mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 12:05:55 +00:00
@ -1328,9 +1328,9 @@ typedef struct
uint8_t scope;
* Percentage of traffic allocated to this path (0-255)
* Relative quality value
uint8_t allocation;
float relativeQuality;
* Name of physical interface this path resides on
@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ typedef struct
uint8_t eligible;
* The speed of this link (as given to bonding layer)
* The capacity of this link (as given to bonding layer)
uint32_t linkSpeed;
@ -140,12 +140,13 @@ SharedPtr<Bond> Bond::createBond(const RuntimeEnvironment* renv, const SharedPtr
if (it->second->isUserSpecified() && it->second->userHasSpecifiedFailoverInstructions()) {
bond->_userHasSpecifiedFailoverInstructions = true;
if (it->second->isUserSpecified() && (it->second->speed() > 0)) {
bond->_userHasSpecifiedLinkSpeeds = true;
if (it->second->isUserSpecified() && (it->second->capacity() > 0)) {
bond->_userHasSpecifiedLinkCapacities = true;
return bond;
return SharedPtr<Bond>();
@ -154,9 +155,25 @@ SharedPtr<Bond> Bond::createBond(const RuntimeEnvironment* renv, const SharedPtr
void Bond::destroyBond(uint64_t peerId)
Mutex::Lock _l(_bonds_m);
auto iter = _bonds.find(peerId);
if (iter != _bonds.end()) {
void Bond::stopBond()
debug("stopping bond");
_run = false;
void Bond::startBond()
debug("starting bond");
_run = true;
SharedPtr<Link> Bond::getLinkBySocket(const std::string& policyAlias, uint64_t localSocket, bool createIfNeeded = false)
Mutex::Lock _l(_links_m);
@ -239,7 +256,7 @@ void Bond::nominatePathToBond(const SharedPtr<Path>& path, int64_t now)
* Ensure the link is allowed and the path is not already present
if (! RR->bc->linkAllowed(_policyAlias, getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, path->localSocket(), true))) {
debug("link %s is not permitted according to user-specified rules", pathToStr(path).c_str());
debug("link %s is not allowed according to user-specified rules", pathToStr(path).c_str());
bool alreadyPresent = false;
@ -299,7 +316,7 @@ void Bond::nominatePathToBond(const SharedPtr<Path>& path, int64_t now)
void Bond::addPathToBond(int nominatedIdx, int bondedIdx)
// Map bonded set to nominated set
_bondIdxMap[bondedIdx] = nominatedIdx;
_realIdxMap[bondedIdx] = nominatedIdx;
// Tell the bonding layer that we can now use this path for traffic
_paths[nominatedIdx].bonded = true;
@ -328,62 +345,57 @@ SharedPtr<Path> Bond::getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, int32_t flowId)
* balance-rr
if (_policy == ZT_BOND_POLICY_BALANCE_RR) {
if (! _allowFlowHashing) {
if (_packetsPerLink == 0) {
// Randomly select a path
return _paths[_bondIdxMap[_freeRandomByte % _numBondedPaths]].p;
if (_rrPacketsSentOnCurrLink < _packetsPerLink) {
// Continue to use this link
return _paths[_bondIdxMap[_rrIdx]].p;
// Reset striping counter
_rrPacketsSentOnCurrLink = 0;
if (_numBondedPaths == 1 || _rrIdx >= (ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS - 1)) {
_rrIdx = 0;
else {
int _tempIdx = _rrIdx;
for (int searchCount = 0; searchCount < (_numBondedPaths - 1); searchCount++) {
_tempIdx = (_tempIdx == (_numBondedPaths - 1)) ? 0 : _tempIdx + 1;
if (_bondIdxMap[_tempIdx] != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) {
if (_paths[_bondIdxMap[_tempIdx]].p && _paths[_bondIdxMap[_tempIdx]].eligible) {
_rrIdx = _tempIdx;
if (_packetsPerLink == 0) {
// Randomly select a path
return _paths[_realIdxMap[_freeRandomByte % _numBondedPaths]].p;
if (_rrPacketsSentOnCurrLink < _packetsPerLink) {
// Continue to use this link
return _paths[_realIdxMap[_rrIdx]].p;
// Reset striping counter
_rrPacketsSentOnCurrLink = 0;
if (_numBondedPaths == 1 || _rrIdx >= (ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS - 1)) {
_rrIdx = 0;
else {
int _tempIdx = _rrIdx;
for (int searchCount = 0; searchCount < (_numBondedPaths - 1); searchCount++) {
_tempIdx = (_tempIdx == (_numBondedPaths - 1)) ? 0 : _tempIdx + 1;
if (_realIdxMap[_tempIdx] != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) {
if (_paths[_realIdxMap[_tempIdx]].p && _paths[_realIdxMap[_tempIdx]].eligible) {
_rrIdx = _tempIdx;
if (_paths[_bondIdxMap[_rrIdx]].p) {
return _paths[_bondIdxMap[_rrIdx]].p;
if (_paths[_realIdxMap[_rrIdx]].p) {
return _paths[_realIdxMap[_rrIdx]].p;
* balance-xor
* balance-xor/aware
if (! _allowFlowHashing || flowId == -1) {
if (flowId == -1) {
// No specific path required for unclassified traffic, send on anything
int m_idx = _bondIdxMap[_freeRandomByte % _numBondedPaths];
int m_idx = _realIdxMap[_freeRandomByte % _numBondedPaths];
return _paths[m_idx].p;
else if (_allowFlowHashing) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
SharedPtr<Flow> flow;
if (_flows.count(flowId)) {
flow = _flows[flowId];
flow->lastActivity = now;
else {
unsigned char entropy;
Utils::getSecureRandom(&entropy, 1);
flow = createFlow(ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS, flowId, entropy, now);
if (flow) {
return _paths[flow->assignedPath].p;
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
std::map<int16_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator it = _flows.find(flowId);
if (likely(it != _flows.end())) {
it->second->lastActivity = now;
return _paths[it->second->assignedPath].p;
else {
unsigned char entropy;
Utils::getSecureRandom(&entropy, 1);
SharedPtr<Flow> flow = createFlow(ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS, flowId, entropy, now);
_flows[flowId] = flow;
return _paths[flow->assignedPath].p;
return SharedPtr<Path>();
@ -423,7 +435,7 @@ void Bond::recordOutgoingPacket(const SharedPtr<Path>& path, uint64_t packetId,
if (_allowFlowHashing && (flowId != ZT_QOS_NO_FLOW)) {
if (flowId != ZT_QOS_NO_FLOW) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
if (_flows.count(flowId)) {
_flows[flowId]->bytesOut += payloadLength;
@ -458,7 +470,7 @@ void Bond::recordIncomingPacket(const SharedPtr<Path>& path, uint64_t packetId,
else {
debug("QoS buffer full, will not record information");
// debug("QoS buffer full, will not record information");
if (_paths[pathIdx].ackStatsIn.size() < ZT_ACK_MAX_PENDING_RECORDS) {
@ -502,13 +514,16 @@ void Bond::receivedQoS(const SharedPtr<Path>& path, int64_t now, int count, uint
_paths[pathIdx].lastQoSReceived = now;
debug("received QoS packet (sampling %d frames) via %s", count, pathToStr(path).c_str());
// Look up egress times and compute latency values for each record
// debug("received QoS packet (sampling %d frames) via %s", count, pathToStr(path).c_str());
// Look up egress times and compute latency values for each record
std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>::iterator it;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
it = _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsOut.find(rx_id[j]);
if (it != _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsOut.end()) {
_paths[pathIdx].latencySamples.push(((uint16_t)(now - it->second) - rx_ts[j]) / 2);
// if (_paths[pathIdx].shouldAvoid) {
// debug("RX sample on avoided path %d", pathIdx);
// }
@ -531,7 +546,7 @@ int32_t Bond::generateQoSPacket(int pathIdx, int64_t now, char* qosBuffer)
std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>::iterator it = _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsIn.begin();
int i = 0;
int numRecords = std::min(_paths[pathIdx].packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS, ZT_QOS_TABLE_SIZE);
debug("numRecords=%3d, packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS=%3d, _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsIn.size()=%3lu", numRecords, _paths[pathIdx].packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS, _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsIn.size());
