    LZ4Demo - Demo CLI program using LZ4 compression
    Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2011-2012
	GPL v2 License

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

	You can contact the author at :
	- LZ4 homepage : http://fastcompression.blogspot.com/p/lz4.html
	- LZ4 source repository : http://code.google.com/p/lz4/
	Note : this is *only* a demo program, an example to show how LZ4 can be used.
	It is not considered part of LZ4 compression library.
	The license of LZ4 is BSD.
	The license of the demo program is GPL.

// Compiler Options
// Disable some Visual warning messages
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE     // VS2005

// Includes
#include <stdio.h>		// fprintf, fopen, fread, _fileno(?)
#include <stdlib.h>		// malloc
#include <string.h>		// strcmp
#include <time.h>		// clock
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>			// _setmode
#include <fcntl.h>		// _O_BINARY
#include "lz4.h"
#include "lz4hc.h"
#include "bench.h"

// Compiler-specific functions
#define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)

#if defined(_MSC_VER)    // Visual Studio
#define swap32 _byteswap_ulong
#elif GCC_VERSION >= 403
#define swap32 __builtin_bswap32
static inline unsigned int swap32(unsigned int x) {
			return	((x << 24) & 0xff000000 ) |
				((x <<  8) & 0x00ff0000 ) |
				((x >>  8) & 0x0000ff00 ) |
				((x >> 24) & 0x000000ff );

// Constants
#define COMPRESSOR_NAME "Compression CLI using LZ4 algorithm"
#define COMPILED __DATE__
#define AUTHOR "Yann Collet"
#define EXTENSION ".lz4"

#define CHUNKSIZE (8<<20)    // 8 MB
#define CACHELINE 64
#define ARCHIVE_MAGICNUMBER 0x184C2102

// Architecture Macros
static const int one = 1;
#define CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN  (*(char*)(&one))
#define LITTLE_ENDIAN32(i) if (CPU_BIG_ENDIAN) { i = swap32(i); }

// Macros
#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)

// Functions
int usage(char* exename)
	DISPLAY( "Usage :\n");
	DISPLAY( "      %s [arg] input output\n", exename);
	DISPLAY( "Arguments :\n");
	DISPLAY( " -c0: Fast compression (default) \n");
	DISPLAY( " -c1: High compression \n");
	DISPLAY( " -d : decompression \n");
	DISPLAY( " -b#: Benchmark files, using # compression level\n");
	DISPLAY( " -t : check compressed file \n");
	DISPLAY( " -h : help (this text)\n");
	DISPLAY( "input  : can be 'stdin' (pipe) or a filename\n");
	DISPLAY( "output : can be 'stdout'(pipe) or a filename or 'null'\n");
	return 0;

int badusage(char* exename)
	DISPLAY("Wrong parameters\n");
	return 0;

int get_fileHandle(char* input_filename, char* output_filename, FILE** pfinput, FILE** pfoutput)
	char stdinmark[] = "stdin";
	char stdoutmark[] = "stdout";

	if (!strcmp (input_filename, stdinmark)) {
		DISPLAY( "Using stdin for input\n");
		*pfinput = stdin;
#ifdef _WIN32 // Need to set stdin/stdout to binary mode specifically for windows
		_setmode( _fileno( stdin ), _O_BINARY );
	} else {
		*pfinput = fopen( input_filename, "rb" );

	if (!strcmp (output_filename, stdoutmark)) {
		DISPLAY( "Using stdout for output\n");
		*pfoutput = stdout;
#ifdef _WIN32 // Need to set stdin/stdout to binary mode specifically for windows
		_setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY );
	} else {
		*pfoutput = fopen( output_filename, "wb" );

	if ( *pfinput==0 ) { DISPLAY( "Pb opening %s\n", input_filename);  return 2; }
	if ( *pfoutput==0) { DISPLAY( "Pb opening %s\n", output_filename); return 3; }

	return 0;

int compress_file(char* input_filename, char* output_filename, int compressionlevel)
	int (*compressionFunction)(const char*, char*, int);
	unsigned long long filesize = 0;
	unsigned long long compressedfilesize = ARCHIVE_MAGICNUMBER_SIZE;
	unsigned int u32var;
	char* in_buff;
	char* out_buff;
	FILE* finput;
	FILE* foutput;
	int r;
	int displayLevel = (compressionlevel>0);
	clock_t start, end;
	size_t sizeCheck;

	// Init
	switch (compressionlevel)
	case 0 : compressionFunction = LZ4_compress; break;
	case 1 : compressionFunction = LZ4_compressHC; break;
	default : compressionFunction = LZ4_compress;
	start = clock();
	r = get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
	if (r) return r;

	// Allocate Memory
	in_buff = (char*)malloc(CHUNKSIZE);
	out_buff = (char*)malloc(LZ4_compressBound(CHUNKSIZE));
	if (!in_buff || !out_buff) { DISPLAY("Allocation error : not enough memory\n"); return 8; }

	// Write Archive Header
	*(unsigned int*)out_buff = u32var;
	sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, ARCHIVE_MAGICNUMBER_SIZE, foutput);
	if (sizeCheck!=ARCHIVE_MAGICNUMBER_SIZE) { DISPLAY("write error\n"); return 10; }

	// Main Loop
	while (1)
		int outSize;
		// Read Block
	    int inSize = (int) fread(in_buff, (size_t)1, (size_t)CHUNKSIZE, finput);
		if( inSize<=0 ) break;
		filesize += inSize;
		if (displayLevel) DISPLAY("Read : %i MB  \r", (int)(filesize>>20));

