mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 10:01:46 +00:00
Some more multicast algo work...
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,19 +41,8 @@ MulticastTopology::~MulticastTopology()
void MulticastTopology::add(const MulticastGroup &mg,const Address &member,const Address &learnedFrom)
void MulticastTopology::add(const MulticastGroup &mg,const Address &learnedFrom,const Address &member)
Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m);
std::vector<MulticastGroupMember> &mv = _groups[mg].members;
for(std::vector<MulticastGroupMember>::iterator m(mv.begin());m!=mv.end();++m) {
if (m->address == member) {
if (m->learnedFrom) // once a member has been seen directly, we keep its status as direct
m->learnedFrom = learnedFrom;
m->timestamp = Utils::now();
void MulticastTopology::erase(const MulticastGroup &mg,const Address &member)
@ -72,6 +61,12 @@ void MulticastTopology::erase(const MulticastGroup &mg,const Address &member)
void send(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t now,const Address &self,const MulticastGroup &mg,const MAC &from,unsigned int etherType,const void *data,unsigned int len)
Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m);
std::map< MulticastGroup,MulticastGroupStatus >::iterator r(_groups.find(mg));
unsigned int MulticastTopology::shouldGather(const MulticastGroup &mg,uint64_t now,unsigned int limit,bool updateLastGatheredTimeOnNonzeroReturn)
Mutex::Lock _l(_groups_m);
@ -33,10 +33,14 @@
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include "Constants.hpp"
#include "Address.hpp"
#include "MAC.hpp"
#include "MulticastGroup.hpp"
#include "OutboundMulticast.hpp"
#include "Switch.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "Mutex.hpp"
@ -70,6 +74,7 @@ private:
uint64_t lastGatheredMembers; // time we last gathered members
std::vector<MulticastGroupMember> members; // members of this group
std::list<OutboundMulticast> txQueue; // pending outbound multicasts
@ -80,10 +85,10 @@ public:
* Add or update a member in a multicast group
* @param mg Multicast group
* @param member Member to add/update
* @param learnedFrom Address from which we learned this member or NULL/0 Address if direct
* @param member New member address
void add(const MulticastGroup &mg,const Address &member,const Address &learnedFrom);
void add(const MulticastGroup &mg,const Address &learnedFrom,const Address &member);
* Erase a member from a multicast group (if present)
@ -93,6 +98,21 @@ public:
void erase(const MulticastGroup &mg,const Address &member);
* Send a multicast
* @param nwid Network ID
* @param now Current time
* @param sw Switch to use for sending packets
* @param self This node's address
* @param mg Multicast group
* @param from Source Ethernet MAC address
* @param etherType Ethernet frame type
* @param data Packet data
* @param len Length of packet data
void send(uint64_t nwid,uint64_t now,const Switch &sw,const Address &self,const MulticastGroup &mg,const MAC &from,unsigned int etherType,const void *data,unsigned int len);
* @param mg Multicast group
* @return Tuple of: time we last gathered members (or 0 for never) and number of known members
@ -50,6 +50,13 @@ namespace ZeroTier {
class OutboundMulticast
* Create an uninitialized outbound multicast
* It must be initialized with init().
OutboundMulticast() {}
* Initialize outbound multicast
@ -63,13 +70,13 @@ public:
* @param len Length of data
* @throws std::out_of_range Data too large to fit in a MULTICAST_FRAME
OutboundMulticast(uint64_t timestamp,const Address &self,uint64_t nwid,const MAC &src,const MulticastGroup &dest,unsigned int etherType,const void *payload,unsigned int len) :
inline void init(uint64_t timestamp,const Address &self,uint64_t nwid,const MAC &src,const MulticastGroup &dest,unsigned int etherType,const void *payload,unsigned int len)
_timestamp = timestamp;
_nwid = nwid;
_source = src;
_destination = dest;
_etherType = etherType;
@ -694,6 +694,7 @@ public:
/* Multicast frame:
* <[8] 64-bit network ID>
* <[1] flags (currently unused, must be 0)>
* <[4] 32-bit multicast ADI (note that this is out of order here -- it precedes MAC)>
* <[6] destination MAC or all zero for destination node>
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ namespace ZeroTier {
Switch::Switch(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv) :
_multicastIdCounter((unsigned int)renv->prng->next32()) // start a random spot to minimize possible collisions on startup
@ -478,96 +477,6 @@ void Switch::contact(const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer,const InetAddress &atAddr)
unsigned long Switch::doTimerTasks()
unsigned long nextDelay = ~((unsigned long)0); // big number, caller will cap return value