// debug("numRecords=%3d, packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS=%3d, _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsIn.size()=%3lu", numRecords, _paths[pathIdx].packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS, _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsIn.size());
while (i < numRecords && it != _paths[pathIdx].qosStatsIn.end()) {
uint64_t id = it->first;
memcpy(qosBuffer, &id, sizeof(uint64_t));
@ -546,72 +561,93 @@ int32_t Bond::generateQoSPacket(int pathIdx, int64_t now, char* qosBuffer)
return len;
bool Bond::assignFlowToBondedPath(SharedPtr<Flow>& flow, int64_t now)
bool Bond::assignFlowToBondedPath(SharedPtr<Flow>& flow, int64_t now, bool reassign = false)
if (! _numBondedPaths) {
debug("unable to assign flow %x (bond has no links)\n", flow->id);
debug("unable to assign flow %x (bond has no links)", flow->id);
return false;
unsigned int idx = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;
unsigned int bondedIdx = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;
if (_policy == ZT_BOND_POLICY_BALANCE_XOR) {
idx = abs((int)(flow->id % (_numBondedPaths)));
flow->assignPath(_bondIdxMap[idx], now);
bondedIdx = abs((int)(flow->id % _numBondedPaths));
flow->assignPath(_realIdxMap[bondedIdx], now);
unsigned char entropy;
Utils::getSecureRandom(&entropy, 1);
if (_totalBondUnderload) {
entropy %= _totalBondUnderload;
/* Since there may be scenarios where a path is removed before we can re-estimate
relative qualities (and thus allocations) we need to down-modulate the entropy
value that we use to randomly assign among the surviving paths, otherwise we risk
not being able to find a path to assign this flow to. */
int totalIncompleteAllocation = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded) {
totalIncompleteAllocation += _paths[i].allocation;
entropy %= totalIncompleteAllocation;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded) {
uint8_t probabilitySegment = (_totalBondUnderload > 0) ? _paths[i].affinity : _paths[i].allocation;
if (entropy <= probabilitySegment) {
idx = i;
entropy -= probabilitySegment;
flow->assignPath(idx, now);
/** balance-aware generally works like balance-xor except that it will try to
* take into account user preferences (or default sane limits) that will discourage
* allocating traffic to links with a lesser perceived "quality" */
int offset = 0;
float bestQuality = 0.0;
int nextBestQualIdx = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;
if (reassign) {
log("attempting to re-assign out-flow %04x previously on idx %d (%u / %lu flows)", flow->id, flow->assignedPath, _paths[_realIdxMap[flow->assignedPath]].assignedFlowCount, _flows.size());
else {
debug("unable to assign out-flow %x (unknown reason)", flow->id);
return false;
debug("attempting to assign flow for the first time");
unsigned char entropy;
Utils::getSecureRandom(&entropy, 1);
float randomLinkCapacity = ((float)entropy / 255.0); // Used to random but proportional choices
while (offset < _numBondedPaths) {
unsigned char entropy;
Utils::getSecureRandom(&entropy, 1);
if (reassign) {
bondedIdx = (flow->assignedPath + offset) % (_numBondedPaths);
else {
bondedIdx = abs((int)((entropy + offset) % (_numBondedPaths)));
// debug("idx=%d, offset=%d, randomCap=%f, actualCap=%f", bondedIdx, offset, randomLinkCapacity, _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].relativeLinkCapacity);
if (! _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].p) {
if (! _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].shouldAvoid && randomLinkCapacity <= _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].relativeLinkCapacity) {
// debug(" assign out-flow %04x to link %s (%u / %lu flows)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].p).c_str(), _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].assignedFlowCount, _flows.size());
break; // Acceptable -- No violation of quality spec
if (_paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].relativeQuality > bestQuality) {
bestQuality = _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].relativeQuality;
nextBestQualIdx = bondedIdx;
// debug(" recording next-best link %f idx %d", _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].relativeQuality, bondedIdx);
if (offset < _numBondedPaths) {
// We were (able) to find a path that didn't violate any of the user's quality requirements
flow->assignPath(_realIdxMap[bondedIdx], now);
// debug(" ABLE to find optimal link %f idx %d", _paths[_realIdxMap[bondedIdx]].relativeQuality, bondedIdx);
else {
// We were (unable) to find a path that didn't violate at least one quality requirement, will choose next best option
flow->assignPath(_realIdxMap[nextBestQualIdx], now);
// debug(" UNABLE to find, will use link %f idx %d", _paths[_realIdxMap[nextBestQualIdx]].relativeQuality, nextBestQualIdx);
if (_abPathIdx == ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) {
debug("unable to assign out-flow %x (no active backup link)", flow->id);
log("unable to assign out-flow %x (no active backup link)", flow->id);
flow->assignPath(_abPathIdx, now);
debug("assign out-flow %04x to link %s (%u / %lu flows)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[flow->assignedPath].p).c_str(), _paths[flow->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, _flows.size());
log("assign out-flow %04x to link %s (%u / %lu flows)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[flow->assignedPath].p).c_str(), _paths[flow->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, _flows.size());
return true;
SharedPtr<Bond::Flow> Bond::createFlow(int pathIdx, int32_t flowId, unsigned char entropy, int64_t now)
if (! _numBondedPaths) {
debug("unable to assign flow %x (bond has no links)\n", flowId);
debug("unable to assign flow %04x (bond has no links)", flowId);
return SharedPtr<Flow>();
if (_flows.size() >= ZT_FLOW_MAX_COUNT) {
debug("forget oldest flow (max flows reached: %d)\n", ZT_FLOW_MAX_COUNT);
debug("forget oldest flow (max flows reached: %d)", ZT_FLOW_MAX_COUNT);
forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(0, true, now);
SharedPtr<Flow> flow = new Flow(flowId, now);
@ -624,7 +660,7 @@ SharedPtr<Bond::Flow> Bond::createFlow(int pathIdx, int32_t flowId, unsigned cha
flow->assignPath(pathIdx, now);
debug("assign in-flow %x to link %s (%u / %lu)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), _paths[pathIdx].assignedFlowCount, _flows.size());
debug("assign in-flow %04x to link %s (%u / %lu)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), _paths[pathIdx].assignedFlowCount, _flows.size());
* Add a flow when no path was provided. This means that it is an outgoing packet
@ -638,13 +674,13 @@ SharedPtr<Bond::Flow> Bond::createFlow(int pathIdx, int32_t flowId, unsigned cha
void Bond::forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(uint64_t age, bool oldest, int64_t now)
std::map<int32_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator it = _flows.begin();
std::map<int32_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator oldestFlow = _flows.end();
std::map<int16_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator it = _flows.begin();
std::map<int16_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator oldestFlow = _flows.end();
SharedPtr<Flow> expiredFlow;
if (age) { // Remove by specific age
while (it != _flows.end()) {
if (it->second->age(now) > age) {
debug("forget flow %x (age %llu) (%u / %lu)", it->first, (unsigned long long)it->second->age(now), _paths[it->second->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, (_flows.size() - 1));
debug("forget flow %04x (age %llu) (%u / %lu)", it->first, (unsigned long long)it->second->age(now), _paths[it->second->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, (_flows.size() - 1));
it = _flows.erase(it);
@ -663,7 +699,7 @@ void Bond::forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(uint64_t age, bool oldest, int64_t now)
if (oldestFlow != _flows.end()) {