		// Compress Block
		outSize = compressionFunction(in_buff, out_buff+4, inSize);
		compressedfilesize += outSize+4;
		if (displayLevel) DISPLAY("Read : %i MB  ==> %.2f%%\r", (int)(filesize>>20), (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);

		// Write Block
		* (unsigned int*) out_buff = outSize;
		sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, outSize+4, foutput);
		if (sizeCheck!=(size_t)(outSize+4)) { DISPLAY("write error\n"); return 11; }

	// Status
	end = clock();
	DISPLAY( "Compressed %llu bytes into %llu bytes ==> %.2f%%\n",
		(unsigned long long) filesize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize, (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
		double seconds = (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		DISPLAY( "Done in %.2f s ==> %.2f MB/s\n", seconds, (double)filesize / seconds / 1024 / 1024);

	// Close & Free

	return 0;

int decode_file(char* input_filename, char* output_filename)
	unsigned long long filesize = 0;
	char* in_buff;
	char* out_buff;
	size_t uselessRet;
	int sinkint;
	unsigned int chunkSize;
	FILE* finput;
	FILE* foutput;
	clock_t start, end;
	int r;
	size_t sizeCheck;

	// Init
	start = clock();
	r = get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
	if (r) return r;

	// Allocate Memory
	in_buff = (char*)malloc(LZ4_compressBound(CHUNKSIZE));
	out_buff = (char*)malloc(CHUNKSIZE);
	if (!in_buff || !out_buff) { DISPLAY("Allocation error : not enough memory\n"); return 7; }

	// Check Archive Header
	chunkSize = 0;
	uselessRet = fread(&chunkSize, 1, ARCHIVE_MAGICNUMBER_SIZE, finput);
	if (chunkSize != ARCHIVE_MAGICNUMBER) { DISPLAY("Unrecognized header : file cannot be decoded\n"); return 6; }

	// Main Loop
	while (1)
		// Block Size
		uselessRet = fread(&chunkSize, 1, 4, finput);
		if( uselessRet==0 ) break;   // Nothing to read : file read is completed
		if (chunkSize == ARCHIVE_MAGICNUMBER) 
			continue;   // appended compressed stream
		// Read Block
	    uselessRet = fread(in_buff, 1, chunkSize, finput);

		// Decode Block
		sinkint = LZ4_uncompress_unknownOutputSize(in_buff, out_buff, chunkSize, CHUNKSIZE);
		if (sinkint < 0) { DISPLAY("Decoding Failed ! Corrupted input !\n"); return 9; }
		filesize += sinkint;

		// Write Block
		sizeCheck = fwrite(out_buff, 1, sinkint, foutput);
		if (sizeCheck != (size_t)sinkint) { DISPLAY("write error\n"); return 12; }

	// Status
	end = clock();
	DISPLAY( "Successfully decoded %llu bytes \n", (unsigned long long)filesize);
		double seconds = (double)(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		DISPLAY( "Done in %.2f s ==> %.2f MB/s\n", seconds, (double)filesize / seconds / 1024 / 1024);

	// Close & Free

	return 0;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int i,
  char* exename=argv[0];
  char* input_filename=0;
  char* output_filename=0;
#ifdef _WIN32
  char nulmark[] = "nul";
  char nulmark[] = "/dev/null";
  char nullinput[] = "null";

  // Welcome message

  if (argc<2) { badusage(exename); return 1; }

  for(i=1; i<argc; i++)
    char* argument = argv[i];

    if(!argument) continue;   // Protection if argument empty

	// Select command
	if (argument[0]=='-')
		argument ++;

		// Display help on usage
		if ( argument[0] =='h' ) { usage(exename); return 0; }

		// Compression (default)
		if ( argument[0] =='c' ) { if (argument[1] >='0') cLevel=argument[1] - '0'; continue; }

		// Decoding
		if ( argument[0] =='d' ) { decode=1; continue; }

		// Bench
		if ( argument[0] =='b' ) { bench=1; if (argument[1] >= '0') cLevel=argument[1] - '0'; continue; } 

		// Modify Block Size (benchmark only)
		if ( argument[0] =='B' ) { int B = argument[1] - '0'; int S = 1 << (10 + 2*B); BMK_SetBlocksize(S); continue; }

		// Modify Nb Iterations (benchmark only)
		if ( argument[0] =='i' ) { int iters = argument[1] - '0'; BMK_SetNbIterations(iters); continue; }

		// Pause at the end (benchmark only)
		if ( argument[0] =='p' ) { BMK_SetPause(); continue; }

        // Test
		if ( argument[0] =='t' ) { decode=1; output_filename=nulmark; continue; }

	// first provided filename is input
    if (!input_filename) { input_filename=argument; filenamesStart=i; continue; }

	// second provided filename is output
    if (!output_filename)
		if (!strcmp (output_filename, nullinput)) output_filename = nulmark;

  // No input filename ==> Error
  if(!input_filename) { badusage(exename); return 1; }

  if (bench) return BMK_benchFile(argv+filenamesStart, argc-filenamesStart, cLevel);

  // No output filename ==> Error
  if (!output_filename) { badusage(exename); return 1; }

  if (decode) return decode_file(input_filename, output_filename);

  return compress_file(input_filename, output_filename, cLevel);   // Compression is 'default' action
