mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 12:25:21 +00:00
Refactoring in progress... pardon our dust...
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
* ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 ZeroTier Networks LLC
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* --
* ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
* are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
* redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
* LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/
* This defines the external C API for ZeroTier One, the core network
* virtualization engine.
#include <stdint.h>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Query result buffers */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Node status result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_Status
* Public identity in string form
char publicIdentity[256];
* ZeroTier address in 10-digit hex form
char address[16];
* ZeroTier address in least significant 40 bits of 64-bit integer
uint64_t rawAddress;
* Number of known peers (including supernodes)
unsigned int knownPeers;
* Number of upstream supernodes
unsigned int supernodes;
* Number of peers with active direct links
unsigned int directlyConnectedPeers;
* Number of peers that have recently communicated with us
unsigned int alivePeers;
* Success rate at establishing direct links (0.0 to 1.0, approximate)
float directLinkSuccessRate;
* True if connectivity appears good
bool online;
* True if running; all other fields are technically undefined if this is false
bool running;
* Physical address result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress
* Physical address type
enum {
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_NULL = 0, /* none/invalid */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV4 = 1, /* 32-bit IPv4 address (and port) */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV6 = 2, /* 128-bit IPv6 address (and port) */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_ETHERNET = 3 /* 48-bit Ethernet MAC address */
} type;
* Address in raw binary form -- length depends on type
unsigned char bits[16];
* Port or netmask bits (for IPV4 and IPV6)
unsigned int port;
* Address in canonical human-readable form
char ascii[64];
* Zone index identifier (thing after % on IPv6 link-local addresses only)
char zoneIndex[16];
* Network path result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath
* Physical path type
enum { /* These must be numerically the same as type in Path.hpp */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_NULL = 0, /* none/invalid */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_UDP = 1, /* UDP association */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_TCP_OUT = 2, /* outgoing TCP tunnel using pseudo-SSL */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_TCP_IN = 3, /* incoming TCP tunnel using pseudo-SSL */
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath_TYPE_ETHERNET = 4 /* raw ethernet frames over trusted backplane */
} type;
* Physical address of endpoint
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress address;
* Time since last send in milliseconds or -1 for never
long lastSend;
* Time since last receive in milliseconds or -1 for never
long lastReceive;
* Time since last ping in milliseconds or -1 for never
long lastPing;
* Is path active/connected? Non-fixed active paths may be garbage collected over time.
bool active;
* Is path fixed? (i.e. not learned, static)
bool fixed;
* Peer status result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_Peer
* Remote peer version: major.minor.revision (or empty if unknown)
char remoteVersion[16];
* ZeroTier address of peer as 10-digit hex string
char address[16];
* ZeroTier address in least significant 40 bits of 64-bit integer
uint64_t rawAddress;
* Last measured latency in milliseconds or zero if unknown
unsigned int latency;
* Array of network paths to peer
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath *paths;
* Number of paths (size of paths[])
unsigned int numPaths;
* List of peers
struct ZT1_Node_PeerList
struct ZT1_Node_Peer *peers;
unsigned int numPeers;
* Network status result buffer
struct ZT1_Node_Network
* 64-bit network ID
uint64_t nwid;
* 64-bit network ID in hex form
char nwidHex[32];
* Short network name
char name[256];
* Longer network description
char description[4096];
* Device name (system-dependent)
char device[256];
* Status code in string format
char statusStr[64];
* Ethernet MAC address of this endpoint in string form
char macStr[32];
* Ethernet MAC address of this endpoint on the network in raw binary form
unsigned char mac[6];
* Age of configuration in milliseconds or -1 if never refreshed
long configAge;
* Assigned layer-3 IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
* Note that PhysicalAddress also supports other address types, but this
* list will only list IP address assignments. The port field will contain
* the number of bits in the netmask -- e.g.
struct ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress *ips;
* Number of layer-3 IPs (size of ips[])
unsigned int numIps;
* Network status code
enum { /* Must be same as Status in Network.hpp */
ZT1_Node_Network_INITIALIZING = 0,
ZT1_Node_Network_OK = 2,
ZT1_Node_Network_ACCESS_DENIED = 3,
ZT1_Node_Network_NOT_FOUND = 4,
ZT1_Node_Network_NO_MORE_DEVICES = 6
} status;
* True if traffic on network is enabled
bool enabled;
* Is this a private network? If false, network lacks access control.
