#!/bin/bash set -uo pipefail trap 'trap " " SIGTERM; kill 0; wait' SIGTERM SIGQUIT SIGINT echo "Starting Zerotier-One" zerotier-one -d echo "Wait for ZT service to come online before attempting queries..." MAX_WAIT_SECS="${MAX_WAIT_SECS:-90}" SLEEP_TIME="${SLEEP_TIME:-15}" if [[ "$SLEEP_TIME" -le 0 ]] then SLEEP_TIME=1 fi iterations=$((MAX_WAIT_SECS/SLEEP_TIME)) online=false for ((s=0; s<=iterations; s++)) do online="$(zerotier-cli -j info | jq '.online' 2>/dev/null)" if [[ "$online" == "true" ]] then break fi sleep "$SLEEP_TIME" echo " ." done if [[ "$online" != "true" ]] then echo "Waited $MAX_WAIT_SECS for zerotier-one to start, exiting." >&2 exit 1 fi echo "done." ( echo "Starting route helper" while true do if ! NETWORK_LIST="$(zerotier-cli -j listnetworks)" then echo "Route helper: $NETWORK_LIST" >&2 exit 1 fi NETWORK_COUNT="$(jq -r '. | length' <<< "$NETWORK_LIST")" if [[ "$NETWORK_COUNT" -gt 0 ]] then for ((j=0; j<=$((NETWORK_COUNT-1)); j++)) do ALLOW_DEFAULT="$(jq -r '.['$j'].allowDefault' <<< "$NETWORK_LIST")" ROUTE_COUNT="$(jq -r '.['$j'].routes | length' <<< "$NETWORK_LIST")" for ((k=0; k<=$((ROUTE_COUNT-1)); k++)) do ROUTE="$(jq -r '.['$j'].routes['$k'].target' <<< "$NETWORK_LIST")" VIA="$(jq -r '.['$j'].routes['$k'].via' <<< "$NETWORK_LIST")" if [[ -n "$ROUTE" ]] then # check if route is default and allowDefault enabled for this network if [[ "$ROUTE" == "" && "$ALLOW_DEFAULT" == "false" ]] then continue fi EXIST="$(ip -o route show "$ROUTE")" if [[ -z "${EXIST}" && "$VIA" == "null" ]] then IFNAME="$(jq -r '.['$j'] | .portDeviceName' <<< "$NETWORK_LIST")" echo " Adding route $ROUTE to dev $IFNAME" ip route add "$ROUTE" dev "$IFNAME" # Routes will be deleted when ZT brings the interface down fi fi done done fi sleep 15 done ) & wait