/* * Copyright (c)2013-2020 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2024-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #ifndef ZT_OSUTILS_HPP #define ZT_OSUTILS_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../node/Constants.hpp" #include "../node/InetAddress.hpp" #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __LINUX__ #include #endif #endif #ifndef OMIT_JSON_SUPPORT #include "../ext/json/json.hpp" #endif namespace ZeroTier { /** * Miscellaneous utility functions and global constants */ class OSUtils { public: /** * Variant of snprintf that is portable and throws an exception * * This just wraps the local implementation whatever it's called, while * performing a few other checks and adding exceptions for overflow. * * @param buf Buffer to write to * @param len Length of buffer in bytes * @param fmt Format string * @param ... Format arguments * @throws std::length_error buf[] too short (buf[] will still be left null-terminated) */ static unsigned int ztsnprintf(char *buf,unsigned int len,const char *fmt,...); #ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__ /** * Close STDOUT_FILENO and STDERR_FILENO and replace them with output to given path * * This can be called after fork() and prior to exec() to suppress output * from a subprocess, such as auto-update. * * @param stdoutPath Path to file to use for stdout * @param stderrPath Path to file to use for stderr, or NULL for same as stdout (default) * @return True on success */ static bool redirectUnixOutputs(const char *stdoutPath,const char *stderrPath = (const char *)0) throw(); #endif // __UNIX_LIKE__ /** * Delete a file * * @param path Path to delete * @return True if delete was successful */ static inline bool rm(const char *path) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return (DeleteFileA(path) != FALSE); #else return (unlink(path) == 0); #endif } static inline bool rm(const std::string &path) { return rm(path.c_str()); } static inline bool mkdir(const char *path) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ if (::PathIsDirectoryA(path)) return true; return (::CreateDirectoryA(path,NULL) == TRUE); #else if (::mkdir(path,0755) != 0) return (errno == EEXIST); return true; #endif } static inline bool mkdir(const std::string &path) { return OSUtils::mkdir(path.c_str()); } static inline bool rename(const char *o,const char *n) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ DeleteFileA(n); return (::rename(o,n) == 0); #else return (::rename(o,n) == 0); #endif } /** * List a directory's contents * * @param path Path to list * @param includeDirectories If true, include directories as well as files * @return Names of files in directory (without path prepended) */ static std::vector listDirectory(const char *path,bool includeDirectories = false); /** * Clean a directory of files whose last modified time is older than this * * This ignores directories, symbolic links, and other special files. * * @param olderThan Last modified older than timestamp (ms since epoch) * @return Number of cleaned files or negative on fatal error */ static long cleanDirectory(const char *path,const int64_t olderThan); /** * Delete a directory and all its files and subdirectories recursively * * @param path Path to delete * @return True on success */ static bool rmDashRf(const char *path); /** * Set modes on a file to something secure * * This locks a file so that only the owner can access it. What it actually * does varies by platform. * * @param path Path to lock * @param isDir True if this is a directory */ static void lockDownFile(const char *path,bool isDir); /** * Get file last modification time * * Resolution is often only second, not millisecond, but the return is * always in ms for comparison against now(). * * @param path Path to file to get time * @return Last modification time in ms since epoch or 0 if not found */ static uint64_t getLastModified(const char *path); /** * @param path Path to check * @param followLinks Follow links (on platforms with that concept) * @return True if file or directory exists at path location */ static bool fileExists(const char *path,bool followLinks = true); /** * @param path Path to file * @return File size or -1 if nonexistent or other failure */ static int64_t getFileSize(const char *path); /** * Get IP (v4 and/or v6) addresses for a given host * * This is a blocking resolver. * * @param name Host name * @return IP addresses in InetAddress sort order or empty vector if not found */ static std::vector resolve(const char *name); /** * @return Current time in milliseconds since epoch */ static inline int64_t now() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; ULARGE_INTEGER tmp; GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&ft); tmp.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; tmp.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; return (int64_t)( ((tmp.QuadPart - 116444736000000000LL) / 10000L) + st.wMilliseconds ); #else struct timeval tv; #ifdef __LINUX__ syscall(SYS_gettimeofday,&tv,0); /* fix for musl libc broken gettimeofday bug */ #else gettimeofday(&tv,(struct timezone *)0); #endif return ( (1000LL * (int64_t)tv.tv_sec) + (int64_t)(tv.tv_usec / 1000) ); #endif }; /** * Read the full contents of a file into a string buffer * * The buffer isn't cleared, so if it already contains data the file's data will * be appended. * * @param path Path of file to read * @param buf Buffer to fill * @return True if open and read successful */ static bool readFile(const char *path,std::string &buf); /** * Write a block of data to disk, replacing any current file contents * * @param path Path to write * @param buf Buffer containing data * @param len Length of buffer * @return True if entire file was successfully written */ static bool writeFile(const char *path,const void *buf,unsigned int len); /** * Split a string by delimiter, with optional escape and quote characters * * @param s String to split * @param sep One or more separators * @param esc Zero or more escape characters * @param quot Zero or more quote characters * @return Vector of tokens */ static std::vector split(const char *s,const char *const sep,const char *esc,const char *quot); /** * Write a block of data to disk, replacing any current file contents * * @param path Path to write * @param s Data to write * @return True if entire file was successfully written */ static inline bool writeFile(const char *path,const std::string &s) { return writeFile(path,s.data(),(unsigned int)s.length()); } /** * @param c ASCII character to convert * @return Lower case ASCII character or unchanged if not a letter */ static inline char toLower(char c) throw() { return (char)OSUtils::TOLOWER_TABLE[(unsigned long)c]; } /** * @return Platform default ZeroTier One home path */ static std::string platformDefaultHomePath(); #ifndef OMIT_JSON_SUPPORT static nlohmann::json jsonParse(const std::string &buf); static std::string jsonDump(const nlohmann::json &j,int indentation = 1); static uint64_t jsonInt(const nlohmann::json &jv,const uint64_t dfl); static double jsonDouble(const nlohmann::json &jv,const double dfl); static uint64_t jsonIntHex(const nlohmann::json &jv,const uint64_t dfl); static bool jsonBool(const nlohmann::json &jv,const bool dfl); static std::string jsonString(const nlohmann::json &jv,const char *dfl); static std::string jsonBinFromHex(const nlohmann::json &jv); #endif // OMIT_JSON_SUPPORT private: static const unsigned char TOLOWER_TABLE[256]; }; } // namespace ZeroTier #endif