bool isPrivate;
* Return buffer for list of networks
struct ZT1_Node_NetworkList
struct ZT1_Node_Network *networks;
unsigned int numNetworks;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ZeroTier One C API */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* coming soon... */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
* ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 ZeroTier Networks LLC
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* --
* ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
* are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
* redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
* LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/
#include "NodeControlClient.hpp"
#include "../node/Constants.hpp"
#include "../node/Utils.hpp"
namespace ZeroTier {
struct _NodeControlClientImpl
void (*resultHandler)(void *,const char *);
void *arg;
IpcConnection *ipcc;
std::string err;
static void _CBipcResultHandler(void *arg,IpcConnection *ipcc,IpcConnection::EventType event,const char *result)
if ((event == IpcConnection::IPC_EVENT_COMMAND)&&(result)) {
if (strcmp(result,"200 auth OK"))
((_NodeControlClientImpl *)arg)->resultHandler(((_NodeControlClientImpl *)arg)->arg,result);
NodeControlClient::NodeControlClient(const char *hp,void (*resultHandler)(void *,const char *),void *arg,const char *authToken)
throw() :
_impl((void *)new _NodeControlClientImpl)
_NodeControlClientImpl *impl = (_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl;
impl->ipcc = (IpcConnection *)0;
if (!hp)
hp = ZT_DEFAULTS.defaultHomePath.c_str();
std::string at;
if (authToken)
at = authToken;
else if (!Utils::readFile(authTokenDefaultSystemPath(),at)) {
if (!Utils::readFile(authTokenDefaultUserPath(),at)) {
impl->err = "no authentication token specified and authtoken.secret not readable";
std::string myid;
if (Utils::readFile((std::string(hp) + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "identity.public").c_str(),myid)) {
std::string myaddr(myid.substr(0,myid.find(':')));
if (myaddr.length() != 10)
impl->err = "invalid address extracted from identity.public";
else {
try {
impl->resultHandler = resultHandler;
impl->arg = arg;
impl->ipcc = new IpcConnection((std::string(ZT_IPC_ENDPOINT_BASE) + myaddr).c_str(),&_CBipcResultHandler,_impl);
impl->ipcc->printf("auth %s"ZT_EOL_S,at.c_str());
} catch ( ... ) {
impl->ipcc = (IpcConnection *)0;
impl->err = "failure connecting to running ZeroTier One service";
} else impl->err = "unable to read identity.public";
if (_impl) {
delete ((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->ipcc;
delete (_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl;
const char *NodeControlClient::error() const
if (((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->err.length())
return ((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->err.c_str();
return (const char *)0;
void NodeControlClient::send(const char *command)
try {
if (((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->ipcc)
((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->ipcc->printf("%s"ZT_EOL_S,command);
} catch ( ... ) {}
std::vector<std::string> NodeControlClient::splitLine(const char *line)
return Utils::split(line," ","\\","\"");
const char *NodeControlClient::authTokenDefaultUserPath()
static std::string dlp;
static Mutex dlp_m;
Mutex::Lock _l(dlp_m);
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
if (!dlp.length()) {
char buf[16384];
dlp = (std::string(buf) + "\\ZeroTier\\One\\authtoken.secret");
#else // not __WINDOWS__
if (!dlp.length()) {
const char *home = getenv("HOME");
if (home) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
dlp = (std::string(home) + "/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One/authtoken.secret");
dlp = (std::string(home) + "/.zeroTierOneAuthToken");
#endif // __WINDOWS__ or not __WINDOWS__
return dlp.c_str();
const char *NodeControlClient::authTokenDefaultSystemPath()
static std::string dsp;
static Mutex dsp_m;
Mutex::Lock _l(dsp_m);
if (!dsp.length())
dsp = (ZT_DEFAULTS.defaultHomePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S"authtoken.secret");
return dsp.c_str();
} // namespace ZeroTier
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* ZeroTier One - Global Peer to Peer Ethernet
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 ZeroTier Networks LLC
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* --
* ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3, which
* are available at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
* redistribute it in a modified binary form, please contact ZeroTier Networks
* LLC. Start here: http://www.zerotier.com/
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace ZeroTier {
* Client for controlling a local ZeroTier One node
* Windows note: be sure you call WSAStartup() before using this,
* otherwise it will be unable to open a local UDP socket to
* communicate with the service.
class NodeControlClient
* Create a new node config client
* Initialization may fail. Call error() to check.
