// // NetworkMonitor.swift // ZeroTier One // // Created by Grant Limberg on 6/16/16. // Copyright © 2016 ZeroTier, Inc. All rights reserved. // import Cocoa let networkUpdateKey = "com.zerotier.one.network-list" let statusUpdateKey = "com.zerotier.one.status" class NetworkMonitor: NSObject { var timer: NSTimer? = nil var savedNetworks: [Network] = [Network]() var receivedNetworks: [Network] = [Network]() var allNetworks: [Network] = [Network]() override init() { super.init() } deinit { timer?.invalidate() } func start() { NSLog("ZeroTier monitor started") timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(updateNetworkInfo), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) } func stop() { NSLog("ZeroTier monitor stopped") timer?.invalidate() timer = nil } private func dataFile() -> String { var appSupport = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.ApplicationSupportDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0] appSupport = appSupport.URLByAppendingPathComponent("ZeroTier").URLByAppendingPathComponent("One").URLByAppendingPathComponent("networks.dat") return appSupport.path! } func updateNetworkInfo() { //NSLog("updateNetworkInfo") let filePath = dataFile() if NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(filePath) { let networks = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithFile(filePath) as! [Network] self.savedNetworks.removeAll() for n in networks { self.savedNetworks.append(n) } } ServiceCom.sharedInstance().getNetworklist() { (networkList) -> Void in self.receivedNetworks = networkList NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock() { () -> Void in self.internal_updateNetworkInfo() } } ServiceCom.sharedInstance().getNodeStatus() { nodeStatus -> Void in NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock() { () -> Void in let nc = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() nc.postNotificationName(statusUpdateKey, object: nil, userInfo: ["status": nodeStatus]) } } } func deleteSavedNetwork(nwid: String) { if let nwid = UInt64(nwid, radix: 16) { let index = findNetworkWithID(nwid) if index != NSNotFound { allNetworks.removeAtIndex(index) } let index2 = findSavedNetworkWithID(nwid) if index2 != NSNotFound { savedNetworks.removeAtIndex(index2) } } saveNetworks() } // Only to be called by updateNetworkInfo() private func internal_updateNetworkInfo() { var networks = self.savedNetworks for nw in receivedNetworks { let index = findSavedNetworkWithID(nw.nwid) if index != NSNotFound { networks[index] = nw } else { networks.append(nw) } } networks.sortInPlace({ (left, right) -> Bool in if left.nwid < right.nwid { return true } return false }) objc_sync_enter(allNetworks) allNetworks = networks objc_sync_exit(allNetworks) saveNetworks() let nc = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() nc.postNotificationName(networkUpdateKey, object: nil, userInfo: ["networks": networks]) } private func findNetworkWithID(nwid: UInt64) -> Int { for (index, element) in allNetworks.enumerate() { if element.nwid == nwid { return index } } return NSNotFound } private func findSavedNetworkWithID(nwid: UInt64) -> Int { for (index, element) in savedNetworks.enumerate() { if element.nwid == nwid { return index } } return NSNotFound } private func saveNetworks() { let file = dataFile() objc_sync_enter(allNetworks) NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(self.allNetworks, toFile: file) objc_sync_exit(allNetworks) } }