/* * Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2026-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #include #include #include "NetworkConfig.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { bool NetworkConfig::toDictionary(Dictionary &d,bool includeLegacy) const { Buffer *tmp = new Buffer(); char tmp2[128] = {0}; try { d.clear(); // Try to put the more human-readable fields first if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_VERSION,(uint64_t)ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_VERSION)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NETWORK_ID,this->networkId)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_TIMESTAMP,this->timestamp)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CREDENTIAL_TIME_MAX_DELTA,this->credentialTimeMaxDelta)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_REVISION,this->revision)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ISSUED_TO,this->issuedTo.toString(tmp2))) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_REMOTE_TRACE_TARGET,this->remoteTraceTarget.toString(tmp2))) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_REMOTE_TRACE_LEVEL,(uint64_t)this->remoteTraceLevel)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_FLAGS,this->flags)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MULTICAST_LIMIT,(uint64_t)this->multicastLimit)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_TYPE,(uint64_t)this->type)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NAME,this->name)) { delete tmp; return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MTU,(uint64_t)this->mtu)) { delete tmp; return false; } #ifdef ZT_SUPPORT_OLD_STYLE_NETCONF if (includeLegacy) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ENABLE_BROADCAST_OLD,this->enableBroadcast())) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_PRIVATE_OLD,this->isPrivate())) { return false; } std::string v4s; for(unsigned int i=0;istaticIps[i].ss_family == AF_INET) { if (v4s.length() > 0) { v4s.push_back(','); } char buf[64]; v4s.append(this->staticIps[i].toString(buf)); } } if (v4s.length() > 0) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_IPV4_STATIC_OLD,v4s.c_str())) { return false; } } std::string v6s; for(unsigned int i=0;istaticIps[i].ss_family == AF_INET6) { if (v6s.length() > 0) { v6s.push_back(','); } char buf[64]; v6s.append(this->staticIps[i].toString(buf)); } } if (v6s.length() > 0) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_IPV6_STATIC_OLD,v6s.c_str())) { return false; } } std::string ets; unsigned int et = 0; ZT_VirtualNetworkRuleType lastrt = ZT_NETWORK_RULE_ACTION_ACCEPT; for(unsigned int i=0;i 0) { ets.push_back(','); } char tmp2[16] = {0}; ets.append(Utils::hex((uint16_t)et,tmp2)); } et = 0; } lastrt = rt; } if (ets.length() > 0) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ALLOWED_ETHERNET_TYPES_OLD,ets.c_str())) { return false; } } if (this->com) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CERTIFICATE_OF_MEMBERSHIP_OLD,this->com.toString().c_str())) { return false; } } std::string ab; for(unsigned int i=0;ispecialistCount;++i) { if ((this->specialists[i] & ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_SPECIALIST_TYPE_ACTIVE_BRIDGE) != 0) { if (ab.length() > 0) { ab.push_back(','); } char tmp2[16] = {0}; ab.append(Address(this->specialists[i]).toString(tmp2)); } } if (ab.length() > 0) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ACTIVE_BRIDGES_OLD,ab.c_str())) { return false; } } } #endif // ZT_SUPPORT_OLD_STYLE_NETCONF // Then add binary blobs if (this->com) { tmp->clear(); this->com.serialize(*tmp); if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_COM,*tmp)) { return false; } } tmp->clear(); for(unsigned int i=0;icapabilityCount;++i) { this->capabilities[i].serialize(*tmp); } if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CAPABILITIES,*tmp)) { return false; } } tmp->clear(); for(unsigned int i=0;itagCount;++i) { this->tags[i].serialize(*tmp); } if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_TAGS,*tmp)) { return