/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * -- * * ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which * are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * * If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or * redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks * LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../version.h" #include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h" #include "../ext/http-parser/http_parser.h" #include "../node/Constants.hpp" #include "../node/Mutex.hpp" #include "../node/Node.hpp" #include "../node/Utils.hpp" #include "../node/InetAddress.hpp" #include "../node/MAC.hpp" #include "../node/Identity.hpp" #include "../osdep/Phy.hpp" #include "../osdep/Thread.hpp" #include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp" #include "../osdep/Http.hpp" #include "../osdep/BackgroundResolver.hpp" #include "../osdep/UPNPClient.hpp" #include "OneService.hpp" #include "ControlPlane.hpp" /** * Uncomment to enable UDP breakage switch * * If this is defined, the presence of a file called /tmp/ZT_BREAK_UDP * will cause direct UDP TX/RX to stop working. This can be used to * test TCP tunneling fallback and other robustness features. Deleting * this file will cause it to start working again. */ //#define ZT_BREAK_UDP #ifdef ZT_ENABLE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER #include "../controller/SqliteNetworkController.hpp" #else class SqliteNetworkController; #endif // ZT_ENABLE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #endif // Include the right tap device driver for this platform -- add new platforms here #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "../osdep/OSXEthernetTap.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { typedef OSXEthernetTap EthernetTap; } #endif #ifdef __LINUX__ #include "../osdep/LinuxEthernetTap.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { typedef LinuxEthernetTap EthernetTap; } #endif #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #include "../osdep/WindowsEthernetTap.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { typedef WindowsEthernetTap EthernetTap; } #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include "../osdep/BSDEthernetTap.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { typedef BSDEthernetTap EthernetTap; } #endif // Sanity limits for HTTP #define ZT_MAX_HTTP_MESSAGE_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 64) #define ZT_MAX_HTTP_CONNECTIONS 64 // Interface metric for ZeroTier taps #define ZT_IF_METRIC 32768 // How often to check for new multicast subscriptions on a tap device #define ZT_TAP_CHECK_MULTICAST_INTERVAL 30000 // Path under ZT1 home for controller database if controller is enabled #define ZT_CONTROLLER_DB_PATH "controller.db" // TCP fallback relay host -- geo-distributed using Amazon Route53 geo-aware DNS #define ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RELAY "tcp-fallback.zerotier.com" #define ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RELAY_PORT 443 // Frequency at which we re-resolve the TCP fallback relay #define ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RERESOLVE_DELAY 86400000 // Attempt to engage TCP fallback after this many ms of no reply to packets sent to global-scope IPs #define ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_AFTER 60000 // How often to check for local interface addresses #define ZT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_CHECK_INTERVAL 300000 namespace ZeroTier { namespace { #ifdef ZT_AUTO_UPDATE #define ZT_AUTO_UPDATE_MAX_HTTP_RESPONSE_SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 64) #define ZT_AUTO_UPDATE_CHECK_PERIOD 21600000 class BackgroundSoftwareUpdateChecker { public: bool isValidSigningIdentity(const Identity &id) { return ( /* 0005 */ (id == Identity("ba57ea350e:0:9d4be6d7f86c5660d5ee1951a3d759aa6e12a84fc0c0b74639500f1dbc1a8c566622e7d1c531967ebceb1e9d1761342f88324a8ba520c93c35f92f35080fa23f")) /* 0006 */ ||(id == Identity("5067b21b83:0:8af477730f5055c48135b84bed6720a35bca4c0e34be4060a4c636288b1ec22217eb22709d610c66ed464c643130c51411bbb0294eef12fbe8ecc1a1e2c63a7a")) /* 0007 */ ||(id == Identity("4f5e97a8f1:0:57880d056d7baeb04bbc057d6f16e6cb41388570e87f01492fce882485f65a798648595610a3ad49885604e7fb1db2dd3c2c534b75e42c3c0b110ad07b4bb138")) /* 0008 */ ||(id == Identity("580bbb8e15:0:ad5ef31155bebc6bc413991992387e083fed26d699997ef76e7c947781edd47d1997161fa56ba337b1a2b44b129fd7c7197ce5185382f06011bc88d1363b4ddd")) ); } void doUpdateCheck() { std::string url(OneService::autoUpdateUrl()); if ((url.length() <= 7)||(url.substr(0,7) != "http://")) return; std::string httpHost; std::string httpPath; { std::size_t slashIdx = url.substr(7).find_first_of('/'); if (slashIdx == std::string::npos) { httpHost = url.substr(7); httpPath = "/"; } else { httpHost = url.substr(7,slashIdx); httpPath = url.substr(slashIdx + 7); } } if (httpHost.length() == 0) return; std::vector ips(OSUtils::resolve(httpHost.c_str())); for(std::vector::iterator ip(ips.begin());ip!=ips.end();++ip) { if (!ip->port()) ip->setPort(80); std::string nfoPath = httpPath + "LATEST.nfo"; std::map requestHeaders,responseHeaders; std::string body; requestHeaders["Host"] = httpHost; unsigned int scode = Http::GET(ZT_AUTO_UPDATE_MAX_HTTP_RESPONSE_SIZE,60000,reinterpret_cast(&(*ip)),nfoPath.c_str(),requestHeaders,responseHeaders,body); //fprintf(stderr,"UPDATE %s %s %u %lu\n",ip->toString().c_str(),nfoPath.c_str(),scode,body.length()); if ((scode == 200)&&(body.length() > 0)) { /* NFO fields: * * file= * signedBy= * ed25519= * vMajor= * vMinor= * vRevision= */ Dictionary nfo(body); unsigned int vMajor = Utils::strToUInt(nfo.get("vMajor","0").c_str()); unsigned int vMinor = Utils::strToUInt(nfo.get("vMinor","0").c_str()); unsigned int vRevision = Utils::strToUInt(nfo.get("vRevision","0").c_str()); if (Utils::compareVersion(vMajor,vMinor,vRevision,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR,ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION) <= 0) { //fprintf(stderr,"UPDATE %u.%u.