uint64_t now = Utils::now();
Mutex::Lock _l(_contactQueue_m);
for(std::list<ContactQueueEntry>::iterator qi(_contactQueue.begin());qi!=_contactQueue.end();) {
if (now >= qi->fireAtTime) {
if (!qi->peer->hasActiveDirectPath(now)) {
TRACE("deploying aggressive NAT-t against %s(%s)",qi->peer->address().toString().c_str(),qi->inaddr.toString().c_str());
/* Shotgun approach -- literally -- against symmetric NATs. Most of these
* either increment or decrement ports so this gets a good number. Also try
* the original port one more time for good measure, since sometimes it
* fails first time around. */
int p = (int)qi->inaddr.port() - 2;
for(int k=0;k<5;++k) {
if ((p > 0)&&(p <= 0xffff)) {
qi->inaddr.setPort((unsigned int)p);
} else {
nextDelay = std::min(nextDelay,(unsigned long)(qi->fireAtTime - now));
Mutex::Lock _l(_outstandingWhoisRequests_m);
for(std::map< Address,WhoisRequest >::iterator i(_outstandingWhoisRequests.begin());i!=_outstandingWhoisRequests.end();) {
unsigned long since = (unsigned long)(now - i->second.lastSent);
if (since >= ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY) {
if (i->second.retries >= ZT_MAX_WHOIS_RETRIES) {
TRACE("WHOIS %s timed out",i->first.toString().c_str());
} else {
i->second.lastSent = now;
i->second.peersConsulted[i->second.retries] = _sendWhoisRequest(i->first,i->second.peersConsulted,i->second.retries);
TRACE("WHOIS %s (retry %u)",i->first.toString().c_str(),i->second.retries);
nextDelay = std::min(nextDelay,(unsigned long)ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY);
} else nextDelay = std::min(nextDelay,ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY - since);
Mutex::Lock _l(_txQueue_m);
for(std::multimap< Address,TXQueueEntry >::iterator i(_txQueue.begin());i!=_txQueue.end();) {
if (_trySend(i->second.packet,i->second.encrypt))
else if ((now - i->second.creationTime) > ZT_TRANSMIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) {
TRACE("TX %s -> %s timed out",i->second.packet.source().toString().c_str(),i->second.packet.destination().toString().c_str());
} else ++i;
Mutex::Lock _l(_rxQueue_m);
for(std::list< SharedPtr<IncomingPacket> >::iterator i(_rxQueue.begin());i!=_rxQueue.end();) {
if ((now - (*i)->receiveTime()) > ZT_RECEIVE_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) {
TRACE("RX %s -> %s timed out",(*i)->source().toString().c_str(),(*i)->destination().toString().c_str());
} else ++i;
Mutex::Lock _l(_defragQueue_m);
for(std::map< uint64_t,DefragQueueEntry >::iterator i(_defragQueue.begin());i!=_defragQueue.end();) {
if ((now - i->second.creationTime) > ZT_FRAGMENTED_PACKET_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT) {
TRACE("incomplete fragmented packet %.16llx timed out, fragments discarded",i->first);
} else ++i;
return std::max(nextDelay,(unsigned long)10); // minimum delay
void Switch::announceMulticastGroups(const std::map< SharedPtr<Network>,std::set<MulticastGroup> > &allMemberships)
std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> > directPeers;
@ -682,6 +591,96 @@ void Switch::doAnythingWaitingForPeer(const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer)
unsigned long Switch::doTimerTasks()
unsigned long nextDelay = ~((unsigned long)0); // big number, caller will cap return value
uint64_t now = Utils::now();
Mutex::Lock _l(_contactQueue_m);
for(std::list<ContactQueueEntry>::iterator qi(_contactQueue.begin());qi!=_contactQueue.end();) {
if (now >= qi->fireAtTime) {
if (!qi->peer->hasActiveDirectPath(now)) {
TRACE("deploying aggressive NAT-t against %s(%s)",qi->peer->address().toString().c_str(),qi->inaddr.toString().c_str());
/* Shotgun approach -- literally -- against symmetric NATs. Most of these
* either increment or decrement ports so this gets a good number. Also try
* the original port one more time for good measure, since sometimes it
* fails first time around. */
int p = (int)qi->inaddr.port() - 2;
for(int k=0;k<5;++k) {
if ((p > 0)&&(p <= 0xffff)) {
qi->inaddr.setPort((unsigned int)p);
} else {
nextDelay = std::min(nextDelay,(unsigned long)(qi->fireAtTime - now));
Mutex::Lock _l(_outstandingWhoisRequests_m);
for(std::map< Address,WhoisRequest >::iterator i(_outstandingWhoisRequests.begin());i!=_outstandingWhoisRequests.end();) {
unsigned long since = (unsigned long)(now - i->second.lastSent);
if (since >= ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY) {
if (i->second.retries >= ZT_MAX_WHOIS_RETRIES) {
TRACE("WHOIS %s timed out",i->first.toString().c_str());
} else {
i->second.lastSent = now;
i->second.peersConsulted[i->second.retries] = _sendWhoisRequest(i->first,i->second.peersConsulted,i->second.retries);
TRACE("WHOIS %s (retry %u)",i->first.toString().c_str(),i->second.retries);
