#include #include #include #include #include #include "../test_helpers.hxx" // Test program for libpqxx. Define and use prepared statements. #define COMPARE_RESULTS(name, lhs, rhs) \ PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( \ rhs, lhs, \ "Executing " name " as prepared statement yields different results."); namespace { using namespace std::literals; template std::string stringize(pqxx::transaction_base &t, T i) { return stringize(t, pqxx::to_string(i)); } // Substitute variables in raw query. This is not likely to be very robust, // but it should do for just this test. The main shortcomings are escaping, // and not knowing when to quote the variables. // Note we do the replacement backwards (meaning forward_only iterators won't // do!) to avoid substituting e.g. "$12" as "$1" first. template std::string subst(pqxx::transaction_base &t, std::string q, ITER patbegin, ITER patend) { ptrdiff_t i{distance(patbegin, patend)}; for (ITER arg{patend}; i > 0; --i) { --arg; std::string const marker{"$" + pqxx::to_string(i)}, var{stringize(t, *arg)}; std::string::size_type const msz{std::size(marker)}; while (q.find(marker) != std::string::npos) q.replace(q.find(marker), msz, var); } return q; } template std::string subst(pqxx::transaction_base &t, std::string const &q, CNTNR const &patterns) { return subst(t, q, std::begin(patterns), std::end(patterns)); } void test_registration_and_invocation() { constexpr auto count_to_5{"SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 5)"}; pqxx::connection c; pqxx::work tx1{c}; // Prepare a simple statement. tx1.conn().prepare("CountToFive", count_to_5); // The statement returns exactly what you'd expect. COMPARE_RESULTS( "CountToFive", tx1.exec_prepared("CountToFive"), tx1.exec(count_to_5)); // Re-preparing it is an error. PQXX_CHECK_THROWS( tx1.conn().prepare("CountToFive", count_to_5), pqxx::sql_error, "Did not report re-definition of prepared statement."); tx1.abort(); pqxx::work tx2{c}; // Executing a nonexistent prepared statement is also an error. PQXX_CHECK_THROWS( tx2.exec_prepared("NonexistentStatement"), pqxx::sql_error, "Did not report invocation of nonexistent prepared statement."); } void test_basic_args() { pqxx::connection c; c.prepare("EchoNum", "SELECT $1::int"); pqxx::work tx{c}; auto r{tx.exec_prepared("EchoNum", 7)}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( std::size(r), 1, "Did not get 1 row from prepared statement."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(std::size(r.front()), 1, "Did not get exactly one column."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(r[0][0].as(), 7, "Got wrong result."); auto rw{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoNum", 8)}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( std::size(rw), 1, "Did not get 1 column from exec_prepared1."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(rw[0].as(), 8, "Got wrong result."); } void test_multiple_params() { pqxx::connection c; c.prepare("CountSeries", "SELECT * FROM generate_series($1::int, $2::int)"); pqxx::work tx{c}; auto r{tx.exec_prepared_n(4, "CountSeries", 7, 10)}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( std::size(r), 4, "Wrong number of rows, but no error raised."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(r.front().front().as(), 7, "Wrong $1."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(r.back().front().as(), 10, "Wrong $2."); c.prepare("Reversed", "SELECT * FROM generate_series($2::int, $1::int)"); r = tx.exec_prepared_n(3, "Reversed", 8, 6); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( r.front().front().as(), 6, "Did parameters get reordered?"); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( r.back().front().as(), 8, "$2 did not come through properly."); } void test_nulls() { pqxx::connection c; pqxx::work tx{c}; c.prepare("EchoStr", "SELECT $1::varchar"); auto rw{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoStr", nullptr)}; PQXX_CHECK(rw.front().is_null(), "nullptr did not translate to null."); char const *n{nullptr}; rw = tx.exec_prepared1("EchoStr", n); PQXX_CHECK(rw.front().is_null(), "Null pointer did not translate to null."); } void test_strings() { pqxx::connection c; pqxx::work tx{c}; c.prepare("EchoStr", "SELECT $1::varchar"); auto rw{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoStr", "foo")}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( rw.front().as(), "foo", "Wrong string result."); char const nasty_string[]{R"--('\"\)--"}; rw = tx.exec_prepared1("EchoStr", nasty_string); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( rw.front().as(), std::string(nasty_string), "Prepared statement did not quote/escape correctly."); rw = tx.exec_prepared1("EchoStr", std::string{nasty_string}); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( rw.front().as(), std::string(nasty_string), "Quoting/escaping went wrong in std::string."); char nonconst[]{"non-const C string"}; rw = tx.exec_prepared1("EchoStr", nonconst); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( rw.front().as(), std::string(nonconst), "Non-const C string passed incorrectly."); } void test_binary() { pqxx::connection c; pqxx::work tx{c}; c.prepare("EchoBin", "SELECT $1::bytea"); constexpr char