/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2019 ZeroTier, Inc. https://www.zerotier.com/ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial closed-source software that incorporates or links * directly against ZeroTier software without disclosing the source code * of your own application. */ #include "LFDB.hpp" #include #include #include #include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp" #include "../ext/cpp-httplib/httplib.h" namespace ZeroTier { LFDB::LFDB(EmbeddedNetworkController *const nc,const Identity &myId,const char *path,const char *lfOwnerPrivate,const char *lfOwnerPublic,const char *lfNodeHost,int lfNodePort,bool storeOnlineState) : DB(nc,myId,path), _nc(nc), _myId(myId), _lfOwnerPrivate(lfOwnerPrivate), _lfOwnerPublic(lfOwnerPublic), _lfNodeHost(lfNodeHost), _lfNodePort(lfNodePort), _running(true), _ready(false), _storeOnlineState(storeOnlineState) { _syncThread = std::thread([this]() { char controllerAddress[24]; _myId.address().toString(controllerAddress); httplib::Client htcli(_lfNodeHost.c_str(),_lfNodePort,600); while (_running) { std::ostringstream query; query << '{' << "\"Ranges\":[{" << "\"Name\": \"com.zerotier.controller.lfdb:" << controllerAddress << "\"" << "}]," << "\"MaskingKey\":\"" << controllerAddress << "\"," << "\"Owners\":[\"" << _lfOwnerPublic << "\"]," << "\"Open\":true" << '}'; auto resp = htcli.Post("/query",query.str(),"application/json"); if (resp->status == 200) { fprintf(stderr,"%d %s\n",resp->status,resp->body.c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: LFDB: %d from node: %s" ZT_EOL_S,resp->status,resp->body.c_str()); } _ready = true; for(int k=0;k<10;++k) { if (!_running) return; usleep(100000); } } }); } LFDB::~LFDB() { _running = false; _syncThread.join(); } bool LFDB::waitForReady() { while (!_ready) usleep(10000); } bool LFDB::isReady() { return (_ready); } void LFDB::save(nlohmann::json *orig,nlohmann::json &record) { if (orig) { if (*orig != record) { record["revision"] = OSUtils::jsonInt(record["revision"],0ULL) + 1; } } else { record["revision"] = 1; } const std::string objtype = record["objtype"]; if (objtype == "network") { const uint64_t nwid = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["id"],0ULL); if (nwid) { nlohmann::json old; get(nwid,old); if ((!old.is_object())||(old != record)) { } } } else if (objtype == "member") { const uint64_t nwid = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["nwid"],0ULL); const uint64_t id = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["id"],0ULL); if ((id)&&(nwid)) { nlohmann::json network,old; get(nwid,network,id,old); if ((!old.is_object())||(old != record)) { } } } } void LFDB::eraseNetwork(const uint64_t networkId) { // TODO } void LFDB::eraseMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t memberId) { // TODO } void LFDB::nodeIsOnline(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t memberId,const InetAddress &physicalAddress) { std::lock_guard l(_state_l); auto nw = _state.find(networkId); if (nw != _state.end()) { auto m = nw->second.members.find(memberId); if (m != nw->second.members.end()) { m->second.lastOnlineTime = OSUtils::now(); if (physicalAddress) m->second.lastOnlineAddress = physicalAddress; m->second.lastOnlineDirty = true; } } } #if 0 FileDB::FileDB(EmbeddedNetworkController *const nc,const Identity &myId,const char *path) : DB(nc,myId,path), _networksPath(_path + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "network"), _tracePath(_path + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "trace"), _onlineChanged(false), _running(true) { OSUtils::mkdir(_path.c_str()); OSUtils::lockDownFile(_path.c_str(),true); OSUtils::mkdir(_networksPath.c_str()); OSUtils::mkdir(_tracePath.c_str()); std::vector networks(OSUtils::listDirectory(_networksPath.c_str(),false)); std::string buf; for(auto n=networks.begin();n!=networks.end();++n) { buf.clear(); if ((n->length() == 21)&&(OSUtils::readFile((_networksPath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *n).c_str(),buf))) { try { nlohmann::json network(OSUtils::jsonParse(buf)); const std::string nwids = network["id"]; if (nwids.length() == 16) { nlohmann::json nullJson; _networkChanged(nullJson,network,false); std::string membersPath(_networksPath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + nwids + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "member"); std::vector members(OSUtils::listDirectory(membersPath.c_str(),false)); for(auto m=members.begin();m!=members.end();++m) { buf.clear(); if ((m->length() == 15)&&(OSUtils::readFile((membersPath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *m).c_str(),buf))) { try { nlohmann::json member(OSUtils::jsonParse(buf)); const std::string addrs = member["id"]; if (addrs.length() == 10) { nlohmann::json nullJson2; _memberChanged(nullJson2,member,false); } } catch ( ... ) {} } } } } catch ( ... ) {} } } _onlineUpdateThread = std::thread([this]() { unsigned int cnt = 0; while (this->_running) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(100)); if ((++cnt % 20) == 0) { // 5 seconds std::lock_guard l(this->_online_l); if (!this->_running) return; if (this->_onlineChanged) { char p[4096],atmp[64]; for(auto nw=this->_online.begin();nw!