%u is not newer than our version\n",vMajor,vMinor,vRevision); return; } Identity signedBy; if ((!signedBy.fromString(nfo.get("signedBy","")))||(!isValidSigningIdentity(signedBy))) { //fprintf(stderr,"UPDATE invalid signedBy or not authorized signing identity.\n"); return; } std::string filePath(nfo.get("file","")); if ((!filePath.length())||(filePath.find("..") != std::string::npos)) return; filePath = httpPath + filePath; std::string fileData; if (Http::GET(ZT_AUTO_UPDATE_MAX_HTTP_RESPONSE_SIZE,60000,reinterpret_cast(&(*ip)),filePath.c_str(),requestHeaders,responseHeaders,fileData) != 200) { //fprintf(stderr,"UPDATE GET %s failed\n",filePath.c_str()); return; } std::string ed25519(Utils::unhex(nfo.get("ed25519",""))); if ((ed25519.length() == 0)||(!signedBy.verify(fileData.data(),(unsigned int)fileData.length(),ed25519.data(),(unsigned int)ed25519.length()))) { //fprintf(stderr,"UPDATE %s failed signature check!\n",filePath.c_str()); return; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We made it! Begin OS-specific installation code. */ #ifdef __APPLE__ /* OSX version is in the form of a MacOSX .pkg file, so we will * launch installer (normally in /usr/sbin) to install it. It will * then turn around and shut down the service, update files, and * relaunch. */ { char bashp[128],pkgp[128]; Utils::snprintf(bashp,sizeof(bashp),"/tmp/ZeroTierOne-update-%u.%u.%u.sh",vMajor,vMinor,vRevision); Utils::snprintf(pkgp,sizeof(pkgp),"/tmp/ZeroTierOne-update-%u.%u.%u.pkg",vMajor,vMinor,vRevision); FILE *pkg = fopen(pkgp,"w"); if ((!pkg)||(fwrite(fileData.data(),fileData.length(),1,pkg) != 1)) { fclose(pkg); unlink(bashp); unlink(pkgp); fprintf(stderr,"UPDATE error writing %s\n",pkgp); return; } fclose(pkg); FILE *bash = fopen(bashp,"w"); if (!bash) { fclose(pkg); unlink(bashp); unlink(pkgp); fprintf(stderr,"UPDATE error writing %s\n",bashp); return; } fprintf(bash, "#!/bin/bash\n" "export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin\n" "sleep 1\n" "installer -pkg \"%s\" -target /\n" "sleep 1\n" "rm -f \"%s\" \"%s\"\n" "exit 0\n", pkgp, pkgp, bashp); fclose(bash); long pid = (long)vfork(); if (pid == 0) { setsid(); // detach from parent so that shell isn't killed when parent is killed signal(SIGHUP,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN); execl("/bin/bash","/bin/bash",bashp,(char *)0); exit(0); } } #endif // __APPLE__ #ifdef __WINDOWS__ /* Windows version comes in the form of .MSI package that * takes care of everything. */ { char tempp[512],batp[512],msip[512],cmdline[512]; if (GetTempPathA(sizeof(tempp),tempp) <= 0) return; CreateDirectoryA(tempp,(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)0); Utils::snprintf(batp,sizeof(batp),"%s\\ZeroTierOne-update-%u.%u.%u.bat",tempp,vMajor,vMinor,vRevision); Utils::snprintf(msip,sizeof(msip),"%s\\ZeroTierOne-update-%u.%u.%u.msi",tempp,vMajor,vMinor,vRevision); FILE *msi = fopen(msip,"wb"); if ((!msi)||(fwrite(fileData.data(),(size_t)fileData.length(),1,msi) != 1)) { fclose(msi); return; } fclose(msi); FILE *bat = fopen(batp,"wb"); if (!bat) return; fprintf(bat, "TIMEOUT.EXE /T 1 /NOBREAK\r\n" "NET.EXE STOP \"ZeroTierOneService\"\r\n" "TIMEOUT.EXE /T 1 /NOBREAK\r\n" "MSIEXEC.EXE /i \"%s\" /qn\r\n" "TIMEOUT.EXE /T 1 /NOBREAK\r\n" "NET.EXE START \"ZeroTierOneService\"\r\n" "DEL \"%s\"\r\n" "DEL \"%s\"\r\n", msip, msip, batp); fclose(bat); STARTUPINFOA si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; memset(&si,0,sizeof(si)); memset(&pi,0,sizeof(pi)); Utils::snprintf(cmdline,sizeof(cmdline),"CMD.EXE /c \"%s\"",batp); CreateProcessA(NULL,cmdline,NULL,NULL,FALSE,CREATE_NO_WINDOW|CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); } #endif // __WINDOWS__ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ return; } // else try to fetch from next IP address } } void threadMain() throw() { try { this->doUpdateCheck(); } catch ( ... ) {} } }; static BackgroundSoftwareUpdateChecker backgroundSoftwareUpdateChecker; #endif // ZT_AUTO_UPDATE static std::string _trimString(const std::string &s) { unsigned long end = (unsigned long)s.length(); while (end) { char c = s[end - 1]; if ((c == ' ')||(c == '\r')||(c == '\n')||(!c)||(c == '\t')) --end; else break; } unsigned long start = 0; while (start < end) { char c = s[start]; if ((c == ' ')||(c == '\r')||(c == '\n')||(!c)||(c == '\t')) ++start; else break; } return s.substr(start,end - start); } class OneServiceImpl; static int SnodeVirtualNetworkConfigFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,uint64_t nwid,enum ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigOperation op,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nwconf); static void SnodeEventCallback(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,enum ZT_Event event,const void *metaData); static long SnodeDataStoreGetFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,const char *name,void *buf,unsigned long bufSize,unsigned long readIndex,unsigned long *totalSize); static int SnodeDataStorePutFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,const char *name,const void *data,unsigned long len,int secure); static int SnodeWirePacketSendFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,const struct sockaddr_storage *localAddr,const struct sockaddr_storage *addr,const void *data,unsigned int len); static void SnodeVirtualNetworkFrameFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,uint64_t nwid,uint64_t sourceMac,uint64_t destMac,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len); static void StapFrameHandler(void *uptr,uint64_t nwid,const MAC &from,const MAC &to,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len); static int ShttpOnMessageBegin(http_parser *parser); static int ShttpOnUrl(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnStatus(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnHeaderField(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnValue(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnHeadersComplete(http_parser *parser); static int ShttpOnBody(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length); static