debug("forget oldest flow %x (age %llu) (total flows: %lu)", oldestFlow->first, (unsigned long long)oldestFlow->second->age(now), (unsigned long)(_flows.size() - 1));
debug("forget oldest flow %04x (age %llu) (total flows: %lu)", oldestFlow->first, (unsigned long long)oldestFlow->second->age(now), (unsigned long)(_flows.size() - 1));
@ -810,7 +846,7 @@ void Bond::sendQOS_MEASUREMENT(void* tPtr, int pathIdx, int64_t localSocket, con
int16_t len = generateQoSPacket(pathIdx, _now, qosData);
if (len) {
debug("sending QOS via link %s (len=%d)", pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), len);
// debug("sending QOS via link %s (len=%d)", pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), len);
outp.append(qosData, len);
if (atAddress) {
outp.armor(_peer->key(), false, _peer->aesKeysIfSupported());
@ -827,6 +863,9 @@ void Bond::sendQOS_MEASUREMENT(void* tPtr, int pathIdx, int64_t localSocket, con
void Bond::processBackgroundBondTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
if (! _run) {
if (! _peer->_localMultipathSupported || (now - _lastBackgroundTaskCheck) < ZT_BOND_BACKGROUND_TASK_MIN_INTERVAL) {
@ -852,7 +891,7 @@ void Bond::processBackgroundBondTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
RR->node->putPacket(tPtr, _paths[i].p->localSocket(), _paths[i].p->address(), outp.data(), outp.size());
_paths[i].p->_lastOut = now;
_overheadBytes += outp.size();
debug("tx: verb 0x%-2x of len %4d via %s (ECHO)", Packet::VERB_ECHO, outp.size(), pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
// debug("tx: verb 0x%-2x of len %4d via %s (ECHO)", Packet::VERB_ECHO, outp.size(), pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
// QOS
@ -970,11 +1009,9 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
if (! currEligibility) {
_paths[i].adjustRefractoryPeriod(now, _defaultPathRefractoryPeriod, ! currEligibility);
if (_paths[i].bonded) {
if (_allowFlowHashing) {
debug("link %s was bonded, flow reallocation will occur soon", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
rebuildBond = true;
_paths[i].shouldReallocateFlows = _paths[i].bonded;
debug("link %s was bonded, flow reallocation will occur soon", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
rebuildBond = true;
_paths[i].shouldAvoid = true;
_paths[i].bonded = false;
@ -999,6 +1036,7 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
bool foundUsablePrimaryPath = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
// debug("[%d], bonded=%d, alive=%d", i, _paths[i].bonded , _paths[i].alive);
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded && _paths[i].alive) {
foundUsablePrimaryPath = true;
@ -1014,11 +1052,9 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
rebuildBond = true;
if (rebuildBond) {
debug("rebuilding bond");
// Clear previous bonded index mapping
for (int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
_paths[i].bonded = false;
@ -1037,11 +1073,10 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
std::map<SharedPtr<Link>, std::vector<int> >::iterator it = linkMap.begin();
while (it != linkMap.end()) {
SharedPtr<Link> link = it->first;
int ipvPref = link->ipvPref();
// Bond a spare link if required (no viable primary links left)
if (! foundUsablePrimaryPath) {
log("no usable primary links remain, will attempt to use spare if available");
debug("no usable primary links remain, will attempt to use spare if available");
for (int j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++) {
int idx = it->second.at(j);
if (! _paths[idx].p || ! _paths[idx].eligible || ! _paths[idx].allowed() || ! _paths[idx].isSpare()) {
@ -1053,6 +1088,8 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
int ipvPref = link->ipvPref();
// If user has no address type preference, then use every path we find on a link
if (ipvPref == 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++) {
@ -1127,26 +1164,6 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
void Bond::estimatePathQuality(int64_t now)
uint32_t totUserSpecifiedLinkSpeed = 0;
if (_numBondedPaths) { // Compute relative user-specified speeds of links
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numBondedPaths; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].allowed()) {
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[i].p->localSocket());
if (link) {
totUserSpecifiedLinkSpeed += link->speed();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _numBondedPaths; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].allowed()) {
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[i].p->localSocket());
if (link) {
link->setRelativeSpeed((uint8_t)round(((float)link->speed() / (float)totUserSpecifiedLinkSpeed) * 255));
float lat[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS] = { 0 };
float pdv[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS] = { 0 };
float plr[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS] = { 0 };
@ -1157,35 +1174,15 @@ void Bond::estimatePathQuality(int64_t now)
float maxPLR = 0;
float maxPER = 0;
float quality[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS] = { 0 };
uint8_t alloc[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS] = { 0 };
float absoluteQuality[ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS] = { 0 };
float totQuality = 0.0f;
// Compute initial summary statistics
// Process observation samples, compute summary statistics, and compute relative link qualities
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (! _paths[i].p || ! _paths[i].allowed()) {
// Compute/Smooth average of real-world observations
_paths[i].latencyMean = _paths[i].latencySamples.mean();
_paths[i].latencyVariance = _paths[i].latencySamples.stddev();
// Write values to external path object so that it can be propagated to the user
_paths[i].p->_latencyMean = _paths[i].latencyMean;
_paths[i].p->_latencyVariance = _paths[i].latencyVariance;
_paths[i].p->_packetLossRatio = _paths[i].packetLossRatio;
_paths[i].p->_packetErrorRatio = _paths[i].packetErrorRatio;
_paths[i].p->_bonded = _paths[i].bonded;
_paths[i].p->_eligible = _paths[i].eligible;
// _valid is written elsewhere
_paths[i].p->_allocation = _paths[i].allocation;
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[i].p->localSocket());
if (link) {
_paths[i].p->_givenLinkSpeed = link->speed();
//_paths[i].packetErrorRatio = 1.0 - (_paths[i].packetValiditySamples.count() ? _paths[i].packetValiditySamples.mean() : 1.0);
// Drain unacknowledged QoS records
int qosRecordTimeout = (_qosSendInterval * 3);
std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>::iterator it = _paths[i].qosStatsOut.begin();
@ -1200,7 +1197,7 @@ void Bond::estimatePathQuality(int64_t now)
if (numDroppedQosOutRecords) {
debug("Dropped %d QOS out-records", numDroppedQosOutRecords);
// debug("dropped %d QOS out-records", numDroppedQosOutRecords);
@ -1229,116 +1226,185 @@ void Bond::estimatePathQuality(int64_t now)
if (numDroppedQosInRecords) {
log("Dropped %d QOS in-records", numDroppedQosInRecords);
// debug("dropped %d QOS in-records", numDroppedQosInRecords);
quality[i] = 0;
absoluteQuality[i] = 0;
totQuality = 0;
// Normalize raw observations according to sane limits and/or user specified values
lat[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].latencyMean, 0, _maxAcceptableLatency, 0, 1));
pdv[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].latencyVariance, 0, _maxAcceptablePacketDelayVariance, 0, 1));
plr[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].packetLossRatio, 0, _maxAcceptablePacketLossRatio, 0, 1));
per[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].packetErrorRatio, 0, _maxAcceptablePacketErrorRatio, 0, 1));
lat[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].latency, 0, _qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_MAX_IDX], 0, 1));
