This commit is contained in:
Adam Ierymenko 2022-02-01 16:03:04 -05:00
commit 25e14e2164
5 changed files with 70 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ extern "C" {
* Maximum number of pushed routes on a network
* Maximum number of statically assigned IP addresses per network endpoint using ZT address management (not DHCP)
* Maximum number of "specialists" on a network -- bridges, relays, etc.

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@ -99,21 +99,21 @@ SharedPtr<Bond> Bond::createTransportTriggeredBond(const RuntimeEnvironment* ren
if (! _policyTemplateAssignments.count(identity)) {
if (_defaultPolicy) {
bond = new Bond(renv, _defaultPolicy, peer);
bond->log("new default bond");
bond->debug("new default bond");
if (! _defaultPolicy && _defaultPolicyStr.length()) {
bond = new Bond(renv, _bondPolicyTemplates[_defaultPolicyStr].ptr(), peer);
bond->log("new default custom bond (based on %s)", bond->getPolicyStrByCode(bond->policy()).c_str());
bond->debug("new default custom bond (based on %s)", bond->getPolicyStrByCode(bond->policy()).c_str());
else {
if (! _bondPolicyTemplates[_policyTemplateAssignments[identity]]) {
bond = new Bond(renv, _defaultPolicy, peer);
bond->log("peer-specific bond, was specified as %s but the bond definition was not found, using default %s", _policyTemplateAssignments[identity].c_str(), getPolicyStrByCode(_defaultPolicy).c_str());
bond->debug("peer-specific bond, was specified as %s but the bond definition was not found, using default %s", _policyTemplateAssignments[identity].c_str(), getPolicyStrByCode(_defaultPolicy).c_str());
else {
bond = new Bond(renv, _bondPolicyTemplates[_policyTemplateAssignments[identity]].ptr(), peer);
bond->log("new default bond");
bond->debug("new default bond");
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ void Bond::receivedQoS(const SharedPtr<Path>& path, int64_t now, int count, uint
// log("received QoS packet (sampling %d frames) via %s", count, pathToStr(path).c_str());
// debug("received QoS packet (sampling %d frames) via %s", count, pathToStr(path).c_str());
// Look up egress times and compute latency values for each record
std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>::iterator it;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ int32_t Bond::generateQoSPacket(int pathIdx, int64_t now, char* qosBuffer)
bool Bond::assignFlowToBondedPath(SharedPtr<Flow>& flow, int64_t now)
if (! _numBondedPaths) {
log("unable to assign flow %x (bond has no links)\n", flow->id);
debug("unable to assign flow %x (bond has no links)\n", flow->id);
return false;
unsigned int idx = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;
@ -530,29 +530,29 @@ bool Bond::assignFlowToBondedPath(SharedPtr<Flow>& flow, int64_t now)
else {
log("unable to assign out-flow %x (unknown reason)", flow->id);
debug("unable to assign out-flow %x (unknown reason)", flow->id);
return false;
if (_abPathIdx == ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS) {
log("unable to assign out-flow %x (no active backup link)", flow->id);
debug("unable to assign out-flow %x (no active backup link)", flow->id);
flow->assignPath(_abPathIdx, now);
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[flow->assignedPath].p->localSocket());
log("assign out-flow %04x to link %s (%lu / %lu flows)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[flow->assignedPath].p).c_str(), _paths[flow->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, (unsigned long)_flows.size());
debug("assign out-flow %04x to link %s (%lu / %lu flows)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[flow->assignedPath].p).c_str(), _paths[flow->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, (unsigned long)_flows.size());
return true;
SharedPtr<Bond::Flow> Bond::createFlow(int pathIdx, int32_t flowId, unsigned char entropy, int64_t now)
if (! _numBondedPaths) {
log("unable to assign flow %x (bond has no links)\n", flowId);
debug("unable to assign flow %x (bond has no links)\n", flowId);
return SharedPtr<Flow>();
if (_flows.size() >= ZT_FLOW_MAX_COUNT) {
log("forget oldest flow (max flows reached: %d)\n", ZT_FLOW_MAX_COUNT);
debug("forget oldest flow (max flows reached: %d)\n", ZT_FLOW_MAX_COUNT);
forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(0, true, now);
SharedPtr<Flow> flow = new Flow(flowId, now);
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ SharedPtr<Bond::Flow> Bond::createFlow(int pathIdx, int32_t flowId, unsigned cha
flow->assignPath(pathIdx, now);
log("assign in-flow %x to link %s (%lu / %lu)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), _paths[pathIdx].assignedFlowCount, (unsigned long)_flows.size());
debug("assign in-flow %x to link %s (%lu / %lu)", flow->id, pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), _paths[pathIdx].assignedFlowCount, (unsigned long)_flows.size());
* Add a flow when no path was provided. This means that it is an outgoing packet