int ShttpOnMessageComplete(http_parser *parser); static const struct http_parser_settings HTTP_PARSER_SETTINGS = { ShttpOnMessageBegin, ShttpOnUrl, ShttpOnStatus, ShttpOnHeaderField, ShttpOnValue, ShttpOnHeadersComplete, ShttpOnBody, ShttpOnMessageComplete }; struct TcpConnection { enum { TCP_HTTP_INCOMING, TCP_HTTP_OUTGOING, // not currently used TCP_TUNNEL_OUTGOING // fale-SSL outgoing tunnel -- HTTP-related fields are not used } type; bool shouldKeepAlive; OneServiceImpl *parent; PhySocket *sock; InetAddress from; http_parser parser; unsigned long messageSize; uint64_t lastActivity; std::string currentHeaderField; std::string currentHeaderValue; std::string url; std::string status; std::map< std::string,std::string > headers; std::string body; std::string writeBuf; Mutex writeBuf_m; }; class OneServiceImpl : public OneService { public: OneServiceImpl(const char *hp,unsigned int port,const char *overrideRootTopology) : _homePath((hp) ? hp : "."), _tcpFallbackResolver(ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RELAY), #ifdef ZT_ENABLE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER _controller((SqliteNetworkController *)0), #endif _phy(this,false,true), _overrideRootTopology((overrideRootTopology) ? overrideRootTopology : ""), _node((Node *)0), _controlPlane((ControlPlane *)0), _lastDirectReceiveFromGlobal(0), _lastSendToGlobal(0), _lastRestart(0), _nextBackgroundTaskDeadline(0), _tcpFallbackTunnel((TcpConnection *)0), _termReason(ONE_STILL_RUNNING), _port(0), #ifdef ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC _v4UpnpUdpSocket((PhySocket *)0), _upnpClient((UPNPClient *)0), #endif _run(true) { const int portTrials = (port == 0) ? 256 : 1; // if port is 0, pick random for(int k=0;k(&_v4LocalAddress),131072); if (_v4UdpSocket) { struct sockaddr_in in4; memset(&in4,0,sizeof(in4)); in4.sin_family = AF_INET; in4.sin_addr.s_addr = Utils::hton((uint32_t)0x7f000001); // right now we just listen for TCP @localhost in4.sin_port = Utils::hton((uint16_t)port); _v4TcpListenSocket = _phy.tcpListen((const struct sockaddr *)&in4,this); if (_v4TcpListenSocket) { _v6LocalAddress = InetAddress("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0",16,port); _v6UdpSocket = _phy.udpBind((const struct sockaddr *)&_v6LocalAddress,reinterpret_cast(&_v6LocalAddress),131072); struct sockaddr_in6 in6; memset((void *)&in6,0,sizeof(in6)); in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; in6.sin6_port = in4.sin_port; in6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[15] = 1; // IPv6 localhost == ::1 _v6TcpListenSocket = _phy.tcpListen((const struct sockaddr *)&in6,this); _port = port; break; // success! } else { _phy.close(_v4UdpSocket,false); } } port = 0; } if (_port == 0) throw std::runtime_error("cannot bind to port"); char portstr[64]; Utils::snprintf(portstr,sizeof(portstr),"%u",_port); OSUtils::writeFile((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "zerotier-one.port").c_str(),std::string(portstr)); #ifdef ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC // Bind a secondary port for use with uPnP, since some NAT routers // (cough Ubiquity Edge cough) barf up a lung if you do both conventional // NAT-t and uPnP from behind the same port. I think this is a bug, but // everyone else's router bugs are our problem. :P for(int k=0;k<512;++k) { const unsigned int upnport = 40000 + (((port + 1) * (k + 1)) % 25500); _v4UpnpLocalAddress = InetAddress(0,upnport); _v4UpnpUdpSocket = _phy.udpBind((const struct sockaddr *)&_v4UpnpLocalAddress,reinterpret_cast(&_v4UpnpLocalAddress),131072); if (_v4UpnpUdpSocket) { _upnpClient = new UPNPClient(upnport); break; } } #endif } virtual ~OneServiceImpl() { _phy.close(_v4UdpSocket); _phy.close(_v6UdpSocket); _phy.close(_v4TcpListenSocket); _phy.close(_v6TcpListenSocket); #ifdef ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC _phy.close(_v4UpnpUdpSocket); delete _upnpClient; #endif #ifdef ZT_ENABLE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER delete _controller; #endif } virtual ReasonForTermination run() { try { std::string authToken; { std::string authTokenPath(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "authtoken.secret"); if (!OSUtils::readFile(authTokenPath.c_str(),authToken)) { unsigned char foo[24]; Utils::getSecureRandom(foo,sizeof(foo)); authToken = ""; for(unsigned int i=0;i 0) ? _overrideRootTopology.c_str() : (const char *)0)); #ifdef ZT_ENABLE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER _controller = new SqliteNetworkController(_node,(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + ZT_CONTROLLER_DB_PATH).c_str(),(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "circuitTestResults.d").c_str()); _node->setNetconfMaster((void *)_controller); #endif _controlPlane = new ControlPlane(this,_node,(_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "ui").c_str()); _controlPlane->addAuthToken(authToken.c_str()); #ifdef ZT_ENABLE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER _controlPlane->setController(_controller); #endif { // Remember networks from previous session std::vector networksDotD(OSUtils::listDirectory((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "networks.d").c_str())); for(std::vector::iterator f(networksDotD.begin());f!=networksDotD.end();++f) { std::size_t dot = f->find_last_of('.'); if ((dot == 16)&&(f->substr(16) == ".conf")) _node->join(Utils::hexStrToU64(f->substr(0,dot).c_str())); } } _nextBackgroundTaskDeadline = 0; uint64_t clockShouldBe = OSUtils::now(); _lastRestart = clockShouldBe; uint64_t lastTapMulticastGroupCheck = 0; uint64_t lastTcpFallbackResolve = 0; uint64_t lastLocalInterfaceAddressCheck = (OSUtils::now() - ZT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_CHECK_INTERVAL) + 15000; // do this in 15s to give UPnP time to configure and other things time to settle #ifdef ZT_AUTO_UPDATE uint64_t lastSoftwareUpdateCheck = 0; #endif // ZT_AUTO_UPDATE for(;;) { _run_m.lock(); if (!