pdv[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].latencyVariance, 0, _qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_MAX_IDX], 0, 1));
plr[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].packetLossRatio, 0, _qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_MAX_IDX], 0, 1));
per[i] = 1.0 / expf(4 * Utils::normalize(_paths[i].packetErrorRatio, 0, _qw[ZT_QOS_PER_MAX_IDX], 0, 1));
// Record bond-wide maximums to determine relative values
maxLAT = lat[i] > maxLAT ? lat[i] : maxLAT;
maxPDV = pdv[i] > maxPDV ? pdv[i] : maxPDV;
maxPLR = plr[i] > maxPLR ? plr[i] : maxPLR;
maxPER = per[i] > maxPER ? per[i] : maxPER;
// Compute relative user-specified link capacities (may change during life of Bond)
int maxObservedLinkCap = 0;
// Find current maximum
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].allowed()) {
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[i].p->localSocket());
if (link) {
int linkSpeed = link->capacity();
_paths[i].p->_givenLinkSpeed = linkSpeed;
maxObservedLinkCap = linkSpeed > maxObservedLinkCap ? linkSpeed : maxObservedLinkCap;
// Compute relative link capacity (Used for weighting traffic allocations)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].allowed()) {
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[i].p->localSocket());
if (link) {
float relativeCapacity = (link->capacity() / (float)maxObservedLinkCap);
_paths[i].relativeLinkCapacity = relativeCapacity;
// Convert metrics to relative quantities and apply contribution weights
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded) {
quality[i] += ((maxLAT > 0.0f ? lat[i] / maxLAT : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_IDX]);
quality[i] += ((maxPDV > 0.0f ? pdv[i] / maxPDV : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_IDX]);
quality[i] += ((maxPLR > 0.0f ? plr[i] / maxPLR : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_IDX]);
quality[i] += ((maxPER > 0.0f ? per[i] / maxPER : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_PER_IDX]);
totQuality += quality[i];
absoluteQuality[i] += ((maxLAT > 0.0f ? lat[i] / maxLAT : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_WEIGHT_IDX]);
absoluteQuality[i] += ((maxPDV > 0.0f ? pdv[i] / maxPDV : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_WEIGHT_IDX]);
absoluteQuality[i] += ((maxPLR > 0.0f ? plr[i] / maxPLR : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_WEIGHT_IDX]);
absoluteQuality[i] += ((maxPER > 0.0f ? per[i] / maxPER : 0.0f) * _qw[ZT_QOS_PER_WEIGHT_IDX]);
absoluteQuality[i] *= _paths[i].relativeLinkCapacity;
totQuality += absoluteQuality[i];
// Normalize to 8-bit allocation values
// Compute quality of link relative to all others in the bond (also accounting for stated link capacity)
if (totQuality > 0.0) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded) {
_paths[i].relativeQuality = absoluteQuality[i] / totQuality;
// debug("[%2d], abs=%f, tot=%f, rel=%f, relcap=%f", i, absoluteQuality[i], totQuality, _paths[i].relativeQuality, _paths[i].relativeLinkCapacity);
// Compute summary statistics
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded) {
alloc[i] = (uint8_t)(std::ceil((quality[i] / totQuality) * (float)255));
_paths[i].allocation = alloc[i];
if (! _paths[i].p || ! _paths[i].allowed()) {
// Compute/Smooth average of real-world observations
if (_paths[i].latencySamples.count() == ZT_QOS_SHORTTERM_SAMPLE_WIN_SIZE) {
_paths[i].latency = _paths[i].latencySamples.mean();
if (_paths[i].latencySamples.count() == ZT_QOS_SHORTTERM_SAMPLE_WIN_SIZE) {
_paths[i].latencyVariance = _paths[i].latencySamples.stddev();
// Write values to external path object so that it can be propagated to the user
_paths[i].p->_latencyMean = _paths[i].latency;
_paths[i].p->_latencyVariance = _paths[i].latencyVariance;
_paths[i].p->_packetLossRatio = _paths[i].packetLossRatio;
_paths[i].p->_packetErrorRatio = _paths[i].packetErrorRatio;
_paths[i].p->_bonded = _paths[i].bonded;
_paths[i].p->_eligible = _paths[i].eligible;
//_paths[i].packetErrorRatio = 1.0 - (_paths[i].packetValiditySamples.count() ? _paths[i].packetValiditySamples.mean() : 1.0);
// _valid is written elsewhere
_paths[i].p->_relativeQuality = _paths[i].relativeQuality;
// Flag links for avoidance
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (! _paths[i].p || ! _paths[i].allowed()) {
bool shouldAvoid = false;
if (! _paths[i].shouldAvoid) {
if (_paths[i].latency > _qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_MAX_IDX]) {
log("avoiding link %s because (lat %6.4f > %6.4f)", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str(), _paths[i].latency, _qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_MAX_IDX]);
shouldAvoid = true;
if (_paths[i].latencyVariance > _qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_MAX_IDX]) {
log("avoiding link %s because (pdv %6.4f > %6.4f)", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str(), _paths[i].latencyVariance, _qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_MAX_IDX]);
shouldAvoid = true;
if (_paths[i].packetErrorRatio > _qw[ZT_QOS_PER_MAX_IDX]) {
log("avoiding link %s because (per %6.4f > %6.4f)", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str(), _paths[i].packetErrorRatio, _qw[ZT_QOS_PER_MAX_IDX]);
shouldAvoid = true;
if (_paths[i].packetLossRatio > _qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_MAX_IDX]) {
log("avoiding link %s because (plr %6.4f > %6.4f)", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str(), _paths[i].packetLossRatio, _qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_MAX_IDX]);
shouldAvoid = true;
_paths[i].shouldAvoid = shouldAvoid;
else {
if (! shouldAvoid) {
log("no longer avoiding link %s", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
_paths[i].shouldAvoid = false;
void Bond::processBalanceTasks(int64_t now)
if (_allowFlowHashing) {
* Clean up and reset flows if necessary
if ((now - _lastFlowExpirationCheck) > ZT_PEER_PATH_EXPIRATION) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(ZT_PEER_PATH_EXPIRATION, false, now);
std::map<int32_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator it = _flows.begin();
while (it != _flows.end()) {
_lastFlowExpirationCheck = now;
if (! _numBondedPaths) {
* Clean up and reset flows if necessary
if ((now - _lastFlowExpirationCheck) > ZT_PEER_PATH_EXPIRATION) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(ZT_PEER_PATH_EXPIRATION, false, now);
std::map<int16_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator it = _flows.begin();
while (it != _flows.end()) {
* Re-allocate flows from dead paths
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
for (int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (! _paths[i].p) {
if (! _paths[i].eligible && _paths[i].shouldReallocateFlows) {
log("reallocate flows from dead link %s", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
std::map<int32_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator flow_it = _flows.begin();
while (flow_it != _flows.end()) {
if (_paths[flow_it->second->assignedPath].p == _paths[i].p) {
if (assignFlowToBondedPath(flow_it->second, now)) {
_paths[i].shouldReallocateFlows = false;
_lastFlowExpirationCheck = now;
* Move (all) flows from dead paths
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
std::map<int16_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator flow_it = _flows.begin();
while (flow_it != _flows.end()) {
if (! _paths[flow_it->second->assignedPath].p) {
int originalPathIdx = flow_it->second->assignedPath;
if (! _paths[originalPathIdx].eligible) {
log("moving all flows from dead link %s", pathToStr(_paths[originalPathIdx].p).c_str());
if (assignFlowToBondedPath(flow_it->second, now, true)) {
* Re-allocate flows from under-performing
* NOTE: This could be part of the above block but was kept separate for clarity.
