/* (Keep It) Simple Stupid Database * * Written by Adam Ierymenko * KISSDB is in the public domain and is distributed with NO WARRANTY. */ /* Compile with KISSDB_TEST to build as a test program. */ /* Note: big-endian systems will need changes to implement byte swapping * on hash table file I/O. Or you could just use it as-is if you don't care * that your database files will be unreadable on little-endian systems. */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include "kissdb.h" #include #include #include #define KISSDB_HEADER_SIZE ((sizeof(uint64_t) * 3) + 4) /* djb2 hash function */ static uint64_t KISSDB_hash(const void *b,unsigned long len) { unsigned long i; uint64_t hash = 5381; for(i=0;if = fopen(path,((mode == KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RWREPLACE) ? "w+b" : (((mode == KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RDWR)||(mode == KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RWCREAT)) ? "r+b" : "rb"))); if (!db->f) { if (mode == KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RWCREAT) db->f = fopen(path,"w+b"); if (!db->f) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } if (fseeko(db->f,0,SEEK_END)) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } if (ftello(db->f) < KISSDB_HEADER_SIZE) { /* write header if not already present */ if ((hash_table_size)&&(key_size)&&(value_size)) { if (fseeko(db->f,0,SEEK_SET)) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } tmp2[0] = 'K'; tmp2[1] = 'd'; tmp2[2] = 'B'; tmp2[3] = KISSDB_VERSION; if (fwrite(tmp2,4,1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } tmp = hash_table_size; if (fwrite(&tmp,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } tmp = key_size; if (fwrite(&tmp,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } tmp = value_size; if (fwrite(&tmp,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } fflush(db->f); } else { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS; } } else { if (fseeko(db->f,0,SEEK_SET)) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } if (fread(tmp2,4,1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } if ((tmp2[0] != 'K')||(tmp2[1] != 'd')||(tmp2[2] != 'B')||(tmp2[3] != KISSDB_VERSION)) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_CORRUPT_DBFILE; } if (fread(&tmp,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } if (!tmp) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_CORRUPT_DBFILE; } hash_table_size = (unsigned long)tmp; if (fread(&tmp,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } if (!tmp) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_CORRUPT_DBFILE; } key_size = (unsigned long)tmp; if (fread(&tmp,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } if (!tmp) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_CORRUPT_DBFILE; } value_size = (unsigned long)tmp; } db->hash_table_size = hash_table_size; db->key_size = key_size; db->value_size = value_size; db->hash_table_size_bytes = sizeof(uint64_t) * (hash_table_size + 1); /* [hash_table_size] == next table */ httmp = malloc(db->hash_table_size_bytes); if (!httmp) { fclose(db->f); return KISSDB_ERROR_MALLOC; } db->num_hash_tables = 0; db->hash_tables = (uint64_t *)0; while (fread(httmp,db->hash_table_size_bytes,1,db->f) == 1) { hash_tables_rea = realloc(db->hash_tables,db->hash_table_size_bytes * (db->num_hash_tables + 1)); if (!hash_tables_rea) { KISSDB_close(db); free(httmp); return KISSDB_ERROR_MALLOC; } db->hash_tables = hash_tables_rea; memcpy(((uint8_t *)db->hash_tables) + (db->hash_table_size_bytes * db->num_hash_tables),httmp,db->hash_table_size_bytes); ++db->num_hash_tables; if (httmp[db->hash_table_size]) { if (fseeko(db->f,httmp[db->hash_table_size],SEEK_SET)) { KISSDB_close(db); free(httmp); return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } } else break; } free(httmp); return 0; } void KISSDB_close(KISSDB *db) { if (db->hash_tables) free(db->hash_tables); if (db->f) fclose(db->f); memset(db,0,sizeof(KISSDB)); } int KISSDB_get(KISSDB *db,const void *key,void *vbuf) { uint8_t tmp[4096]; const uint8_t *kptr; unsigned long klen,i; uint64_t hash = KISSDB_hash(key,db->key_size) % (uint64_t)db->hash_table_size; uint64_t offset; uint64_t *cur_hash_table; long n; cur_hash_table = db->hash_tables; for(i=0;inum_hash_tables;++i) { offset = cur_hash_table[hash]; if (offset) { if (fseeko(db->f,offset,SEEK_SET)) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; kptr = (const uint8_t *)key; klen = db->key_size; while (klen) { n = fread(tmp,1,(klen > sizeof(tmp)) ? sizeof(tmp) : klen,db->f); if (n > 0) { if (memcmp(kptr,tmp,n)) goto get_no_match_next_hash_table; kptr += n; klen -= (unsigned long)n; } else return 1; /* not found */ } if (fread(vbuf,db->value_size,1,db->f) == 1) return 0; /* success */ else return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } else return 1; /* not found */ get_no_match_next_hash_table: cur_hash_table += db->hash_table_size + 1; } return 1; /* not found */ } int KISSDB_put(KISSDB *db,const void *key,const void *value) { uint8_t tmp[4096]; const uint8_t *kptr; unsigned long klen,i; uint64_t hash = KISSDB_hash(key,db->key_size) % (uint64_t)db->hash_table_size; uint64_t offset; uint64_t htoffset,lasthtoffset; uint64_t endoffset; uint64_t *cur_hash_table; uint64_t *hash_tables_rea; long n; lasthtoffset = htoffset = KISSDB_HEADER_SIZE; cur_hash_table = db->hash_tables; for(i=0;inum_hash_tables;++i) { offset = cur_hash_table[hash]; if (offset) { /* rewrite if already exists */ if (fseeko(db->f,offset,SEEK_SET)) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; kptr = (const uint8_t *)key; klen = db->key_size; while (klen) { n = fread(tmp,1,(klen > sizeof(tmp)) ? sizeof(tmp) : klen,db->f); if (n > 0) { if (memcmp(kptr,tmp,n)) goto put_no_match_next_hash_table; kptr += n; klen -= (unsigned long)n; } } if (fwrite(value,db->value_size,1,db->f) == 1) { fflush(db->f); return 0; /* success */ } else return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; } else { /* add if an empty hash table slot is discovered */ if (fseeko(db->f,0,SEEK_END)) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; endoffset = ftello(db->f); if (fwrite(key,db->key_size,1,db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fwrite(value,db->value_size,1,db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fseeko(db->f,htoffset + (sizeof(uint64_t) * hash),SEEK_SET)) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fwrite(&endoffset,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; cur_hash_table[hash] = endoffset; fflush(db->f); return 0; /* success */ } put_no_match_next_hash_table: lasthtoffset = htoffset; htoffset = cur_hash_table[db->hash_table_size]; cur_hash_table += (db->hash_table_size + 1); } /* if no existing slots, add a new page of hash table entries */ if (fseeko(db->f,0,SEEK_END)) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; endoffset = ftello(db->f); hash_tables_rea = realloc(db->hash_tables,db->hash_table_size_bytes * (db->num_hash_tables + 1)); if (!hash_tables_rea) return KISSDB_ERROR_MALLOC; db->hash_tables = hash_tables_rea; cur_hash_table = &(db->hash_tables[(db->hash_table_size + 1) * db->num_hash_tables]); memset(cur_hash_table,0,db->hash_table_size_bytes); cur_hash_table[hash] = endoffset + db->hash_table_size_bytes; /* where