Running ZeroTier One from a source build:

-- MacOS

By convention, ZeroTier One will keep its state here on mac:

/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One

ZeroTier ships with a kernel extension for its own tap device, which it
stores in the above directory. To install this from source, type:

sudo make -f Makefile.mac install-mac-tap

This will create the ZeroTier One home above if it does not exist and install
the kext there. Note that the kext must be owned by root:wheel. The make
rule for install-mac-tap takes care of that.

Next, simply run the binary. It must be run as root to open the tap device.

sudo ./zerotier-one '/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One' &

Type "ifconfig" and look for the new interface, which should be called
"zt0." The strange IPv4 address it has is your "zero4" address. Visit to check your connection.

Kill it with something like:

sudo killall zerotier-one

-- Linux

On Linux, the default ZeroTier home is:


We use the Linux native tap driver, so no special drivers are needed. Just

sudo mkdir /var/lib/zerotier-one
sudo ./zerotier-one /var/lib/zerotier-one &

Type ifconfig and you should see an interface like "zt0." Then try or ping to check your connection.

-- Windows