/* * ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 ZeroTier Networks LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #ifndef ZT_PEER_HPP #define ZT_PEER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include "Constants.hpp" #include "Address.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include "Identity.hpp" #include "Logger.hpp" #include "Demarc.hpp" #include "RuntimeEnvironment.hpp" #include "InetAddress.hpp" #include "Packet.hpp" #include "SharedPtr.hpp" #include "AtomicCounter.hpp" #include "NonCopyable.hpp" #include "Mutex.hpp" // Increment if serialization has changed #define ZT_PEER_SERIALIZATION_VERSION 6 namespace ZeroTier { /** * A peer on the network * * Threading note: * * This structure contains no locks at the moment, but also performs no * memory allocation or pointer manipulation. As a result is is technically * "safe" for threads, as in won't crash. Right now it's only changed from * the core I/O thread so this isn't an issue. If multiple I/O threads are * introduced it ought to have a lock of some kind. */ class Peer : NonCopyable { friend class SharedPtr; private: ~Peer() {} public: Peer(); /** * Construct a new peer * * @param myIdentity Identity of THIS node (for key agreement) * @param peerIdentity Identity of peer * @throws std::runtime_error Key agreement with peer's identity failed */ Peer(const Identity &myIdentity,const Identity &peerIdentity) throw(std::runtime_error); /** * @return Time peer record was last used in any way */ inline uint64_t lastUsed() const throw() { return _lastUsed; } /** * @param now New time of last use */ inline void setLastUsed(uint64_t now) throw() { _lastUsed = now; } /** * @return This peer's ZT address (short for identity().address()) */ inline const Address &address() const throw() { return _id.address(); } /** * @return This peer's identity */ inline const Identity &identity() const throw() { return _id; } /** * Must be called on authenticated packet receive from this peer * * @param _r Runtime environment * @param localPort Local port on which packet was received * @param remoteAddr Internet address of sender * @param hops ZeroTier (not IP) hops * @param packetId Packet ID * @param verb Packet verb * @param inRePacketId Packet ID in reply to (for OK/ERROR, 0 otherwise) * @param inReVerb Verb in reply to (for OK/ERROR, VERB_NOP otherwise) * @param now Current time */ void onReceive( const RuntimeEnvironment *_r, Demarc::Port localPort, const InetAddress &remoteAddr, unsigned int hops, uint64_t packetId, Packet::Verb verb, uint64_t inRePacketId, Packet::Verb inReVerb, uint64_t now); /** * Send a UDP packet to this peer directly (not via relaying) * * @param _r Runtime environment * @param data Data to send * @param len Length of packet * @param now Current time * @return NULL_PORT or port packet was sent from */ Demarc::Port send(const RuntimeEnvironment *_r,const void *data,unsigned int len,uint64_t now); /** * Send firewall opener to active link * * @param _r Runtime environment * @param now Current time * @return True if send appears successful for at least one address type */ bool sendFirewallOpener(const RuntimeEnvironment *_r,uint64_t now); /** * Send HELLO to a peer using one or both active link types * * @param _r Runtime environment * @param now Current time * @return True if send appears successful for at least one address type */ bool sendPing(const RuntimeEnvironment *_r,uint64_t now); /** * Set an address to reach this peer * * @param addr Address to set * @param fixed If true, address is fixed (won't be changed on packet receipt) */ void setPathAddress(const InetAddress &addr,bool fixed); /** * Clear the fixed flag for an address type * * @param t Type to clear, or TYPE_NULL to clear flag on all types */ void clearFixedFlag(InetAddress::AddressType t); /** * @return Last successfully sent firewall opener */ inline uint64_t lastFirewallOpener() const throw() { return std::max(_ipv4p.lastFirewallOpener,_ipv6p.lastFirewallOpener); } /** * @return Time of last direct packet receive */ inline uint64_t lastDirectReceive() const throw() { return std::max(_ipv4p.lastReceive,_ipv6p.lastReceive); } /** * @return Time of last direct packet send */ inline uint64_t lastDirectSend() const throw() { return std::max(_ipv4p.lastSend,_ipv6p.lastSend); } /** * @return Time of most recent unicast frame received */ inline uint64_t lastUnicastFrame() const throw() { return _lastUnicastFrame; } /** * @return Time of most recent multicast frame received */ inline uint64_t lastMulticastFrame() const throw() { return _lastMulticastFrame; } /** * @return Time of most recent frame of any kind (unicast or multicast) */ inline uint64_t lastFrame() const throw() { return std::max(_lastUnicastFrame,_lastMulticastFrame); } /** * @return Time we last announced state TO this peer, such as multicast LIKEs */ inline uint64_t lastAnnouncedTo() const throw() { return _lastAnnouncedTo; } /** * @return Current latency or 0 if