_run) { _run_m.unlock(); _termReason_m.lock(); _termReason = ONE_NORMAL_TERMINATION; _termReason_m.unlock(); break; } else _run_m.unlock(); uint64_t now = OSUtils::now(); uint64_t dl = _nextBackgroundTaskDeadline; if (dl <= now) { _node->processBackgroundTasks(now,&_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline); dl = _nextBackgroundTaskDeadline; } // Attempt to detect sleep/wake events by detecting delay overruns if ((now > clockShouldBe)&&((now - clockShouldBe) > 2000)) _lastRestart = now; #ifdef ZT_AUTO_UPDATE if ((now - lastSoftwareUpdateCheck) >= ZT_AUTO_UPDATE_CHECK_PERIOD) { lastSoftwareUpdateCheck = now; Thread::start(&backgroundSoftwareUpdateChecker); } #endif // ZT_AUTO_UPDATE if ((now - lastTcpFallbackResolve) >= ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RERESOLVE_DELAY) { lastTcpFallbackResolve = now; _tcpFallbackResolver.resolveNow(); } if ((_tcpFallbackTunnel)&&((now - _lastDirectReceiveFromGlobal) < (ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_AFTER / 2))) _phy.close(_tcpFallbackTunnel->sock); if ((now - lastTapMulticastGroupCheck) >= ZT_TAP_CHECK_MULTICAST_INTERVAL) { lastTapMulticastGroupCheck = now; Mutex::Lock _l(_taps_m); for(std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap *>::const_iterator t(_taps.begin());t!=_taps.end();++t) { std::vector added,removed; t->second->scanMulticastGroups(added,removed); for(std::vector::iterator m(added.begin());m!=added.end();++m) _node->multicastSubscribe(t->first,m->mac().toInt(),m->adi()); for(std::vector::iterator m(removed.begin());m!=removed.end();++m) _node->multicastUnsubscribe(t->first,m->mac().toInt(),m->adi()); } } if ((now - lastLocalInterfaceAddressCheck) >= ZT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_CHECK_INTERVAL) { lastLocalInterfaceAddressCheck = now; #ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__ std::vector ztDevices; { Mutex::Lock _l(_taps_m); for(std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap *>::const_iterator t(_taps.begin());t!=_taps.end();++t) ztDevices.push_back(t->second->deviceName()); } _node->clearLocalInterfaceAddresses(); #ifdef ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC std::vector upnpAddresses(_upnpClient->get()); for(std::vector::const_iterator ext(upnpAddresses.begin());ext!=upnpAddresses.end();++ext) _node->addLocalInterfaceAddress(reinterpret_cast(&(*ext)),0,ZT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_ADDRESS_TRUST_NORMAL); #endif struct ifaddrs *ifatbl = (struct ifaddrs *)0; if ((getifaddrs(&ifatbl) == 0)&&(ifatbl)) { struct ifaddrs *ifa = ifatbl; while (ifa) { if ((ifa->ifa_name)&&(ifa->ifa_addr)) { bool isZT = false; for(std::vector::const_iterator d(ztDevices.begin());d!=ztDevices.end();++d) { if (*d == ifa->ifa_name) { isZT = true; break; } } if (!isZT) { InetAddress ip(ifa->ifa_addr); ip.setPort(_port); _node->addLocalInterfaceAddress(reinterpret_cast(&ip),0,ZT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_ADDRESS_TRUST_NORMAL); } } ifa = ifa->ifa_next; } freeifaddrs(ifatbl); } #endif // __UNIX_LIKE__ #ifdef __WINDOWS__ std::vector ztDevices; { Mutex::Lock _l(_taps_m); for(std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap *>::const_iterator t(_taps.begin());t!=_taps.end();++t) ztDevices.push_back(t->second->luid()); } char aabuf[16384]; ULONG aalen = sizeof(aabuf); if (GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC,GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST|GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST|GAA_FLAG_SKIP_DNS_SERVER,(void *)0,reinterpret_cast(aabuf),&aalen) == NO_ERROR) { PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES a = reinterpret_cast(aabuf); while (a) { bool isZT = false; for(std::vector::const_iterator d(ztDevices.begin());d!=ztDevices.end();++d) { if (a->Luid.Value == d->Value) { isZT = true; break; } } if (!isZT) { PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS ua = a->FirstUnicastAddress; while (ua) { InetAddress ip(ua->Address.lpSockaddr); ip.setPort(_port); _node->addLocalInterfaceAddress(reinterpret_cast(&ip),0,ZT_LOCAL_INTERFACE_ADDRESS_TRUST_NORMAL); ua = ua->Next; } } a = a->Next; } } #endif // __WINDOWS__ } const unsigned long delay = (dl > now) ? (unsigned long)(dl - now) : 100; clockShouldBe = now + (uint64_t)delay; _phy.poll(delay); } } catch (std::exception &exc) { Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m); _termReason = ONE_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR; _fatalErrorMessage = exc.what(); } catch ( ... ) { Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m); _termReason = ONE_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR; _fatalErrorMessage = "unexpected exception in main thread"; } try { while (!_tcpConnections.empty()) _phy.close((*_tcpConnections.begin())->sock); } catch ( ... ) {} { Mutex::Lock _l(_taps_m); for(std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap * >::iterator t(_taps.begin());t!=_taps.end();++t) delete t->second; _taps.clear(); } delete _controlPlane; _controlPlane = (ControlPlane *)0; delete _node; _node = (Node *)0; return _termReason; } virtual ReasonForTermination reasonForTermination() const { Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m); return _termReason; } virtual std::string fatalErrorMessage() const { Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m); return _fatalErrorMessage; } virtual std::string portDeviceName(uint64_t nwid) const { Mutex::Lock _l(_taps_m); std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap * >::const_iterator t(_taps.find(nwid)); if (t != _taps.end()) return t->second->deviceName(); return std::string(); } virtual bool tcpFallbackActive() const { return (_tcpFallbackTunnel != (TcpConnection *)0); } virtual void terminate() { _run_m.lock(); _run = false; _run_m.unlock(); _phy.whack(); } // Begin private implementation methods inline void phyOnDatagram(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,const struct sockaddr *from,void *data,unsigned long len) { #ifdef ZT_BREAK_UDP if (OSUtils::fileExists("/tmp/ZT_BREAK_UDP")) return; #endif if ((len >= 