/* * Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2023-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #include "Constants.hpp" #include "Peer.hpp" #include "Node.hpp" #include "Switch.hpp" #include "Network.hpp" #include "SelfAwareness.hpp" #include "Packet.hpp" #include "Trace.hpp" #include "InetAddress.hpp" #include "RingBuffer.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include "ScopedPtr.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { Peer::Peer(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,const Identity &myIdentity,const Identity &peerIdentity) : RR(renv), _lastReceive(0), _lastDirectPathPushSent(0), _lastDirectPathPushReceive(0), _lastCredentialRequestSent(0), _lastWhoisRequestReceived(0), _lastEchoRequestReceived(0), _lastCredentialsReceived(0), _lastACKWindowReset(0), _lastQoSWindowReset(0), _lastMultipathCompatibilityCheck(0), _lastTriedStaticPath(0), _uniqueAlivePathCount(0), _localMultipathSupported(false), _remoteMultipathSupported(false), _canUseMultipath(false), _freeRandomByte((uint8_t)Utils::random()), _vProto(0), _vMajor(0), _vMinor(0), _vRevision(0), _id(peerIdentity), _directPathPushCutoffCount(0), _credentialsCutoffCount(0), _linkIsBalanced(false), _linkIsRedundant(false), _remotePeerMultipathEnabled(false), _lastAggregateStatsReport(0), _lastAggregateAllocation(0) { if (!myIdentity.agree(peerIdentity,_key)) throw ZT_EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } void Peer::received( void *tPtr, const SharedPtr &path, const unsigned int hops, const uint64_t packetId, const unsigned int payloadLength, const Packet::Verb verb, const uint64_t inRePacketId, const Packet::Verb inReVerb, const uint64_t networkId) { const int64_t now = RR->node->now(); _lastReceive = now; { Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m); recordIncomingPacket(tPtr, path, packetId, payloadLength, verb, now); if (_canUseMultipath) { if (path->needsToSendQoS(now)) { sendQOS_MEASUREMENT(tPtr, path, path->localSocket(), path->address(), now); } for(unsigned int i=0;iprocessBackgroundPathMeasurements(now); } } } } if (hops == 0) { // If this is a direct packet (no hops), update existing paths or learn new ones bool havePath = false; { Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m); for(unsigned int i=0;inode->shouldUsePathForZeroTierTraffic(tPtr,_id.address(),path->localSocket(),path->address()))) { Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m); // Paths are redundant if they duplicate an alive path to the same IP or // with the same local socket and address family. bool redundant = false; unsigned int replacePath = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; for(unsigned int i=0;ialive(now)) && ( ((_paths[i]->localSocket() == path->localSocket())&&(_paths[i]->address().ss_family == path->address().ss_family)) || (_paths[i]->address().ipsEqual2(path->address())) ) ) { redundant = true; break; } // If the path is the same address and port, simply assume this is a replacement if ( (_paths[i]->address().ipsEqual2(path->address()))) { replacePath = i; break; } } else break; } // If the path isn't a duplicate of the same localSocket AND we haven't already determined a replacePath, // then find the worst path and replace it. if (!redundant && replacePath == ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) { int replacePathQuality = 0; for(unsigned int i=0;iquality(now); if (q > replacePathQuality) { replacePathQuality = q; replacePath = i; } } else { replacePath = i; break; } } } if (replacePath != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) { if (verb == Packet::VERB_OK) { RR->t->peerLearnedNewPath(tPtr,networkId,*this,path,packetId); _paths[replacePath] = path; } else { attemptToContact = true; } } } if (attemptToContact) { sendHELLO(tPtr,path->localSocket(),path->address(),now); path->sent(now); RR->t->peerConfirmingUnknownPath(tPtr,networkId,*this,path,packetId,verb); } } // Periodically push direct paths to the peer, doing so more often if we do not // currently have a direct path. const int64_t sinceLastPush = now - _lastDirectPathPushSent; if (sinceLastPush >= ((hops == 0) ? ZT_DIRECT_PATH_PUSH_INTERVAL_HAVEPATH : ZT_DIRECT_PATH_PUSH_INTERVAL)) { _lastDirectPathPushSent = now; std::vector pathsToPush(RR->node->directPaths()); if (pathsToPush.size() > 0) { std::vector::const_iterator p(pathsToPush.begin()); while (p != pathsToPush.end()) { ScopedPtr outp(new Packet(_id.address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS)); outp->addSize(2); // leave room for count unsigned int count = 0; while ((p != pathsToPush.end())&&((outp->size() + 24) < 1200)) { uint8_t addressType = 4; switch(p->ss_family) { case AF_INET: break; case AF_INET6: addressType = 6; break; default: // we currently only push IP addresses ++p; continue; } outp->append((uint8_t)0); // no flags outp->append((uint16_t)0); // no extensions outp->append(addressType); outp->append((uint8_t)((addressType == 4) ? 6 : 18)); outp->append(p->rawIpData(),((addressType == 4) ? 4 : 16)); outp->append((uint16_t)p->port()); ++count; ++p; } if (count) { outp->setAt(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,(uint16_t)count); outp->compress(); outp->armor(_key,true); path->send(RR,tPtr,outp->data(),outp->size(),now); } } } } } void Peer::recordOutgoingPacket(const SharedPtr &path, const uint64_t packetId, uint16_t payloadLength, const Packet::Verb verb, int64_t now) { _freeRandomByte += (unsigned char)(packetId >> 8); // grab entropy to use in path selection logic for multipath if (_canUseMultipath) { path->recordOutgoingPacket(now, packetId, payloadLength, verb); } } void Peer::recordIncomingPacket(void *tPtr, const SharedPtr &path, const uint64_t packetId, uint16_t payloadLength, const Packet::Verb verb, int64_t now) { if (_canUseMultipath) { if (path->needsToSendAck(now)) { sendACK(tPtr, path, path->localSocket(), path->address(), now); } path->recordIncomingPacket(now, packetId, payloadLength, verb); } } void Peer::computeAggregateProportionalAllocation(int64_t now) { float maxStability = 0; float totalRelativeQuality = 0; float maxThroughput = 1; float maxScope = 0; float relStability[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS]; float relThroughput[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS]; memset(&relStability, 0, sizeof(relStability)); memset(&relThroughput, 0, sizeof(relThroughput)); // Survey all paths for(unsigned int i=0;ilastComputedStability(); relThroughput[i] = (float)_paths[i]->maxLifetimeThroughput(); maxStability = relStability[i] > maxStability ? relStability[i] : maxStability; maxThroughput = relThroughput[i] > maxThroughput ? relThroughput[i] : maxThroughput; maxScope = _paths[i]->ipScope() > maxScope ? _paths[i]->ipScope() : maxScope; } } // Convert to relative values for(unsigned int i=0;iackAge(now), 0, ZT_PATH_MAX_AGE, 0, 10); float age_contrib = exp((-1)*normalized_ma); float relScope = ((float)(_paths[i]->ipScope()+1) / (maxScope + 1)); float relQuality = (relStability[i] * (float)ZT_PATH_CONTRIB_STABILITY) + (fmaxf(1.0f, relThroughput[i]) * (float)ZT_PATH_CONTRIB_THROUGHPUT) + relScope * (float)ZT_PATH_CONTRIB_SCOPE; relQuality *= age_contrib; // Arbitrary cutoffs relQuality = relQuality > (1.00f / 100.0f) ? relQuality : 0.0f; relQuality = relQuality < (99.0f / 100.0f) ? relQuality : 1.0f; totalRelativeQuality += relQuality; _paths[i]->updateRelativeQuality(relQuality); } } // Convert set of relative performances into an allocation set for(uint16_t i=0;iupdateComponentAllocationOfAggregateLink((unsigned char)((_paths[i]->relativeQuality() / totalRelativeQuality) * 255)); } } } int Peer::computeAggregateLinkPacketDelayVariance() { float pdv = 0.0; for(unsigned int i=0;irelativeQuality() * _paths[i]->packetDelayVariance(); } } return (int)pdv; } int Peer::computeAggregateLinkMeanLatency() { int ml = 0; int pathCount = 0; for(unsigned int i=0;irelativeQuality() * _paths[i]->meanLatency()); } } return ml / pathCount; } int Peer::aggregateLinkPhysicalPathCount() { std::map ifnamemap; int pathCount = 0; int64_t now = RR->node->now(); for(unsigned int i=0;ialive(now)) { if (!ifnamemap[_paths[i]->getName()]) { ifnamemap[_paths[i]->getName()] = true; pathCount++; } } } return pathCount; } int Peer::aggregateLinkLogicalPathCount() { int pathCount = 0; int64_t now = RR->node->now(); for(unsigned int i=0;ialive(now)) { pathCount++; } } return pathCount; } SharedPtr Peer::getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired) { Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m); unsigned int bestPath = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; /** * Send traffic across the highest quality path only. This algorithm will still * use the old path quality metric from protocol version 9. */ if (!