mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 03:55:24 +00:00
Refactor controller to use split-out DB for better performance and less ugly.
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ using json = nlohmann::json;
namespace ZeroTier {
// JSON blob I/O
static json _readJson(const std::string &path)
std::string buf;
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ static bool _writeJson(const std::string &path,const json &obj)
return OSUtils::writeFile(path.c_str(),obj.dump(2));
// Get JSON values as unsigned integers, strings, or booleans, doing type conversion if possible
static uint64_t _jI(const json &jv,const uint64_t dfl)
@ -475,55 +477,17 @@ static bool _parseRule(json &r,ZT_VirtualNetworkRule &rule)
EmbeddedNetworkController::EmbeddedNetworkController(Node *node,const char *dbPath) :
OSUtils::lockDownFile(dbPath,true); // networks might contain auth tokens, etc., so restrict directory permissions
_daemon = Thread::start(this);
void EmbeddedNetworkController::threadMain()
uint64_t lastUpdatedNetworkMemberCache = 0;
while (_daemonRun) {
// Every 60 seconds we rescan the filesystem for network members and rebuild our cache
if ((OSUtils::now() - lastUpdatedNetworkMemberCache) >= 60000) {
const std::vector<std::string> networks(OSUtils::listSubdirectories((_path + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "network").c_str()));
for(auto n=networks.begin();n!=networks.end();++n) {
if (n->length() == 16) {
const std::vector<std::string> members(OSUtils::listSubdirectories((*n + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "member").c_str()));
std::map<Address,nlohmann::json> newCache;
for(auto m=members.begin();m!=members.end();++m) {
if (m->length() == ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH_HEX) {
const Address maddr(*m);
try {
const json mj(_readJson((_path + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "network" + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *n + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "member" + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *m + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "config.json")));
if ((mj.is_object())&&(mj.size() > 0)) {
newCache[maddr] = mj;
} catch ( ... ) {}
Mutex::Lock _l(_networkMemberCache_m);
_networkMemberCache[Utils::hexStrToU64(n->c_str())] = newCache;
lastUpdatedNetworkMemberCache = OSUtils::now();
NetworkController::ResultCode EmbeddedNetworkController::doNetworkConfigRequest(const InetAddress &fromAddr,const Identity &signingId,const Identity &identity,uint64_t nwid,const Dictionary<ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_METADATA_DICT_CAPACITY> &metaData,NetworkConfig &nc)
if (((!signingId)||(!signingId.hasPrivate()))||(signingId.address().toInt() != (nwid >> 24))) {
@ -541,12 +505,17 @@ NetworkController::ResultCode EmbeddedNetworkController::doNetworkConfigRequest(
lrt = now;
json network(_readJson(_networkJP(nwid,false)));
char nwids[24];
json network;
json member;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
network = _db.get("network",nwids,0);
member = _db.get("network",nwids,"member",identity.address().toString(),0);
if (!network.size())
return NetworkController::NETCONF_QUERY_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND;
const std::string memberJP(_memberJP(nwid,identity.address(),true));
json member(_readJson(memberJP));
@ -673,7 +642,8 @@ NetworkController::ResultCode EmbeddedNetworkController::doNetworkConfigRequest(
// If they are not authorized, STOP!
