mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 04:57:53 +00:00
more query optimizations
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,6 +70,17 @@ std::string join(const std::vector<std::string> &elements, const char * const se
std::vector<std::string> split(std::string str, char delim){
std::istringstream iss(str);
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::string item;
while(std::getline(iss, item, delim)) {
return tokens;
} // anonymous namespace
using namespace ZeroTier;
@ -433,7 +444,9 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeNetworks()
sprintf(qbuf, "SELECT n.id, (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM n.creation_time AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')*1000)::bigint as creation_time, n.capabilities, "
"n.enable_broadcast, (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM n.last_modified AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')*1000)::bigint AS last_modified, n.mtu, n.multicast_limit, n.name, n.private, n.remote_trace_level, "
"n.remote_trace_target, n.revision, n.rules, n.tags, n.v4_assign_mode, n.v6_assign_mode, n.sso_enabled, (CASE WHEN n.sso_enabled THEN o.client_id ELSE NULL END) as client_id, "
"(CASE WHEN n.sso_enabled THEN o.authorization_endpoint ELSE NULL END) as authorization_endpoint, d.domain, d.servers "
"(CASE WHEN n.sso_enabled THEN o.authorization_endpoint ELSE NULL END) as authorization_endpoint, d.domain, d.servers, "
"ARRAY(SELECT CONCAT(host(ip_range_start),'|', host(ip_range_end)) FROM ztc_network_assignment_pool WHERE network_id = n.id) AS assignment_pool, "
"ARRAY(SELECT CONCAT(host(address),'/',bits::text,'|',COALESCE(host(via), 'NULL'))FROM ztc_network_route WHERE network_id = n.id) AS routes "
"FROM ztc_network n "
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ztc_org o "
" ON o.owner_id = n.owner_id "
@ -468,6 +481,8 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeNetworks()
, std::optional<std::string> // authorizationEndpoint
, std::optional<std::string> // domain
, std::optional<std::string> // servers
, std::string // assignmentPoolString
, std::string // routeString
> row;
uint64_t count = 0;
@ -502,6 +517,8 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeNetworks()
std::optional<std::string> authorizationEndpoint = std::get<18>(row);
std::optional<std::string> dnsDomain = std::get<19>(row);
std::optional<std::string> dnsServers = std::get<20>(row);
std::string assignmentPoolString = std::get<21>(row);
std::string routesString = std::get<22>(row);
config["id"] = nwid;
config["nwid"] = nwid;
@ -545,29 +562,28 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeNetworks()
config["dns"] = obj;
pqxx::work w2{*c2->c};
pqxx::result r2 = w2.exec_params("SELECT host(ip_range_start), host(ip_range_end) FROM ztc_network_assignment_pool WHERE network_id = $1", nwid);
for (auto row2 = r2.begin(); row2 != r2.end(); row2++) {
config["ipAssignmentPools"] = json::array();
if (assignmentPoolString != "{}") {
std::string tmp = assignmentPoolString.substr(1, assignmentPoolString.size()-2);
std::vector<std::string> assignmentPools = split(tmp, ',');
for (auto it = assignmentPools.begin(); it != assignmentPools.end(); ++it) {
std::vector<std::string> r = split(*it, '|');
json ip;
ip["ipRangeStart"] = row2[0].as<std::string>();
ip["ipRangeEnd"] = row2[1].as<std::string>();
ip["ipRangeStart"] = r[0];
ip["ipRangeEnd"] = r[1];
r2 = w2.exec_params("SELECT host(address), bits, host(via) FROM ztc_network_route WHERE network_id = $1", nwid);
for (auto row2 = r2.begin(); row2 != r2.end(); row2++) {
std::string addr = row2[0].as<std::string>();
std::string bits = row2[1].as<std::string>();
json route;
route["target"] = addr + "/" + bits;
if (row2[2].is_null()) {
route["via"] = nullptr;
} else {
route["via"] = row2[2].as<std::string>();
config["routes"] = json::array();