unknown (max: 65535) */ inline unsigned int latency() const throw() { uint64_t now = Utils::now(); uint64_t latestOutstandingReq = 0; for(unsigned int p=0;p findCommonGround(const Peer &a,const Peer &b,uint64_t now) throw() { if ((a._ipv6p.isActive(now))&&(b._ipv6p.isActive(now))) return std::pair(b._ipv6p.addr,a._ipv6p.addr); else if ((a._ipv4p.isActive(now))&&(b._ipv4p.isActive(now))) return std::pair(b._ipv4p.addr,a._ipv4p.addr); else if ((a._ipv6p.addr)&&(b._ipv6p.addr)) return std::pair(b._ipv6p.addr,a._ipv6p.addr); else if ((a._ipv4p.addr)&&(b._ipv4p.addr)) return std::pair(b._ipv4p.addr,a._ipv4p.addr); return std::pair(); } template inline void serialize(Buffer &b) { b.append((unsigned char)ZT_PEER_SERIALIZATION_VERSION); b.append(_key,sizeof(_key)); _id.serialize(b,false); _ipv4p.serialize(b); _ipv6p.serialize(b); b.append(_lastUsed); b.append(_lastUnicastFrame); b.append(_lastMulticastFrame); b.append(_lastAnnouncedTo); b.append((uint16_t)_vMajor); b.append((uint16_t)_vMinor); b.append((uint16_t)_vRevision); b.append((uint16_t)_latency); } template inline unsigned int deserialize(const Buffer &b,unsigned int startAt = 0) { unsigned int p = startAt; if (b[p++] != ZT_PEER_SERIALIZATION_VERSION) throw std::invalid_argument("Peer: deserialize(): version mismatch"); memcpy(_key,b.field(p,sizeof(_key)),sizeof(_key)); p += sizeof(_key); p += _id.deserialize(b,p); p += _ipv4p.deserialize(b,p); p += _ipv6p.deserialize(b,p); _lastUsed = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); _lastUnicastFrame = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); _lastMulticastFrame = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); _lastAnnouncedTo = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); _vMajor = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint16_t); _vMinor = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint16_t); _vRevision = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint16_t); _latency = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint16_t); return (p - startAt); } private: /** * A direct IP path to a peer */ class WanPath { public: WanPath() : lastSend(0), lastReceive(0), lastFirewallOpener(0), localPort(Demarc::ANY_PORT), addr(), fixed(false) { } inline bool isActive(const uint64_t now) const throw() { return ((addr)&&((now - lastReceive) < ZT_PEER_LINK_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT)); } template inline void serialize(Buffer &b) throw(std::out_of_range) { b.append(lastSend); b.append(lastReceive); b.append(lastFirewallOpener); b.append(Demarc::portToInt(localPort)); b.append((unsigned char)addr.type()); switch(addr.type()) { case InetAddress::TYPE_NULL: break; case InetAddress::TYPE_IPV4: b.append(addr.rawIpData(),4); b.append((uint16_t)addr.port()); break; case InetAddress::TYPE_IPV6: b.append(addr.rawIpData(),16); b.append((uint16_t)addr.port()); break; } b.append(fixed ? (unsigned char)1 : (unsigned char)0); } template inline unsigned int deserialize(const Buffer &b,unsigned int startAt = 0) throw(std::out_of_range,std::invalid_argument) { unsigned int p = startAt; lastSend = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); lastReceive = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); lastFirewallOpener = b.template at(p); p += sizeof(uint64_t); localPort = Demarc::intToPort(b.template at(p)); p += sizeof(uint64_t); switch ((InetAddress::AddressType)b[p++]) { case InetAddress::TYPE_NULL: addr.zero(); break; case InetAddress::TYPE_IPV4: addr.set(b.field(p,4),4,b.template at(p + 4)); p += 4 + sizeof(uint16_t); break; case InetAddress::TYPE_IPV6: addr.set(b.field(p,16),16,b.template at(p + 16)); p += 16 + sizeof(uint16_t); break; } fixed = (b[p++] != 0); return (p - startAt); } uint64_t lastSend; uint64_t lastReceive; uint64_t lastFirewallOpener; Demarc::Port localPort; // ANY_PORT if not defined (size: uint64_t) InetAddress addr; // null InetAddress if path is undefined bool fixed; // do not learn address from received packets }; /** * A history of a packet sent to a peer expecing a response (e.g. HELLO) */ class RequestHistoryItem { public: RequestHistoryItem() : timestamp(0), packetId(0), verb(Packet::VERB_NOP) { } uint64_t timestamp; uint64_t packetId; Demarc::Port localPort; Packet::Verb verb; }; unsigned char _key[ZT_PEER_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH]; Identity _id; WanPath _ipv4p; WanPath _ipv6p; volatile uint64_t _lastUsed; volatile uint64_t _lastUnicastFrame; volatile uint64_t _lastMulticastFrame; volatile uint64_t _lastAnnouncedTo; unsigned int _vMajor,_vMinor,_vRevision; volatile unsigned int _latency; // not persisted RequestHistoryItem _requestHistory[ZT_PEER_REQUEST_HISTORY_LENGTH]; volatile unsigned int _requestHistoryPtr; AtomicCounter __refCount; }; } // namespace ZeroTier // Add a swap() for shared ptr's to peers to speed up peer sorts namespace std { template<> inline void swap(ZeroTier::SharedPtr &a,ZeroTier::SharedPtr &b) { a.swap(b); } } #endif