/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "JSONDB.hpp" #define ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT 60000 namespace ZeroTier { static const nlohmann::json _EMPTY_JSON(nlohmann::json::object()); static const std::map _ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS; JSONDB::JSONDB(const std::string &basePath) : _basePath(basePath) { if ((_basePath.length() > 7)&&(_basePath.substr(0,7) == "http://")) { // TODO: this doesn't yet support IPv6 since bracketed address notiation isn't supported. // Typically it's just used with anyway. std::string hn = _basePath.substr(7); std::size_t hnend = hn.find_first_of('/'); if (hnend != std::string::npos) hn = hn.substr(0,hnend); std::size_t hnsep = hn.find_last_of(':'); if (hnsep != std::string::npos) hn[hnsep] = '/'; _httpAddr.fromString(hn); if (hnend != std::string::npos) _basePath = _basePath.substr(7 + hnend); if (_basePath.length() == 0) _basePath = "/"; if (_basePath[0] != '/') _basePath = std::string("/") + _basePath; } else { OSUtils::mkdir(_basePath.c_str()); OSUtils::lockDownFile(_basePath.c_str(),true); // networks might contain auth tokens, etc., so restrict directory permissions } unsigned int cnt = 0; while (!_load(_basePath)) { if ((++cnt & 7) == 0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: controller still waiting to read '%s'..." ZT_EOL_S,_basePath.c_str()); Thread::sleep(250); } for(std::unordered_map::iterator n(_networks.begin());n!=_networks.end();++n) _recomputeSummaryInfo(n->first); } JSONDB::~JSONDB() { { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); _networks.clear(); } { Mutex::Lock _l(_summaryThread_m); if (_summaryThread) { _updateSummaryInfoQueue.post(0); _updateSummaryInfoQueue.post(0); Thread::join(_summaryThread); } } } bool JSONDB::writeRaw(const std::string &n,const std::string &obj) { if (_httpAddr) { std::map headers; std::string body; std::map reqHeaders; char tmp[64]; Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"%lu",(unsigned long)obj.length()); reqHeaders["Content-Length"] = tmp; reqHeaders["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; const unsigned int sc = Http::PUT(1048576,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast(&_httpAddr),(_basePath+"/"+n).c_str(),reqHeaders,obj.data(),(unsigned long)obj.length(),headers,body); return (sc == 200); } else { const std::string path(_genPath(n,true)); if (!path.length()) return false; return OSUtils::writeFile(path.c_str(),obj); } } void JSONDB::saveNetwork(const uint64_t networkId,const nlohmann::json &networkConfig) { char n[256]; Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx",(unsigned long long)networkId); writeRaw(n,OSUtils::jsonDump(networkConfig)); { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); _networks[networkId].config = networkConfig; } //_recomputeSummaryInfo(networkId); } void JSONDB::saveNetworkMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,const nlohmann::json &memberConfig) { char n[256]; Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx/member/%.10llx",(unsigned long long)networkId,(unsigned long long)nodeId); writeRaw(n,OSUtils::jsonDump(memberConfig)); { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); _networks[networkId].members[nodeId] = memberConfig; } _recomputeSummaryInfo(networkId); } nlohmann::json JSONDB::eraseNetwork(const uint64_t networkId) { if (!_httpAddr) { // Member deletion is done by Central in harnessed mode, and deleting the cache network entry also deletes all members std::vector memberIds; { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); std::unordered_map::iterator i(_networks.find(networkId)); if (i == _networks.end()) return _EMPTY_JSON; for(std::unordered_map::iterator m(i->second.members.begin());m!=i->second.members.end();++m) memberIds.push_back(m->first); } for(std::vector::iterator m(memberIds.begin());m!=memberIds.end();++m) eraseNetworkMember(networkId,*m,false); } char n[256]; Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx",(unsigned long long)networkId); if (_httpAddr) { // Deletion is currently done by Central in harnessed mode //std::map headers; //std::string body; //Http::DEL(1048576,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast(&_httpAddr),(_basePath+"/"+n).c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,body); } else { const std::string path(_genPath(n,false)); if (path.length()) OSUtils::rm(path.c_str()); } { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); std::unordered_map::iterator i(_networks.find(networkId)); if (i == _networks.end()) return _EMPTY_JSON; // sanity check, shouldn't happen nlohmann::json tmp(i->second.config); _networks.erase(i); return tmp; } } nlohmann::json JSONDB::eraseNetworkMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,bool recomputeSummaryInfo) { char n[256]; Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx/member/%.10llx",(unsigned long long)networkId,(unsigned long long)nodeId); if (_httpAddr) { // Deletion is currently done by the caller in Central harnessed mode //std::map headers; //std::string