* @param hp Home path of ZeroTier One instance or NULL for default system home path
* @param resultHandler Function to call when commands provide results
* @param arg First argument to result handler
* @param authToken Authentication token or NULL (default) to read from authtoken.secret in home path
NodeControlClient(const char *hp,void (*resultHandler)(void *,const char *),void *arg,const char *authToken = (const char *)0)
* @return Initialization error or NULL if none
const char *error() const
* Send a command to the local node
* Note that the returned conversation ID will never be 0. A return value
* of 0 indicates a fatal error such as failure to bind to any local UDP
* port.
* @param command
* @return Conversation ID that will be provided to result handler when/if results are sent back
void send(const char *command)
inline void send(const std::string &command)
throw() { return send(command.c_str()); }
* Split a line of results
* @param line Line to split
* @return Vector of fields
static std::vector<std::string> splitLine(const char *line);
static inline std::vector<std::string> splitLine(const std::string &line) { return splitLine(line.c_str()); }
* @return Default path for current user's authtoken.secret
static const char *authTokenDefaultUserPath();
* @return Default path to system authtoken.secret
static const char *authTokenDefaultSystemPath();
// NodeControlClient is not copyable
NodeControlClient(const NodeControlClient&);
const NodeControlClient& operator=(const NodeControlClient&);
void *_impl;
} // namespace ZeroTier
@ -193,6 +193,15 @@ public:
return std::string(buf);
* @param buf Buffer to fill
* @param len Length of buffer
inline void toString(char *buf,unsigned int len) const
Utils::snprintf(buf,len,"%.10llx",(unsigned long long)_a);
* @return True if this address is not zero
@ -30,10 +30,6 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "MAC.hpp"
#include "NonCopyable.hpp"
#include "Buffer.hpp"
@ -170,14 +170,17 @@ public:
inline std::string toString() const
char tmp[24];
std::string s;
for(int i=0;i<12;++i) {
if ((i > 0)&&((i % 2) == 0))
return s;
return std::string(tmp);
* @param buf Buffer to contain human-readable MAC
* @param len Length of buffer
inline void toString(char *buf,unsigned int len) const
@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ public:
enum Status
NETWORK_INITIALIZING, // Creating tap device and setting up state
NETWORK_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_AUTOCONF, // Waiting for initial setup with netconf master
NETWORK_OK, // Network is up, seems to be working
NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED, // Netconf node reported permission denied
NETWORK_NOT_FOUND, // Netconf node reported network not found
NETWORK_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, // Cannot initialize device (OS/installation problem?)
NETWORK_NO_MORE_DEVICES // OS cannot create any more tap devices (some OSes have a limit)
NETWORK_INITIALIZING = 0, // Creating tap device and setting up state
NETWORK_WAITING_FOR_FIRST_AUTOCONF = 1, // Waiting for initial setup with netconf master
NETWORK_OK = 2, // Network is up, seems to be working
NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED = 3, // Netconf node reported permission denied
NETWORK_NOT_FOUND = 4, // Netconf node reported network not found
NETWORK_INITIALIZATION_FAILED = 5, // Cannot initialize device (OS/installation problem?)