nextDelay = std::min(nextDelay,(unsigned long)ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY);
} else nextDelay = std::min(nextDelay,ZT_WHOIS_RETRY_DELAY - since);
Mutex::Lock _l(_txQueue_m);
for(std::multimap< Address,TXQueueEntry >::iterator i(_txQueue.begin());i!=_txQueue.end();) {
if (_trySend(i->second.packet,i->second.encrypt))
else if ((now - i->second.creationTime) > ZT_TRANSMIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) {
TRACE("TX %s -> %s timed out",i->second.packet.source().toString().c_str(),i->second.packet.destination().toString().c_str());
} else ++i;
Mutex::Lock _l(_rxQueue_m);
for(std::list< SharedPtr<IncomingPacket> >::iterator i(_rxQueue.begin());i!=_rxQueue.end();) {
if ((now - (*i)->receiveTime()) > ZT_RECEIVE_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) {
TRACE("RX %s -> %s timed out",(*i)->source().toString().c_str(),(*i)->destination().toString().c_str());
} else ++i;
Mutex::Lock _l(_defragQueue_m);
for(std::map< uint64_t,DefragQueueEntry >::iterator i(_defragQueue.begin());i!=_defragQueue.end();) {
if ((now - i->second.creationTime) > ZT_FRAGMENTED_PACKET_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT) {
TRACE("incomplete fragmented packet %.16llx timed out, fragments discarded",i->first);
} else ++i;
return std::max(nextDelay,(unsigned long)10); // minimum delay
const char *Switch::etherTypeName(const unsigned int etherType)
@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ class Peer;
* Core of the distributed Ethernet switch and protocol implementation
* This class is perhaps a bit misnamed, but it's basically where everything
* meets. Transport-layer ZT packets come in here, as do virtual network
* packets from tap devices, and this sends them where they need to go and
* wraps/unwraps accordingly. It also handles queues and timeouts and such.
class Switch : NonCopyable
@ -160,13 +165,6 @@ public:
void contact(const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer,const InetAddress &atAddr);
* Perform retries and other periodic timer tasks
* @return Number of milliseconds until doTimerTasks() should be run again
unsigned long doTimerTasks();
* Announce multicast group memberships
@ -204,7 +202,7 @@ public:
void cancelWhoisRequest(const Address &addr);
* Run any processes that are waiting for this peer
* Run any processes that are waiting for this peer's identity
* Called when we learn of a peer's identity from HELLO, OK(WHOIS), etc.
@ -212,6 +210,13 @@ public:
void doAnythingWaitingForPeer(const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer);
* Perform retries and other periodic timer tasks
* @return Number of milliseconds until doTimerTasks() should be run again
unsigned long doTimerTasks();
* @param etherType Ethernet type ID
* @return Human-readable name
@ -235,8 +240,8 @@ private:
const RuntimeEnvironment *const _r;
volatile uint64_t _lastBeacon;
volatile unsigned int _multicastIdCounter;
// Outsanding WHOIS requests and how many retries they've undergone
struct WhoisRequest
uint64_t lastSent;
@ -246,9 +251,23 @@ private:
std::map< Address,WhoisRequest > _outstandingWhoisRequests;
Mutex _outstandingWhoisRequests_m;
std::list< SharedPtr<IncomingPacket> > _rxQueue;
// Packet defragmentation queue -- comes before RX queue in path
struct DefragQueueEntry
uint64_t creationTime;
SharedPtr<IncomingPacket> frag0;
Packet::Fragment frags[ZT_MAX_PACKET_FRAGMENTS - 1];
unsigned int totalFragments; // 0 if only frag0 received, waiting for frags
uint32_t haveFragments; // bit mask, LSB to MSB
std::map< uint64_t,DefragQueueEntry > _defragQueue;
Mutex _defragQueue_m;
// ZeroTier-layer RX queue of incoming packets in the process of being decoded
std::vector< SharedPtr<IncomingPacket> > _rxQueue;
Mutex _rxQueue_m;
// ZeroTier-layer TX queue by destination ZeroTier address
struct TXQueueEntry
TXQueueEntry() {}
@ -264,20 +283,11 @@ private:
std::multimap< Address,TXQueueEntry > _txQueue;
Mutex _txQueue_m;
struct DefragQueueEntry
uint64_t creationTime;
SharedPtr<IncomingPacket> frag0;
Packet::Fragment frags[ZT_MAX_PACKET_FRAGMENTS - 1];
unsigned int totalFragments; // 0 if only frag0 received, waiting for frags
uint32_t haveFragments; // bit mask, LSB to MSB
std::map< uint64_t,DefragQueueEntry > _defragQueue;
Mutex _defragQueue_m;
// Tracks sending of VERB_RENDEZVOUS to relaying peers
std::map< Array< Address,2 >,uint64_t > _lastUniteAttempt; // key is always sorted in ascending order, for set-like behavior
Mutex _lastUniteAttempt_m;
// Active attempts to contact remote peers, including state of multi-phase NAT traversal
struct ContactQueueEntry
ContactQueueEntry() {}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user