_canUseMultipath) { long bestPathQuality = 2147483647; for(unsigned int i=0;ialive(now))) { const long q = _paths[i]->quality(now); if (q <= bestPathQuality) { bestPathQuality = q; bestPath = i; } } } else break; } if (bestPath != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) { return _paths[bestPath]; } return SharedPtr(); } for(unsigned int i=0;iprocessBackgroundPathMeasurements(now); } } /** * Randomly distribute traffic across all paths */ int numAlivePaths = 0; int numStalePaths = 0; if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_RANDOM) { int alivePaths[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS]; int stalePaths[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS]; memset(&alivePaths, -1, sizeof(alivePaths)); memset(&stalePaths, -1, sizeof(stalePaths)); for(unsigned int i=0;ialive(now)) { alivePaths[numAlivePaths] = i; numAlivePaths++; } else { stalePaths[numStalePaths] = i; numStalePaths++; } } } unsigned int r = _freeRandomByte; if (numAlivePaths > 0) { int rf = r % numAlivePaths; return _paths[alivePaths[rf]]; } else if(numStalePaths > 0) { // Resort to trying any non-expired path int rf = r % numStalePaths; return _paths[stalePaths[rf]]; } } /** * Proportionally allocate traffic according to dynamic path quality measurements */ if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_PROPORTIONALLY_BALANCED) { if ((now - _lastAggregateAllocation) >= ZT_PATH_QUALITY_COMPUTE_INTERVAL) { _lastAggregateAllocation = now; computeAggregateProportionalAllocation(now); } // Randomly choose path according to their allocations float rf = _freeRandomByte; for(int i=0;iallocation()) { bestPath = i; _pathChoiceHist.push(bestPath); // Record which path we chose break; } rf -= _paths[i]->allocation(); } } if (bestPath < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) { return _paths[bestPath]; } } return SharedPtr(); } char *Peer::interfaceListStr() { std::map ifnamemap; char tmp[32]; const int64_t now = RR->node->now(); char *ptr = _interfaceListStr; bool imbalanced = false; memset(_interfaceListStr, 0, sizeof(_interfaceListStr)); int alivePathCount = aggregateLinkLogicalPathCount(); for(unsigned int i=0;ialive(now)) { int ipv = _paths[i]->address().isV4(); // If this is acting as an aggregate link, check allocations float targetAllocation = 1.0f / (float)alivePathCount; float currentAllocation = 1.0f; if (alivePathCount > 1) { currentAllocation = (float)_pathChoiceHist.countValue(i) / (float)_pathChoiceHist.count(); if (fabs(targetAllocation - currentAllocation) > ZT_PATH_IMBALANCE_THRESHOLD) { imbalanced = true; } } char *ipvStr = ipv ? (char*)"ipv4" : (char*)"ipv6"; sprintf(tmp, "(%s, %s, %.3f)", _paths[i]->getName(), ipvStr, currentAllocation); // Prevent duplicates if(ifnamemap[_paths[i]->getName()] != ipv) { memcpy(ptr, tmp, strlen(tmp)); ptr += strlen(tmp); *ptr = ' '; ptr++; ifnamemap[_paths[i]->getName()] = ipv; } } } ptr--; // Overwrite trailing space if (imbalanced) { sprintf(tmp, ", is asymmetrical"); memcpy(ptr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } else { *ptr = '\0'; } return _interfaceListStr; } void Peer::introduce(void *const tPtr,const int64_t now,const SharedPtr &other) const { unsigned int myBestV4ByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; unsigned int myBestV6ByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; long myBestV4QualityByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; long myBestV6QualityByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; unsigned int theirBestV4ByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; unsigned int theirBestV6ByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; long theirBestV4QualityByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; long