/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 ZeroTier, Inc. https://www.zerotier.com/ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Packet.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { const unsigned char Packet::ZERO_KEY[32] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; #ifdef ZT_TRACE const char *Packet::verbString(Verb v) throw() { switch(v) { case VERB_NOP: return "NOP"; case VERB_HELLO: return "HELLO"; case VERB_ERROR: return "ERROR"; case VERB_OK: return "OK"; case VERB_WHOIS: return "WHOIS"; case VERB_RENDEZVOUS: return "RENDEZVOUS"; case VERB_FRAME: return "FRAME"; case VERB_EXT_FRAME: return "EXT_FRAME"; case VERB_ECHO: return "ECHO"; case VERB_MULTICAST_LIKE: return "MULTICAST_LIKE"; case VERB_NETWORK_CREDENTIALS: return "NETWORK_CREDENTIALS"; case VERB_NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST: return "NETWORK_CONFIG_REQUEST"; case VERB_NETWORK_CONFIG_REFRESH: return "NETWORK_CONFIG_REFRESH"; case VERB_MULTICAST_GATHER: return "MULTICAST_GATHER"; case VERB_MULTICAST_FRAME: return "MULTICAST_FRAME"; case VERB_PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS: return "PUSH_DIRECT_PATHS"; case VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST: return "CIRCUIT_TEST"; case VERB_CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT: return "CIRCUIT_TEST_REPORT"; case VERB_REQUEST_PROOF_OF_WORK: return "REQUEST_PROOF_OF_WORK"; case VERB_USER_MESSAGE: return "USER_MESSAGE"; } return "(unknown)"; } const char *Packet::errorString(ErrorCode e) throw() { switch(e) { case ERROR_NONE: return "NONE"; case ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST: return "INVALID_REQUEST"; case ERROR_BAD_PROTOCOL_VERSION: return "BAD_PROTOCOL_VERSION"; case ERROR_OBJ_NOT_FOUND: return "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND"; case ERROR_IDENTITY_COLLISION: return "IDENTITY_COLLISION"; case ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION: return "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION"; case ERROR_NEED_MEMBERSHIP_CERTIFICATE: return "NEED_MEMBERSHIP_CERTIFICATE"; case ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED_: return "NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED"; case ERROR_UNWANTED_MULTICAST: return "UNWANTED_MULTICAST"; } return "(unknown)"; } #endif // ZT_TRACE void Packet::armor(const void *key,bool encryptPayload) { unsigned char mangledKey[32]; unsigned char macKey[32]; unsigned char mac[16]; const unsigned int payloadLen = size() - ZT_PACKET_IDX_VERB; unsigned char *const payload = field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_VERB,payloadLen); // Set flag now, since it affects key mangle function setCipher(encryptPayload ? ZT_PROTO_CIPHER_SUITE__C25519_POLY1305_SALSA2012 : ZT_PROTO_CIPHER_SUITE__C25519_POLY1305_NONE); _salsa20MangleKey((const unsigned char *)key,mangledKey); Salsa20 s20(mangledKey,256,field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_IV,8)/*,ZT_PROTO_SALSA20_ROUNDS*/); // MAC key is always the first 32 bytes of the Salsa20 key stream // This is the same construction DJB's NaCl library uses s20.encrypt12(ZERO_KEY,macKey,sizeof(macKey)); if (encryptPayload) s20.encrypt12(payload,payload,payloadLen); Poly1305::compute(mac,payload,payloadLen,macKey); memcpy(field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_MAC,8),mac,8); } bool Packet::dearmor(const void *key) { unsigned char mangledKey[32]; unsigned char macKey[32]; unsigned char mac[16]; const unsigned int payloadLen = size() - ZT_PACKET_IDX_VERB; unsigned char *const payload = field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_VERB,payloadLen); unsigned int cs = cipher(); if ((cs == ZT_PROTO_CIPHER_SUITE__C25519_POLY1305_NONE)||(cs == ZT_PROTO_CIPHER_SUITE__C25519_POLY1305_SALSA2012)) { _salsa20MangleKey((const unsigned char *)key,mangledKey); Salsa20 s20(mangledKey,256,field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_IV,8)/*,ZT_PROTO_SALSA20_ROUNDS*/); s20.encrypt12(ZERO_KEY,macKey,sizeof(macKey)); Poly1305::compute(mac,payload,payloadLen,macKey); if (!Utils::secureEq(mac,field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_MAC,8),8)) return false; if (cs == ZT_PROTO_CIPHER_SUITE__C25519_POLY1305_SALSA2012) s20.decrypt12(payload,payload,payloadLen); return true; } else return false; // unrecognized cipher suite } bool Packet::compress() { unsigned char buf[ZT_PROTO_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH * 2]; if ((!compressed())&&(size() > (ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD + 32))) { int pl = (int)(size() - ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD); int cl = LZ4_compress((const char *)field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,(unsigned int)pl),(char *)buf,pl); if ((cl > 0)&&(cl < pl)) { (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_VERB] |= (char)ZT_PROTO_VERB_FLAG_COMPRESSED; setSize((unsigned int)cl + ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD); memcpy(field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,(unsigned int)cl),buf,cl); return true; } } (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_VERB] &= (char)(~ZT_PROTO_VERB_FLAG_COMPRESSED); return false; } bool Packet::uncompress() { unsigned char buf[ZT_PROTO_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH]; if ((compressed())&&(size() >= ZT_PROTO_MIN_PACKET_LENGTH)) { if (size() > ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD) { unsigned int compLen = size() - ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD; int ucl = LZ4_decompress_safe((const char *)field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,compLen),(char *)buf,compLen,sizeof(buf)); if ((ucl > 0)&&(ucl <= (int)(capacity() - ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD))) { setSize((unsigned int)ucl + ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD); memcpy(field(ZT_PACKET_IDX_PAYLOAD,(unsigned int)ucl),buf,ucl); } else return false; } (*this)[ZT_PACKET_IDX_VERB] &= (char)(~ZT_PROTO_VERB_FLAG_COMPRESSED); } return true; } } // namespace ZeroTier