int totalAllocation = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (! _paths[i].p) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded && _paths[i].eligible) {
totalAllocation += _paths[i].allocation;
unsigned char minimumAllocationValue = (uint8_t)(0.33 * ((float)totalAllocation / (float)_numBondedPaths));
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
for (int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (! _paths[i].p) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].bonded && _paths[i].eligible && (_paths[i].allocation < minimumAllocationValue) && _paths[i].assignedFlowCount) {
log("reallocate flows from under-performing link %s\n", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
std::map<int32_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator flow_it = _flows.begin();
while (flow_it != _flows.end()) {
if (flow_it->second->assignedPath == _paths[i].p) {
if (assignFlowToBondedPath(flow_it->second, now)) {
_paths[i].shouldReallocateFlows = false;
* Move (some) flows from low quality paths
Mutex::Lock _l(_flows_m);
std::map<int16_t, SharedPtr<Flow> >::iterator flow_it = _flows.begin();
while (flow_it != _flows.end()) {
if (! _paths[flow_it->second->assignedPath].p) {
int originalPathIdx = flow_it->second->assignedPath;
if (_paths[originalPathIdx].shouldAvoid) {
if (assignFlowToBondedPath(flow_it->second, now, true)) {
return; // Only move one flow at a time
@ -1534,7 +1600,7 @@ void Bond::processActiveBackupTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
if (! _paths[i].failoverScore) {
// If we didn't inherit a failover score from a "parent" that wants to use this path as a failover
int newHandicap = failoverScoreHandicap ? failoverScoreHandicap : _paths[i].allocation;
int newHandicap = failoverScoreHandicap ? failoverScoreHandicap : (_paths[i].relativeQuality * 255.0);
_paths[i].failoverScore = newHandicap;
SharedPtr<Link> failoverLink;
@ -1603,7 +1669,7 @@ void Bond::processActiveBackupTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
_paths[i].negotiated = false;
_paths[i].failoverScore = _paths[i].allocation + failoverScoreHandicap;
_paths[i].failoverScore = _paths[i].relativeQuality + failoverScoreHandicap;
if (_paths[i].p.ptr() != _paths[_abPathIdx].p.ptr()) {
bool bFoundPathInQueue = false;
for (std::deque<int>::iterator it(_abFailoverQueue.begin()); it != _abFailoverQueue.end(); ++it) {
@ -1703,7 +1769,7 @@ void Bond::processActiveBackupTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
int prevFScore = _paths[_abPathIdx].failoverScore;
// Establish a minimum switch threshold to prevent flapping
int failoverScoreDifference = _paths[_abFailoverQueue.front()].failoverScore - _paths[_abPathIdx].failoverScore;
int thresholdQuantity = (int)(ZT_BOND_ACTIVE_BACKUP_OPTIMIZE_MIN_THRESHOLD * (float)_paths[_abPathIdx].allocation);
int thresholdQuantity = (int)(ZT_BOND_ACTIVE_BACKUP_OPTIMIZE_MIN_THRESHOLD * (float)_paths[_abPathIdx].relativeQuality);
if ((failoverScoreDifference > 0) && (failoverScoreDifference > thresholdQuantity)) {
SharedPtr<Path> oldPath = _paths[_abPathIdx].p;
@ -1746,10 +1812,6 @@ void Bond::setBondParameters(int policy, SharedPtr<Bond> templateBond, bool useT
_isLeaf = _peer ? (role != ZT_PEER_ROLE_PLANET && role != ZT_PEER_ROLE_MOON) : false;
// Flows
_allowFlowHashing = false;
// Path negotiation
_allowPathNegotiation = false;
@ -1761,7 +1823,7 @@ void Bond::setBondParameters(int policy, SharedPtr<Bond> templateBond, bool useT
_userHasSpecifiedPrimaryLink = false;
_userHasSpecifiedFailoverInstructions = false;
_userHasSpecifiedLinkSpeeds = 0;
_userHasSpecifiedLinkCapacities = 0;
// Bond status
@ -1769,62 +1831,36 @@ void Bond::setBondParameters(int policy, SharedPtr<Bond> templateBond, bool useT
_numTotalLinks = 0;
_numBondedPaths = 0;
// active-backup
// rr
_rrPacketsSentOnCurrLink = 0;
_rrIdx = 0;
// General parameters
_downDelay = 0;
_upDelay = 0;
_monitorInterval = 0;
// (Sane?) limits
_maxAcceptableLatency = 100;
_maxAcceptablePacketDelayVariance = 50;
_maxAcceptablePacketLossRatio = 0.10f;
_maxAcceptablePacketErrorRatio = 0.10f;
// balance-aware
_totalBondUnderload = 0;
_overheadBytes = 0;
* Policy-specific defaults
* Policy defaults
switch (_policy) {
_downDelay = 30000;
_upDelay = 0;
_packetsPerLink = 64;
_allowFlowHashing = true;
_allowFlowHashing = true;
_rrPacketsSentOnCurrLink = 0;
_rrIdx = 0;
_packetsPerLink = 64;
_qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_IDX] = 0.3f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_LTM_IDX] = 0.1f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_IDX] = 0.3f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_IDX] = 0.1f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PER_IDX] = 0.1f;
// Sane quality defaults
_qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_MAX_IDX] = 500.0f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_MAX_IDX] = 100.0f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_MAX_IDX] = 0.001f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PER_MAX_IDX] = 0.0001f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_LAT_WEIGHT_IDX] = 0.25f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PDV_WEIGHT_IDX] = 0.25f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PLR_WEIGHT_IDX] = 0.25f;
_qw[ZT_QOS_PER_WEIGHT_IDX] = 0.25f;
@ -1836,7 +1872,8 @@ void Bond::setBondParameters(int policy, SharedPtr<Bond> templateBond, bool useT
_downDelay = templateBond->_downDelay;
_upDelay = templateBond->_upDelay;
_abLinkSelectMethod = templateBond->_abLinkSelectMethod;
memcpy(_qw, templateBond->_qw, ZT_QOS_WEIGHT_SIZE * sizeof(float));
memcpy(_qw, templateBond->_qw, ZT_QOS_PARAMETER_SIZE * sizeof(float));
debug("user link quality spec = {%6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f}", _qw[0], _qw[1], _qw[2], _qw[3], _qw[4], _qw[5], _qw[6], _qw[7]);
if (! _isLeaf) {
@ -1854,16 +1891,18 @@ void Bond::setBondParameters(int policy, SharedPtr<Bond> templateBond, bool useT
_defaultPathRefractoryPeriod = 8000;
void Bond::setUserQualityWeights(float weights[], int len)
void Bond::setUserLinkQualitySpec(float weights[], int len)
if (len == ZT_QOS_WEIGHT_SIZE) {
float weightTotal = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ZT_QOS_WEIGHT_SIZE; ++i) {
weightTotal += weights[i];
if (weightTotal > 0.99 && weightTotal < 1.01) {
memcpy(_qw, weights, len * sizeof(float));
debug("link quality spec has an invalid number of parameters (%d out of %d), ignoring", len, ZT_QOS_PARAMETER_SIZE);
float weightTotal = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 4; i < ZT_QOS_PARAMETER_SIZE; ++i) {
weightTotal += weights[i];
if (weightTotal > 0.99 && weightTotal < 1.01) {
memcpy(_qw, weights, len * sizeof(float));
@ -1898,7 +1937,7 @@ void Bond::dumpPathStatus(int64_t now, int pathIdx)
std::string aliveOrDead = _paths[pathIdx].alive ? std::string("alive") : std::string("dead");
std::string eligibleOrNot = _paths[pathIdx].eligible ? std::string("eligible") : std::string("ineligible");
std::string bondedOrNot = _paths[pathIdx].bonded ? std::string("bonded") : std::string("unbonded");
log("path[%2u] --- %5s (in %7lld, out: %7lld), %10s, %8s, flows=%-6u lat=%-8.3f pdv=%-7.3f err=%-6.4f loss=%-6.4f alloc=%-3u --- (%s) spare=%d",
log("path[%2u] --- %5s (in %7lld, out: %7lld), %10s, %8s, flows=%-6u lat=%-8.3f pdv=%-7.3f err=%-6.4f loss=%-6.4f qual=%-6.4f --- (%s) spare=%d",
static_cast<long long int>(_paths[pathIdx].p->age(now)),
@ -1906,11 +1945,11 @@ void Bond::dumpPathStatus(int64_t now, int pathIdx)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
* Indices for the path quality weight vector
* Multipath bonding policy
@ -117,17 +117,16 @@ class Link {
* @param ifnameStr
* @param ipvPref
* @param speed
* @param capacity
* @param enabled
* @param mode
* @param failoverToLinkStr
* @param userSpecifiedAlloc
Link(std::string ifnameStr, uint8_t ipvPref, uint32_t speed, bool enabled, uint8_t mode, std::string failoverToLinkStr)
Link(std::string ifnameStr, uint8_t ipvPref, uint32_t capacity, bool enabled, uint8_t mode, std::string failoverToLinkStr)
: _ifnameStr(ifnameStr)
, _ipvPref(ipvPref)
, _speed(speed)
, _relativeSpeed(0)
, _capacity(capacity)
, _relativeCapacity(0.0)
, _enabled(enabled)
, _mode(mode)
, _failoverToLinkStr(failoverToLinkStr)
@ -194,29 +193,29 @@ class Link {
* @return The speed of the link relative to others in the bond.