theirBestV6QualityByScope[ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE+1]; for(int i=0;i<=ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE;++i) { myBestV4ByScope[i] = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; myBestV6ByScope[i] = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; myBestV4QualityByScope[i] = 2147483647; myBestV6QualityByScope[i] = 2147483647; theirBestV4ByScope[i] = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; theirBestV6ByScope[i] = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; theirBestV4QualityByScope[i] = 2147483647; theirBestV6QualityByScope[i] = 2147483647; } Mutex::Lock _l1(_paths_m); for(unsigned int i=0;iquality(now); const unsigned int s = (unsigned int)_paths[i]->ipScope(); switch(_paths[i]->address().ss_family) { case AF_INET: if (q <= myBestV4QualityByScope[s]) { myBestV4QualityByScope[s] = q; myBestV4ByScope[s] = i; } break; case AF_INET6: if (q <= myBestV6QualityByScope[s]) { myBestV6QualityByScope[s] = q; myBestV6ByScope[s] = i; } break; } } else break; } Mutex::Lock _l2(other->_paths_m); for(unsigned int i=0;i_paths[i]) { const long q = other->_paths[i]->quality(now); const unsigned int s = (unsigned int)other->_paths[i]->ipScope(); switch(other->_paths[i]->address().ss_family) { case AF_INET: if (q <= theirBestV4QualityByScope[s]) { theirBestV4QualityByScope[s] = q; theirBestV4ByScope[s] = i; } break; case AF_INET6: if (q <= theirBestV6QualityByScope[s]) { theirBestV6QualityByScope[s] = q; theirBestV6ByScope[s] = i; } break; } } else break; } unsigned int mine = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; unsigned int theirs = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; for(int s=ZT_INETADDRESS_MAX_SCOPE;s>=0;--s) { if ((myBestV6ByScope[s] != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS)&&(theirBestV6ByScope[s] != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS)) { mine = myBestV6ByScope[s]; theirs = theirBestV6ByScope[s]; break; } if ((myBestV4ByScope[s] != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS)&&(theirBestV4ByScope[s] != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS)) { mine = myBestV4ByScope[s]; theirs = theirBestV4ByScope[s]; break; } } if (mine != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) { unsigned int alt = (unsigned int)Utils::random() & 1; // randomize which hint we send first for black magickal NAT-t reasons const unsigned int completed = alt + 2; while (alt != completed) { if ((alt & 1) == 0) { Packet outp(_id.address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_RENDEZVOUS); outp.append((uint8_t)0); other->_id.address().appendTo(outp); outp.append((uint16_t)other->_paths[theirs]->address().port()); if (other->_paths[theirs]->address().ss_family == AF_INET6) { outp.append((uint8_t)16); outp.append(other->_paths[theirs]->address().rawIpData(),16); } else { outp.append((uint8_t)4); outp.append(other->_paths[theirs]->address().rawIpData(),4); } outp.armor(_key,true); _paths[mine]->send(RR,tPtr,outp.data(),outp.size(),now); } else { Packet outp(other->_id.address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_RENDEZVOUS); outp.append((uint8_t)0); _id.address().appendTo(outp); outp.append((uint16_t)_paths[mine]->address().port()); if (_paths[mine]->address().ss_family == AF_INET6) { outp.append((uint8_t)16); outp.append(_paths[mine]->address().rawIpData(),16); } else { outp.append((uint8_t)4); outp.append(_paths[mine]->address().rawIpData(),4); } outp.armor(other->_key,true); other->_paths[theirs]->send(RR,tPtr,outp.data(),outp.size(),now); } ++alt; } } } inline void Peer::processBackgroundPeerTasks(const int64_t now) { // Determine current multipath compatibility with other peer if ((now - _lastMultipathCompatibilityCheck) >= ZT_PATH_QUALITY_COMPUTE_INTERVAL) { // // Cache number of available paths so that we can short-circuit multipath logic elsewhere // // We also take notice of duplicate paths (same IP only) because we may have // recently received a direct path push from a peer and our list might contain // a dead path which hasn't been fully recognized as such. In this case we // don't want the duplicate to trigger execution of multipath code prematurely. // // This is done to support