/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #ifndef ZT_UTILS_HPP #define ZT_UTILS_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Constants.hpp" #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif namespace ZeroTier { /** * Miscellaneous utility functions and global constants */ class Utils { public: /** * Perform a time-invariant binary comparison * * @param a First binary string * @param b Second binary string * @param len Length of strings * @return True if strings are equal */ static inline bool secureEq(const void *a,const void *b,unsigned int len) throw() { const char *p1 = (const char *)a; const char *p2 = (const char *)b; uint64_t diff = 0; while (len >= 8) { diff |= (*((const uint64_t *)p1) ^ *((const uint64_t *)p2)); p1 += 8; p2 += 8; len -= 8; } while (len--) diff |= (uint64_t)(*p1++ ^ *p2++); return (diff == 0ULL); } /** * Securely zero memory * * This just uses volatile to ensure that it's never optimized out. */ static inline void burn(void *ptr,unsigned int len) throw() { volatile unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)ptr; volatile unsigned char *e = p + len; while (p != e) *(p++) = (unsigned char)0; } /** * Delete a file * * @param path Path to delete * @return True if delete was successful */ static inline bool rm(const char *path) throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return (DeleteFileA(path) != FALSE); #else return (unlink(path) == 0); #endif } static inline bool rm(const std::string &path) throw() { return rm(path.c_str()); } /** * List a directory's contents * * Keys in returned map are filenames only and don't include the leading * path. Pseudo-paths like . and .. are not returned. Values are true if * the item is a directory, false if it's a file. More detailed attributes * aren't supported since the code that uses this doesn't need them. * * @param path Path to list * @return Map of entries and whether or not they are also directories (empty on failure) */ static std::map listDirectory(const char *path); /** * Convert binary data to hexadecimal * * @param data Data to convert to hex * @param len Length of data * @return Hexadecimal string */ static std::string hex(const void *data,unsigned int len); static inline std::string hex(const std::string &data) { return hex(data.data(),(unsigned int)data.length()); } /** * Convert hexadecimal to binary data * * This ignores all non-hex characters, just stepping over them and * continuing. Upper and lower case are supported for letters a-f. * * @param hex Hexadecimal ASCII code (non-hex chars are ignored, stops at zero or maxlen) * @param maxlen Maximum length of hex string buffer * @return Binary data */ static std::string unhex(const char *hex,unsigned int maxlen); static inline std::string unhex(const std::string &hex) { return unhex(hex.c_str(),(unsigned int)hex.length()); } /** * Convert hexadecimal to binary data * * This ignores all non-hex characters, just stepping over them and * continuing. Upper and lower case are supported for letters a-f. * * @param hex Hexadecimal ASCII * @param maxlen Maximum length of hex string buffer * @param buf Buffer to fill * @param len Length of buffer * @return Number of characters actually written */ static unsigned int unhex(const char *hex,unsigned int maxlen,void *buf,unsigned int len); static inline unsigned int unhex(const std::string &hex,void *buf,unsigned int len) { return unhex(hex.c_str(),hex.length(),buf,len); } /** * Generate secure random bytes * * This will try to use whatever OS sources of entropy are available. It's * guarded by an internal mutex so it's thread-safe. * * @param buf Buffer to fill * @param bytes Number of random bytes to generate */ static void getSecureRandom(void *buf,unsigned int bytes); /** * Set modes on a file to something secure * * This locks a file so that only the owner can access it. What it actually * does varies by platform. * * @param path Path to lock * @param isDir True if this is a directory */ static void lockDownFile(const char *path,bool isDir); /** * Get file last modification time * * Resolution is often only second, not millisecond, but the return is * always in ms for comparison against now(). * * @param path Path to file to get time * @return Last modification time in ms since epoch or 0 if not found */ static uint64_t getLastModified(const char *path); /** * @param path Path to check * @param followLinks Follow links (on platforms with that concept) * @return True if file or directory exists at path location */ static bool fileExists(const char *path,bool followLinks = true); /** * @param path Path to file * @return File size or -1 if nonexistent or other failure */ static int64_t getFileSize(const char *path); /** * @return Current time in milliseconds since epoch */ static inline uint64_t now() throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; ULARGE_INTEGER tmp; GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&ft); tmp.