/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2019 ZeroTier, Inc. https://www.zerotier.com/ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial closed-source software that incorporates or links * directly against ZeroTier software without disclosing the source code * of your own application. */ #include #include #include #include #include "../node/Constants.hpp" #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "SoftwareUpdater.hpp" #include "../node/Utils.hpp" #include "../node/SHA512.hpp" #include "../node/Buffer.hpp" #include "../node/Node.hpp" #include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { static int _compareVersion(unsigned int maj1,unsigned int min1,unsigned int rev1,unsigned int b1,unsigned int maj2,unsigned int min2,unsigned int rev2,unsigned int b2) { if (maj1 > maj2) { return 1; } else if (maj1 < maj2) { return -1; } else { if (min1 > min2) { return 1; } else if (min1 < min2) { return -1; } else { if (rev1 > rev2) { return 1; } else if (rev1 < rev2) { return -1; } else { if (b1 > b2) { return 1; } else if (b1 < b2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } } } } SoftwareUpdater::SoftwareUpdater(Node &node,const std::string &homePath) : _node(node), _lastCheckTime(0), _homePath(homePath), _channel(ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_DEFAULT_CHANNEL), _distLog((FILE *)0), _latestValid(false), _downloadLength(0) { OSUtils::rm((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_BIN_FILENAME).c_str()); } SoftwareUpdater::~SoftwareUpdater() { if (_distLog) fclose(_distLog); } void SoftwareUpdater::setUpdateDistribution(bool distribute) { _dist.clear(); if (distribute) { _distLog = fopen((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "update-dist.log").c_str(),"a"); const std::string udd(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "update-dist.d"); const std::vector ud(OSUtils::listDirectory(udd.c_str())); for(std::vector::const_iterator u(ud.begin());u!=ud.end();++u) { // Each update has a companion .json file describing it. Other files are ignored. if ((u->length() > 5)&&(u->substr(u->length() - 5,5) == ".json")) { std::string buf; if (OSUtils::readFile((udd + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *u).c_str(),buf)) { try { _D d; d.meta = OSUtils::jsonParse(buf); // throws on invalid JSON // If update meta is called e.g. foo.exe.json, then foo.exe is the update itself const std::string binPath(udd + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + u->substr(0,u->length() - 5)); const std::string metaHash(OSUtils::jsonBinFromHex(d.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_HASH])); if ((metaHash.length() == ZT_SHA512_DIGEST_LEN)&&(OSUtils::readFile(binPath.c_str(),d.bin))) { std::array sha512; SHA512(sha512.data(),d.bin.data(),(unsigned int)d.bin.length()); if (!memcmp(sha512.data(),metaHash.data(),ZT_SHA512_DIGEST_LEN)) { // double check that hash in JSON is correct d.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_SIZE] = d.bin.length(); // override with correct value -- setting this in meta json is optional std::array shakey; memcpy(shakey.data(),sha512.data(),16); _dist[shakey] = d; if (_distLog) { fprintf(_distLog,".......... INIT: DISTRIBUTING %s (%u bytes)" ZT_EOL_S,binPath.c_str(),(unsigned int)d.bin.length()); fflush(_distLog); } } } } catch ( ... ) {} // ignore bad meta JSON, etc. } } } } else { if (_distLog) { fclose(_distLog); _distLog = (FILE *)0; } } } void SoftwareUpdater::handleSoftwareUpdateUserMessage(uint64_t origin,const void *data,unsigned int len) { if (!len) return; const MessageVerb v = (MessageVerb)reinterpret_cast(data)[0]; try { switch(v) { case VERB_GET_LATEST: case VERB_LATEST: { nlohmann::json req = OSUtils::jsonParse(std::string(reinterpret_cast(data) + 1,len - 1)); // throws on invalid JSON if (req.is_object()) { const unsigned int rvMaj = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR],0); const unsigned int rvMin = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_MINOR],0); const unsigned int rvRev = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_REVISION],0); const unsigned int rvBld = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_BUILD],0); const unsigned int rvPlatform = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_PLATFORM],0); const unsigned int rvArch = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_ARCHITECTURE],0); const unsigned int rvVendor = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VENDOR],0); const std::string rvChannel(OSUtils::jsonString(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_CHANNEL],"")); if (v == VERB_GET_LATEST) { if (_dist.size() > 0) { const nlohmann::json *latest = (const nlohmann::json *)0; const std::string expectedSigner = OSUtils::jsonString(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_EXPECT_SIGNED_BY],""); unsigned int bestVMaj = rvMaj; unsigned int bestVMin = rvMin; unsigned int bestVRev = rvRev; unsigned int bestVBld = rvBld; for(std::map< std::array,_D >::const_iterator d(_dist.begin());d!=_dist.end();++d) { // The arch field in update description .json files can be an array for e.g. multi-arch update files const nlohmann::json &dvArch2 = d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_ARCHITECTURE]; std::vector dvArch; if (dvArch2.is_array()) { for(unsigned long i=0;isecond.