false; } } tmp->clear(); for(unsigned int i=0;icertificateOfOwnershipCount;++i) { this->certificatesOfOwnership[i].serialize(*tmp); } if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CERTIFICATES_OF_OWNERSHIP,*tmp)) { return false; } } tmp->clear(); for(unsigned int i=0;ispecialistCount;++i) { tmp->append((uint64_t)this->specialists[i]); } if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SPECIALISTS,*tmp)) { return false; } } tmp->clear(); for(unsigned int i=0;irouteCount;++i) { reinterpret_cast(&(this->routes[i].target))->serialize(*tmp); reinterpret_cast(&(this->routes[i].via))->serialize(*tmp); tmp->append((uint16_t)this->routes[i].flags); tmp->append((uint16_t)this->routes[i].metric); } if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ROUTES,*tmp)) { return false; } } tmp->clear(); for(unsigned int i=0;istaticIpCount;++i) { this->staticIps[i].serialize(*tmp); } if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_STATIC_IPS,*tmp)) { return false; } } if (this->ruleCount) { tmp->clear(); Capability::serializeRules(*tmp,rules,ruleCount); if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_RULES,*tmp)) { return false; } } } tmp->clear(); DNS::serializeDNS(*tmp, &dns); if (tmp->size()) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_DNS,*tmp)) { return false; } } if (this->ssoVersion == 0) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_VERSION, this->ssoVersion)) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_ENABLED, this->ssoEnabled)) { return false; } if (this->ssoEnabled) { if (this->authenticationURL[0]) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_URL, this->authenticationURL)) { return false; } } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRY_TIME, this->authenticationExpiryTime)) { return false; } } } else if(this->ssoVersion == 1) { if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_VERSION, this->ssoVersion)) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_ENABLED, this->ssoEnabled)) { return false; } //if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_URL, this->authenticationURL)) return false; if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ISSUER_URL, this->issuerURL)) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CENTRAL_ENDPOINT_URL, this->centralAuthURL)) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NONCE, this->ssoNonce)) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_STATE, this->ssoState)) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CLIENT_ID, this->ssoClientID)) { return false; } if (!d.add(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_PROVIDER, this->ssoProvider)) { return false; } } delete tmp; } catch ( ... ) { delete tmp; throw; } return true; } bool NetworkConfig::fromDictionary(const Dictionary &d) { static const NetworkConfig NIL_NC; Buffer *tmp = new Buffer(); try { *this = NIL_NC; // Fields that are always present, new or old this->networkId = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NETWORK_ID,0); if (!this->networkId) { delete tmp; return false; } this->timestamp = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_TIMESTAMP,0); this->credentialTimeMaxDelta = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CREDENTIAL_TIME_MAX_DELTA,0); this->revision = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_REVISION,0); this->issuedTo = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ISSUED_TO,0); if (!this->issuedTo) { delete tmp; return false; } this->remoteTraceTarget = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_REMOTE_TRACE_TARGET); this->remoteTraceLevel = (Trace::Level)d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_REMOTE_TRACE_LEVEL); this->multicastLimit = (unsigned int)d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MULTICAST_LIMIT,0); d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NAME,this->name,sizeof(this->name)); this->mtu = (unsigned int)d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_MTU,ZT_DEFAULT_MTU); if (this->mtu < 1280) { this->mtu = 1280; // minimum MTU allowed by IPv6 standard and others } else if (this->mtu > ZT_MAX_MTU) { this->mtu = ZT_MAX_MTU; } if (d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_VERSION,0) < 6) { #ifdef ZT_SUPPORT_OLD_STYLE_NETCONF char tmp2[1024] = {0}; // Decode legacy fields if version is old if (d.getB(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ENABLE_BROADCAST_OLD)) { this->flags |= ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_FLAG_ENABLE_BROADCAST; } this->flags |= ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_FLAG_ENABLE_IPV6_NDP_EMULATION; // always enable for old-style netconf this->type = (d.getB(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_PRIVATE_OLD,true)) ? ZT_NETWORK_TYPE_PRIVATE : ZT_NETWORK_TYPE_PUBLIC; if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_IPV4_STATIC_OLD,tmp2,sizeof(tmp2)) > 0) { char *saveptr = (char *)0; for(char *f=Utils::stok(tmp2,",",&saveptr);(f);f=Utils::stok((char *)0,",",&saveptr)) { if (this->staticIpCount >= ZT_MAX_ZT_ASSIGNED_ADDRESSES) { break; } InetAddress ip(f); if (!ip.isNetwork()) { this->staticIps[this->staticIpCount++] = ip; } } } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_IPV6_STATIC_OLD,tmp2,sizeof(tmp2)) > 0) { char *saveptr = (char *)0; for(char *f=Utils::stok(tmp2,",",&saveptr);(f);f=Utils::stok((char *)0,",",&saveptr)) { if (this->staticIpCount >= ZT_MAX_ZT_ASSIGNED_ADDRESSES) { break; } InetAddress ip(f); if (!ip.isNetwork()) { this->staticIps[this->staticIpCount++] = ip; } } } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CERTIFICATE_OF_MEMBERSHIP_OLD,tmp2,sizeof(tmp2)) > 0) { this->com.fromString(tmp2); } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ALLOWED_ETHERNET_TYPES_OLD,tmp2,sizeof(tmp2)) > 0) { char *saveptr = (char *)0; for(char *f=Utils::stok(tmp2,",",&saveptr);(f);f=Utils::stok((char *)0,",",&saveptr)) { unsigned int et = Utils::hexStrToUInt(f) & 0xffff; if ((this->ruleCount + 2) > ZT_MAX_NETWORK_RULES) { break; } if (et > 0) { this->rules[this->ruleCount].t = (uint8_t)ZT_NETWORK_RULE_MATCH_ETHERTYPE; this->rules[this->ruleCount].v.etherType = (uint16_t)et; ++this->ruleCount; } this->rules[this->ruleCount++].t = (uint8_t)ZT_NETWORK_RULE_ACTION_ACCEPT; } } else { this->rules[0].t = ZT_NETWORK_RULE_ACTION_ACCEPT; this->ruleCount = 1; } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ACTIVE_BRIDGES_OLD,tmp2,sizeof(tmp2)) > 0) { char *saveptr = (char *)0; for(char *f=Utils::stok(tmp2,",",&saveptr);(f);f=Utils::stok((char *)0,",",&saveptr)) { this->addSpecialist(Address(Utils::hexStrToU64(f)),ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_SPECIALIST_TYPE_ACTIVE_BRIDGE); } } #else delete tmp; return false; #endif // ZT_SUPPORT_OLD_STYLE_NETCONF } else { // Otherwise we can use the new fields this->flags = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_FLAGS,0); this->type = (ZT_VirtualNetworkType)d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_TYPE,(uint64_t)ZT_NETWORK_TYPE_PRIVATE); if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_COM,*tmp)) { this->com.deserialize(*tmp,0); } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CAPABILITIES,*tmp)) { try { unsigned int p = 0; while (p < tmp->size()) { Capability cap; p += cap.deserialize(*tmp,p); this->capabilities[this->capabilityCount++] = cap; } } catch ( ... ) {} std::sort(&(this->capabilities[0]),&(this->capabilities[this->capabilityCount])); } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_TAGS,*tmp)) { try { unsigned int p = 0; while (p < tmp->size()) { Tag tag; p += tag.deserialize(*tmp,p); this->tags[this->tagCount++] = tag; } } catch ( ... ) {} std::sort(&(this->tags[0]),&(this->tags[this->tagCount])); } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CERTIFICATES_OF_OWNERSHIP,*tmp)) { unsigned int p = 0; while (p < tmp->size()) { if (certificateOfOwnershipCount < ZT_MAX_CERTIFICATES_OF_OWNERSHIP) { p += certificatesOfOwnership[certificateOfOwnershipCount++].deserialize(*tmp,p); } else { CertificateOfOwnership foo; p += foo.deserialize(*tmp,p); } } } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SPECIALISTS,*tmp)) { unsigned int p = 0; while ((p + 8) <= tmp->size()) { if (specialistCount < ZT_MAX_NETWORK_SPECIALISTS) { this->specialists[this->specialistCount++] = tmp->at(p); } p += 8; } } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ROUTES,*tmp)) { unsigned int p = 0; while ((p < tmp->size())&&(routeCount < ZT_MAX_NETWORK_ROUTES)) { p += reinterpret_cast(&(this->routes[this->routeCount].target))->deserialize(*tmp,p); p += reinterpret_cast(&(this->routes[this->routeCount].via))->deserialize(*tmp,p); this->routes[this->routeCount].flags = tmp->at(p); p += 2; this->routes[this->routeCount].metric = tmp->at(p); p += 2; ++this->routeCount; } } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_STATIC_IPS,*tmp)) { unsigned int p = 0; while ((p < tmp->size())&&(staticIpCount < ZT_MAX_ZT_ASSIGNED_ADDRESSES)) { p += this->staticIps[this->staticIpCount++].deserialize(*tmp,p); } } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_RULES,*tmp)) { this->ruleCount = 0; unsigned int p = 0; Capability::deserializeRules(*tmp,p,this->rules,this->ruleCount,ZT_MAX_NETWORK_RULES); } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_DNS, *tmp)) { unsigned int p = 0; DNS::deserializeDNS(*tmp, p, &dns); } this->ssoVersion = d.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_VERSION, 0ULL); this->ssoEnabled = d.getB(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_ENABLED, false); if (this->ssoVersion == 0) { // implicit flow if (this->ssoEnabled) { if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_URL, this->authenticationURL, (unsigned int)sizeof(this->authenticationURL)) > 0) { this->authenticationURL[sizeof(this->authenticationURL) - 1] = 0; // ensure null terminated } else { this->authenticationURL[0] = 0; } this->authenticationExpiryTime = d.getI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRY_TIME, 0); } else { this->authenticationURL[0] = 0; this->authenticationExpiryTime = 0; } } else if (this->ssoVersion == 1) { // full flow if (this->ssoEnabled) { if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_URL, this->authenticationURL, (unsigned int)sizeof(this->authenticationURL)) > 0) { this->authenticationURL[sizeof(this->authenticationURL) - 1] = 0; } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_ISSUER_URL, this->issuerURL, (unsigned int)sizeof(this->issuerURL)) > 0) { this->issuerURL[sizeof(this->issuerURL) - 1] = 0; } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CENTRAL_ENDPOINT_URL, this->centralAuthURL, (unsigned int)sizeof(this->centralAuthURL)) > 0) { this->centralAuthURL[sizeof(this->centralAuthURL) - 1] = 0; } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_NONCE, this->ssoNonce, (unsigned int)sizeof(this->ssoNonce)) > 0) { this->ssoNonce[sizeof(this->ssoNonce) - 1] = 0; } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_STATE, this->ssoState, (unsigned int)sizeof(this->ssoState)) > 0) { this->ssoState[sizeof(this->ssoState) - 1] = 0; } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_CLIENT_ID, this->ssoClientID, (unsigned int)sizeof(this->ssoClientID)) > 0) { this->ssoClientID[sizeof(this->ssoClientID) - 1] = 0; } if (d.get(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_DICT_KEY_SSO_PROVIDER, this->ssoProvider, (unsigned int)(sizeof(this->ssoProvider))) > 0) { this->ssoProvider[sizeof(this->ssoProvider) - 1] = 0; } else { strncpy(this->ssoProvider, "default", sizeof(this->ssoProvider)); this->ssoProvider[sizeof(this->ssoProvider) - 1] = 0; } } else { this->authenticationURL[0] = 0; this->authenticationExpiryTime = 0; this->centralAuthURL[0] = 0; this->ssoNonce[0] = 0; this->ssoState[0] = 0; this->ssoClientID[0] = 0; this->issuerURL[0] = 0; this->ssoProvider[0] = 0; } } } //printf("~~~\n%s\n~~~\n",d.data()); //dump(); //printf("~~~\n"); delete tmp; return true; } catch ( ... ) { delete tmp; return false; } } } // namespace ZeroTier