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ void Bond::forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(uint64_t age, bool oldest, int64_t now)
if (age) { // Remove by specific age
while (it != _flows.end()) {
if (it->second->age(now) > age) {
log("forget flow %x (age %llu) (%lu / %lu)", it->first, (unsigned long long)it->second->age(now), _paths[it->second->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, (unsigned long)(_flows.size() - 1));
debug("forget flow %x (age %llu) (%lu / %lu)", it->first, (unsigned long long)it->second->age(now), _paths[it->second->assignedPath].assignedFlowCount, (unsigned long)(_flows.size() - 1));
it = _flows.erase(it);
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ void Bond::forgetFlowsWhenNecessary(uint64_t age, bool oldest, int64_t now)
if (oldestFlow != _flows.end()) {
log("forget oldest flow %x (age %llu) (total flows: %lu)", oldestFlow->first, (unsigned long long)oldestFlow->second->age(now), (unsigned long)(_flows.size() - 1));
debug("forget oldest flow %x (age %llu) (total flows: %lu)", oldestFlow->first, (unsigned long long)oldestFlow->second->age(now), (unsigned long)(_flows.size() - 1));
@ -629,20 +629,20 @@ void Bond::processIncomingPathNegotiationRequest(uint64_t now, SharedPtr<Path>&
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[pathIdx].p->localSocket());
if (remoteUtility > _localUtility) {
log("peer suggests alternate link %s/%s, remote utility (%d) greater than local utility (%d), switching to suggested link\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr, remoteUtility, _localUtility);
debug("peer suggests alternate link %s/%s, remote utility (%d) greater than local utility (%d), switching to suggested link\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr, remoteUtility, _localUtility);
_negotiatedPathIdx = pathIdx;
if (remoteUtility < _localUtility) {
log("peer suggests alternate link %s/%s, remote utility (%d) less than local utility (%d), not switching\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr, remoteUtility, _localUtility);
debug("peer suggests alternate link %s/%s, remote utility (%d) less than local utility (%d), not switching\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr, remoteUtility, _localUtility);
if (remoteUtility == _localUtility) {
log("peer suggests alternate link %s/%s, remote utility (%d) equal to local utility (%d)\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr, remoteUtility, _localUtility);
debug("peer suggests alternate link %s/%s, remote utility (%d) equal to local utility (%d)\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr, remoteUtility, _localUtility);
if (_peer->_id.address().toInt() > RR->node->identity().address().toInt()) {
log("agree with peer to use alternate link %s/%s\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr);
debug("agree with peer to use alternate link %s/%s\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr);
_negotiatedPathIdx = pathIdx;
else {
log("ignore petition from peer to use alternate link %s/%s\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr);
debug("ignore petition from peer to use alternate link %s/%s\n", link->ifname().c_str(), pathStr);
@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ void Bond::pathNegotiationCheck(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
void Bond::sendPATH_NEGOTIATION_REQUEST(void* tPtr, int pathIdx)
log("send link negotiation request to peer via link %s, local utility is %d", pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), _localUtility);
debug("send link negotiation request to peer via link %s, local utility is %d", pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), _localUtility);
@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ void Bond::sendQOS_MEASUREMENT(void* tPtr, int pathIdx, int64_t localSocket, con
_paths[pathIdx].packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS = 0;
_paths[pathIdx].lastQoSMeasurement = now;
// log("send QOS via link %s (len=%d)", pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), len);
// debug("send QOS via link %s (len=%d)", pathToStr(_paths[pathIdx].p).c_str(), len);
void Bond::processBackgroundBondTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ void Bond::processBackgroundBondTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
RR->node->putPacket(tPtr, _paths[i].p->localSocket(), _paths[i].p->address(),, outp.size());
_paths[i].p->_lastOut = now;
_overheadBytes += outp.size();
log("sent ECHO via link %s", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
debug("sent ECHO via link %s", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
// QOS
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
// currEligibility = false;
currEligibility = _paths[i].allowed() && ((acceptableAge && satisfiedUpDelay) || inTrial);
// log("[%d] allowed=%d, acceptableAge=%d, satisfiedUpDelay=%d, inTrial=%d ==== %d", i, _paths[i].allowed(), acceptableAge, satisfiedUpDelay, inTrial, currEligibility);