NETWORK_NO_MORE_DEVICES = 6 // OS cannot create any more tap devices (some OSes have a limit)
@ -74,148 +74,12 @@
#include "Service.hpp"
#include "SoftwareUpdater.hpp"
#include "Buffer.hpp"
#include "IpcConnection.hpp"
#include "AntiRecursion.hpp"
#include "RoutingTable.hpp"
#include "HttpClient.hpp"
namespace ZeroTier {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _NodeControlClientImpl
void (*resultHandler)(void *,const char *);
void *arg;
IpcConnection *ipcc;
std::string err;
static void _CBipcResultHandler(void *arg,IpcConnection *ipcc,IpcConnection::EventType event,const char *result)
if ((event == IpcConnection::IPC_EVENT_COMMAND)&&(result)) {
if (strcmp(result,"200 auth OK"))
((_NodeControlClientImpl *)arg)->resultHandler(((_NodeControlClientImpl *)arg)->arg,result);
Node::NodeControlClient::NodeControlClient(const char *hp,void (*resultHandler)(void *,const char *),void *arg,const char *authToken)
throw() :
_impl((void *)new _NodeControlClientImpl)
_NodeControlClientImpl *impl = (_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl;
impl->ipcc = (IpcConnection *)0;
if (!hp)
hp = ZT_DEFAULTS.defaultHomePath.c_str();
std::string at;
if (authToken)
at = authToken;
else if (!Utils::readFile(authTokenDefaultSystemPath(),at)) {
if (!Utils::readFile(authTokenDefaultUserPath(),at)) {
impl->err = "no authentication token specified and authtoken.secret not readable";
std::string myid;
if (Utils::readFile((std::string(hp) + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + "identity.public").c_str(),myid)) {
std::string myaddr(myid.substr(0,myid.find(':')));
if (myaddr.length() != 10)
impl->err = "invalid address extracted from identity.public";
else {
try {
impl->resultHandler = resultHandler;
impl->arg = arg;
impl->ipcc = new IpcConnection((std::string(ZT_IPC_ENDPOINT_BASE) + myaddr).c_str(),&_CBipcResultHandler,_impl);
impl->ipcc->printf("auth %s"ZT_EOL_S,at.c_str());
} catch ( ... ) {
impl->ipcc = (IpcConnection *)0;
impl->err = "failure connecting to running ZeroTier One service";
} else impl->err = "unable to read identity.public";
if (_impl) {
delete ((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->ipcc;
delete (_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl;
const char *Node::NodeControlClient::error() const
if (((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->err.length())
return ((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->err.c_str();
return (const char *)0;
void Node::NodeControlClient::send(const char *command)
try {
if (((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->ipcc)
((_NodeControlClientImpl *)_impl)->ipcc->printf("%s"ZT_EOL_S,command);
} catch ( ... ) {}
std::vector<std::string> Node::NodeControlClient::splitLine(const char *line)
return Utils::split(line," ","\\","\"");
const char *Node::NodeControlClient::authTokenDefaultUserPath()
static std::string dlp;
static Mutex dlp_m;
Mutex::Lock _l(dlp_m);
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
if (!dlp.length()) {
char buf[16384];
dlp = (std::string(buf) + "\\ZeroTier\\One\\authtoken.secret");
#else // not __WINDOWS__
if (!dlp.length()) {
const char *home = getenv("HOME");
if (home) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
dlp = (std::string(home) + "/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One/authtoken.secret");
dlp = (std::string(home) + "/.zeroTierOneAuthToken");
#endif // __WINDOWS__ or not __WINDOWS__
return dlp.c_str();
const char *Node::NodeControlClient::authTokenDefaultSystemPath()
static std::string dsp;
static Mutex dsp_m;
Mutex::Lock _l(dsp_m);
if (!dsp.length())
dsp = (ZT_DEFAULTS.defaultHomePath + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S"authtoken.secret");
return dsp.c_str();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct _NodeImpl
RuntimeEnvironment renv;
@ -541,6 +405,7 @@ Node::ReasonForTermination Node::run()
return impl->terminateBecause(Node::NODE_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR,"unable to initialize IPC socket: is ZeroTier One already running?");
_r->node = this;
if (ZT_DEFAULTS.updateLatestNfoURL.length()) {
_r->updater = new SoftwareUpdater(_r);
@ -799,7 +664,7 @@ Node::ReasonForTermination Node::run()
return impl->terminate();
const char *Node::reasonForTermination() const
const char *Node::terminationMessage() const
if ((!((_NodeImpl *)_impl)->started)||(((_NodeImpl *)_impl)->running))
@ -822,6 +687,291 @@ void Node::resync()
