Kubernetes + ZeroTier ==== A self-authorizing Kubernetes deployment on a ZeroTier private network. This is a quick tutorial for setting up a Kubernetes deployment which can self-authorize each new replica onto your private ZeroTier network with no additional configuration needed when you scale. The Kubernetes-specific instructions and content is based on the [hellonode](http://kubernetes.io/docs/hellonode/) tutorial. All of the files discussed below can be found [here](); ## Preliminary tasks **Step 1: Go to [my.zerotier.com](https://my.zerotier.com) and generate an API key. This key will be used by ZeroTier to automatically authorize new instances of your VMs to join your deployment network during replication.** **Step 2: Create a new `private` network. Take note of the network ID, henceforth: `nwid`** **Step 3: Follow the instructions from the [hellonode](ttp://kubernetes.io/docs/hellonode/) tutorial and set up your development system (install Google Cloud SDK).** ## Construct docker container **Step 4: Create necessary files for inclusion in Dockerfile** - `mkdir ztkube` Add the following files to the `ztkube` directory. These files will be compiled into the Docker image. - Create an empty `.conf` file to specify the private deployment network you created in *Step 2*: - The CLI tool config file `.zerotierCliSettings` should contain your API keys to authorize new devices on your network. In this example the default controller is hosted by us at [my.zerotier.com](https://my.zerotier.com). Alternatively, you can host your own network controller but you'll need to modify the CLI config file accordingly. ``` { "configVersion": 1, "defaultCentral": "@my.zerotier.com", "defaultController": "@my.zerotier.com", "defaultOne": "@local", "things": { "local": { "auth": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "type": "one", "url": "" }, "my.zerotier.com": { "auth": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "type": "central", "url": "https://my.zerotier.com/" }, } } ``` - The `Dockerfile` will copy the ZeroTier service as well as the ZeroTier CLI to the image: ``` FROM node:4.4 EXPOSE 8080 COPY server.js . COPY zerotier . COPY zerotier-cli . COPY entrypoint.sh . COPY .zerotierCliSettings ?> CMD node server.js ``` - The `entrypoint.sh` script will start the ZeroTier service in the VM, attempt to join your deployment network and automatically authorize the new VM if your network is set to private: ``` ./zerotier zerotier-cli join $(NWID).conf zerotier-cli net-auth $(NWID) $(DEVID) ``` **Step 5: Lastly, build the image:** `docker build -t gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/hello-node .` **Step 6: Push the docker image to your *Container Registry*** `gcloud docker push gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/hello-node:v1` ## Deploy! **Step 7: Create Kubernetes Cluster** `gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a` `gcloud container clusters create hello-world` `gcloud container clusters get-credentials hello-world` **Step 8: Create your pod** `kubectl run hello-node --image=gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/hello-node:v1 --port=8080` **Step 9: Scale** `kubectl scale deployment hello-node --replicas=4` ## Verify Now, after a minute or so you can use `zerotier-cli net-members ` to show all of your VM instances on your ZeroTier deployment network. If you haven't [configured your local CLI](), you can simply log into [my.zerotier.com](https://my.zerotier.com), go to *Networks -> nwid*.