().c_str(),_download->filename.c_str()); return; } } } // If we have no download OR if this was a different file, check its // validity via signature and then see if it's newer. If so start a new // download for it. { std::string nameAndSha(filename); nameAndSha.append((const char *)sha512,64); std::map< Address,Identity >::const_iterator uauth(ZT_DEFAULTS.updateAuthorities.find(signedBy)); if (uauth == ZT_DEFAULTS.updateAuthorities.end()) { LOG("rejected offer of %s from %s: failed authentication: unknown signer %s",filename,from.toString().c_str(),signedBy.toString().c_str()); return; } if (!uauth->second.verify(nameAndSha.data(),nameAndSha.length(),signature,siglen)) { LOG("rejected offer of %s from %s: failed authentication: signature from %s invalid",filename,from.toString().c_str(),signedBy.toString().c_str()); return; } } // Replace existing download if any. delete _download; _download = (_Download *)0; // Create and initiate new download _download = new _Download; try { LOG("beginning download of software update %s from %s (%u bytes, signed by authorized identity %s)",filename,from.toString().c_str(),(unsigned int)filesize,signedBy.toString().c_str()); _download->data.assign(filesize,(char)0); _download->haveChunks.resize((filesize / ZT_UPDATER_CHUNK_SIZE) + 1,false); _download->filename = filename; memcpy(_download->sha512,sha512,64); _download->currentlyReceivingFrom = from; _download->lastChunkReceivedAt = 0; _download->lastChunkSize = filesize % ZT_UPDATER_CHUNK_SIZE; _download->versionMajor = vMajor; _download->versionMinor = vMinor; _download->revision = revision; _requestNextChunk(); } catch (std::exception &exc) { delete _download; _download = (_Download *)0; LOG("unable to begin download of %s from %s: %s",filename,from.toString().c_str(),exc.what()); } catch ( ... ) { delete _download; _download = (_Download *)0; LOG("unable to begin download of %s from %s: unknown exception",filename,from.toString().c_str()); } } bool Updater::findSharedUpdate(const char *filename,SharedUpdate &update) const { Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); for(std::list::const_iterator u(_sharedUpdates.begin());u!=_sharedUpdates.end();++u) { if (u->filename == filename) { update = *u; return true; } } return false; } bool Updater::findSharedUpdate(const void *sha512,unsigned int shalen,SharedUpdate &update) const { if (!shalen) return false; Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); for(std::list::const_iterator u(_sharedUpdates.begin());u!=_sharedUpdates.end();++u) { if (!memcmp(u->sha512,sha512,(shalen > 64) ? 64 : shalen)) { update = *u; return true; } } return false; } bool Updater::getSharedChunk(const void *sha512,unsigned int shalen,unsigned long at,void *chunk,unsigned long chunklen) const { if (!chunklen) return true; if (!shalen) return false; Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); for(std::list::const_iterator u(_sharedUpdates.begin());u!=_sharedUpdates.end();++u) { if (!memcmp(u->sha512,sha512,(shalen > 64) ? 64 : shalen)) { FILE *f = fopen(u->fullPath.c_str(),"rb"); if (!f) return false; if (!fseek(f,(long)at,SEEK_SET)) { fclose(f); return false; } if (fread(chunk,chunklen,1,f) != 1) { fclose(f); return false; } fclose(f); return true; } } return false; } std::string Updater::generateUpdateFilename(unsigned int vMajor,unsigned int vMinor,unsigned int revision) { // Defining ZT_OFFICIAL_BUILD enables this cascade of macros, which will // make your build auto-update itself if it's for an officially supported // architecture. The signing identity for auto-updates is in Defaults. #ifdef ZT_OFFICIAL_BUILD // Not supported... yet? Get it first cause it might identify as Linux too. #ifdef __ANDROID__ #define _updSupported 1 return std::string(); #endif // Linux on x86 and possibly in the future ARM #ifdef __LINUX__ #if defined(__i386) || defined(__i486) || defined(__i586) || defined(__i686) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(i386) #define _updSupported 1 char buf[128]; Utils::snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"zt1-%u_%u_%u-linux-%s-update",vMajor,vMinor,revision,(sizeof(void *) == 8) ? "x64" : "x86"); return std::string(buf); #endif /* #if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm) || defined(__aarch64__) #define _updSupported 1 char buf[128]; Utils::snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"zt1-%u_%u_%u-linux-%s-update",vMajor,vMinor,revision,(sizeof(void *) == 8) ? "arm64" : "arm32"); return std::string(buf); #endif */ #endif // Apple stuff... only Macs so far... #ifdef __APPLE__ #define _updSupported 1 #if defined(__powerpc) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64) || defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__powerpc64__) return std::string(); #endif #if defined(TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) || defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE) return std::string(); #endif char buf[128]; Utils::snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"zt1-%u_%u_%u-mac-x86combined-update",vMajor,vMinor,revision); return std::string(buf); #endif // ??? #ifndef _updSupported return std::string(); #endif #else return std::string(); #endif // ZT_OFFICIAL_BUILD } bool Updater::parseUpdateFilename(const char *filename,unsigned int &vMajor,unsigned int &vMinor,unsigned int &revision) { std::vector byDash(Utils::split(filename,"-","","")); if (byDash.size() < 2) return false; std::vector byUnderscore(Utils::split(byDash[1].c_str(),"_","","")); if (byUnderscore.size() < 3) return false; vMajor = Utils::strToUInt(byUnderscore[0].c_str()); vMinor = Utils::strToUInt(byUnderscore[1].c_str()); revision = Utils::strToUInt(byUnderscore[2].c_str()); return true; } void Updater::_requestNextChunk() { // assumes _lock is locked if (!_download) return; unsigned long whichChunk = 0; std::vector::iterator ptr(std::find(_download->haveChunks.begin(),_download->haveChunks.end(),false)); if (ptr == _download->haveChunks.end()) { unsigned char digest[64]; SHA512::hash(digest,_download->data.data(),_download->data.length()); if (memcmp(digest,_download->sha512,64)) { LOG("retrying download of %s -- SHA-512 mismatch, file corrupt!",_download->filename.c_str()); std::fill(_download->haveChunks.begin(),_download->haveChunks.end(),false); whichChunk = 0; } else { LOG("successfully downloaded and authenticated %s, launching update...",_download->filename.c_str()); delete _download; _download = (_Download *)0; return; } } else { whichChunk = std::distance(_download->haveChunks.begin(),ptr); } TRACE("requesting chunk %u/%u of %s from %s",(unsigned int)whichChunk,(unsigned int)_download->haveChunks.size(),_download->filename.c_str()_download->currentlyReceivingFrom.toString().c_str()); Packet outp(_download->currentlyReceivingFrom,_r->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_FILE_BLOCK_REQUEST); outp.append(_download->sha512,16); outp.append((uint32_t)(whichChunk * ZT_UPDATER_CHUNK_SIZE)); if (whichChunk == (_download->haveChunks.size() - 1)) outp.append((uint16_t)_download->lastChunkSize); else outp.append((uint16_t)ZT_UPDATER_CHUNK_SIZE); _r->sw->send(outp,true); } } // namespace ZeroTier