((_NodeImpl *)_impl)->renv.sm->whack();
bool Node::online()
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
if (!impl->running)
return false;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
uint64_t now = Utils::now();
uint64_t since = _r->timeOfLastResynchronize;
std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> > snp(_r->topology->supernodePeers());
for(std::vector< SharedPtr<Peer> >::const_iterator sn(snp.begin());sn!=snp.end();++sn) {
uint64_t lastRec = (*sn)->lastDirectReceive();
if ((lastRec)&&(lastRec > since)&&((now - lastRec) < ZT_PEER_PATH_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT))
return true;
return false;
void Node::join(uint64_t nwid)
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
void Node::leave(uint64_t nwid)
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
struct GatherPeerStatistics
uint64_t now;
ZT1_Node_Status *status;
inline void operator()(Topology &t,const SharedPtr<Peer> &p)
if (p->hasActiveDirectPath(now))
if (p->alive(now))
void Node::status(ZT1_Node_Status *status)
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
status->rawAddress = _r->identity.address().toInt();
status->knownPeers = 0;
status->supernodes = _r->topology->numSupernodes();
status->directlyConnectedPeers = 0;
status->alivePeers = 0;
GatherPeerStatistics gps;
gps.now = Utils::now();
gps.status = status;
if (status->alivePeers > 0) {
double dlsr = (double)status->directlyConnectedPeers / (double)status->alivePeers;
if (dlsr > 1.0) dlsr = 1.0;
if (dlsr < 0.0) dlsr = 0.0;
status->directLinkSuccessRate = (float)dlsr;
} else status->directLinkSuccessRate = 1.0f; // no connections to no active peers == 100% success at nothing
status->online = online();
status->running = impl->running;
struct CollectPeersAndPaths
std::vector< std::pair< SharedPtr<Peer>,std::vector<Path> > > data;
inline void operator()(Topology &t,const SharedPtr<Peer> &p) { data.push_back(std::pair< SharedPtr<Peer>,std::vector<Path> >(p,p->paths())); }
struct SortPeersAndPathsInAscendingAddressOrder
inline bool operator()(const std::pair< SharedPtr<Peer>,std::vector<Path> > &a,const std::pair< SharedPtr<Peer>,std::vector<Path> > &b) const { return (a.first->address() < b.first->address()); }
ZT1_Node_PeerList *Node::listPeers()
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
CollectPeersAndPaths pp;
unsigned int returnBufSize = sizeof(ZT1_Node_PeerList);
for(std::vector< std::pair< SharedPtr<Peer>,std::vector<Path> > >::iterator p(pp.data.begin());p!=pp.data.end();++p)
returnBufSize += sizeof(ZT1_Node_Peer) + (sizeof(ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath) * p->second.size());
char *buf = (char *)::malloc(returnBufSize);
if (!buf)
return (ZT1_Node_PeerList *)0;
ZT1_Node_PeerList *pl = (ZT1_Node_PeerList *)buf;
buf += sizeof(ZT1_Node_PeerList);
pl->peers = (ZT1_Node_Peer *)buf;
buf += (sizeof(ZT1_Node_Peer) * pp.data.size());
pl->numPeers = 0;
uint64_t now = Utils::now();
for(std::vector< std::pair< SharedPtr<Peer>,std::vector<Path> > >::iterator p(pp.data.begin());p!=pp.data.end();++p) {
ZT1_Node_Peer *prec = &(pl->peers[pl->numPeers++]);
if (p->first->remoteVersionKnown())
prec->rawAddress = p->first->address().toInt();
prec->latency = p->first->latency();
prec->paths = (ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath *)buf;
buf += sizeof(ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath) * p->second.size();
prec->numPaths = 0;
for(std::vector<Path>::iterator pi(p->second.begin());pi!=p->second.end();++pi) {
ZT1_Node_PhysicalPath *path = &(prec->paths[prec->numPaths++]);
path->type = static_cast<typeof(path->type)>(pi->type());
if (pi->address().isV6()) {
path->address.type = ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress::ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV6;
// TODO: zoneIndex not supported yet, but should be once echo-location works w/V6
} else {
path->address.type = ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress::ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV4;
path->address.port = pi->address().port();
path->lastSend = (pi->lastSend() > 0) ? ((long)(now - pi->lastSend())) : (long)-1;
path->lastReceive = (pi->lastReceived() > 0) ? ((long)(now - pi->lastReceived())) : (long)-1;
path->lastPing = (pi->lastPing() > 0) ? ((long)(now - pi->lastPing())) : (long)-1;
path->active = pi->active(now);
path->fixed = pi->fixed();
return pl;
// Fills out everything but ips[] and numIps, which must be done more manually