if (!authorizedBy) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
return NetworkController::NETCONF_QUERY_ACCESS_DENIED;
@ -966,7 +936,10 @@ NetworkController::ResultCode EmbeddedNetworkController::doNetworkConfigRequest(
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
return NetworkController::NETCONF_QUERY_OK;
@ -985,7 +958,11 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
char nwids[24];
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)nwid);
json network(_readJson(_networkJP(nwid,false)));
json network;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
network = _db.get("network",nwids,0);
if (!network.size())
return 404;
@ -996,7 +973,11 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
if (path.size() >= 4) {
const uint64_t address = Utils::hexStrToU64(path[3].c_str());
json member(_readJson(_memberJP(nwid,Address(address),false)));
json member;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
member = _db.get("network",nwids,"member",Address(address).toString(),0);
if (!member.size())
return 404;
@ -1007,19 +988,19 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
return 200;
} else {
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
responseBody = "{";
std::vector<std::string> members(OSUtils::listSubdirectories((_networkBP(nwid,false) + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "member").c_str()));
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i(members.begin());i!=members.end();++i) {
if (i->length() == ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH_HEX) {
json member(_readJson(_memberJP(nwid,Address(Utils::hexStrToU64(i->c_str())),false)));
if (member.size()) {
responseBody.append((responseBody.length() == 1) ? "\"" : ",\"");
std::string pfx(std::string("network/") + nwids + "member/");
_db.filter(pfx,120000,[&responseBody](const std::string &n,const json &member) {
if (member.size() > 0) {
responseBody.append((responseBody.length() == 1) ? "\"" : ",\"");
return true; // never delete
responseContentType = "application/json";
@ -1056,7 +1037,7 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
} else if (path.size() == 1) {
responseBody = "[";
std::vector<std::string> networks(OSUtils::listSubdirectories((_path + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "network").c_str()));
for(auto i(networks.begin());i!=networks.end();++i) {
if (i->length() == 16) {
@ -1065,6 +1046,7 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
responseContentType = "application/json";
return 200;
@ -1122,7 +1104,11 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)nwid);
if (path.size() >= 3) {
json network(_readJson(_networkJP(nwid,false)));
json network;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
network = _db.get("network",nwids,0);
if (!network.size())
return 404;
@ -1131,7 +1117,13 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
char addrs[24];
Utils::snprintf(addrs,sizeof(addrs),"%.10llx",(unsigned long long)address);
json member(_readJson(_memberJP(nwid,Address(address),true)));
json member;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
member = _db.get("network",nwids,"member",Address(address).toString(),0);
if (!member.size())
return 404;
try {
@ -1154,7 +1146,7 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
if (b.count("ipAssignments")) {
auto ipa = b["ipAssignments"];
json &ipa = b["ipAssignments"];
if (ipa.is_array()) {
json mipa(json::array());
for(unsigned long i=0;i<ipa.size();++i) {
@ -1169,7 +1161,7 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
if (b.count("tags")) {
auto tags = b["tags"];
json &tags = b["tags"];
if (tags.is_array()) {
std::map<uint64_t,uint64_t> mtags;
for(unsigned long i=0;i<tags.size();++i) {
@ -1189,7 +1181,7 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
if (b.count("capabilities")) {
auto capabilities = b["capabilities"];
json &capabilities = b["capabilities"];
if (capabilities.is_array()) {
json mcaps = json::array();
for(unsigned long i=0;i<capabilities.size();++i) {
@ -1210,14 +1202,12 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
member["address"] = addrs; // legacy
member["nwid"] = nwids;
member["lastModified"] = now;
auto revj = member["revision"];
json &revj = member["revision"];
member["revision"] = (revj.is_number() ? ((uint64_t)revj + 1ULL) : 1ULL);
Mutex::Lock _l(_networkMemberCache_m);
_networkMemberCache[nwid][Address(address)] = member;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
// Add non-persisted fields
@ -1281,26 +1271,33 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
} else {
// POST to network ID
// Magic ID ending with ______ picks a random unused network ID
if (path[1].substr(10) == "______") {
