/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 ZeroTier, Inc. https://www.zerotier.com/ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial closed-source software that incorporates or links * directly against ZeroTier software without disclosing the source code * of your own application. */ #ifndef ZT_CONSTANTS_HPP #define ZT_CONSTANTS_HPP #include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h" // // This include file also auto-detects and canonicalizes some environment // information defines: // // __LINUX__ // __APPLE__ // __BSD__ (OSX also defines this) // __UNIX_LIKE__ (Linux, BSD, etc.) // __WINDOWS__ // // Also makes sure __BYTE_ORDER is defined reasonably. // // Hack: make sure __GCC__ is defined on old GCC compilers #ifndef __GCC__ #if defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_1) || defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2) || defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4) #define __GCC__ #endif #endif #if defined(__linux__) || defined(linux) || defined(__LINUX__) || defined(__linux) #ifndef __LINUX__ #define __LINUX__ #endif #ifndef __UNIX_LIKE__ #define __UNIX_LIKE__ #endif #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #ifndef __UNIX_LIKE__ #define __UNIX_LIKE__ #endif #ifndef __BSD__ #define __BSD__ #endif #include #endif // Defined this macro to disable "type punning" on a number of targets that // have issues with unaligned memory access. #if defined(__arm__) || defined(__ARMEL__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && ( (defined(TARGET_OS_IPHONE) && (TARGET_OS_IPHONE != 0)) || (defined(TARGET_OS_WATCH) && (TARGET_OS_WATCH != 0)) || (defined(TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) && (TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR != 0)) ) ) #ifndef ZT_NO_TYPE_PUNNING #define ZT_NO_TYPE_PUNNING #endif #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) #ifndef __UNIX_LIKE__ #define __UNIX_LIKE__ #endif #ifndef __BSD__ #define __BSD__ #endif #include #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER #define __BYTE_ORDER _BYTE_ORDER #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN _LITTLE_ENDIAN #define __BIG_ENDIAN _BIG_ENDIAN #endif #endif #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #ifndef __WINDOWS__ #define __WINDOWS__ #endif #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #pragma warning(disable : 4290) #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #pragma warning(disable : 4101) #undef __UNIX_LIKE__ #undef __BSD__ #define ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' #define ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "\\" #define ZT_EOL_S "\r\n" #include #include #endif // Assume little endian if not defined #if (defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__WINDOWS__)) && (!defined(__BYTE_ORDER)) #undef __BYTE_ORDER #undef __LITTLE_ENDIAN #undef __BIG_ENDIAN #define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321 #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 #define __BYTE_ORDER 1234 #endif #ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__ #define ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #define ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "/" #define ZT_EOL_S "\n" #endif #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER #include #endif /** * Length of a ZeroTier address in bytes */ #define ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH 5 /** * Length of a hexadecimal ZeroTier address */ #define ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH_HEX 10 /** * Addresses beginning with this byte are reserved for the joy of in-band signaling */ #define ZT_ADDRESS_RESERVED_PREFIX 0xff /** * Default payload MTU for UDP packets * * In the future we might support UDP path MTU discovery, but for now we * set a maximum that is equal to 1500 minus 8 (for PPPoE overhead, common * in some markets) minus 48 (IPv6 UDP overhead). */ #define ZT_UDP_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_MTU 1444 /** * Default MTU used for Ethernet tap device */ #define ZT_DEFAULT_MTU 2800 /** * Maximum number of packet fragments we'll support (protocol max: 16) */ #define ZT_MAX_PACKET_FRAGMENTS 7 /** * Size of RX queue * * This is about 2mb, and can be decreased for small devices. A queue smaller * than about 4 is probably going to cause a lot of lost