16)&&(reinterpret_cast(from)->ipScope() == InetAddress::IP_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) _lastDirectReceiveFromGlobal = OSUtils::now(); ZT_ResultCode rc = _node->processWirePacket( OSUtils::now(), reinterpret_cast(*uptr), (const struct sockaddr_storage *)from, // Phy<> uses sockaddr_storage, so it'll always be that big data, len, &_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline); if (ZT_ResultCode_isFatal(rc)) { char tmp[256]; Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"fatal error code from processWirePacket: %d",(int)rc); Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m); _termReason = ONE_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR; _fatalErrorMessage = tmp; this->terminate(); } } inline void phyOnTcpConnect(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,bool success) { if (!success) return; // Outgoing TCP connections are always TCP fallback tunnel connections. TcpConnection *tc = new TcpConnection(); _tcpConnections.insert(tc); tc->type = TcpConnection::TCP_TUNNEL_OUTGOING; tc->shouldKeepAlive = true; tc->parent = this; tc->sock = sock; // from and parser are not used tc->messageSize = 0; // unused tc->lastActivity = OSUtils::now(); // HTTP stuff is not used tc->writeBuf = ""; *uptr = (void *)tc; // Send "hello" message tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x17); tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x03); tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x03); // fake TLS 1.2 header tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x00); tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x04); // mlen == 4 tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR); tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR); tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)((ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION >> 8) & 0xff)); tc->writeBuf.push_back((char)(ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION & 0xff)); _phy.setNotifyWritable(sock,true); _tcpFallbackTunnel = tc; } inline void phyOnTcpAccept(PhySocket *sockL,PhySocket *sockN,void **uptrL,void **uptrN,const struct sockaddr *from) { // Incoming TCP connections are HTTP JSON API requests. TcpConnection *tc = new TcpConnection(); _tcpConnections.insert(tc); tc->type = TcpConnection::TCP_HTTP_INCOMING; tc->shouldKeepAlive = true; tc->parent = this; tc->sock = sockN; tc->from = from; http_parser_init(&(tc->parser),HTTP_REQUEST); tc->parser.data = (void *)tc; tc->messageSize = 0; tc->lastActivity = OSUtils::now(); tc->currentHeaderField = ""; tc->currentHeaderValue = ""; tc->url = ""; tc->status = ""; tc->headers.clear(); tc->body = ""; tc->writeBuf = ""; *uptrN = (void *)tc; } inline void phyOnTcpClose(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) { TcpConnection *tc = (TcpConnection *)*uptr; if (tc) { if (tc == _tcpFallbackTunnel) _tcpFallbackTunnel = (TcpConnection *)0; _tcpConnections.erase(tc); delete tc; } } inline void phyOnTcpData(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,void *data,unsigned long len) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(*uptr); switch(tc->type) { case TcpConnection::TCP_HTTP_INCOMING: case TcpConnection::TCP_HTTP_OUTGOING: http_parser_execute(&(tc->parser),&HTTP_PARSER_SETTINGS,(const char *)data,len); if ((tc->parser.upgrade)||(tc->parser.http_errno != HPE_OK)) { _phy.close(sock); return; } break; case TcpConnection::TCP_TUNNEL_OUTGOING: tc->body.append((const char *)data,len); while (tc->body.length() >= 5) { const char *data = tc->body.data(); const unsigned long mlen = ( ((((unsigned long)data[3]) & 0xff) << 8) | (((unsigned long)data[4]) & 0xff) ); if (tc->body.length() >= (mlen + 5)) { InetAddress from; unsigned long plen = mlen; // payload length, modified if there's an IP header data += 5; // skip forward past pseudo-TLS junk and mlen if (plen == 4) { // Hello message, which isn't sent by proxy and would be ignored by client } else if (plen) { // Messages should contain IPv4 or IPv6 source IP address data switch(data[0]) { case 4: // IPv4 if (plen >= 7) { from.set((const void *)(data + 1),4,((((unsigned int)data[5]) & 0xff) << 8) | (((unsigned int)data[6]) & 0xff)); data += 7; // type + 4 byte IP + 2 byte port plen -= 7; } else { _phy.close(sock); return; } break; case 6: // IPv6 if (plen >= 19) { from.set((const void *)(data + 1),16,((((unsigned int)data[17]) & 0xff) << 8) | (((unsigned int)data[18]) & 0xff)); data += 19; // type + 16 byte IP + 2 byte port plen -= 19; } else { _phy.close(sock); return; } break; case 0: // none/omitted ++data; --plen; break; default: // invalid address type _phy.close(sock); return; } if (from) { ZT_ResultCode rc = _node->processWirePacket( OSUtils::now(), 0, reinterpret_cast(&from), data, plen, &_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline); if (ZT_ResultCode_isFatal(rc)) { char tmp[256]; Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"fatal error code from processWirePacket: %d",(int)rc); Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m); _termReason = ONE_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR; _fatalErrorMessage = tmp; this->terminate(); _phy.close(sock); return; } } } if (tc->body.length() > (mlen + 5)) tc->body = tc->body.substr(mlen + 5); else tc->body = ""; } else break; } break; } } inline void phyOnTcpWritable(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(*uptr); Mutex::Lock _l(tc->writeBuf_m); if (tc->writeBuf.length() > 0) { long sent = (long)_phy.streamSend(sock,tc->writeBuf.data(),(unsigned long)tc->writeBuf.length(),true); if (sent > 0) { tc->lastActivity = OSUtils::now(); if ((unsigned long)sent >= (unsigned long)tc->writeBuf.length()) { tc->writeBuf = ""; _phy.setNotifyWritable(sock,false); if (!tc->shouldKeepAlive) _phy.close(sock); // will call close handler to delete from _tcpConnections } else { tc->writeBuf = tc->writeBuf.substr(sent); } } } else { _phy.setNotifyWritable(sock,false); } } inline void phyOnUnixAccept(PhySocket *sockL,PhySocket *sockN,void **uptrL,void **uptrN) {} inline void phyOnUnixClose(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) {} inline