nwid = 0;
uint64_t nwidPrefix = (Utils::hexStrToU64(path[1].substr(0,10).c_str()) << 24) & 0xffffffffff000000ULL;
uint64_t nwidPostfix = 0;
for(unsigned long k=0;k<100000;++k) { // sanity limit on trials
uint64_t tryNwid = nwidPrefix | (nwidPostfix & 0xffffffULL);
if ((tryNwid & 0xffffffULL) == 0ULL) tryNwid |= 1ULL;
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)tryNwid);
if (!OSUtils::fileExists(_networkJP(tryNwid,false).c_str())) {
nwid = tryNwid;
if (!nwid)
return 503;
json network;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
json network(_readJson(_networkJP(nwid,true)));
// Magic ID ending with ______ picks a random unused network ID
if (path[1].substr(10) == "______") {
nwid = 0;
uint64_t nwidPrefix = (Utils::hexStrToU64(path[1].substr(0,10).c_str()) << 24) & 0xffffffffff000000ULL;
uint64_t nwidPostfix = 0;
for(unsigned long k=0;k<100000;++k) { // sanity limit on trials
uint64_t tryNwid = nwidPrefix | (nwidPostfix & 0xffffffULL);
if ((tryNwid & 0xffffffULL) == 0ULL) tryNwid |= 1ULL;
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)tryNwid);
if (_db.get("network",nwids,120000).size() <= 0) {
nwid = tryNwid;
if (!nwid)
return 503;
network = _db.get("network",nwids,0);
if (!network.size())
return 404;
try {
@ -1481,11 +1478,14 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
network["id"] = nwids;
network["nwid"] = nwids; // legacy
auto rev = network["revision"];
json &rev = network["revision"];
network["revision"] = (rev.is_number() ? ((uint64_t)rev + 1ULL) : 1ULL);
network["lastModified"] = now;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
_NetworkMemberInfo nmi;
@ -1518,7 +1518,13 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpDELETE(
if ((path.size() >= 2)&&(path[1].length() == 16)) {
const uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(path[1].c_str());
json network(_readJson(_networkJP(nwid,false)));
char nwids[24];
json network;
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
network = _db.get("network",nwids,0);
if (!network.size())
return 404;
@ -1526,22 +1532,23 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpDELETE(
if ((path.size() == 4)&&(path[2] == "member")&&(path[3].length() == 10)) {
const uint64_t address = Utils::hexStrToU64(path[3].c_str());
json member(_readJson(_memberJP(nwid,Address(address),false)));
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
json member = _db.get("network",nwids,"member",Address(address).toString(),0);
if (!member.size())
return 404;
responseBody = member.dump(2);
responseContentType = "application/json";
return 200;
} else {
Mutex::Lock _l(_networkMemberCache_m);
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
std::string pfx("network/"); pfx.append(nwids);
_db.filter(pfx,120000,[](const std::string &n,const json &obj) {
return false; // delete
responseBody = network.dump(2);
responseContentType = "application/json";
return 200;
@ -1618,42 +1625,46 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_circuitTestCallback(ZT_Node *node,ZT_CircuitTes
void EmbeddedNetworkController::_getNetworkMemberInfo(uint64_t now,uint64_t nwid,_NetworkMemberInfo &nmi)
Mutex::Lock _mcl(_networkMemberCache_m);
std::map< Address,nlohmann::json > &memberCacheEntry = _networkMemberCache[nwid];
nmi.totalMemberCount = memberCacheEntry.size();
for(std::map< Address,nlohmann::json >::iterator nm(memberCacheEntry.begin());nm!=memberCacheEntry.end();++nm) {
if (_jB(nm->second["authorized"],false)) {
char pfx[256];
if (nm->second.count("recentLog")) {
json &mlog = nm->second["recentLog"];
if ((mlog.is_array())&&(mlog.size() > 0)) {
json &mlog1 = mlog[0];
if (mlog1.is_object()) {
if ((now - _jI(mlog1["ts"],0ULL)) < ZT_NETCONF_NODE_ACTIVE_THRESHOLD)
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
_db.filter(pfx,120000,[&nmi,&now](const std::string &n,const json &member) {
try {
if (_jB(member["authorized"],false)) {
if (member.count("recentLog")) {
const json &mlog = member["recentLog"];
if ((mlog.is_array())&&(mlog.size() > 0)) {
const json &mlog1 = mlog[0];
if (mlog1.is_object()) {
if ((now - _jI(mlog1["ts"],0ULL)) < ZT_NETCONF_NODE_ACTIVE_THRESHOLD)
if (_jB(nm->second["activeBridge"],false)) {
if (_jB(member["activeBridge"],false)) {
if (nm->second.count("ipAssignments")) {
json &mips = nm->second["ipAssignments"];
if (mips.is_array()) {
for(unsigned long i=0;i<mips.size();++i) {
InetAddress mip(_jS(mips[i],""));
if ((mip.ss_family == AF_INET)||(mip.ss_family == AF_INET6))
if (member.count("ipAssignments")) {
const json &mips = member["ipAssignments"];
if (mips.is_array()) {
for(unsigned long i=0;i<mips.size();++i) {
InetAddress mip(_jS(mips[i],""));