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; tmp.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; return ( ((tmp.QuadPart - 116444736000000000ULL) / 10000L) + st.wMilliseconds ); #else struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,(struct timezone *)0); return ( (1000ULL * (uint64_t)tv.tv_sec) + (uint64_t)(tv.tv_usec / 1000) ); #endif }; /** * @return Current time in seconds since epoch, to the highest available resolution */ static inline double nowf() throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; ULARGE_INTEGER tmp; GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&ft); tmp.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; tmp.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; return (((double)(tmp.QuadPart - 116444736000000000ULL)) / 10000000.0); #else struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,(struct timezone *)0); return ( ((double)tv.tv_sec) + (((double)tv.tv_usec) / 1000000.0) ); #endif } /** * Read the full contents of a file into a string buffer * * The buffer isn't cleared, so if it already contains data the file's data will * be appended. * * @param path Path of file to read * @param buf Buffer to fill * @return True if open and read successful */ static bool readFile(const char *path,std::string &buf); /** * Write a block of data to disk, replacing any current file contents * * @param path Path to write * @param buf Buffer containing data * @param len Length of buffer * @return True if entire file was successfully written */ static bool writeFile(const char *path,const void *buf,unsigned int len); /** * Write a block of data to disk, replacing any current file contents * * @param path Path to write * @param s Data to write * @return True if entire file was successfully written */ static inline bool writeFile(const char *path,const std::string &s) { return writeFile(path,s.data(),(unsigned int)s.length()); } /** * Split a string by delimiter, with optional escape and quote characters * * @param s String to split * @param sep One or more separators * @param esc Zero or more escape characters * @param quot Zero or more quote characters * @return Vector of tokens */ static std::vector split(const char *s,const char *const sep,const char *esc,const char *quot); /** * Tokenize a string (alias for strtok_r or strtok_s depending on platform) * * @param str String to split * @param delim Delimiters * @param saveptr Pointer to a char * for temporary reentrant storage */ static inline char *stok(char *str,const char *delim,char **saveptr) throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return strtok_s(str,delim,saveptr); #else return strtok_r(str,delim,saveptr); #endif } // String to number converters -- defined here to permit portability // ifdefs for platforms that lack some of the strtoXX functions. static inline unsigned int strToUInt(const char *s) throw() { return (unsigned int)strtoul(s,(char **)0,10); } static inline int strToInt(const char *s) throw() { return (int)strtol(s,(char **)0,10); } static inline unsigned long strToULong(const char *s) throw() { return strtoul(s,(char **)0,10); } static inline long strToLong(const char *s) throw() { return strtol(s,(char **)0,10); } static inline unsigned long long strToU64(const char *s) throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return (unsigned long long)_strtoui64(s,(char **)0,10); #else return strtoull(s,(char **)0,10); #endif } static inline long long strTo64(const char *s) throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return (long long)_strtoi64(s,(char **)0,10); #else return strtoll(s,(char **)0,10); #endif } static inline unsigned int hexStrToUInt(const char *s) throw() { return (unsigned int)strtoul(s,(char **)0,16); } static inline int hexStrToInt(const char *s) throw() { return (int)strtol(s,(char **)0,16); } static inline unsigned long hexStrToULong(const char *s) throw() { return strtoul(s,(char **)0,16); } static inline long hexStrToLong(const char *s) throw() { return strtol(s,(char **)0,16); } static inline unsigned long long hexStrToU64(const char *s) throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return (unsigned long long)_strtoui64(s,(char **)0,16); #else return strtoull(s,(char **)0,16); #endif } static inline long long hexStrTo64(const char *s) throw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return (long long)_strtoi64(s,(char **)0,16); #else return strtoll(s,(char **)0,16); #endif } static inline double strToDouble(const char *s) throw() { return strtod(s,(char **)0); } /** * Perform a safe C string copy * * @param