static void _fillNetworkQueryResultBuffer(const SharedPtr<Network> &network,const SharedPtr<NetworkConfig> &nconf,ZT1_Node_Network *nbuf)
nbuf->nwid = network->id();
Utils::snprintf(nbuf->nwidHex,sizeof(nbuf->nwidHex),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)network->id());
if (nconf) {
uint64_t lcu = network->lastConfigUpdate();
if (lcu > 0)
nbuf->configAge = (long)(Utils::now() - lcu);
else nbuf->configAge = -1;
nbuf->status = static_cast<typeof(nbuf->status)>(network->status());
nbuf->enabled = network->enabled();
nbuf->isPrivate = (nconf) ? nconf->isPrivate() : true;
ZT1_Node_Network *Node::getNetworkStatus(uint64_t nwid)
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
SharedPtr<Network> network(_r->nc->network(nwid));
if (!network)
return (ZT1_Node_Network *)0;
SharedPtr<NetworkConfig> nconf(network->config2());
std::set<InetAddress> ips(network->ips());
char *buf = (char *)::malloc(sizeof(ZT1_Node_Network) + (sizeof(ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress) * ips.size()));
if (!buf)
return (ZT1_Node_Network *)0;
memset(buf,0,sizeof(ZT1_Node_Network) + (sizeof(ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress) * ips.size()));
ZT1_Node_Network *nbuf = (ZT1_Node_Network *)buf;
buf += sizeof(ZT1_Node_Network);
nbuf->ips = (ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress *)buf;
nbuf->numIps = 0;
for(std::set<InetAddress>::iterator ip(ips.begin());ip!=ips.end();++ip) {
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress *ipb = &(nbuf->ips[nbuf->numIps++]);
if (ip->isV6()) {
ipb->type = ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress::ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV6;
} else {
ipb->type = ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress::ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV4;
ipb->port = ip->port();
return nbuf;
ZT1_Node_NetworkList *Node::listNetworks()
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
std::vector< SharedPtr<Network> > networks(_r->nc->networks());
std::vector< SharedPtr<NetworkConfig> > nconfs(networks.size());
std::vector< std::set<InetAddress> > ipsv(networks.size());
unsigned long returnBufSize = sizeof(ZT1_Node_NetworkList);
for(unsigned long i=0;i<networks.size();++i) {
nconfs[i] = networks[i]->config2();
ipsv[i] = networks[i]->ips();
returnBufSize += sizeof(ZT1_Node_Network) + (sizeof(ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress) * ipsv[i].size());
char *buf = (char *)::malloc(returnBufSize);
if (!buf)
return (ZT1_Node_NetworkList *)0;
ZT1_Node_NetworkList *nl = (ZT1_Node_NetworkList *)buf;
buf += sizeof(ZT1_Node_NetworkList);
nl->networks = (ZT1_Node_Network *)buf;
buf += sizeof(ZT1_Node_Network) * networks.size();
for(unsigned long i=0;i<networks.size();++i) {
ZT1_Node_Network *nbuf = &(nl->networks[nl->numNetworks++]);
nbuf->ips = (ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress *)buf;
buf += sizeof(ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress);
nbuf->numIps = 0;
for(std::set<InetAddress>::iterator ip(ipsv[i].begin());ip!=ipsv[i].end();++ip) {
ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress *ipb = &(nbuf->ips[nbuf->numIps++]);
if (ip->isV6()) {
ipb->type = ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress::ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV6;
} else {
ipb->type = ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress::ZT1_Node_PhysicalAddress_TYPE_IPV4;
ipb->port = ip->port();
return nl;
void Node::freeQueryResult(void *qr)
bool Node::updateCheck()
_NodeImpl *impl = (_NodeImpl *)_impl;
RuntimeEnvironment *_r = (RuntimeEnvironment *)&(impl->renv);
if (_r->updater) {
return true;
return false;
class _VersionStringMaker
@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
#ifndef ZT_NODE_HPP
#define ZT_NODE_HPP
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h"
namespace ZeroTier {
@ -38,87 +39,10 @@ class RoutingTable;
* A ZeroTier One node
* This class hides all its implementation details and all other classes in
* preparation for ZeroTier One being made available in library form for
* embedding in mobile apps.
class Node
* Client for controlling a local ZeroTier One node
* Windows note: be sure you call WSAStartup() before using this,
* otherwise it will be unable to open a local UDP socket to
* communicate with the service.
class NodeControlClient
* Create a new node config client
* Initialization may fail. Call error() to check.