if ((mip.ss_family == AF_INET)||(mip.ss_family == AF_INET6))
} else {
nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime = std::max(nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime,_jI(member["lastDeauthorizedTime"],0ULL));
} else {
nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime = std::max(nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime,_jI(nm->second["lastDeauthorizedTime"],0ULL));
} catch ( ... ) {}
return true;
} // namespace ZeroTier
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
#include "../ext/json/json.hpp"
#include "JSONDB.hpp"
namespace ZeroTier {
class Node;
@ -50,10 +52,6 @@ public:
EmbeddedNetworkController(Node *node,const char *dbPath);
virtual ~EmbeddedNetworkController();
// Thread main method -- do not call directly
void threadMain()
virtual NetworkController::ResultCode doNetworkConfigRequest(
const InetAddress &fromAddr,
const Identity &signingId,
@ -88,6 +86,7 @@ private:
static void _circuitTestCallback(ZT_Node *node,ZT_CircuitTest *test,const ZT_CircuitTestReport *report);
// Network base path and network JSON path
inline std::string _networkBP(const uint64_t nwid,bool create)
char tmp[64];
@ -124,6 +123,10 @@ private:
// In-memory cache of network members
std::map< uint64_t,std::map< Address,nlohmann::json > > _networkMemberCache;
Mutex _networkMemberCache_m;
Mutex _db_m;
// Gathers a bunch of statistics about members of a network, IP assignments, etc. that we need in various places
// This does lock _networkMemberCache_m
@ -203,9 +206,6 @@ private:
// Last request time by address, for rate limitation
std::map< std::pair<uint64_t,uint64_t>,uint64_t > _lastRequestTime;
Mutex _lastRequestTime_m;
Thread _daemon;
volatile bool _daemonRun;
} // namespace ZeroTier
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ bool JSONDB::put(const std::string &n,const nlohmann::json &obj)
if (!_isValidObjectName(n))
return false;
std::string path(_genPath(n,false));
std::string path(_genPath(n,true));
if (!path.length())
return false;
@ -36,10 +36,9 @@ bool JSONDB::put(const std::string &n,const nlohmann::json &obj)
return false;
_E &e = _db[n];
e.obj = obj;
e.lastModifiedOnDisk = OSUtils::getLastModified(path.c_str());
e.lastCheck = OSUtils::now();
e.obj = obj;
return true;
@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ const nlohmann::json &JSONDB::get(const std::string &n,unsigned long maxSinceChe
if (e != _db.end()) {
if ((now - e->second.lastCheck) <= (uint64_t)maxSinceCheck)
return e->second.obj;
std::string path(_genPath(n,false));
if (!path.length()) // sanity check
return _EMPTY_JSON;
@ -64,15 +62,13 @@ const nlohmann::json &JSONDB::get(const std::string &n,unsigned long maxSinceChe
// We are somewhat tolerant to momentary disk failures here. This may
// occur over e.g. EC2's elastic filesystem (NFS).
const uint64_t lm = OSUtils::getLastModified(path.c_str());
if ((lm)&&(e->second.lastModifiedOnDisk != lm)) {
if (e->second.lastModifiedOnDisk != lm) {
if (OSUtils::readFile(path.c_str(),buf)) {
try {
e->second.lastModifiedOnDisk = lm;
e->second.lastCheck = now;
e->second.obj = nlohmann::json::parse(buf);
} catch ( ... ) {
e->second.obj = _EMPTY_JSON;
e->second.lastModifiedOnDisk = lm; // don't update these if there is a parse error -- try again and again ASAP
e->second.lastCheck = now;
} catch ( ... ) {} // parse errors result in "holding pattern" behavior
@ -86,22 +82,50 @@ const nlohmann::json &JSONDB::get(const std::string &n,unsigned long maxSinceChe
return _EMPTY_JSON;
const uint64_t lm = OSUtils::getLastModified(path.c_str());
if (!lm)
return _EMPTY_JSON;
_E &e2 = _db[n];
e2.lastModifiedOnDisk = lm;
e2.lastCheck = now;
try {
e2.obj = nlohmann::json::parse(buf);
} catch ( ... ) {
e2.obj = _EMPTY_JSON;
e2.lastModifiedOnDisk = lm;
e2.lastCheck = now;
return e2.obj;
void JSONDB::erase(const std::string &n)
if (!_isValidObjectName(n))
std::string path(_genPath(n,true));
if (!path.length())
void JSONDB::_reload(const std::string &p)
std::map<std::string,char> l(OSUtils::listDirectoryFull(p.c_str()));
for(std::map<std::string,char>::iterator li(l.begin());li!=l.end();++li) {
if (li->second == 'f') {
// assume p starts with _basePath, which it always does -- will throw otherwise
std::string n(p.substr(_basePath.length()));
while ((n.length() > 0)&&(n[0] == ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR)) n = n.substr(1);
if (ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR != '/') std::replace(n.begin(),n.end(),ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR,'/');
if ((n.length() > 0)&&(n[n.length() - 1] != '/')) n.push_back('/');
this->get(n,0); // causes load and cache or update
} else if (li->second == 'd') {