* @return The capacity of the link relative to others in the bond.
inline uint8_t relativeSpeed()
inline float relativeCapacity()
return _relativeSpeed;
return _relativeCapacity;
* Sets the speed of the link relative to others in the bond.
* Sets the capacity of the link relative to others in the bond.
* @param relativeSpeed The speed relative to the rest of the link.
* @param relativeCapacity The capacity relative to the rest of the link.
inline void setRelativeSpeed(uint8_t relativeSpeed)
inline void setRelativeCapacity(float relativeCapacity)
_relativeSpeed = relativeSpeed;
_relativeCapacity = relativeCapacity;
* @return The absolute speed of the link (as specified by the user.)
* @return The absolute capacity of the link (as specified by the user.)
inline uint32_t speed()
inline uint32_t capacity()
return _speed;
return _capacity;
@ -262,14 +261,14 @@ class Link {
uint8_t _ipvPref;
* User-specified speed of this link
* User-specified capacity of this link
uint32_t _speed;
uint32_t _capacity;
* Speed relative to other specified links (computed by Bond)
uint8_t _relativeSpeed;
float _relativeCapacity;
* Whether this link is enabled, or (disabled (possibly bad config))
@ -302,6 +301,17 @@ class Peer;
class Bond {
* Stop bond's internal functions (can be resumed)
void stopBond();
* Start or resume a bond's internal functions
void startBond();
* @return Whether this link is permitted to become a member of a bond.
@ -576,6 +586,14 @@ class Bond {
return _policyAlias;
* Return whether this bond is able to properly process traffic
bool isReady()
return _numBondedPaths;
* Inform the bond about the path that its peer (owning object) just learned about.
* If the path is allowed to be used, it will be inducted into the bond on a trial
@ -706,8 +724,9 @@ class Bond {
* @param flow Flow to be assigned
* @param now Current time
* @param reassign Whether this flow is being re-assigned to another path
bool assignFlowToBondedPath(SharedPtr<Flow>& flow, int64_t now);
bool assignFlowToBondedPath(SharedPtr<Flow>& flow, int64_t now, bool reassign);
* Determine whether a path change should occur given the remote peer's reported utility and our
@ -796,52 +815,12 @@ class Bond {
void setBondParameters(int policy, SharedPtr<Bond> templateBond, bool useTemplate);
* Check and assign user-specified quality weights to this bond.
* Check and assign user-specified link quality parameters to this bond.
* @param weights Set of user-specified weights
* @param len Length of weight vector
* @param weights Set of user-specified parameters
* @param len Length of parameter vector
void setUserQualityWeights(float weights[], int len);
* @param latencyInMilliseconds Maximum acceptable latency.
void setMaxAcceptableLatency(int16_t latencyInMilliseconds)
_maxAcceptableLatency = latencyInMilliseconds;
* @param latencyInMilliseconds Maximum acceptable (mean) latency.
void setMaxAcceptableMeanLatency(int16_t latencyInMilliseconds)
_maxAcceptableMeanLatency = latencyInMilliseconds;
* @param latencyVarianceInMilliseconds Maximum acceptable packet delay variance (jitter).
void setMaxAcceptablePacketDelayVariance(int16_t latencyVarianceInMilliseconds)
_maxAcceptablePacketDelayVariance = latencyVarianceInMilliseconds;
* @param lossRatio Maximum acceptable packet loss ratio (PLR).
void setMaxAcceptablePacketLossRatio(float lossRatio)
_maxAcceptablePacketLossRatio = lossRatio;
* @param errorRatio Maximum acceptable packet error ratio (PER).
void setMaxAcceptablePacketErrorRatio(float errorRatio)
_maxAcceptablePacketErrorRatio = errorRatio;
void setUserLinkQualitySpec(float weights[], int len);
* @return Whether the user has defined links for use on this bond
@ -868,11 +847,11 @@ class Bond {
* @return Whether the user has specified link speeds
* @return Whether the user has specified link capacities
inline bool userHasSpecifiedLinkSpeeds()
inline bool userHasSpecifiedLinkCapacities()
return _userHasSpecifiedLinkSpeeds;
return _userHasSpecifiedLinkCapacities;
@ -911,10 +890,9 @@ class Bond {
inline bool rateGateQoS(int64_t now, SharedPtr<Path>& path)
// TODO: Verify before production
char pathStr[64] = { 0 };
int diff = now - _lastQoSRateCheck;
uint64_t diff = now - _lastQoSRateCheck;
if ((diff) <= (_qosSendInterval / ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS)) {
@ -922,7 +900,6 @@ class Bond {
_qosCutoffCount = 0;
_lastQoSRateCheck = now;
// fprintf(stderr, "rateGateQoS (count=%d, send_interval=%d, diff=%d, path=%s)\n", _qosCutoffCount, _qosSendInterval, diff, pathStr);
return (_qosCutoffCount < (ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS * 2));
@ -934,7 +911,6 @@ class Bond {
inline bool rateGatePathNegotiation(int64_t now, SharedPtr<Path>& path)
// TODO: Verify before production
char pathStr[64] = { 0 };
int diff = now - _lastPathNegotiationReceived;
@ -945,7 +921,6 @@ class Bond {
_pathNegotiationCutoffCount = 0;
_lastPathNegotiationReceived = now;
// fprintf(stderr, "rateGateNeg (count=%d, send_interval=%d, diff=%d, path=%s)\n", _pathNegotiationCutoffCount, (ZT_PATH_NEGOTIATION_CUTOFF_TIME / ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS), diff, pathStr);
return (_pathNegotiationCutoffCount < (ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS * 2));
@ -1061,20 +1036,11 @@ class Bond {
* @param allowFlowHashing
* @return Whether flow-hashing is currently supported for this bond.
inline void setFlowHashing(bool allowFlowHashing)
bool flowHashingSupported()
_allowFlowHashing = allowFlowHashing;
* @return Whether flow-hashing is currently enabled for this bond.