raw_bytes[]{"Binary\0bytes'\"with\tweird\xff bytes"}; std::string const input{raw_bytes, std::size(raw_bytes)}; #include "pqxx/internal/ignore-deprecated-pre.hxx" { pqxx::binarystring const bin{input}; auto rw{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoBin", bin)}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( pqxx::binarystring(rw[0]).str(), input, "Binary string came out damaged."); } #include "pqxx/internal/ignore-deprecated-post.hxx" { std::basic_string bytes{ reinterpret_cast(raw_bytes), std::size(raw_bytes)}; auto bp{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoBin", bytes)}; auto bval{bp[0].as>()}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( (std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast(bval.c_str()), std::size(bval)}), input, "Binary string parameter went wrong."); } // Now try it with a complex type that ultimately uses the conversions of // std::basic_string, but complex enough that the call may // convert the data to a text string on the libpqxx side. Which would be // okay, except of course it's likely to be slower. { auto ptr{std::make_shared>( reinterpret_cast(raw_bytes), std::size(raw_bytes))}; auto rp{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoBin", ptr)}; auto pval{rp[0].as>()}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( (std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast(pval.c_str()), std::size(pval)}), input, "Binary string as shared_ptr-to-optional went wrong."); } { auto opt{std::optional>{ std::in_place, reinterpret_cast(raw_bytes), std::size(raw_bytes)}}; auto op{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoBin", opt)}; auto oval{op[0].as>()}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( (std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast(oval.c_str()), std::size(oval)}), input, "Binary string as shared_ptr-to-optional went wrong."); } #if defined(PQXX_HAVE_CONCEPTS) // By the way, it doesn't have to be a std::basic_string. Any contiguous // range will do. { std::vector data{std::byte{'x'}, std::byte{'v'}}; auto op{tx.exec_prepared1("EchoBin", data)}; auto oval{op[0].as>()}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( std::size(oval), 2u, "Binary data came back as wrong length."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast(oval[0]), int('x'), "Wrong data."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast(oval[1]), int('v'), "Wrong data."); } #endif } void test_params() { pqxx::connection c; pqxx::work tx{c}; c.prepare("Concat2Numbers", "SELECT 10 * $1 + $2"); std::vector values{3, 9}; pqxx::params params; params.reserve(std::size(values)); params.append_multi(values); auto const rw39{tx.exec_prepared1("Concat2Numbers", params)}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( rw39.front().as(), 39, "Dynamic prepared-statement parameters went wrong."); c.prepare("Concat4Numbers", "SELECT 1000*$1 + 100*$2 + 10*$3 + $4"); auto const rw1396{tx.exec_prepared1("Concat4Numbers", 1, params, 6)}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( rw1396.front().as(), 1396, "Dynamic params did not interleave with static ones properly."); } void test_optional() { pqxx::connection c; pqxx::work tx{c}; c.prepare("EchoNum", "SELECT $1::int"); pqxx::row rw{ tx.exec_prepared1("EchoNum", std::optional{std::in_place, 10})}; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL( rw.front().as(), 10, "optional (with value) did not return the right value."); rw = tx.exec_prepared1("EchoNum", std::optional{}); PQXX_CHECK( rw.front().is_null(), "optional without value did not come out as null."); } void test_prepared_statements() { test_registration_and_invocation(); test_basic_args(); test_multiple_params(); test_nulls(); test_strings(); test_binary(); test_params(); test_optional(); } void test_placeholders_generates_names() { using pqxx::operator""_zv; pqxx::placeholders name; PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$1"_zv, "Bad placeholders initial zview."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$1"sv, "Bad placeholders string_view."); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.get(), "$1", "Bad placeholders::get()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$2"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$3"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$4"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$5"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$6"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$7"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$8"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$9"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders::next()."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$10"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders carry."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$11"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders 11."); while (name.count() < 999) name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$999"_zv, "Incorrect placeholders 999."); name.next(); PQXX_CHECK_EQUAL(name.view(), "$1000"_zv, "Incorrect large placeholder."); } PQXX_REGISTER_TEST(test_prepared_statements); PQXX_REGISTER_TEST(test_placeholders_generates_names); } // namespace