void phyOnUnixData(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,void *data,unsigned long len) {} inline void phyOnUnixWritable(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) {} inline void phyOnSocketPairEndpointClose(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) {} inline void phyOnSocketPairEndpointData(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr,void *data,unsigned long len) {} inline void phyOnSocketPairEndpointWritable(PhySocket *sock,void **uptr) {} inline int nodeVirtualNetworkConfigFunction(uint64_t nwid,enum ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigOperation op,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nwc) { Mutex::Lock _l(_taps_m); std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap * >::iterator t(_taps.find(nwid)); switch(op) { case ZT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_CONFIG_OPERATION_UP: if (t == _taps.end()) { try { char friendlyName[1024]; Utils::snprintf(friendlyName,sizeof(friendlyName),"ZeroTier One [%.16llx]",nwid); t = _taps.insert(std::pair< uint64_t,EthernetTap *>(nwid,new EthernetTap( _homePath.c_str(), MAC(nwc->mac), nwc->mtu, (unsigned int)ZT_IF_METRIC, nwid, friendlyName, StapFrameHandler, (void *)this))).first; } catch (std::exception &exc) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ FILE *tapFailLog = fopen((_homePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S"port_error_log.txt").c_str(),"a"); if (tapFailLog) { fprintf(tapFailLog,"%.16llx: %s"ZT_EOL_S,(unsigned long long)nwid,exc.what()); fclose(tapFailLog); } #else fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: unable to configure virtual network port: %s"ZT_EOL_S,exc.what()); #endif return -999; } catch ( ... ) { return -999; // tap init failed } } // fall through... case ZT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_CONFIG_OPERATION_CONFIG_UPDATE: if (t != _taps.end()) { t->second->setEnabled(nwc->enabled != 0); std::vector &assignedIps = _tapAssignedIps[nwid]; std::vector newAssignedIps; for(unsigned int i=0;iassignedAddressCount;++i) newAssignedIps.push_back(InetAddress(nwc->assignedAddresses[i])); std::sort(newAssignedIps.begin(),newAssignedIps.end()); newAssignedIps.erase(std::unique(newAssignedIps.begin(),newAssignedIps.end()),newAssignedIps.end()); for(std::vector::iterator ip(newAssignedIps.begin());ip!=newAssignedIps.end();++ip) { if (!std::binary_search(assignedIps.begin(),assignedIps.end(),*ip)) t->second->addIp(*ip); } for(std::vector::iterator ip(assignedIps.begin());ip!=assignedIps.end();++ip) { if (!std::binary_search(newAssignedIps.begin(),newAssignedIps.end(),*ip)) t->second->removeIp(*ip); } assignedIps.swap(newAssignedIps); } else { return -999; // tap init failed } break; case ZT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_CONFIG_OPERATION_DOWN: case ZT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_CONFIG_OPERATION_DESTROY: if (t != _taps.end()) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ std::string winInstanceId(t->second->instanceId()); #endif delete t->second; _taps.erase(t); _tapAssignedIps.erase(nwid); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ if ((op == ZT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_CONFIG_OPERATION_DESTROY)&&(winInstanceId.length() > 0)) WindowsEthernetTap::deletePersistentTapDevice(winInstanceId.c_str()); #endif } break; } return 0; } inline void nodeEventCallback(enum ZT_Event event,const void *metaData) { switch(event) { case ZT_EVENT_FATAL_ERROR_IDENTITY_COLLISION: { Mutex::Lock _l(_termReason_m); _termReason = ONE_IDENTITY_COLLISION; _fatalErrorMessage = "identity/address collision"; this->terminate(); } break; case ZT_EVENT_TRACE: { if (metaData) { ::fprintf(stderr,"%s"ZT_EOL_S,(const char *)metaData); ::fflush(stderr); } } break; default: break; } } inline long nodeDataStoreGetFunction(const char *name,void *buf,unsigned long bufSize,unsigned long readIndex,unsigned long *totalSize) { std::string p(_dataStorePrepPath(name)); if (!p.length()) return -2; FILE *f = fopen(p.c_str(),"rb"); if (!f) return -1; if (fseek(f,0,SEEK_END) != 0) { fclose(f); return -2; } long ts = ftell(f); if (ts < 0) { fclose(f); return -2; } *totalSize = (unsigned long)ts; if (fseek(f,(long)readIndex,SEEK_SET) != 0) { fclose(f); return -2; } long n = (long)fread(buf,1,bufSize,f); fclose(f); return n; } inline int nodeDataStorePutFunction(const char *name,const void *data,unsigned long len,int secure) { std::string p(_dataStorePrepPath(name)); if (!p.length()) return -2; if (!data) { OSUtils::rm(p.c_str()); return 0; } FILE *f = fopen(p.c_str(),"wb"); if (!f) return -1; if (fwrite(data,len,1,f) == 1) { fclose(f); if (secure) OSUtils::lockDownFile(p.c_str(),false); return 0; } else { fclose(f); OSUtils::rm(p.c_str()); return -1; } } inline int nodeWirePacketSendFunction(const struct sockaddr_storage *localAddr,const struct sockaddr_storage *addr,const void *data,unsigned int len) { #ifdef ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC if ((localAddr->ss_family == AF_INET)&&(reinterpret_cast(localAddr)->sin_port == reinterpret_cast(&_v4UpnpLocalAddress)->sin_port)) { #ifdef ZT_BREAK_UDP if (!OSUtils::fileExists("/tmp/ZT_BREAK_UDP")) { #endif if (addr->ss_family == AF_INET) return ((_phy.udpSend(_v4UpnpUdpSocket,(const struct sockaddr *)addr,data,len) != 0) ? 0 : -1); else return -1; #ifdef ZT_BREAK_UDP } #endif } #endif // ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC int result = -1; switch(addr->ss_family) { case AF_INET: #ifdef ZT_BREAK_UDP if (!OSUtils::fileExists("/tmp/ZT_BREAK_UDP")) { #endif if (_v4UdpSocket) result = ((_phy.udpSend(_v4UdpSocket,(const struct sockaddr *)addr,data,len) != 0) ? 