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_PLATFORM],0) == rvPlatform)&& (std::find(dvArch.begin(),dvArch.end(),rvArch) != dvArch.end())&& (OSUtils::jsonInt(d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VENDOR],0) == rvVendor)&& (OSUtils::jsonString(d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_CHANNEL],"") == rvChannel)&& (OSUtils::jsonString(d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_SIGNED_BY],"") == expectedSigner)) { const unsigned int dvMaj = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR],0); const unsigned int dvMin = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_MINOR],0); const unsigned int dvRev = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_REVISION],0); const unsigned int dvBld = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(d->second.meta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_BUILD],0); if (_compareVersion(dvMaj,dvMin,dvRev,dvBld,bestVMaj,bestVMin,bestVRev,bestVBld) > 0) { latest = &(d->second.meta); bestVMaj = dvMaj; bestVMin = dvMin; bestVRev = dvRev; bestVBld = dvBld; } } } if (latest) { std::string lj; lj.push_back((char)VERB_LATEST); lj.append(OSUtils::jsonDump(*latest)); _node.sendUserMessage((void *)0,origin,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_TYPE,lj.data(),(unsigned int)lj.length()); if (_distLog) { fprintf(_distLog,"%.10llx GET_LATEST %u.%u.%u_%u platform %u arch %u vendor %u channel %s -> LATEST %u.%u.%u_%u" ZT_EOL_S,(unsigned long long)origin,rvMaj,rvMin,rvRev,rvBld,rvPlatform,rvArch,rvVendor,rvChannel.c_str(),bestVMaj,bestVMin,bestVRev,bestVBld); fflush(_distLog); } } } // else no reply, since we have nothing to distribute } else { // VERB_LATEST if ((origin == ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SERVICE)&& (_compareVersion(rvMaj,rvMin,rvRev,rvBld,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_BUILD) > 0)&& (OSUtils::jsonString(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_SIGNED_BY],"") == ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SIGNING_AUTHORITY)) { const unsigned long len = (unsigned long)OSUtils::jsonInt(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_SIZE],0); const std::string hash = OSUtils::jsonBinFromHex(req[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_HASH]); if ((len <= ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_MAX_SIZE)&&(hash.length() >= 16)) { if (_latestMeta != req) { _latestMeta = req; _latestValid = false; OSUtils::rm((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_BIN_FILENAME).c_str()); _download = std::string(); memcpy(_downloadHashPrefix.data(),hash.data(),16); _downloadLength = len; } if ((_downloadLength > 0)&&(_download.length() < _downloadLength)) { Buffer<128> gd; gd.append((uint8_t)VERB_GET_DATA); gd.append(_downloadHashPrefix.data(),16); gd.append((uint32_t)_download.length()); _node.sendUserMessage((void *)0,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SERVICE,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_TYPE,gd.data(),gd.size()); } } } } } } break; case VERB_GET_DATA: if ((len >= 21)&&(_dist.size() > 0)) { unsigned long idx = (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 17) << 24; idx |= (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 18) << 16; idx |= (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 19) << 8; idx |= (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 20); std::array shakey; memcpy(shakey.data(),reinterpret_cast(data) + 1,16); std::map< std::array,_D >::iterator d(_dist.find(shakey)); if ((d != _dist.end())&&(idx < (unsigned long)d->second.bin.length())) { Buffer buf; buf.append((uint8_t)VERB_DATA); buf.append(reinterpret_cast(data) + 1,16); buf.append((uint32_t)idx); buf.append(d->second.bin.data() + idx,std::min((unsigned long)ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_CHUNK_SIZE,(unsigned long)(d->second.bin.length() - idx))); _node.sendUserMessage((void *)0,origin,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_TYPE,buf.data(),buf.size()); } } break; case VERB_DATA: if ((len >= 21)&&(_downloadLength > 0)&&(!memcmp(_downloadHashPrefix.data(),reinterpret_cast(data) + 1,16))) { unsigned long idx = (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 17) << 24; idx |= (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 18) << 16; idx |= (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 19) << 8; idx |= (unsigned long)*(reinterpret_cast(data) + 20); if (idx == (unsigned long)_download.length()) { _download.append(reinterpret_cast(data) + 21,len - 21); if (_download.length() < _downloadLength) { Buffer<128> gd; gd.append((uint8_t)VERB_GET_DATA); gd.append(_downloadHashPrefix.data(),16); gd.append((uint32_t)_download.length()); _node.sendUserMessage((void *)0,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SERVICE,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_TYPE,gd.data(),gd.size()); } } } break; default: if (_distLog) { fprintf(_distLog,"%.10llx WARNING: bad update message verb==%u length==%u (unrecognized verb)" ZT_EOL_S,(unsigned long long)origin,(unsigned int)v,len); fflush(_distLog); } break; } } catch ( ... ) { if (_distLog) { fprintf(_distLog,"%.10llx WARNING: bad update message verb==%u length==%u (unexpected exception, likely invalid JSON)" ZT_EOL_S,(unsigned long long)origin,(unsigned int)v,len); fflush(_distLog); } } } bool