this->_reload(p + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR + li->first);
bool JSONDB::_isValidObjectName(const std::string &n)
if (n.length() == 0)
@ -139,8 +163,4 @@ std::string JSONDB::_genPath(const std::string &n,bool create)
return p;
void JSONDB::_reloadAll(const std::string &path)
} // namespace ZeroTier
@ -41,13 +41,21 @@ public:
JSONDB(const std::string &basePath) :
inline void reload()
bool put(const std::string &n,const nlohmann::json &obj);
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2),obj); }
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3),obj); }
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4),obj); }
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const std::string &n5,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4 + "/" + n5),obj); }
const nlohmann::json &get(const std::string &n,unsigned long maxSinceCheck = 0);
@ -56,27 +64,37 @@ public:
inline const nlohmann::json &get(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,unsigned long maxSinceCheck = 0) { return this->get((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4),maxSinceCheck); }
inline const nlohmann::json &get(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const std::string &n5,unsigned long maxSinceCheck = 0) { return this->get((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4 + "/" + n5),maxSinceCheck); }
void erase(const std::string &n);
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2); }
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3); }
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4); }
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const std::string &n5) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4 + "/" + n5); }
template<typename F>
inline void each(F func,unsigned long maxSinceCheck = 0)
inline void filter(const std::string &prefix,unsigned long maxSinceCheck,F func)
const uint64_t now = OSUtils::now();
for(std::map<std::string,_E>::const_iterator i(_db.begin());i!=_db.end();++i) {
if ((now - i->second.lastCheck) > (uint64_t)maxSinceCheck)
for(std::map<std::string,_E>::iterator i(_db.lower_bound(prefix));i!=_db.end();) {
if (i->first.substr(0,prefix.length()) == prefix) {
if (!func(i->first,get(i->second.obj,maxSinceCheck))) {
std::map<std::string,_E>::iterator i2(i); ++i2;
i = i2;
} else ++i;
} else break;
void _reload(const std::string &p);
bool _isValidObjectName(const std::string &n);
std::string _genPath(const std::string &n,bool create);
void _reloadAll(const std::string &path);
struct _E
nlohmann::json obj;
uint64_t lastModifiedOnDisk;
uint64_t lastCheck;
nlohmann::json obj;
std::string _basePath;
@ -107,17 +107,18 @@ std::vector<std::string> OSUtils::listDirectory(const char *path)
return r;
std::vector<std::string> OSUtils::listSubdirectories(const char *path)
std::map<std::string,char> OSUtils::listDirectoryFull(const char *path)
std::vector<std::string> r;
std::map<std::string,char> r;
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
if ((hFind = FindFirstFileA((std::string(path) + "\\*").c_str(),&ffd)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
do {
if ((strcmp(ffd.cFileName,"."))&&(strcmp(ffd.cFileName,".."))&&((ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0))
if ((strcmp(ffd.cFileName,"."))&&(strcmp(ffd.cFileName,".."))) {
r[ffd.cFileName] = ((ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) ? 'd' : 'f';
} while (FindNextFileA(hFind,&ffd));
@ -132,8 +133,9 @@ std::vector<std::string> OSUtils::listSubdirectories(const char *path)
if (readdir_r(d,&de,&dptr))
if (dptr) {
if ((strcmp(dptr->d_name,"."))&&(strcmp(dptr->d_name,".."))&&(dptr->d_type == DT_DIR))
if ((strcmp(dptr->d_name,"."))&&(strcmp(dptr->d_name,".."))) {
r[dptr->d_name] = (dptr->d_type == DT_DIR) ? 'd' : 'f';
} else break;
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ bool OSUtils::rmDashRf(const char *path)
std::string p(path);
if (unlink(p.c_str()) != 0) {
if (unlink(p.c_str()) != 0) { // unlink first will remove symlinks instead of recursing them
if (!rmDashRf(p.c_str()))
return false;
@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ public:
static std::vector<std::string> listDirectory(const char *path);
* List a directory's subdirectories
* List all contents in a directory
* @param path Path to list
* @return Names of subdirectories (without path prepended)
* @return Names of things and types, currently just 'f' and 'd'
static std::vector<std::string> listSubdirectories(const char *path);
static std::map<std::string,char> listDirectoryFull(const char *path);
* Delete a directory and all its files and subdirectories recursively
Reference in New Issue
Block a user