0 : -1); #ifdef ZT_BREAK_UDP } #endif #ifdef ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RELAY // TCP fallback tunnel support if ((len >= 16)&&(reinterpret_cast(addr)->ipScope() == InetAddress::IP_SCOPE_GLOBAL)) { uint64_t now = OSUtils::now(); // Engage TCP tunnel fallback if we haven't received anything valid from a global // IP address in ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_AFTER milliseconds. If we do start getting // valid direct traffic we'll stop using it and close the socket after a while. if (((now - _lastDirectReceiveFromGlobal) > ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_AFTER)&&((now - _lastRestart) > ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_AFTER)) { if (_tcpFallbackTunnel) { Mutex::Lock _l(_tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf_m); if (!_tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.length()) _phy.setNotifyWritable(_tcpFallbackTunnel->sock,true); unsigned long mlen = len + 7; _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x17); _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x03); _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.push_back((char)0x03); // fake TLS 1.2 header _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.push_back((char)((mlen >> 8) & 0xff)); _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.push_back((char)(mlen & 0xff)); _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.push_back((char)4); // IPv4 _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.append(reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(addr)->sin_addr.s_addr))),4); _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.append(reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast(addr)->sin_port))),2); _tcpFallbackTunnel->writeBuf.append((const char *)data,len); result = 0; } else if (((now - _lastSendToGlobal) < ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_AFTER)&&((now - _lastSendToGlobal) > (ZT_PING_CHECK_INVERVAL / 2))) { std::vector tunnelIps(_tcpFallbackResolver.get()); if (tunnelIps.empty()) { if (!_tcpFallbackResolver.running()) _tcpFallbackResolver.resolveNow(); } else { bool connected = false; InetAddress addr(tunnelIps[(unsigned long)now % tunnelIps.size()]); addr.setPort(ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RELAY_PORT); _phy.tcpConnect(reinterpret_cast(&addr),connected); } } } _lastSendToGlobal = now; } #endif // ZT_TCP_FALLBACK_RELAY break; case AF_INET6: #ifdef ZT_BREAK_UDP if (!OSUtils::fileExists("/tmp/ZT_BREAK_UDP")) { #endif if (_v6UdpSocket) result = ((_phy.udpSend(_v6UdpSocket,(const struct sockaddr *)addr,data,len) != 0) ? 0 : -1); #ifdef ZT_BREAK_UDP } #endif break; default: return -1; } return result; } inline void nodeVirtualNetworkFrameFunction(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t sourceMac,uint64_t destMac,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len) { Mutex::Lock _l(_taps_m); std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap * >::const_iterator t(_taps.find(nwid)); if (t != _taps.end()) t->second->put(MAC(sourceMac),MAC(destMac),etherType,data,len); } inline void tapFrameHandler(uint64_t nwid,const MAC &from,const MAC &to,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len) { _node->processVirtualNetworkFrame(OSUtils::now(),nwid,from.toInt(),to.toInt(),etherType,vlanId,data,len,&_nextBackgroundTaskDeadline); } inline void onHttpRequestToServer(TcpConnection *tc) { char tmpn[256]; std::string data; std::string contentType("text/plain"); // default if not changed in handleRequest() unsigned int scode = 404; try { if (_controlPlane) scode = _controlPlane->handleRequest(tc->from,tc->parser.method,tc->url,tc->headers,tc->body,data,contentType); else scode = 500; } catch ( ... ) { scode = 500; } const char *scodestr; switch(scode) { case 200: scodestr = "OK"; break; case 400: scodestr = "Bad Request"; break; case 401: scodestr = "Unauthorized"; break; case 403: scodestr = "Forbidden"; break; case 404: scodestr = "Not Found"; break; case 500: scodestr = "Internal Server Error"; break; case 501: scodestr = "Not Implemented"; break; case 503: scodestr = "Service Unavailable"; break; default: scodestr = "Error"; break; } Utils::snprintf(tmpn,sizeof(tmpn),"HTTP/1.1 %.3u %s\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n",scode,scodestr); { Mutex::Lock _l(tc->writeBuf_m); tc->writeBuf.assign(tmpn); tc->writeBuf.append("Content-Type: "); tc->writeBuf.append(contentType); Utils::snprintf(tmpn,sizeof(tmpn),"\r\nContent-Length: %lu\r\n",(unsigned long)data.length()); tc->writeBuf.append(tmpn); if (!tc->shouldKeepAlive) tc->writeBuf.append("Connection: close\r\n"); tc->writeBuf.append("\r\n"); if (tc->parser.method != HTTP_HEAD) tc->writeBuf.append(data); } _phy.setNotifyWritable(tc->sock,true); } inline void onHttpResponseFromClient(TcpConnection *tc) { if (!tc->shouldKeepAlive) _phy.close(tc->sock); // will call close handler, which deletes from _tcpConnections } private: std::string _dataStorePrepPath(const char *name) const { std::string p(_homePath); p.push_back(ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR); char lastc = (char)0; for(const char *n=name;(*n);++n) { if ((*n == '.')&&(lastc == '.')) return std::string(); // don't allow ../../ stuff as a precaution if (*n == '/') { OSUtils::mkdir(p.c_str()); p.push_back(ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR); } else p.push_back(*n); lastc = *n; } return p; } const std::string _homePath; BackgroundResolver _tcpFallbackResolver; #ifdef ZT_ENABLE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER SqliteNetworkController *_controller; #endif Phy _phy; std::string _overrideRootTopology; Node *_node; InetAddress _v4LocalAddress,_v6LocalAddress; PhySocket *_v4UdpSocket; PhySocket *_v6UdpSocket; PhySocket *_v4TcpListenSocket; PhySocket *_v6TcpListenSocket; ControlPlane *_controlPlane; uint64_t _lastDirectReceiveFromGlobal; uint64_t _lastSendToGlobal; uint64_t _lastRestart; volatile uint64_t _nextBackgroundTaskDeadline; std::map< uint64_t,EthernetTap * > _taps; std::map< uint64_t,std::vector > _tapAssignedIps; // ZeroTier assigned IPs, not user or dhcp assigned Mutex _taps_m; std::set< TcpConnection * > _tcpConnections; // no mutex for this since it's done in the main loop thread only TcpConnection *_tcpFallbackTunnel; ReasonForTermination _termReason; std::string _fatalErrorMessage; Mutex _termReason_m; unsigned