// debug("[%d] allowed=%d, acceptableAge=%d, satisfiedUpDelay=%d, inTrial=%d ==== %d", i, _paths[i].allowed(), acceptableAge, satisfiedUpDelay, inTrial, currEligibility);
* Note eligibility state change (if any) and take appropriate action
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
_paths[i].adjustRefractoryPeriod(now, _defaultPathRefractoryPeriod, ! currEligibility);
if (_paths[i].bonded) {
if (_allowFlowHashing) {
log("link %s was bonded, flow reallocation will occur soon", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
debug("link %s was bonded, flow reallocation will occur soon", pathToStr(_paths[i].p).c_str());
rebuildBond = true;
_paths[i].shouldReallocateFlows = _paths[i].bonded;
@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
rebuildBond = true;
if (rebuildBond) {
log("rebuilding bond");
debug("rebuilding bond");
int updatedBondedPathCount = 0;
// Build map associating paths with local physical links. Will be selected from in next step
std::map<SharedPtr<Link>, std::vector<int> > linkMap;
@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
addPathToBond(idx, updatedBondedPathCount);
log("add %s (no user addr preference)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str());
debug("add %s (no user addr preference)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str());
// If the user prefers to only use one address type (IPv4 or IPv6)
@ -945,12 +945,12 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
if (! _paths[idx].allowed()) {
log("did not add %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
debug("did not add %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
addPathToBond(idx, updatedBondedPathCount);
log("add path %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
debug("add path %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
// If the users prefers one address type to another, try to find at least
@ -966,13 +966,13 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
if (_paths[idx].preferred()) {
addPathToBond(idx, updatedBondedPathCount);
log("add %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
debug("add %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
foundPreferredPath = true;
// Unable to find a path that matches user preference, settle for another address type
if (! foundPreferredPath) {
log("did not find first-choice path type on link %s (user preference %d)", link->ifname().c_str(), ipvPref);
debug("did not find first-choice path type on link %s (user preference %d)", link->ifname().c_str(), ipvPref);
for (int j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++) {
int idx = it->;
if (! _paths[idx].p || ! _paths[idx].eligible) {
@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ void Bond::curateBond(int64_t now, bool rebuildBond)
addPathToBond(idx, updatedBondedPathCount);
log("add %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
debug("add %s (user addr preference %d)", pathToStr(_paths[idx].p).c_str(), ipvPref);
foundPreferredPath = true;
@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void Bond::processActiveBackupTasks(void* tPtr, int64_t now)
* simply find the next eligible path.
if (! userHasSpecifiedLinks()) {
log("no user-specified links");
debug("no user-specified links");
for (int i = 0; i < ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS; ++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].eligible) {
SharedPtr<Link> link = RR->bc->getLinkBySocket(_policyAlias, _paths[i].p->localSocket());

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@ -1159,6 +1159,36 @@ class Bond {
RR->t->bondStateMessage(NULL, traceMsg);
#undef MAX_MSG_LEN
* Emit message to tracing system but with added timestamp and subsystem info
* TODO: Will be replaced when better logging facilities exist in Trace.hpp
void debug(const char* fmt, ...)
#ifdef ZT_DEBUG
time_t rawtime;
struct tm* timeinfo;
char timestamp[80];
timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
strftime(timestamp, 80, "%F %T", timeinfo);
#define MAX_BOND_MSG_LEN 1024
char traceMsg[MAX_BOND_MSG_LEN];
char userMsg[MAX_BOND_MSG_LEN];
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
if (vsnprintf(userMsg, sizeof(userMsg), fmt, args) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Encountered format encoding error while writing to trace log\n");
snprintf(traceMsg, MAX_BOND_MSG_LEN, "%s (%llx/%s) %s", timestamp, _peerId, _policyAlias.c_str(), userMsg);
RR->t->bondStateMessage(NULL, traceMsg);
#undef MAX_MSG_LEN

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@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
* Maximum number of VERB_NETWORK_CREDENTIALS within cutoff time
* WHOIS rate limit (we allow these to be pretty fast)

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@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ public:
else _credentialsCutoffCount = 0;
_lastCredentialsReceived = now;
return (_directPathPushCutoffCount < ZT_PEER_CREDEITIALS_CUTOFF_LIMIT);
return (_credentialsCutoffCount < ZT_PEER_CREDENTIALS_CUTOFF_LIMIT);