packets. */ #define ZT_RX_QUEUE_SIZE 64 /** * RX queue entries older than this do not "exist" */ #define ZT_RX_QUEUE_EXPIRE 4000 /** * Length of secret key in bytes -- 256-bit -- do not change */ #define ZT_PEER_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH 32 /** * Minimum delay between timer task checks to prevent thrashing */ #define ZT_CORE_TIMER_TASK_GRANULARITY 500 /** * How often Topology::clean() and Network::clean() and similar are called, in ms */ #define ZT_HOUSEKEEPING_PERIOD 120000 /** * How long to remember peer records in RAM if they haven't been used */ #define ZT_PEER_IN_MEMORY_EXPIRATION 600000 /** * Delay between WHOIS retries in ms */ #define ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY 1000 /** * Maximum identity WHOIS retries (each attempt tries consulting a different peer) */ #define ZT_MAX_WHOIS_RETRIES 4 /** * Transmit queue entry timeout */ #define ZT_TRANSMIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT (ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY * (ZT_MAX_WHOIS_RETRIES + 1)) /** * Receive queue entry timeout */ #define ZT_RECEIVE_QUEUE_TIMEOUT (ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY * (ZT_MAX_WHOIS_RETRIES + 1)) /** * Maximum latency to allow for OK(HELLO) before packet is discarded */ #define ZT_HELLO_MAX_ALLOWABLE_LATENCY 60000 /** * Maximum number of ZT hops allowed (this is not IP hops/TTL) * * The protocol allows up to 7, but we limit it to something smaller. */ #define ZT_RELAY_MAX_HOPS 3 /** * Maximum number of upstreams to use (far more than we should ever need) */ #define ZT_MAX_UPSTREAMS 64 /** * Expire time for multicast 'likes' and indirect multicast memberships in ms */ #define ZT_MULTICAST_LIKE_EXPIRE 600000 /** * Period for multicast LIKE announcements */ #define ZT_MULTICAST_ANNOUNCE_PERIOD 120000 /** * Delay between explicit MULTICAST_GATHER requests for a given multicast channel */ #define ZT_MULTICAST_EXPLICIT_GATHER_DELAY (ZT_MULTICAST_LIKE_EXPIRE / 10) /** * Expiration for credentials presented for MULTICAST_LIKE or MULTICAST_GATHER (for non-network-members) */ #define ZT_MULTICAST_CREDENTIAL_EXPIRATON ZT_MULTICAST_LIKE_EXPIRE /** * Timeout for outgoing multicasts * * This is how long we wait for explicit or implicit gather results. */ #define ZT_MULTICAST_TRANSMIT_TIMEOUT 5000 /** * Delay between checks of peer pings, etc., and also related housekeeping tasks */ #define ZT_PING_CHECK_INVERVAL 5000 /** * How frequently to send heartbeats over in-use paths */ #define ZT_PATH_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD 14000 /** * Paths are considered inactive if they have not received traffic in this long */ #define ZT_PATH_ALIVE_TIMEOUT 45000 /** * Minimum time between attempts to check dead paths to see if they can be re-awakened */ #define ZT_PATH_MIN_REACTIVATE_INTERVAL 2500 /** * Do not accept HELLOs over a given path more often than this */ #define ZT_PATH_HELLO_RATE_LIMIT 1000 /** * Delay between full-fledge pings of directly connected peers */ #define ZT_PEER_PING_PERIOD 60000 /** * Paths are considered expired if they have not sent us a real packet in this long */ #define ZT_PEER_PATH_EXPIRATION ((ZT_PEER_PING_PERIOD * 4) + 3000) /** * Send a full HELLO every this often (ms) */ #define ZT_PEER_SEND_FULL_HELLO_EVERY (ZT_PEER_PING_PERIOD * 2) /** * How often to retry expired paths that we're still remembering */ #define ZT_PEER_EXPIRED_PATH_TRIAL_PERIOD (ZT_PEER_PING_PERIOD * 10) /** * Timeout for overall peer activity (measured from last receive) */ #define ZT_PEER_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT 500000 /** * General rate limit timeout for multiple packet types (HELLO, etc.) */ #define ZT_PEER_GENERAL_INBOUND_RATE_LIMIT 500 /** * General limit for max RTT for requests over the network */ #define ZT_GENERAL_RTT_LIMIT 5000 /** * Delay between requests for updated network autoconf information * * Don't lengthen this as it affects things like QoS / uptime monitoring * via ZeroTier Central. This is the heartbeat, basically. */ #define ZT_NETWORK_AUTOCONF_DELAY 60000 /** * Minimum interval between attempts by relays to unite peers * * When a relay gets a packet destined for another peer, it sends both peers * a RENDEZVOUS message no more than this often. This instructs the peers * to attempt NAT-t and gives each the other's corresponding IP:port pair. */ #define ZT_MIN_UNITE_INTERVAL 30000 /** * How often should peers try memorized or statically defined paths? */ #define ZT_TRY_MEMORIZED_PATH_INTERVAL 30000 /** * Sanity limit on maximum bridge routes * * If the number of bridge routes exceeds this, we cull routes from the * bridges with the most MACs behind them until it doesn't. This is a * sanity limit to prevent memory-filling DOS attacks, nothing more. No * physical LAN has anywhere even close to this many nodes. Note that this * does not limit the size of ZT virtual LANs, only bridge routing. */ #define ZT_MAX_BRIDGE_ROUTES 67108864 /** * If there is no known route, spam to up to this many active bridges */ #define ZT_MAX_BRIDGE_SPAM 32 /** * Interval between direct path pushes in milliseconds */ #define ZT_DIRECT_PATH_PUSH_INTERVAL 120000 /** * Time horizon for push direct paths cutoff */ #define ZT_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS_CUTOFF_TIME 30000 /** * Maximum number of direct path pushes within cutoff time * * This limits response to PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS to CUTOFF_LIMIT responses * per CUTOFF_TIME milliseconds per peer to prevent this from being * useful for DOS amplification attacks. */ #define ZT_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS_CUTOFF_LIMIT 8 /** * Maximum number of paths per IP scope (e.g. global, link-local) and family (e.g. v4/v6) */ #define ZT_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS_MAX_PER_SCOPE_AND_FAMILY 8 /** * Time horizon for VERB_NETWORK_CREDENTIALS cutoff */ #define ZT_PEER_CREDENTIALS_CUTOFF_TIME 60000 /** * Maximum number of VERB_NETWORK_CREDENTIALS within cutoff time */ #define ZT_PEER_CREDEITIALS_CUTOFF_LIMIT 15 /** * WHOIS rate limit (we allow these to be pretty fast) */ #define ZT_PEER_WHOIS_RATE_LIMIT 100 /** * General rate limit for other kinds of rate-limited packets (HELLO, credential request, etc.) both inbound and outbound */ #define ZT_PEER_GENERAL_RATE_LIMIT 1000 /** * Don't do expensive identity validation more often than this * * IPv4 and IPv6 address prefixes are hashed down to 14-bit (0-16383) integers * using the first 24 bits for IPv4 or the first 48 bits for IPv6. These are * then rate limited to one identity validation per this often milliseconds. */ #if (defined(__amd64) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__AMD64) || defined(__AMD64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64)) // AMD64 machines can do anywhere from one every 50ms to one every 10ms. This provides plenty of margin. #define ZT_IDENTITY_VALIDATION_SOURCE_RATE_LIMIT 2000 #else #if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || defined(__i586__) || defined(__i686__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_) || defined(__I86__)) // 32-bit Intel machines usually average about one every 100ms #define ZT_IDENTITY_VALIDATION_SOURCE_RATE_LIMIT 5000 #else // This provides a safe margin for ARM, MIPS, etc. that usually average one every 250-400ms #define ZT_IDENTITY_VALIDATION_SOURCE_RATE_LIMIT 10000 #endif #endif /** * How long is a path or peer considered to have a trust relationship with us (for e.g. relay policy) since last trusted established packet? */ #define ZT_TRUST_EXPIRATION 600000 /** * Enable support for older network configurations from older (pre-1.1.6) controllers */ #define ZT_SUPPORT_OLD_STYLE_NETCONF 1 /** * Desired buffer size for UDP sockets (used in service and osdep but defined here) */ #if (defined(__amd64) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__AMD64) || defined(__AMD64__)) #define ZT_UDP_DESIRED_BUF_SIZE 1048576 #else #define ZT_UDP_DESIRED_BUF_SIZE 131072 #endif /** * Desired / recommended min stack size for threads (used on some platforms to reset thread stack size) */ #define ZT_THREAD_MIN_STACK_SIZE 1048576 /* Ethernet frame types that might be relevant to us */ #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_IPV4 0x0800 #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_ARP 0x0806 #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_RARP 0x8035 #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_ATALK 0x809b #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_AARP 0x80f3 #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_IPX_A 0x8137 #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_IPX_B 0x8138 #define ZT_ETHERTYPE_IPV6 0x86dd #endif