int _port; #ifdef ZT_USE_MINIUPNPC InetAddress _v4UpnpLocalAddress; PhySocket *_v4UpnpUdpSocket; UPNPClient *_upnpClient; #endif bool _run; Mutex _run_m; }; static int SnodeVirtualNetworkConfigFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,uint64_t nwid,enum ZT_VirtualNetworkConfigOperation op,const ZT_VirtualNetworkConfig *nwconf) { return reinterpret_cast(uptr)->nodeVirtualNetworkConfigFunction(nwid,op,nwconf); } static void SnodeEventCallback(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,enum ZT_Event event,const void *metaData) { reinterpret_cast(uptr)->nodeEventCallback(event,metaData); } static long SnodeDataStoreGetFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,const char *name,void *buf,unsigned long bufSize,unsigned long readIndex,unsigned long *totalSize) { return reinterpret_cast(uptr)->nodeDataStoreGetFunction(name,buf,bufSize,readIndex,totalSize); } static int SnodeDataStorePutFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,const char *name,const void *data,unsigned long len,int secure) { return reinterpret_cast(uptr)->nodeDataStorePutFunction(name,data,len,secure); } static int SnodeWirePacketSendFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,const struct sockaddr_storage *localAddr,const struct sockaddr_storage *addr,const void *data,unsigned int len) { return reinterpret_cast(uptr)->nodeWirePacketSendFunction(localAddr,addr,data,len); } static void SnodeVirtualNetworkFrameFunction(ZT_Node *node,void *uptr,uint64_t nwid,uint64_t sourceMac,uint64_t destMac,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len) { reinterpret_cast(uptr)->nodeVirtualNetworkFrameFunction(nwid,sourceMac,destMac,etherType,vlanId,data,len); } static void StapFrameHandler(void *uptr,uint64_t nwid,const MAC &from,const MAC &to,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len) { reinterpret_cast(uptr)->tapFrameHandler(nwid,from,to,etherType,vlanId,data,len); } static int ShttpOnMessageBegin(http_parser *parser) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); tc->currentHeaderField = ""; tc->currentHeaderValue = ""; tc->messageSize = 0; tc->url = ""; tc->status = ""; tc->headers.clear(); tc->body = ""; return 0; } static int ShttpOnUrl(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); tc->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (tc->messageSize > ZT_MAX_HTTP_MESSAGE_SIZE) return -1; tc->url.append(ptr,length); return 0; } static int ShttpOnStatus(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); tc->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (tc->messageSize > ZT_MAX_HTTP_MESSAGE_SIZE) return -1; tc->status.append(ptr,length); return 0; } static int ShttpOnHeaderField(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); tc->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (tc->messageSize > ZT_MAX_HTTP_MESSAGE_SIZE) return -1; if ((tc->currentHeaderField.length())&&(tc->currentHeaderValue.length())) { tc->headers[tc->currentHeaderField] = tc->currentHeaderValue; tc->currentHeaderField = ""; tc->currentHeaderValue = ""; } for(size_t i=0;icurrentHeaderField.push_back(OSUtils::toLower(ptr[i])); return 0; } static int ShttpOnValue(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); tc->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (tc->messageSize > ZT_MAX_HTTP_MESSAGE_SIZE) return -1; tc->currentHeaderValue.append(ptr,length); return 0; } static int ShttpOnHeadersComplete(http_parser *parser) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); if ((tc->currentHeaderField.length())&&(tc->currentHeaderValue.length())) tc->headers[tc->currentHeaderField] = tc->currentHeaderValue; return 0; } static int ShttpOnBody(http_parser *parser,const char *ptr,size_t length) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); tc->messageSize += (unsigned long)length; if (tc->messageSize > ZT_MAX_HTTP_MESSAGE_SIZE) return -1; tc->body.append(ptr,length); return 0; } static int ShttpOnMessageComplete(http_parser *parser) { TcpConnection *tc = reinterpret_cast(parser->data); tc->shouldKeepAlive = (http_should_keep_alive(parser) != 0); tc->lastActivity = OSUtils::now(); if (tc->type == TcpConnection::TCP_HTTP_INCOMING) { tc->parent->onHttpRequestToServer(tc); } else { tc->parent->onHttpResponseFromClient(tc); } return 0; } } // anonymous namespace std::string OneService::platformDefaultHomePath() { #ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__ #ifdef __APPLE__ // /Library/... on Apple return std::string("/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One"); #else #ifdef __BSD__ // BSD likes /var/db instead of /var/lib return std::string("/var/db/zerotier-one"); #else // Use /var/lib for Linux and other *nix return std::string("/var/lib/zerotier-one"); #endif #endif #else // not __UNIX_LIKE__ #ifdef __WINDOWS__ // Look up app data folder on Windows, e.g. C:\ProgramData\... char buf[16384]; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPathA(NULL,CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA,NULL,0,buf))) return (std::string(buf) + "\\ZeroTier\\One"); else return std::string("C:\\ZeroTier\\One"); #else return std::string(); // UNKNOWN PLATFORM #endif #endif // __UNIX_LIKE__ or not... } std::string OneService::autoUpdateUrl() { #ifdef ZT_AUTO_UPDATE /* #if defined(__LINUX__) && ( defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__i386) ) if (sizeof(void *) == 8) return "http://download.zerotier.com/ZeroTierOneInstaller-linux-x64-LATEST.nfo"; else return "http://download.zerotier.com/ZeroTierOneInstaller-linux-x86-LATEST.nfo"; #endif */ #if defined(__APPLE__) && ( defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__i386) ) return "http://download.zerotier.com/update/mac_intel/"; #endif #ifdef __WINDOWS__ return "http://download.zerotier.com/update/win_intel/"; #endif #endif // ZT_AUTO_UPDATE return std::string(); } OneService *OneService::newInstance(const char *hp,unsigned int port,const char *overrideRootTopology) { return new OneServiceImpl(hp,port,overrideRootTopology); } OneService::~OneService() {} } // namespace ZeroTier