* @param hp Home path of ZeroTier One instance or NULL for default system home path
* @param resultHandler Function to call when commands provide results
* @param arg First argument to result handler
* @param authToken Authentication token or NULL (default) to read from authtoken.secret in home path
NodeControlClient(const char *hp,void (*resultHandler)(void *,const char *),void *arg,const char *authToken = (const char *)0)
* @return Initialization error or NULL if none
const char *error() const
* Send a command to the local node
* Note that the returned conversation ID will never be 0. A return value
* of 0 indicates a fatal error such as failure to bind to any local UDP
* port.
* @param command
* @return Conversation ID that will be provided to result handler when/if results are sent back
void send(const char *command)
inline void send(const std::string &command)
throw() { return send(command.c_str()); }
* Split a line of results
* @param line Line to split
* @return Vector of fields
static std::vector<std::string> splitLine(const char *line);
static inline std::vector<std::string> splitLine(const std::string &line) { return splitLine(line.c_str()); }
* @return Default path for current user's authtoken.secret
static const char *authTokenDefaultUserPath();
* @return Default path to system authtoken.secret
static const char *authTokenDefaultSystemPath();
// NodeControlClient is not copyable
NodeControlClient(const NodeControlClient&);
const NodeControlClient& operator=(const NodeControlClient&);
void *_impl;
* Returned by node main if/when it terminates
@ -155,7 +79,7 @@ public:
* The node is not executed until run() is called. The supplied tap factory
* and routing table must not be freed until the node is no longer
* executing. Node does not delete these objects, so the caller still owns
* executing. Node does not delete these objects; the caller still owns
* them.
* @param hp Home directory path or NULL for system-wide default for this platform
@ -171,18 +95,12 @@ public:
RoutingTable *rt,
unsigned int udpPort,
unsigned int tcpPort,
bool resetIdentity)
bool resetIdentity) throw();
* Execute node in current thread
* This does not return until the node shuts down. Shutdown may be caused
* by an internally detected condition such as a new upgrade being
* available or a fatal error, or it may be signaled externally using
* the terminate() method.
* Execute node in current thread, return on shutdown
* @return Reason for termination
@ -194,58 +112,95 @@ public:
* @return Reason for node termination or NULL if run() has not returned
const char *reasonForTermination() const
const char *terminationMessage() const
* Terminate this node, causing run() to return
* @param reason Reason for termination
* @param reasonText Text to be returned by reasonForTermination()
* @param reasonText Text to be returned by terminationMessage()
void terminate(ReasonForTermination reason,const char *reasonText)
* Forget p2p links now and resynchronize with peers
* This can be used if the containing application knows its network environment has
* changed. ZeroTier itself tries to detect such changes, but is not always successful.
void resync()
* @return True if we appear to be online in some viable capacity
bool online()
* Join a network
* @param nwid 16-digit hex network ID
* Use getNetworkStatus() to check the network's status after joining. If you
* are already a member of the network, this does nothing.
* @param nwid 64-bit network ID
bool join(const char *nwid)
void join(uint64_t nwid)
* Leave a network
* @param nwid 16-digit hex network ID
* @param nwid 64-bit network ID
bool leave(const char *nwid)
void listPeers()
void listNetworks()
void leave(uint64_t nwid)
* Check for software updates (if enabled)
* Get the status of this node
* @param status Buffer to fill with status information
void status(ZT1_Node_Status *status)
* @return List of known peers or NULL on failure
ZT1_Node_PeerList *listPeers()
* @param nwid 64-bit network ID
* @return Network status or NULL if we are not a member of this network
ZT1_Node_Network *getNetworkStatus(uint64_t nwid)
* @return List of networks we've joined or NULL on failure
ZT1_Node_NetworkList *listNetworks()
* Free a query result buffer
* Use this to free the return values of listNetworks(), listPeers(), etc.