bool flowHashingEnabled()
return _allowFlowHashing;
@ -1221,16 +1187,14 @@ class Bond {
, onlyPathOnLink(false)
, bonded(false)
, negotiated(false)
, shouldReallocateFlows(false)
, shouldAvoid(false)
, assignedFlowCount(0)
, latencyMean(0)
, latency(0)
, latencyVariance(0)
, packetLossRatio(0)
, packetErrorRatio(0)
, allocation(0)
, byteLoad(0)
, relativeByteLoad(0)
, affinity(0)
, relativeQuality(0)
, relativeLinkCapacity(0)
, failoverScore(0)
, packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS(0)
, packetsIn(0)
@ -1298,7 +1262,7 @@ class Bond {
* @param now Current time
* @return Whether a QoS (VERB_QOS_MEASUREMENT) packet needs to be emitted at this time
inline bool needsToSendQoS(int64_t now, int qosSendInterval)
inline bool needsToSendQoS(int64_t now, uint64_t qosSendInterval)
// fprintf(stderr, "QOS table (%d / %d)\n", packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS, ZT_QOS_TABLE_SIZE);
return ((packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS >= ZT_QOS_TABLE_SIZE) || ((now - lastQoSMeasurement) > qosSendInterval)) && packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS;
@ -1308,7 +1272,7 @@ class Bond {
* @param now Current time
* @return Whether an ACK (VERB_ACK) packet needs to be emitted at this time
inline bool needsToSendAck(int64_t now, int ackSendInterval)
inline bool needsToSendAck(int64_t now, uint64_t ackSendInterval)
return ((now - lastAckSent) >= ackSendInterval || (packetsReceivedSinceLastAck == ZT_QOS_TABLE_SIZE)) && packetsReceivedSinceLastAck;
@ -1344,26 +1308,25 @@ class Bond {
uint64_t lastRefractoryUpdate; // The last time that the refractory period was updated.
uint64_t lastAliveToggle; // The last time that the path was marked as "alive".
bool alive;
bool eligible; // State of eligibility at last check. Used for determining state changes.
uint64_t lastEligibility; // The last time that this path was eligible
uint64_t whenNominated; // Timestamp indicating when this path's trial period began.
uint32_t refractoryPeriod; // Amount of time that this path will be prevented from becoming a member of a bond.
uint8_t ipvPref; // IP version preference inherited from the physical link.
uint8_t mode; // Mode inherited from the physical link.
bool onlyPathOnLink; // IP version preference inherited from the physical link.
bool enabled; // Enabled state inherited from the physical link.
bool bonded; // Whether this path is currently part of a bond.
bool negotiated; // Whether this path was intentionally negotiated by either peer.
bool shouldReallocateFlows; // Whether flows should be moved from this path. Current traffic flows will be re-allocated immediately.
uint16_t assignedFlowCount; // The number of flows currently assigned to this path.
float latencyMean; // The mean latency (computed from a sliding window.)
float latencyVariance; // Packet delay variance (computed from a sliding window.)
float packetLossRatio; // The ratio of lost packets to received packets.
float packetErrorRatio; // The ratio of packets that failed their MAC/CRC checks to those that did not.
uint8_t allocation; // The relative quality of this path to all others in the bond, [0-255].
uint64_t byteLoad; // How much load this path is under.
uint8_t relativeByteLoad; // How much load this path is under (relative to other paths in the bond.)
uint8_t affinity; // Relative value expressing how "deserving" this path is of new traffic.
bool eligible; // State of eligibility at last check. Used for determining state changes.
uint64_t lastEligibility; // The last time that this path was eligible
uint64_t whenNominated; // Timestamp indicating when this path's trial period began.
uint32_t refractoryPeriod; // Amount of time that this path will be prevented from becoming a member of a bond.
uint8_t ipvPref; // IP version preference inherited from the physical link.
uint8_t mode; // Mode inherited from the physical link.
bool onlyPathOnLink; // IP version preference inherited from the physical link.
bool enabled; // Enabled state inherited from the physical link.
bool bonded; // Whether this path is currently part of a bond.
bool negotiated; // Whether this path was intentionally negotiated by either peer.
bool shouldAvoid; // Whether flows should be moved from this path. Current traffic flows will be re-allocated immediately.
uint16_t assignedFlowCount; // The number of flows currently assigned to this path.
float latency; // The mean latency (computed from a sliding window.)
float latencyVariance; // Packet delay variance (computed from a sliding window.)
float packetLossRatio; // The ratio of lost packets to received packets.
float packetErrorRatio; // The ratio of packets that failed their MAC/CRC checks to those that did not.
float relativeQuality; // The relative quality of the link.
float relativeLinkCapacity; // The relative capacity of the link.
uint32_t failoverScore; // Score that indicates to what degree this path is preferred over others that are available to the bonding policy. (specifically for active-backup)
int32_t packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS; // Number of packets received since the last VERB_QOS_MEASUREMENT was sent to the remote peer.
@ -1461,10 +1424,12 @@ class Bond {
* may only be updated during a call to curateBond(). The reason for this is so that
* we can simplify the high frequency packet egress logic.
int _numBondedPaths; // Number of paths currently included in the _bondIdxMap set.
std::map<int32_t, SharedPtr<Flow> > _flows; // Flows hashed according to port and protocol
float _qw[ZT_QOS_WEIGHT_SIZE]; // How much each factor contributes to the "quality" score of a path.
int _numBondedPaths; // Number of paths currently included in the _realIdxMap set.
std::map<int16_t, SharedPtr<Flow> > _flows; // Flows hashed according to port and protocol
float _qw[ZT_QOS_PARAMETER_SIZE]; // Link quality specification (can be customized by user)
bool _run;
uint8_t _policy;
uint32_t _upDelay;
@ -1500,20 +1465,11 @@ class Bond {
* Timers and intervals
uint32_t _failoverInterval;
uint32_t _qosSendInterval;
uint32_t _ackSendInterval;
uint32_t throughputMeasurementInterval;
uint32_t _qualityEstimationInterval;
* Acceptable quality thresholds
float _maxAcceptablePacketLossRatio;
float _maxAcceptablePacketErrorRatio;
uint16_t _maxAcceptableLatency;
uint16_t _maxAcceptableMeanLatency;
uint16_t _maxAcceptablePacketDelayVariance;
uint64_t _failoverInterval;
uint64_t _qosSendInterval;
uint64_t _ackSendInterval;
uint64_t throughputMeasurementInterval;
uint64_t _qualityEstimationInterval;
* Link state reporting
@ -1563,7 +1519,7 @@ class Bond {
bool _userHasSpecifiedLinks; // Whether the user has specified links for this bond.
bool _userHasSpecifiedPrimaryLink; // Whether the user has specified a primary link for this bond.
bool _userHasSpecifiedFailoverInstructions; // Whether the user has specified failover instructions for this bond.
bool _userHasSpecifiedLinkSpeeds; // Whether the user has specified links speeds for this bond.
bool _userHasSpecifiedLinkCapacities; // Whether the user has specified links capacities for this bond.