if (routesString != "{}") {
std::string tmp = routesString.substr(1, routesString.size()-2);
std::vector<std::string> routes = split(tmp, ',');
for (auto it = routes.begin(); it != routes.end(); ++it) {
std::vector<std::string> r = split(*it, '|');
json route;
route["target"] = r[0];
route["via"] = ((route["via"] == "NULL")? nullptr : r[1]);
@ -618,7 +634,13 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeMembers()
" (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM m.last_authorized_time AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')*1000)::bigint, "
" (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM m.last_deauthorized_time AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')*1000)::bigint, "
" m.remote_trace_level, m.remote_trace_target, m.tags, m.v_major, m.v_minor, m.v_rev, m.v_proto, "
" m.no_auto_assign_ips, m.revision, sso_exempt "
" m.no_auto_assign_ips, m.revision, sso_exempt, "
" (SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM e.authentication_expiry_time)*1000)::bigint "
" FROM ztc_sso_expiry e "
" INNER JOIN ztc_network n1 "
" ON n.id = e.network_id "
" WHERE e.network_id = m.network_id AND e.member_id = m.id AND n.sso_enabled = TRUE AND e.authentication_expiry_time IS NOT NULL "
" ORDER BY e.authentication_expiry_time DESC LIMIT 1) AS authentication_expiry_time "
"FROM ztc_member m "
"INNER JOIN ztc_network n "
" ON n.id = m.network_id "
@ -649,6 +671,8 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeMembers()
, std::optional<bool> // noAutoAssignIps
, std::optional<uint64_t> // revision
, std::optional<bool> // ssoExempt
, std::optional<uint64_t> // authenticationExpiryTime
, std::string // assignedAddresses
> row;
uint64_t count = 0;
@ -680,7 +704,8 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeMembers()
std::optional<bool> noAutoAssignIps = std::get<16>(row);
std::optional<uint64_t> revision = std::get<17>(row);
std::optional<bool> ssoExempt = std::get<18>(row);
std::optional<uint64_t> authenticationExpiryTime = std::get<19>(row);
std::string assignedAddresses = std::get<20>(row);
config["id"] = memberId;
config["nwid"] = networkId;
@ -701,38 +726,15 @@ void PostgreSQL::initializeMembers()
config["noAutoAssignIps"] = noAutoAssignIps.value_or(false);
config["revision"] = revision.value_or(0);
config["ssoExempt"] = ssoExempt.value_or(false);
config["authenticationExpiryTime"] = authenticationExpiryTime.value_or(0);
config["objtype"] = "member";
config["authenticationExpiryTime"] = 0LL;
pqxx::work w2{*c2->c};
pqxx::result authRes = w2.exec_params(
"SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM e.authentication_expiry_time)*1000)::bigint "
"FROM ztc_sso_expiry e "
"INNER JOIN ztc_network n "
" ON n.id = e.network_id "
"WHERE e.network_id = $1 AND e.member_id = $2 AND n.sso_enabled = TRUE AND e.authentication_expiry_time IS NOT NULL "
"ORDER BY e.authentication_expiry_time DESC LIMIT 1", networkId, memberId);
if (authRes.size() == 1 && !authRes.at(0)[0].is_null()) {
// there is an expiry time record
config["authenticationExpiryTime"] = authRes.at(0)[0].as<int64_t>();
} else {
config["authenticationExpiryTime"] = 0;
config["ipAssignments"] = json::array();
pqxx::result r2 = w2.exec_params("SELECT DISTINCT address "
"FROM ztc_member_ip_assignment "
"WHERE member_id = $1 AND network_id = $2", memberId, networkId);
for (auto row2 = r2.begin(); row2 != r2.end(); row2++) {
std::string ipaddr = row2[0].as<std::string>();
std::size_t pos = ipaddr.find('/');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
ipaddr = ipaddr.substr(0, pos);
if (assignedAddresses != "{}") {
std::string tmp = assignedAddresses.substr(1, assignedAddresses.size()-2);
std::vector<std::string> addrs = split(tmp, ',');
for (auto it = addrs.begin(); it != addrs.end(); ++it) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user