* @param qr Query result buffer
void freeQueryResult(void *qr)
* Check for software updates (if enabled) (updates will eventually get factored out of node/)
bool updateCheck()
* @return Description of last non-fatal error or empty string if none
const char *getLastError()
static const char *versionString() throw();
static unsigned int versionMajor() throw();
static unsigned int versionMinor() throw();
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
namespace ZeroTier {
NodeConfig::NodeConfig(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,const char *authToken) :
_ipcListener((std::string(ZT_IPC_ENDPOINT_BASE) + renv->identity.address().toString()).c_str(),&_CBcommandHandler,this),
// _ipcListener((std::string(ZT_IPC_ENDPOINT_BASE) + renv->identity.address().toString()).c_str(),&_CBcommandHandler,this),
// _authToken(authToken)
Mutex::Lock _l(_localConfig_m);
@ -91,10 +91,12 @@ NodeConfig::~NodeConfig()
// Close any open IPC connections
Mutex::Lock _l(_connections_m);
for(std::map< IpcConnection *,bool >::iterator c(_connections.begin());c!=_connections.end();++c)
delete c->first;
void NodeConfig::putLocalConfig(const std::string &key,const char *value)
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ void NodeConfig::clean()
void NodeConfig::_CBcommandHandler(void *arg,IpcConnection *ipcc,IpcConnection::EventType event,const char *commandLine)
switch(event) {
@ -310,6 +313,7 @@ void NodeConfig::_doCommand(IpcConnection *ipcc,const char *commandLine)
ipcc->printf("."ZT_EOL_S); // blank line ends response
void NodeConfig::_readLocalConfig()
@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "IpcListener.hpp"
#include "IpcConnection.hpp"
#include "SharedPtr.hpp"
#include "Network.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
@ -104,6 +102,38 @@ public:
return nwlist;
* Join a network or return existing network if already joined
* @param nwid Network ID to join
* @return New network instance
inline SharedPtr<Network> join(uint64_t nwid)
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
SharedPtr<Network> &nw = _networks[nwid];
if (nw)
return nw;
else return (nw = Network::newInstance(_r,this,nwid));
* Leave a network
* @param nwid Network ID
* @return True if network was left, false if we were not a member of this network
inline bool leave(uint64_t nwid)
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::map< uint64_t,SharedPtr<Network> >::iterator n(_networks.find(nwid));
if (n != _networks.end()) {
return true;
} else return false;
* Perform cleanup and possibly persist saved state
@ -135,18 +165,22 @@ public:
static void _CBcommandHandler(void *arg,IpcConnection *ipcc,IpcConnection::EventType event,const char *commandLine);
void _doCommand(IpcConnection *ipcc,const char *commandLine);
void _readLocalConfig();
void _writeLocalConfig();
const RuntimeEnvironment *_r;
IpcListener _ipcListener;
std::string _authToken;
std::map< IpcConnection *,bool > _connections;
Mutex _connections_m;
Dictionary _localConfig; // persisted as local.conf
Mutex _localConfig_m;
@ -363,18 +363,10 @@ public:
_vRevision = vrev;
* @return Remote version in string form or '?' if unknown
inline std::string remoteVersion() const
if ((_vMajor > 0)||(_vMinor > 0)||(_vRevision > 0)) {
char tmp[32];
return std::string(tmp);
return std::string("?.?.?");
inline unsigned int remoteVersionMajor() const throw() { return _vMajor; }
inline unsigned int remoteVersionMinor() const throw() { return _vMinor; }
inline unsigned int remoteVersionRevision() const throw() { return _vRevision; }
inline bool remoteVersionKnown() const throw() { return ((_vMajor > 0)||(_vMinor > 0)||(_vRevision > 0)); }
* Get most recently active UDP path addresses for IPv4 and/or IPv6
@ -125,6 +125,15 @@ public:
return _supernodePeers;
* @return Number of supernodes
inline unsigned int numSupernodes() const
Mutex::Lock _l(_supernodes_m);
return _supernodePeers.size();
* Get the current favorite supernode
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
ext/lz4/lz4.o \
ipc/IpcConnection.o \
ipc/IpcListener.o \
ipc/NodeControlClient.o \
node/C25519.o \
node/CertificateOfMembership.o \
node/Defaults.o \
@ -7,8 +10,6 @@ OBJS=\
node/HttpClient.o \
node/Identity.o \
node/InetAddress.o \
node/IpcConnection.o \
node/IpcListener.o \
node/Logger.o \
node/Multicaster.o \
node/Network.o \
Reference in New Issue
Block a user