/* * TAP-Windows -- A kernel driver to provide virtual tap * device functionality on Windows. * * This code was inspired by the CIPE-Win32 driver by Damion K. Wilson. * * This source code is Copyright (C) 2002-2010 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc., * and is released under the GPL version 2 (see below). * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ //----------------- // DEBUGGING OUTPUT //----------------- const char *g_LastErrorFilename; int g_LastErrorLineNumber; #if DBG DebugOutput g_Debug; BOOLEAN NewlineExists (const char *str, int len) { while (len-- > 0) { const char c = *str++; if (c == '\n') return TRUE; else if (c == '\0') break; } return FALSE; } VOID MyDebugInit (unsigned int bufsiz) { NdisZeroMemory (&g_Debug, sizeof (g_Debug)); g_Debug.text = (char *) MemAlloc (bufsiz, FALSE); if (g_Debug.text) g_Debug.capacity = bufsiz; } VOID MyDebugFree () { if (g_Debug.text) MemFree (g_Debug.text, g_Debug.capacity); NdisZeroMemory (&g_Debug, sizeof (g_Debug)); } VOID MyDebugPrint (const unsigned char* format, ...) { if (g_Debug.text && g_Debug.capacity > 0 && CAN_WE_PRINT) { BOOLEAN owned; ACQUIRE_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE (&g_Debug.lock, owned); if (owned) { const int remaining = (int)g_Debug.capacity - (int)g_Debug.out; if (remaining > 0) { va_list args; NTSTATUS status; char *end; #ifdef DBG_PRINT va_start (args, format); vDbgPrintEx (DPFLTR_IHVNETWORK_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, format, args); va_end (args); #endif va_start (args, format); status = RtlStringCchVPrintfExA (g_Debug.text + g_Debug.out, remaining, &end, NULL, STRSAFE_NO_TRUNCATION | STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS, format, args); va_end (args); va_start (args, format); vDbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_IHVDRIVER_ID , 1, format, args); va_end (args); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) g_Debug.out = (unsigned int) (end - g_Debug.text); else g_Debug.error = TRUE; } else g_Debug.error = TRUE; RELEASE_MUTEX (&g_Debug.lock); } else g_Debug.error = TRUE; } } BOOLEAN GetDebugLine (char *buf, const int len) { static const char *truncated = "[OUTPUT TRUNCATED]\n"; BOOLEAN ret = FALSE; NdisZeroMemory (buf, len); if (g_Debug.text && g_Debug.capacity > 0) { BOOLEAN owned; ACQUIRE_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE (&g_Debug.lock, owned); if (owned) { int i = 0; if (g_Debug.error || NewlineExists (g_Debug.text + g_Debug.in, (int)g_Debug.out - (int)g_Debug.in)) { while (i < (len - 1) && g_Debug.in < g_Debug.out) { const char c = g_Debug.text[g_Debug.in++]; if (c == '\n') break; buf[i++] = c; } if (i < len) buf[i] = '\0'; } if (!i) { if (g_Debug.in == g_Debug.out) { g_Debug.in = g_Debug.out = 0; if (g_Debug.error) { const unsigned int tlen = strlen (truncated); if (tlen < g_Debug.capacity) { NdisMoveMemory (g_Debug.text, truncated, tlen+1); g_Debug.out = tlen; } g_Debug.error = FALSE; } } } else ret = TRUE; RELEASE_MUTEX (&g_Debug.lock); } } return ret; } VOID MyAssert (const unsigned char *file, int line) { DEBUGP (("MYASSERT failed %s/%d\n", file, line)); KeBugCheckEx (0x0F00BABA, (ULONG_PTR) line, (ULONG_PTR) 0, (ULONG_PTR) 0, (ULONG_PTR) 0); } VOID PrMac (const MACADDR mac) { DEBUGP (("%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5])); } VOID PrIP (IPADDR ip_addr) { const unsigned char *ip = (const unsigned char *) &ip_addr; DEBUGP (("%d.%d.%d.