SoftwareUpdater::check(const int64_t now) { if ((now - _lastCheckTime) >= ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_CHECK_PERIOD) { _lastCheckTime = now; char tmp[512]; const unsigned int len = OSUtils::ztsnprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp), "%c{\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR "\":%d," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_MINOR "\":%d," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_REVISION "\":%d," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VERSION_BUILD "\":%d," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_EXPECT_SIGNED_BY "\":\"%s\"," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_PLATFORM "\":%d," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_ARCHITECTURE "\":%d," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_VENDOR "\":%d," "\"" ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_CHANNEL "\":\"%s\"}", (char)VERB_GET_LATEST, ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR, ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR, ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION, ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_BUILD, ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SIGNING_AUTHORITY, ZT_BUILD_PLATFORM, ZT_BUILD_ARCHITECTURE, (int)ZT_VENDOR_ZEROTIER, _channel.c_str()); _node.sendUserMessage((void *)0,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SERVICE,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_TYPE,tmp,len); } if (_latestValid) return true; if (_downloadLength > 0) { if (_download.length() >= _downloadLength) { // This is the very important security validation part that makes sure // this software update doesn't have cooties. const std::string binPath(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_BIN_FILENAME); try { // (1) Check the hash itself to make sure the image is basically okay uint8_t sha512[ZT_SHA512_DIGEST_LEN]; SHA512(sha512,_download.data(),(unsigned int)_download.length()); char hexbuf[(ZT_SHA512_DIGEST_LEN * 2) + 2]; if (OSUtils::jsonString(_latestMeta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_HASH],"") == Utils::hex(sha512,ZT_SHA512_DIGEST_LEN,hexbuf)) { // (2) Check signature by signing authority const std::string sig(OSUtils::jsonBinFromHex(_latestMeta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_SIGNATURE])); if (Identity(ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SIGNING_AUTHORITY).verify(_download.data(),(unsigned int)_download.length(),sig.data(),(unsigned int)sig.length())) { // (3) Try to save file, and if so we are good. OSUtils::rm(binPath.c_str()); if (OSUtils::writeFile(binPath.c_str(),_download)) { OSUtils::lockDownFile(binPath.c_str(),false); _latestValid = true; _download = std::string(); _downloadLength = 0; return true; } } } } catch ( ... ) {} // any exception equals verification failure // If we get here, checks failed. OSUtils::rm(binPath.c_str()); _latestMeta = nlohmann::json(); _latestValid = false; _download = std::string(); _downloadLength = 0; } else { Buffer<128> gd; gd.append((uint8_t)VERB_GET_DATA); gd.append(_downloadHashPrefix.data(),16); gd.append((uint32_t)_download.length()); _node.sendUserMessage((void *)0,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_SERVICE,ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_USER_MESSAGE_TYPE,gd.data(),gd.size()); } } return false; } void SoftwareUpdater::apply() { std::string updatePath(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_BIN_FILENAME); if ((_latestMeta.is_object())&&(_latestValid)&&(OSUtils::fileExists(updatePath.c_str(),false))) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ std::string cmdArgs(OSUtils::jsonString(_latestMeta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_EXEC_ARGS],"")); if (cmdArgs.length() > 0) { updatePath.push_back(' '); updatePath.append(cmdArgs); } STARTUPINFOA si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; memset(&si,0,sizeof(si)); memset(&pi,0,sizeof(pi)); CreateProcessA(NULL,const_cast(updatePath.c_str()),NULL,NULL,FALSE,CREATE_NO_WINDOW|CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); // Windows doesn't exit here -- updater will stop the service during update, etc. -- but we do want to stop multiple runs from happening _latestMeta = nlohmann::json(); _latestValid = false; #else char *argv[256]; unsigned long ac = 0; argv[ac++] = const_cast(updatePath.c_str()); const std::vector argsSplit(OSUtils::split(OSUtils::jsonString(_latestMeta[ZT_SOFTWARE_UPDATE_JSON_UPDATE_EXEC_ARGS],"").c_str()," ","\\","\"")); for(std::vector::const_iterator a(argsSplit.begin());a!=argsSplit.end();++a) { argv[ac] = const_cast(a->c_str()); if (++ac == 255) break; } argv[ac] = (char *)0; chmod(updatePath.c_str(),0700); // Close all open file descriptors except stdout/stderr/etc. int minMyFd = STDIN_FILENO; if (STDOUT_FILENO > minMyFd) minMyFd = STDOUT_FILENO; if (STDERR_FILENO > minMyFd) minMyFd = STDERR_FILENO; ++minMyFd; #ifdef _SC_OPEN_MAX int maxMyFd = (int)sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); if (maxMyFd <= minMyFd) maxMyFd = 65536; #else int maxMyFd = 65536; #endif while (minMyFd < maxMyFd) close(minMyFd++); execv(updatePath.c_str(),argv); fprintf(stderr,"FATAL: unable to execute software update binary at %s\n",updatePath.c_str()); exit(1); #endif } } } // namespace ZeroTier