body; //Http::DEL(1048576,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast(&_httpAddr),(_basePath+"/"+n).c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,body); } else { const std::string path(_genPath(n,false)); if (path.length()) OSUtils::rm(path.c_str()); } { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); std::unordered_map::iterator i(_networks.find(networkId)); if (i == _networks.end()) return _EMPTY_JSON; std::unordered_map::iterator j(i->second.members.find(nodeId)); if (j == i->second.members.end()) return _EMPTY_JSON; nlohmann::json tmp(j->second); i->second.members.erase(j); if (recomputeSummaryInfo) _recomputeSummaryInfo(networkId); return tmp; } } void JSONDB::threadMain() throw() { uint64_t networkId = 0; while ((networkId = _updateSummaryInfoQueue.get()) != 0) { const uint64_t now = OSUtils::now(); { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); std::unordered_map::iterator n(_networks.find(networkId)); if (n != _networks.end()) { NetworkSummaryInfo &ns = n->second.summaryInfo; ns.activeBridges.clear(); ns.allocatedIps.clear(); ns.authorizedMemberCount = 0; ns.activeMemberCount = 0; ns.totalMemberCount = 0; ns.mostRecentDeauthTime = 0; for(std::unordered_map::const_iterator m(n->second.members.begin());m!=n->second.members.end();++m) { try { if (OSUtils::jsonBool(m->second["authorized"],false)) { ++ns.authorizedMemberCount; try { const nlohmann::json &mlog = m->second["recentLog"]; if ((mlog.is_array())&&(mlog.size() > 0)) { const nlohmann::json &mlog1 = mlog[0]; if (mlog1.is_object()) { if ((now - OSUtils::jsonInt(mlog1["ts"],0ULL)) < (ZT_NETWORK_AUTOCONF_DELAY * 2)) ++ns.activeMemberCount; } } } catch ( ... ) {} try { if (OSUtils::jsonBool(m->second["activeBridge"],false)) ns.activeBridges.push_back(Address(m->first)); } catch ( ... ) {} try { const nlohmann::json &mips = m->second["ipAssignments"]; if (mips.is_array()) { for(unsigned long i=0;isecond["lastDeauthorizedTime"],0ULL)); } catch ( ... ) {} } ++ns.totalMemberCount; } catch ( ... ) {} } std::sort(ns.activeBridges.begin(),ns.activeBridges.end()); std::sort(ns.allocatedIps.begin(),ns.allocatedIps.end()); n->second.summaryInfoLastComputed = now; } } } } bool JSONDB::_load(const std::string &p) { if (_httpAddr) { std::string body; std::map headers; const unsigned int sc = Http::GET(2147483647,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast(&_httpAddr),_basePath.c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,body); if (sc == 200) { try { nlohmann::json dbImg(OSUtils::jsonParse(body)); std::string tmp; if (dbImg.is_object()) { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); for(nlohmann::json::iterator i(dbImg.begin());i!=dbImg.end();++i) { nlohmann::json &j = i.value(); if (j.is_object()) { std::string id(OSUtils::jsonString(j["id"],"0")); std::string objtype(OSUtils::jsonString(j["objtype"],"")); if ((id.length() == 16)&&(objtype == "network")) { const uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(id.c_str()); if (nwid) _networks[nwid].config = j; } else if ((id.length() == 10)&&(objtype == "member")) { const uint64_t mid = Utils::hexStrToU64(id.c_str()); const uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(OSUtils::jsonString(j["nwid"],"0").c_str()); if ((mid)&&(nwid)) _networks[nwid].members[mid] = j; } } } return true; } } catch ( ... ) {} // invalid JSON, so maybe incomplete request } return false; } else { std::vector dl(OSUtils::listDirectory(p.c_str(),true)); for(std::vector::const_iterator di(dl.begin());di!=dl.end();++di) { if ((di->length() > 5)&&(di->substr(di->length() - 5) == ".json")) { std::string buf; if (OSUtils::readFile((p + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *di).c_str(),buf)) { try { nlohmann::json j(OSUtils::jsonParse(buf)); std::string id(OSUtils::jsonString(j["id"],"0")); std::string objtype(OSUtils::jsonString(j["objtype"],"")); if ((id.length() == 16)&&(objtype == "network")) { const uint64_t nwid = Utils::strToU64(id.c_str()); if (nwid) { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); _networks[nwid].config = j; } } else if ((id.length() == 10)&&(objtype == "member")) { const uint64_t mid = Utils::strToU64(id.c_str()); const uint64_t nwid = Utils::strToU64(OSUtils::jsonString(j["nwid"],"0").c_str()); if ((mid)&&(nwid)) { Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m); _networks[nwid].members[mid] = j; } } } catch ( ... ) {} } } else { this->_load((p + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *di)); } } return true; } } void JSONDB::_recomputeSummaryInfo(const uint64_t networkId) { Mutex::Lock _l(_summaryThread_m); if (!_summaryThread) _summaryThread = Thread::start(this); _updateSummaryInfoQueue.post(networkId); } std::string JSONDB::_genPath(const std::string &n,bool create) { std::vector pt(OSUtils::split(n.c_str(),"/","","")); if (pt.size() == 0) return std::string(); char sep; if (_httpAddr) { sep = '/'; create = false; } else { sep = ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR; } std::string p(_basePath); if (create) OSUtils::mkdir(p.c_str()); for(unsigned long i=0,j=(unsigned long)(pt.size()-1);i