* How frequently (in ms) a VERB_ECHO is sent to a peer to verify that a
* path is still active. A value of zero (0) will disable active path
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
* Number of samples to consider when processing real-time path statistics
* Max allowable time spent in any queue (in ms)
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ bool IncomingPacket::_doFRAME(const RuntimeEnvironment *RR,void *tPtr,const Shar
int32_t _flowId = ZT_QOS_NO_FLOW;
SharedPtr<Bond> bond = peer->bond();
if (bond && bond->flowHashingEnabled()) {
if (bond && bond->flowHashingSupported()) {
const unsigned int etherType = at<uint16_t>(ZT_PROTO_VERB_FRAME_IDX_ETHERTYPE);
const unsigned int frameLen = size() - ZT_PROTO_VERB_FRAME_IDX_PAYLOAD;
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ ZT_PeerList *Node::peers() const
p->paths[p->pathCount].latencyVariance = (*path)->latencyVariance();
p->paths[p->pathCount].packetLossRatio = (*path)->packetLossRatio();
p->paths[p->pathCount].packetErrorRatio = (*path)->packetErrorRatio();
p->paths[p->pathCount].allocation = (*path)->allocation();
p->paths[p->pathCount].relativeQuality = (*path)->relativeQuality();
p->paths[p->pathCount].linkSpeed = (*path)->givenLinkSpeed();
p->paths[p->pathCount].bonded = (*path)->bonded();
p->paths[p->pathCount].eligible = (*path)->eligible();
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public:
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public:
@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ public:
inline unsigned int bonded() const { return _bonded; }
* @return Given link speed as reported by the bonding layer
* @return Given link capacity as reported by the bonding layer
inline unsigned int givenLinkSpeed() const { return _givenLinkSpeed; }
* @return Traffic allocation as reported by the bonding layer
* @return Path's quality as reported by the bonding layer
inline unsigned char allocation() const { return _allocation; }
inline float relativeQuality() const { return _relativeQuality; }
* @return Physical interface name that this path lives on
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ private:
volatile bool _eligible;
volatile bool _bonded;
volatile uint32_t _givenLinkSpeed;
volatile uint8_t _allocation;
volatile float _relativeQuality;
volatile unsigned int _latency;
InetAddress _addr;
@ -270,30 +270,30 @@ SharedPtr<Path> Peer::getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired, int32
Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m);
Mutex::Lock _lb(_bond_m);
if (!_bond) {
unsigned int bestPath = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;
* Send traffic across the highest quality path only. This algorithm will still
* use the old path quality metric from protocol version 9.
long bestPathQuality = 2147483647;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;++i) {
if (_paths[i].p) {
if ((includeExpired)||((now - _paths[i].lr) < ZT_PEER_PATH_EXPIRATION)) {
const long q = _paths[i].p->quality(now) / _paths[i].priority;
if (q <= bestPathQuality) {
bestPathQuality = q;
bestPath = i;
} else break;
if (bestPath != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) {
return _paths[bestPath].p;
return SharedPtr<Path>();
if(_bond && _bond->isReady()) {
return _bond->getAppropriatePath(now, flowId);
return _bond->getAppropriatePath(now, flowId);
unsigned int bestPath = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;
* Send traffic across the highest quality path only. This algorithm will still
* use the old path quality metric from protocol version 9.
long bestPathQuality = 2147483647;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;++i) {
if (_paths[i].p) {
if ((includeExpired)||((now - _paths[i].lr) < ZT_PEER_PATH_EXPIRATION)) {
const long q = _paths[i].p->quality(now) / _paths[i].priority;
if (q <= bestPathQuality) {
bestPathQuality = q;
bestPath = i;
} else break;
if (bestPath != ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) {
return _paths[bestPath].p;
return SharedPtr<Path>();
void Peer::introduce(void *const tPtr,const int64_t now,const SharedPtr<Peer> &other) const
@ -637,20 +637,20 @@ static int cli(int argc,char **argv)
printf("\nidx lat pdv "
"plr per speed alloc "
"plr per capacity qual "
"rx_age tx_age eligible bonded\n");
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) { printf("-"); }
for (int i=0; i<p.size(); i++)
printf("%2d: %8.2f %8.2f %7.4f %7.4f %7d %6.2f %11d %11d %9d %7d\n",
printf("%2d: %8.2f %8.2f %7.4f %7.4f %10d %7.4f %11d %11d %9d %7d\n",
OSUtils::jsonDouble(p[i]["latencyMean"], 0),
OSUtils::jsonDouble(p[i]["latencyVariance"], 0),
OSUtils::jsonDouble(p[i]["packetLossRatio"], 0),
OSUtils::jsonDouble(p[i]["packetErrorRatio"], 0),
(int)OSUtils::jsonInt(p[i]["givenLinkSpeed"], 0),
OSUtils::jsonDouble(p[i]["allocation"], 0),
OSUtils::jsonDouble(p[i]["relativeQuality"], 0),
(int)OSUtils::jsonInt(p[i]["lastInAge"], 0),
(int)OSUtils::jsonInt(p[i]["lastOutAge"], 0),
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ static void _peerToJson(nlohmann::json &pj,const ZT_Peer *peer, SharedPtr<Bond>
j["bonded"] = peer->paths[i].bonded;
j["eligible"] = peer->paths[i].eligible;
j["givenLinkSpeed"] = peer->paths[i].linkSpeed;
j["allocation"] = std::round(((float)(peer->paths[i].allocation) / 255.0) * 1000.0) / 1000.0;
j["relativeQuality"] = peer->paths[i].relativeQuality;
@ -1484,7 +1484,6 @@ public:
scode = 200;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "unable to find bond to peer %llx\n", (unsigned long long)wantp);
scode = 400;
@ -2023,23 +2022,20 @@ public:
// New bond, used as a copy template for new instances
SharedPtr<Bond> newTemplateBond = new Bond(NULL, basePolicyStr, customPolicyStr, SharedPtr<Peer>());
// Acceptable ranges
// Quality weights
json &qualityWeights = customPolicy["qualityWeights"];
if (qualityWeights.size() == ZT_QOS_WEIGHT_SIZE) {
float weights[ZT_QOS_WEIGHT_SIZE];
weights[ZT_QOS_LAT_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(qualityWeights["lat"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_LTM_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(qualityWeights["ltm"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PDV_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(qualityWeights["pdv"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PLR_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(qualityWeights["plr"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PER_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(qualityWeights["per"],0.0);
// Custom link quality spec
json &linkQualitySpec = customPolicy["linkQuality"];
if (linkQualitySpec.size() == ZT_QOS_PARAMETER_SIZE) {
float weights[ZT_QOS_PARAMETER_SIZE] = {};
weights[ZT_QOS_LAT_MAX_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["lat_max"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PDV_MAX_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["pdv_max"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PLR_MAX_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["plr_max"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PER_MAX_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["per_max"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_LAT_WEIGHT_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["lat_weight"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PDV_WEIGHT_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["pdv_weight"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PLR_WEIGHT_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["plr_weight"],0.0);
weights[ZT_QOS_PER_WEIGHT_IDX] = (float)OSUtils::jsonDouble(linkQualitySpec["per_weight"],0.0);
// Bond-specific properties
@ -2053,7 +2049,7 @@ public:
std::string linkNameStr(linkItr.key());
json &link = linkItr.value();
bool enabled = OSUtils::jsonInt(link["enabled"],true);
uint32_t speed = OSUtils::jsonInt(link["speed"],0);
uint32_t capacity = OSUtils::jsonInt(link["capacity"],0);
uint8_t ipvPref = OSUtils::jsonInt(link["ipvPref"],0);
std::string failoverToStr(OSUtils::jsonString(link["failoverTo"],""));
// Mode
@ -2071,7 +2067,7 @@ public:
failoverToStr = "";
enabled = false;
_node->bondController()->addCustomLink(customPolicyStr, new Link(linkNameStr,ipvPref,speed,enabled,linkMode,failoverToStr));
_node->bondController()->addCustomLink(customPolicyStr, new Link(linkNameStr,ipvPref,capacity,enabled,linkMode,failoverToStr));
std::string linkSelectMethodStr(OSUtils::jsonString(customPolicy["activeReselect"],"optimize"));
if (linkSelectMethodStr == "always") {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user