/* * ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 ZeroTier, Inc. https://www.zerotier.com/ * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef ZT_ENABLE_CLUSTER #include #include #include "ClusterGeoIpService.hpp" #include "../node/Utils.hpp" #include "../node/InetAddress.hpp" #include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp" #define ZT_CLUSTERGEOIPSERVICE_FILE_MODIFICATION_CHECK_EVERY 10000 namespace ZeroTier { ClusterGeoIpService::ClusterGeoIpService() : _pathToCsv(), _ipStartColumn(-1), _ipEndColumn(-1), _latitudeColumn(-1), _longitudeColumn(-1), _lastFileCheckTime(0), _csvModificationTime(0), _csvFileSize(0) { } ClusterGeoIpService::~ClusterGeoIpService() { } bool ClusterGeoIpService::locate(const InetAddress &ip,int &x,int &y,int &z) { Mutex::Lock _l(_lock); if ((_pathToCsv.length() > 0)&&((OSUtils::now() - _lastFileCheckTime) > ZT_CLUSTERGEOIPSERVICE_FILE_MODIFICATION_CHECK_EVERY)) { _lastFileCheckTime = OSUtils::now(); if ((_csvFileSize != OSUtils::getFileSize(_pathToCsv.c_str()))||(_csvModificationTime != OSUtils::getLastModified(_pathToCsv.c_str()))) _load(_pathToCsv.c_str(),_ipStartColumn,_ipEndColumn,_latitudeColumn,_longitudeColumn); } /* We search by looking up the upper bound of the sorted vXdb vectors * and then iterating down for a matching IP range. We stop when we hit * the beginning or an entry whose start and end are before the IP we * are searching. */ if ((ip.ss_family == AF_INET)&&(_v4db.size() > 0)) { _V4E key; key.start = Utils::ntoh((uint32_t)(reinterpret_cast(&ip)->sin_addr.s_addr)); std::vector<_V4E>::const_iterator i(std::upper_bound(_v4db.begin(),_v4db.end(),key)); while (i != _v4db.begin()) { --i; if ((key->start >= i->start)&&(key->start <= i->end)) { x = i->x; y = i->y; z = i->z; return true; } else if ((key->start > i->start)&&(key->start > i->end)) break; } } else if ((ip.ss_family == AF_INET6)&&(_v6db.size() > 0)) { _V6E key; memcpy(key.start,reinterpret_cast(&ip)->sin6_addr.s6_addr,16); std::vector<_V6E>::const_iterator i(std::upper_bound(_v6db.begin(),_v6db.end(),key)); while (i != _v6db.begin()) { --i; const int s_vs_s = memcmp(key->start,i->start,16); const int s_vs_e = memcmp(key->start,i->end,16); if ((s_vs_s >= 0)&&(s_vs_e <= 0)) { x = i->x; y = i->y; z = i->z; return true; } else if ((s_vs_s > 0)&&(s_vs_e > 0)) break; } } return false; } static void _parseLine(const char *line,std::vector<_V4E> &v4db,std::vector<_V6E> &v6db,int ipStartColumn,int ipEndColumn,int latitudeColumn,int longitudeColumn) { std::vector ls(Utils::split(line,",\t","\\","\"'")); if ( ((ipStartColumn >= 0)&&(ipStartColumn < (int)ls.size()))&& ((ipEndColumn >= 0)&&(ipEndColumn < (int)ls.size()))&& ((latitudeColumn >= 0)&&(latitudeColumn < (int)ls.size()))&& ((longitudeColumn >= 0)&&(longitudeColumn < (int)ls.size())) ) { InetAddress ipStart(ls[ipStartColumn].c_str(),0); InetAddress ipEnd(ls[ipEndColumn].c_str(),0); const double lat = strtod(ls[latitudeColumn].c_str(),(char **)0); const double lon = strtod(ls[longitudeColumn].c_str(),(char **)0); if ((ipStart.ss_family == ipEnd.ss_family)&&(ipStart)&&(ipEnd)&&(std::isfinite(lat))&&(std::isfinite(lon))) { const double latRadians = lat * 0.01745329251994; // PI / 180 const double lonRadians = lon * 0.01745329251994; // PI / 180 const double cosLat = cos(latRadians); const int x = (int)round((-6371.0) * cosLat * Math.cos(lonRadians)); // 6371 == Earth's approximate radius in kilometers const int y = (int)round(6371.0 * sin(latRadians)); const int z = (int)round(6371.0 * cosLat * Math.sin(lonRadians)); if (ipStart.ss_family == AF_INET) { v4db.push_back(_V4E()); v4db.back().start = Utils::ntoh((uint32_t)(reinterpret_cast(&ipStart)->sin_addr.s_addr)); v4db.back().end = Utils::ntoh((uint32_t)(reinterpret_cast(&ipEnd)->sin_addr.s_addr)); v4db.back().x = x; v4db.back().y = y; v4db.back().z = z; } else if (ipStart.ss_family == AF_INET6) { v6db.push_back(_V6E()); memcpy(v6db.back().start,reinterpret_cast(&ipStart)->sin6_addr.s6_addr,16); memcpy(v6db.back().end,reinterpret_cast(&ipEnd)->sin6_addr.s6_addr,16); v6db.back().x = x; v6db.back().y = y; v6db.back().z = z; } } } } long ClusterGeoIpService::_load(const char *pathToCsv,int ipStartColumn,int ipEndColumn,int latitudeColumn,int longitudeColumn) { // assumes _lock is locked FILE *f = fopen(pathToCsv,"rb"); if (!f) return -1; std::vector<_V4E> v4db; std::vector<_V6E> v6db; char buf[4096]; char linebuf[1024]; unsigned int lineptr = 0; for(;;) { int n = (int)fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),f); if (n <= 0) break; for(int i=0;i 0)||(v6db.size() > 0)) { std::sort(v4db.begin(),v4db.end()); std::sort(v6db.begin(),v6db.end()); _pathToCsv = pathToCsv; _ipStartColumn = ipStartColumn; _ipEndColumn = ipEndColumn; _latitudeColumn = latitudeColumn; _longitudeColumn = longitudeColumn; _lastFileCheckTime = OSUtils::now(); _csvModificationTime = OSUtils::getLastModified(pathToCsv); _csvFileSize = OSUtils::getFileSize(pathToCsv); _v4db.swap(v4db); _v6db.swap(v6db); return (long)(_v4db.size() + _v6db.size()); } else { return 0; } } } // namespace ZeroTier #endif // ZT_ENABLE_CLUSTER