dest Destination buffer * @param len Length of buffer * @param src Source string * @return True on success, false on overflow (buffer will still be 0-terminated) */ static inline bool scopy(char *dest,unsigned int len,const char *src) throw() { if (!len) return false; // sanity check char *end = dest + len; while ((*dest++ = *src++)) { if (dest == end) { *(--dest) = (char)0; return false; } } return true; } /** * Trim whitespace from the start and end of a string * * @param s String to trim * @return Trimmed string */ static std::string trim(const std::string &s); /** * Variant of snprintf that is portable and throws an exception * * This just wraps the local implementation whatever it's called, while * performing a few other checks and adding exceptions for overflow. * * @param buf Buffer to write to * @param len Length of buffer in bytes * @param fmt Format string * @param ... Format arguments * @throws std::length_error buf[] too short (buf[] will still be left null-terminated) */ static unsigned int snprintf(char *buf,unsigned int len,const char *fmt,...) throw(std::length_error); /** * Count the number of bits set in an integer * * @param v 32-bit integer * @return Number of bits set in this integer (0-32) */ static inline uint32_t countBits(uint32_t v) throw() { v = v - ((v >> 1) & (uint32_t)0x55555555); v = (v & (uint32_t)0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & (uint32_t)0x33333333); return ((((v + (v >> 4)) & (uint32_t)0xF0F0F0F) * (uint32_t)0x1010101) >> 24); } /** * Check if a memory buffer is all-zero * * @param p Memory to scan * @param len Length of memory * @return True if memory is all zero */ static inline bool isZero(const void *p,unsigned int len) throw() { for(unsigned int i=0;i static inline H sdbmHash(const void *s,unsigned int l,H h) throw() { for(unsigned int i=0;i static inline H sdbmHash(const char *s,H h) throw() { char c; while ((c = *(s++))) h = ((H)c) + (h << 6) + (h << 16) - h; return h; } /** * Compute SDBM hash of an integer's bytes in little-endian byte order * * See: http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html * * @param n Integer to hash in LE byte order * @param h Previous hash value (use 0 initially) * @tparam I Integer type -- should be unsigned * @tparam H Hash integer type -- should be unsigned * @return New hash value */ template static inline H sdbmHash(I n,H h) throw() { for(unsigned int i=0;i<(unsigned int)sizeof(n);++i) { h = ((H)(n & 0xff)) + (h << 6) + (h << 16) - h; n >>= 8; } return h; } // Byte swappers for big/little endian conversion static inline uint8_t hton(uint8_t n) throw() { return n; } static inline int8_t hton(int8_t n) throw() { return n; } static inline uint16_t hton(uint16_t n) throw() { return htons(n); } static inline int16_t hton(int16_t n) throw() { return (int16_t)htons((uint16_t)n); } static inline uint32_t hton(uint32_t n) throw() { return htonl(n); } static inline int32_t hton(int32_t n) throw() { return (int32_t)htonl((uint32_t)n); } static inline uint64_t hton(uint64_t n) throw() { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN #ifdef __GNUC__ return __builtin_bswap64(n); #else return ( ((n & 0x00000000000000FFULL) << 56) | ((n & 0x000000000000FF00ULL) << 40) | ((n & 0x0000000000FF0000ULL) << 24) | ((n & 0x00000000FF000000ULL) << 8) | ((n & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 8) | ((n & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) >> 24) | ((n & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 40) | ((n & 0xFF00000000000000ULL) >> 56) ); #endif #else return n; #endif } static inline int64_t hton(int64_t n) throw() { return (int64_t)hton((uint64_t)n); } static inline uint8_t ntoh(uint8_t n) throw() { return n; } static inline int8_t ntoh(int8_t n) throw() { return n; } static inline uint16_t ntoh(uint16_t n) throw() { return ntohs(n); } static inline int16_t ntoh(int16_t n) throw() { return (int16_t)ntohs((uint16_t)n); } static inline uint32_t ntoh(uint32_t n) throw() { return ntohl(n); } static inline int32_t ntoh(int32_t n) throw() { return (int32_t)ntohl((uint32_t)n); } static inline uint64_t ntoh(uint64_t n) throw() { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN #ifdef __GNUC__ return __builtin_bswap64(n); #else return ( ((n & 0x00000000000000FFULL) << 56) | ((n & 0x000000000000FF00ULL) << 40) | ((n & 0x0000000000FF0000ULL) << 24) | ((n & 0x00000000FF000000ULL) << 8) | ((n & 0x000000FF00000000ULL) >> 8) | ((n & 0x0000FF0000000000ULL) >> 24) | ((n & 0x00FF000000000000ULL) >> 40) | ((n & 0xFF00000000000000ULL) >> 56) ); #endif #else return n; #endif } static inline int64_t ntoh(int64_t n) throw() { return (int64_t)ntoh((uint64_t)n); } /** * Hexadecimal characters 0-f */ static const char HEXCHARS[16]; }; } // namespace ZeroTier #endif