new entry will go */ if (fwrite(cur_hash_table,db->hash_table_size_bytes,1,db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fwrite(key,db->key_size,1,db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fwrite(value,db->value_size,1,db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (db->num_hash_tables) { if (fseeko(db->f,lasthtoffset + (sizeof(uint64_t) * db->hash_table_size),SEEK_SET)) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fwrite(&endoffset,sizeof(uint64_t),1,db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; db->hash_tables[((db->hash_table_size + 1) * (db->num_hash_tables - 1)) + db->hash_table_size] = endoffset; } ++db->num_hash_tables; fflush(db->f); return 0; /* success */ } void KISSDB_Iterator_init(KISSDB *db,KISSDB_Iterator *dbi) { dbi->db = db; dbi->h_no = 0; dbi->h_idx = 0; } int KISSDB_Iterator_next(KISSDB_Iterator *dbi,void *kbuf,void *vbuf) { uint64_t offset; if ((dbi->h_no < dbi->db->num_hash_tables)&&(dbi->h_idx < dbi->db->hash_table_size)) { while (!(offset = dbi->db->hash_tables[((dbi->db->hash_table_size + 1) * dbi->h_no) + dbi->h_idx])) { if (++dbi->h_idx >= dbi->db->hash_table_size) { dbi->h_idx = 0; if (++dbi->h_no >= dbi->db->num_hash_tables) return 0; } } if (fseeko(dbi->db->f,offset,SEEK_SET)) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fread(kbuf,dbi->db->key_size,1,dbi->db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (fread(vbuf,dbi->db->value_size,1,dbi->db->f) != 1) return KISSDB_ERROR_IO; if (++dbi->h_idx >= dbi->db->hash_table_size) { dbi->h_idx = 0; ++dbi->h_no; } return 1; } return 0; } #ifdef KISSDB_TEST int main(int argc,char **argv) { uint64_t i,j; uint64_t v[8]; KISSDB db; KISSDB_Iterator dbi; char got_all_values[10000]; int q; printf("Opening new empty database test.db...\n"); if (KISSDB_open(&db,"test.db",KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RWREPLACE,1024,8,sizeof(v))) { printf("KISSDB_open failed\n"); return 1; } printf("Adding and then re-getting 10000 64-byte values...\n"); for(i=0;i<10000;++i) { for(j=0;j<8;++j) v[j] = i; if (KISSDB_put(&db,&i,v)) { printf("KISSDB_put failed (%"PRIu64")\n",i); return 1; } memset(v,0,sizeof(v)); if ((q = KISSDB_get(&db,&i,v))) { printf("KISSDB_get (1) failed (%"PRIu64") (%d)\n",i,q); return 1; } for(j=0;j<8;++j) { if (v[j] != i) { printf("KISSDB_get (1) failed, bad data (%"PRIu64")\n",i); return 1; } } } printf("Getting 10000 64-byte values...\n"); for(i=0;i<10000;++i) { if ((q = KISSDB_get(&db,&i,v))) { printf("KISSDB_get (2) failed (%"PRIu64") (%d)\n",i,q); return 1; } for(j=0;j<8;++j) { if (v[j] != i) { printf("KISSDB_get (2) failed, bad data (%"PRIu64")\n",i); return 1; } } } printf("Closing and re-opening database in read-only mode...\n"); KISSDB_close(&db); if (KISSDB_open(&db,"test.db",KISSDB_OPEN_MODE_RDONLY,1024,8,sizeof(v))) { printf("KISSDB_open failed\n"); return 1; } printf("Getting 10000 64-byte values...\n"); for(i=0;i<10000;++i) { if ((q = KISSDB_get(&db,&i,v))) { printf("KISSDB_get (3) failed (%"PRIu64") (%d)\n",i,q); return 1; } for(j=0;j<8;++j) { if (v[j] != i) { printf("KISSDB_get (3) failed, bad data (%"PRIu64")\n",i); return 1; } } } printf("Iterator test...\n"); KISSDB_Iterator_init(&db,&dbi); i = 0xdeadbeef; memset(got_all_values,0,sizeof(got_all_values)); while (KISSDB_Iterator_next(&dbi,&i,&v) > 0) { if (i < 10000) got_all_values[i] = 1; else { printf("KISSDB_Iterator_next failed, bad data (%"PRIu64")\n",i); return 1; } } for(i=0;i<10000;++i) { if (!got_all_values[i]) { printf("KISSDB_Iterator failed, missing value index %"PRIu64"\n",i); return 1; } } KISSDB_close(&db); printf("All tests OK!\n"); return 0; } #endif