=this->_online.end();++nw) { OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p,sizeof(p),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx-online.json",_networksPath.c_str(),(unsigned long long)nw->first); FILE *f = fopen(p,"wb"); if (f) { fprintf(f,"{"); const char *memberPrefix = ""; for(auto m=nw->second.begin();m!=nw->second.end();++m) { fprintf(f,"%s\"%.10llx\":{" ZT_EOL_S,memberPrefix,(unsigned long long)m->first); memberPrefix = ","; InetAddress lastAddr; const char *timestampPrefix = " "; int cnt = 0; for(auto ts=m->second.rbegin();ts!=m->second.rend();) { if (cnt < 25) { if (lastAddr != ts->second) { lastAddr = ts->second; fprintf(f,"%s\"%lld\":\"%s\"" ZT_EOL_S,timestampPrefix,(long long)ts->first,ts->second.toString(atmp)); timestampPrefix = ","; ++cnt; ++ts; } else { ts = std::map::reverse_iterator(m->second.erase(std::next(ts).base())); } } else { ts = std::map::reverse_iterator(m->second.erase(std::next(ts).base())); } } fprintf(f,"}"); } fprintf(f,"}" ZT_EOL_S); fclose(f); } } this->_onlineChanged = false; } } } }); } FileDB::~FileDB() { try { _online_l.lock(); _running = false; _online_l.unlock(); _onlineUpdateThread.join(); } catch ( ... ) {} } bool FileDB::waitForReady() { return true; } bool FileDB::isReady() { return true; } void FileDB::save(nlohmann::json *orig,nlohmann::json &record) { char p1[4096],p2[4096],pb[4096]; try { if (orig) { if (*orig != record) { record["revision"] = OSUtils::jsonInt(record["revision"],0ULL) + 1; } } else { record["revision"] = 1; } const std::string objtype = record["objtype"]; if (objtype == "network") { const uint64_t nwid = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["id"],0ULL); if (nwid) { nlohmann::json old; get(nwid,old); if ((!old.is_object())||(old != record)) { OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p1,sizeof(p1),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx.json",_networksPath.c_str(),nwid); if (!OSUtils::writeFile(p1,OSUtils::jsonDump(record,-1))) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: controller unable to write to path: %s" ZT_EOL_S,p1); _networkChanged(old,record,true); } } } else if (objtype == "member") { const uint64_t id = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["id"],0ULL); const uint64_t nwid = OSUtils::jsonIntHex(record["nwid"],0ULL); if ((id)&&(nwid)) { nlohmann::json network,old; get(nwid,network,id,old); if ((!old.is_object())||(old != record)) { OSUtils::ztsnprintf(pb,sizeof(pb),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "member",_networksPath.c_str(),(unsigned long long)nwid); OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p1,sizeof(p1),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.10llx.json",pb,(unsigned long long)id); if (!OSUtils::writeFile(p1,OSUtils::jsonDump(record,-1))) { OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p2,sizeof(p2),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx",_networksPath.c_str(),(unsigned long long)nwid); OSUtils::mkdir(p2); OSUtils::mkdir(pb); if (!OSUtils::writeFile(p1,OSUtils::jsonDump(record,-1))) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: controller unable to write to path: %s" ZT_EOL_S,p1); } _memberChanged(old,record,true); } } } else if (objtype == "trace") { const std::string id = record["id"]; if (id.length() > 0) { OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p1,sizeof(p1),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%s.json",_tracePath.c_str(),id.c_str()); OSUtils::writeFile(p1,OSUtils::jsonDump(record,-1)); } } } catch ( ... ) {} // drop invalid records missing fields } void FileDB::eraseNetwork(const uint64_t networkId) { nlohmann::json network,nullJson; get(networkId,network); char p[16384]; OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p,sizeof(p),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx.json",_networksPath.c_str(),networkId); OSUtils::rm(p); OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p,sizeof(p),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx-online.json",_networksPath.c_str(),networkId); OSUtils::rm(p); OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p,sizeof(p),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "member",_networksPath.c_str(),(unsigned long long)networkId); OSUtils::rmDashRf(p); _networkChanged(network,nullJson,true); std::lock_guard l(this->_online_l); this->_online.erase(networkId); this->_onlineChanged = true; } void FileDB::eraseMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t memberId) { nlohmann::json network,member,nullJson; get(networkId,network); get(memberId,member); char p[4096]; OSUtils::ztsnprintf(p,sizeof(p),"%s" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.16llx" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "member" ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S "%.10llx.json",_networksPath.c_str(),networkId,memberId); OSUtils::rm(p); _memberChanged(member,nullJson,true); std::lock_guard l(this->_online_l); this->_online[networkId].erase(memberId); this->_onlineChanged = true; } void FileDB::nodeIsOnline(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t memberId,const InetAddress &physicalAddress) { char mid[32],atmp[64]; OSUtils::ztsnprintf(mid,sizeof(mid),"%.10llx",(unsigned long long)memberId); physicalAddress.toString(atmp); std::lock_guard l(this->_online_l); this->_online[networkId][memberId][OSUtils::now()] = physicalAddress; this->_onlineChanged = true; } #endif } // namespace ZeroTier