%d", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3])); } const char * PrIPProto (int proto) { switch (proto) { case IPPROTO_UDP: return "UDP"; case IPPROTO_TCP: return "TCP"; case IPPROTO_ICMP: return "ICMP"; case IPPROTO_IGMP: return "IGMP"; default: return "???"; } } VOID DumpARP (const char *prefix, const ARP_PACKET *arp) { DEBUGP (("%s ARP src=", prefix)); PrMac (arp->m_MAC_Source); DEBUGP ((" dest=")); PrMac (arp->m_MAC_Destination); DEBUGP ((" OP=0x%04x", (int)ntohs(arp->m_ARP_Operation))); DEBUGP ((" M=0x%04x(%d)", (int)ntohs(arp->m_MAC_AddressType), (int)arp->m_MAC_AddressSize)); DEBUGP ((" P=0x%04x(%d)", (int)ntohs(arp->m_PROTO_AddressType), (int)arp->m_PROTO_AddressSize)); DEBUGP ((" MacSrc=")); PrMac (arp->m_ARP_MAC_Source); DEBUGP ((" MacDest=")); PrMac (arp->m_ARP_MAC_Destination); DEBUGP ((" IPSrc=")); PrIP (arp->m_ARP_IP_Source); DEBUGP ((" IPDest=")); PrIP (arp->m_ARP_IP_Destination); DEBUGP (("\n")); } struct ethpayload { ETH_HEADER eth; UCHAR payload[DEFAULT_PACKET_LOOKAHEAD]; }; VOID DumpPacket2 (const char *prefix, const ETH_HEADER *eth, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { struct ethpayload *ep = (struct ethpayload *) MemAlloc (sizeof (struct ethpayload), TRUE); if (ep) { if (len > DEFAULT_PACKET_LOOKAHEAD) len = DEFAULT_PACKET_LOOKAHEAD; ep->eth = *eth; NdisMoveMemory (ep->payload, data, len); DumpPacket (prefix, (unsigned char *) ep, sizeof (ETH_HEADER) + len); MemFree (ep, sizeof (struct ethpayload)); } } VOID DumpPacket (const char *prefix, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { const ETH_HEADER *eth = (const ETH_HEADER *) data; const IPHDR *ip = (const IPHDR *) (data + sizeof (ETH_HEADER)); if (len < sizeof (ETH_HEADER)) { DEBUGP (("%s TRUNCATED PACKET LEN=%d\n", prefix, len)); return; } // ARP Packet? if (len >= sizeof (ARP_PACKET) && eth->proto == htons (ETH_P_ARP)) { DumpARP (prefix, (const ARP_PACKET *) data); return; } // IPv4 packet? if (len >= (sizeof (IPHDR) + sizeof (ETH_HEADER)) && eth->proto == htons (ETH_P_IP) && IPH_GET_VER (ip->version_len) == 4) { const int hlen = IPH_GET_LEN (ip->version_len); const int blen = len - sizeof (ETH_HEADER); BOOLEAN did = FALSE; DEBUGP (("%s IPv4 %s[%d]", prefix, PrIPProto (ip->protocol), len)); if (!(ntohs (ip->tot_len) == blen && hlen <= blen)) { DEBUGP ((" XXX")); return; } // TCP packet? if (ip->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP && blen - hlen >= (sizeof (TCPHDR))) { const TCPHDR *tcp = (TCPHDR *) (data + sizeof (ETH_HEADER) + hlen); DEBUGP ((" ")); PrIP (ip->saddr); DEBUGP ((":%d", ntohs (tcp->source))); DEBUGP ((" -> ")); PrIP (ip->daddr); DEBUGP ((":%d", ntohs (tcp->dest))); did = TRUE; } // UDP packet? else if ((ntohs (ip->frag_off) & IP_OFFMASK) == 0 && ip->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP && blen - hlen >= (sizeof (UDPHDR))) { const UDPHDR *udp = (UDPHDR *) (data + sizeof (ETH_HEADER) + hlen); // DHCP packet? if ((udp->dest == htons (BOOTPC_PORT) || udp->dest == htons (BOOTPS_PORT)) && blen - hlen >= (sizeof (UDPHDR) + sizeof (DHCP))) { const DHCP *dhcp = (DHCP *) (data + hlen + sizeof (ETH_HEADER) + sizeof (UDPHDR)); int optlen = len - sizeof (ETH_HEADER) - hlen - sizeof (UDPHDR) - sizeof (DHCP); if (optlen < 0) optlen = 0; DumpDHCP (eth, ip, udp, dhcp, optlen); did = TRUE; } if (!did) { DEBUGP ((" ")); PrIP (ip->saddr); DEBUGP ((":%d", ntohs (udp->source))); DEBUGP ((" -> ")); PrIP (ip->daddr); DEBUGP ((":%d", ntohs (udp->dest))); did = TRUE; } } if (!did) { DEBUGP ((" ipproto=%d ", ip->protocol)); PrIP (ip->saddr); DEBUGP ((" -> ")); PrIP (ip->daddr); } DEBUGP (("\n")); return; } { DEBUGP (("%s ??? src=", prefix)); PrMac (eth->src); DEBUGP ((" dest=")); PrMac (eth->dest); DEBUGP ((" proto=0x%04x len=%d\n", (int) ntohs(eth->proto), len)); } } #endif