the behavior of auto multipath enable/disable // without user intervention. // int currAlivePathCount = 0; int duplicatePathsFound = 0; for (unsigned int i=0;iaddress().ipsEqual2(_paths[j]->address()) && i != j) { duplicatePathsFound+=1; break; } } } } _uniqueAlivePathCount = (currAlivePathCount - (duplicatePathsFound / 2)); _lastMultipathCompatibilityCheck = now; _localMultipathSupported = ((RR->node->getMultipathMode() != ZT_MULTIPATH_NONE) && (ZT_PROTO_VERSION > 9)); _remoteMultipathSupported = _vProto > 9; // If both peers support multipath and more than one path exist, we can use multipath logic _canUseMultipath = _localMultipathSupported && _remoteMultipathSupported && (_uniqueAlivePathCount > 1); } } void Peer::sendACK(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr &path,const int64_t localSocket,const InetAddress &atAddress,int64_t now) { Packet outp(_id.address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_ACK); uint32_t bytesToAck = path->bytesToAck(); outp.append(bytesToAck); if (atAddress) { outp.armor(_key,false); RR->node->putPacket(tPtr,localSocket,atAddress,outp.data(),outp.size()); } else { RR->sw->send(tPtr,outp,false); } path->sentAck(now); } void Peer::sendQOS_MEASUREMENT(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr &path,const int64_t localSocket,const InetAddress &atAddress,int64_t now) { const int64_t _now = RR->node->now(); Packet outp(_id.address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_QOS_MEASUREMENT); char qosData[ZT_PATH_MAX_QOS_PACKET_SZ]; int16_t len = path->generateQoSPacket(_now,qosData); outp.append(qosData,len); if (atAddress) { outp.armor(_key,false); RR->node->putPacket(tPtr,localSocket,atAddress,outp.data(),outp.size()); } else { RR->sw->send(tPtr,outp,false); } path->sentQoS(now); } void Peer::sendHELLO(void *tPtr,const int64_t localSocket,const InetAddress &atAddress,int64_t now) { Packet outp(_id.address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_HELLO); outp.append((unsigned char)ZT_PROTO_VERSION); outp.append((unsigned char)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR); outp.append((unsigned char)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR); outp.append((uint16_t)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION); outp.append(now); RR->identity.serialize(outp,false); atAddress.serialize(outp); RR->node->expectReplyTo(outp.packetId()); if (atAddress) { outp.armor(_key,false); // false == don't encrypt full payload, but add MAC RR->node->putPacket(tPtr,localSocket,atAddress,outp.data(),outp.size()); } else { RR->sw->send(tPtr,outp,false); // false == don't encrypt full payload, but add MAC } } void Peer::ping(void *tPtr,int64_t now,unsigned int &v4SendCount,unsigned int &v6SendCount) { v4SendCount = 0; v6SendCount = 0; Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m); // Emit traces regarding aggregate link status if (_canUseMultipath) { int alivePathCount = aggregateLinkPhysicalPathCount(); if ((now - _lastAggregateStatsReport) > ZT_PATH_AGGREGATE_STATS_REPORT_INTERVAL) { _lastAggregateStatsReport = now; if (alivePathCount) { RR->t->peerLinkAggregateStatistics(NULL,*this); } } if (alivePathCount < 2 && _linkIsRedundant) { _linkIsRedundant = !_linkIsRedundant; RR->t->peerLinkNoLongerRedundant(NULL,*this); } if (alivePathCount > 1 && !_linkIsRedundant) { _linkIsRedundant = !_linkIsRedundant; RR->t->peerLinkNowRedundant(NULL,*this); } } unsigned int j = 0; for(unsigned int i=0;ialive(now))) { sendHELLO(tPtr,_paths[i]->localSocket(),_paths[i]->address(),now); _paths[i]->sent(now); if (_paths[i]->address().isV4()) ++v4SendCount; else if (_paths[i]->address().isV6()) ++v6SendCount; if (i != j) _paths[j] = _paths[i]; ++j; } } while(j < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) { _paths[j].zero(); ++j; } } void Peer::resetWithinScope(void *tPtr,InetAddress::IpScope scope,int inetAddressFamily,int64_t now) { Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m); for(unsigned int i=0;iaddress().ss_family == inetAddressFamily)&&(_paths[i]->ipScope() == scope)) { sendHELLO(tPtr,_paths[i]->localSocket(),_paths[i]->address(),now); _paths[i]->sent(now); } } else break; } } } // namespace ZeroTier