/* * Copyright (c)2013-2020 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2025-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp" #include "Constants.hpp" #include "BondController.hpp" #include "Peer.hpp" namespace ZeroTier { int BondController::_minReqPathMonitorInterval; uint8_t BondController::_defaultBondingPolicy; BondController::BondController(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv) : RR(renv) { bondStartTime = RR->node->now(); _defaultBondingPolicy = ZT_BONDING_POLICY_NONE; } bool BondController::linkAllowed(std::string &policyAlias, SharedPtr link) { bool foundInDefinitions = false; if (_linkDefinitions.count(policyAlias)) { auto it = _linkDefinitions[policyAlias].begin(); while (it != _linkDefinitions[policyAlias].end()) { if (link->ifname() == (*it)->ifname()) { foundInDefinitions = true; break; } ++it; } } return _linkDefinitions[policyAlias].empty() || foundInDefinitions; } void BondController::addCustomLink(std::string& policyAlias, SharedPtr link) { Mutex::Lock _l(_links_m); _linkDefinitions[policyAlias].push_back(link); auto search = _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].find(link->ifname()); if (search == _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].end()) { link->setAsUserSpecified(true); _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].insert(std::pair>(link->ifname(), link)); } } bool BondController::addCustomPolicy(const SharedPtr& newBond) { Mutex::Lock _l(_bonds_m); if (!_bondPolicyTemplates.count(newBond->policyAlias())) { _bondPolicyTemplates[newBond->policyAlias()] = newBond; return true; } return false; } bool BondController::assignBondingPolicyToPeer(int64_t identity, const std::string& policyAlias) { Mutex::Lock _l(_bonds_m); if (!_policyTemplateAssignments.count(identity)) { _policyTemplateAssignments[identity] = policyAlias; return true; } return false; } SharedPtr BondController::getBondByPeerId(int64_t identity) { Mutex::Lock _l(_bonds_m); return _bonds.count(identity) ? _bonds[identity] : SharedPtr(); } SharedPtr BondController::createTransportTriggeredBond(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv, const SharedPtr& peer) { Mutex::Lock _l(_bonds_m); int64_t identity = peer->identity().address().toInt(); Bond *bond = nullptr; char traceMsg[128]; if (!_bonds.count(identity)) { std::string policyAlias; if (!_policyTemplateAssignments.count(identity)) { if (_defaultBondingPolicy) { sprintf(traceMsg, "%s (bond) Creating new default %s bond to peer %llx", OSUtils::humanReadableTimestamp().c_str(), getPolicyStrByCode(_defaultBondingPolicy).c_str(), identity); RR->t->bondStateMessage(NULL, traceMsg); bond = new Bond(renv, _defaultBondingPolicy, peer); } if (!_defaultBondingPolicy && _defaultBondingPolicyStr.length()) { sprintf(traceMsg, "%s (bond) Creating new default custom %s bond to peer %llx", OSUtils::humanReadableTimestamp().c_str(), _defaultBondingPolicyStr.c_str(), identity); RR->t->bondStateMessage(NULL, traceMsg); bond = new Bond(renv, _bondPolicyTemplates[_defaultBondingPolicyStr].ptr(), peer); } } else { if (!_bondPolicyTemplates[_policyTemplateAssignments[identity]]) { sprintf(traceMsg, "%s (bond) Creating new bond. Assignment for peer %llx was specified as %s but the bond definition was not found. Using default %s", OSUtils::humanReadableTimestamp().c_str(), identity, _policyTemplateAssignments[identity].c_str(), getPolicyStrByCode(_defaultBondingPolicy).c_str()); RR->t->bondStateMessage(NULL, traceMsg); bond = new Bond(renv, _defaultBondingPolicy, peer); } else { sprintf(traceMsg, "%s (bond) Creating new default bond %s to peer %llx", OSUtils::humanReadableTimestamp().c_str(), _defaultBondingPolicyStr.c_str(), identity); RR->t->bondStateMessage(NULL, traceMsg); bond = new Bond(renv, _bondPolicyTemplates[_policyTemplateAssignments[identity]].ptr(), peer); } } } if (bond) { _bonds[identity] = bond; /** * Determine if user has specified anything that could affect the bonding policy's decisions */ if (_interfaceToLinkMap.count(bond->policyAlias())) { std::map >::iterator it = _interfaceToLinkMap[bond->policyAlias()].begin(); while (it != _interfaceToLinkMap[bond->policyAlias()].end()) { if (it->second->isUserSpecified()) { bond->_userHasSpecifiedLinks = true; } if (it->second->isUserSpecified() && it->second->primary()) { bond->_userHasSpecifiedPrimaryLink = true; } if (it->second->isUserSpecified() && it->second->userHasSpecifiedFailoverInstructions()) { bond->_userHasSpecifiedFailoverInstructions = true; } if (it->second->isUserSpecified() && (it->second->speed() > 0)) { bond->_userHasSpecifiedLinkSpeeds = true; } ++it; } } return bond; } return SharedPtr(); } SharedPtr BondController::getLinkBySocket(const std::string& policyAlias, uint64_t localSocket) { Mutex::Lock _l(_links_m); char ifname[16]; _phy->getIfName((PhySocket *) ((uintptr_t)localSocket), ifname, 16); std::string ifnameStr(ifname); auto search = _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].find(ifnameStr); if (search == _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].end()) { SharedPtr s = new Link(ifnameStr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, ZT_MULTIPATH_SLAVE_MODE_SPARE, "", 0.0); _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].insert(std::pair >(ifnameStr, s)); return s; } else { return search->second; } } SharedPtr BondController::getLinkByName(const std::string& policyAlias, const std::string& ifname) { Mutex::Lock _l(_links_m); auto search = _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].find(ifname); if (search != _interfaceToLinkMap[policyAlias].end()) { return search->second; } return SharedPtr(); } bool BondController::allowedToBind(const std::string& ifname) { return true; /* if (!_defaultBondingPolicy) { return true; // no restrictions } Mutex::Lock _l(_links_m); if (_interfaceToLinkMap.empty()) { return true; // no restrictions } std::map > >::iterator policyItr = _interfaceToLinkMap.begin(); while (policyItr != _interfaceToLinkMap.end()) { std::map >::iterator linkItr = policyItr->second.begin(); while (linkItr != policyItr->second.end()) { if (linkItr->first == ifname) { return true; } ++linkItr; } ++policyItr; } return false; */ } void BondController::processBackgroundTasks(void *tPtr, const int64_t now) { Mutex::Lock _l(_bonds_m); std::map >::iterator bondItr = _bonds.begin(); while (bondItr != _bonds.end()) { bondItr->second->processBackgroundTasks(tPtr, now); ++bondItr; } } } // namespace ZeroTier