/* * Copyright (c)2019 ZeroTier, Inc. * * Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License included * in the LICENSE.TXT file in the project's root directory. * * Change Date: 2026-01-01 * * On the date above, in accordance with the Business Source License, use * of this software will be governed by version 2.0 of the Apache License. */ /****/ #ifndef ZT_MAC_HPP #define ZT_MAC_HPP #include "Address.hpp" #include "Buffer.hpp" #include "Constants.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include #include #include namespace ZeroTier { /** * 48-byte Ethernet MAC address */ class MAC { public: MAC() : _m(0ULL) { } MAC(const MAC& m) : _m(m._m) { } MAC(const unsigned char a, const unsigned char b, const unsigned char c, const unsigned char d, const unsigned char e, const unsigned char f) : _m(((((uint64_t)a) & 0xffULL) << 40) | ((((uint64_t)b) & 0xffULL) << 32) | ((((uint64_t)c) & 0xffULL) << 24) | ((((uint64_t)d) & 0xffULL) << 16) | ((((uint64_t)e) & 0xffULL) << 8) | (((uint64_t)f) & 0xffULL)) { } MAC(const void* bits, unsigned int len) { setTo(bits, len); } MAC(const Address& ztaddr, uint64_t nwid) { fromAddress(ztaddr, nwid); } MAC(const uint64_t m) : _m(m & 0xffffffffffffULL) { } /** * @return MAC in 64-bit integer */ inline uint64_t toInt() const { return _m; } /** * Set MAC to zero */ inline void zero() { _m = 0ULL; } /** * @return True if MAC is non-zero */ inline operator bool() const { return (_m != 0ULL); } /** * @param bits Raw MAC in big-endian byte order * @param len Length, must be >= 6 or result is zero */ inline void setTo(const void* bits, unsigned int len) { if (len < 6) { _m = 0ULL; return; } const unsigned char* b = (const unsigned char*)bits; _m = ((((uint64_t)*b) & 0xff) << 40); ++b; _m |= ((((uint64_t)*b) & 0xff) << 32); ++b; _m |= ((((uint64_t)*b) & 0xff) << 24); ++b; _m |= ((((uint64_t)*b) & 0xff) << 16); ++b; _m |= ((((uint64_t)*b) & 0xff) << 8); ++b; _m |= (((uint64_t)*b) & 0xff); } /** * @param buf Destination buffer for MAC in big-endian byte order * @param len Length of buffer, must be >= 6 or nothing is copied */ inline void copyTo(void* buf, unsigned int len) const { if (len < 6) { return; } unsigned char* b = (unsigned char*)buf; *(b++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 40) & 0xff); *(b++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 32) & 0xff); *(b++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 24) & 0xff); *(b++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 16) & 0xff); *(b++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 8) & 0xff); *b = (unsigned char)(_m & 0xff); } /** * Append to a buffer in big-endian byte order * * @param b Buffer to append to */ template inline void appendTo(Buffer& b) const { unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)b.appendField(6); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 40) & 0xff); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 32) & 0xff); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 24) & 0xff); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 16) & 0xff); *(p++) = (unsigned char)((_m >> 8) & 0xff); *p = (unsigned char)(_m & 0xff); } /** * @return True if this is broadcast (all 0xff) */ inline bool isBroadcast() const { return (_m == 0xffffffffffffULL); } /** * @return True if this is a multicast MAC */ inline bool isMulticast() const { return ((_m & 0x010000000000ULL) != 0ULL); } /** * @param True if this is a locally-administered MAC */ inline bool isLocallyAdministered() const { return ((_m & 0x020000000000ULL) != 0ULL); } /** * Set this MAC to a MAC derived from an address and a network ID * * @param ztaddr ZeroTier address * @param nwid 64-bit network ID */ inline void fromAddress(const Address& ztaddr, uint64_t nwid) { uint64_t m = ((uint64_t)firstOctetForNetwork(nwid)) << 40; m |= ztaddr.toInt(); // a is 40 bits m ^= ((nwid >> 8) & 0xff) << 32; m ^= ((nwid >> 16) & 0xff) << 24; m ^= ((nwid >> 24) & 0xff) << 16; m ^= ((nwid >> 32) & 0xff) << 8; m ^= (nwid >> 40) & 0xff; _m = m; } /** * Get the ZeroTier address for this MAC on this network (assuming no bridging of course, basic unicast) * * This just XORs the next-least-significant 5 bytes of the network ID again to unmask. * * @param nwid Network ID */ inline Address toAddress(uint64_t nwid) const { uint64_t a = _m & 0xffffffffffULL; // least significant 40 bits of MAC are formed from address a ^= ((nwid >> 8) & 0xff) << 32; // ... XORed with bits 8-48 of the nwid in little-endian byte order, so unmask it a ^= ((nwid >> 16) & 0xff) << 24; a ^= ((nwid >> 24) & 0xff) << 16; a ^= ((nwid >> 32) & 0xff) << 8; a ^= (nwid >> 40) & 0xff; return Address(a); } /** * @param nwid Network ID * @return First octet of MAC for this network */ static inline unsigned char firstOctetForNetwork(uint64_t nwid) { unsigned char a = ((unsigned char)(nwid & 0xfe) | 0x02); // locally administered, not multicast, from LSB of network ID return ((a == 0x52) ? 0x32 : a); // blacklist 0x52 since it's used by KVM, libvirt, and other popular virtualization engines... seems de-facto standard on Linux } /** * @param i Value from 0 to 5 (inclusive) * @return Byte at said position (address interpreted in big-endian order) */ inline unsigned char operator[](unsigned int i) const { return (unsigned char)((_m >> (40 - (i * 8))) & 0xff); } /** * @return 6, which is the number of bytes in a MAC, for container compliance */ inline unsigned int size() const { return 6; } inline unsigned long hashCode() const { return (unsigned long)_m; } inline char* toString(char buf[18]) const { buf[0] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 44) & 0xf]; buf[1] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 40) & 0xf]; buf[2] = ':'; buf[3] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 36) & 0xf]; buf[4] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 32) & 0xf]; buf[5] = ':'; buf[6] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 28) & 0xf]; buf[7] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 24) & 0xf]; buf[8] = ':'; buf[9] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 20) & 0xf]; buf[10] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 16) & 0xf]; buf[11] = ':'; buf[12] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 12) & 0xf]; buf[13] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 8) & 0xf]; buf[14] = ':'; buf[15] = Utils::HEXCHARS[(_m >> 4) & 0xf]; buf[16] = Utils::HEXCHARS[_m & 0xf]; buf[17] = (char)0; return buf; } inline MAC& operator=(const MAC& m) { _m = m._m; return *this; } inline MAC& operator=(const uint64_t m) { _m = m; return *this; } inline bool operator==(const MAC& m) const { return (_m == m._m); } inline bool operator!=(const MAC& m) const { return (_m != m._m); } inline bool operator<(const MAC& m) const { return (_m < m._m); } inline bool operator<=(const MAC& m) const { return (_m <= m._m); } inline bool operator>(const MAC& m) const { return (_m > m._m); } inline bool operator>=(const MAC& m) const { return (_m >= m._m); } private: uint64_t _m; }; } // namespace ZeroTier #endif