mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 02:01:22 +00:00
Big cleanup of controller code, should help performance.
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,9 +59,6 @@ using json = nlohmann::json;
// Min duration between requests for an address/nwid combo to prevent floods
// Nodes are considered active if they've queried in less than this long
namespace ZeroTier {
static json _renderRule(ZT_VirtualNetworkRule &rule)
@ -474,9 +471,11 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::request(
Mutex::Lock _l(_threads_m);
if (_threads.size() == 0) {
long hwc = (long)std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (hwc <= 0)
long hwc = (long)(std::thread::hardware_concurrency() / 2);
if (hwc < 1)
hwc = 1;
else if (hwc > 16)
hwc = 16;
for(long i=0;i<hwc;++i)
@ -506,8 +505,8 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
char nwids[24];
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)nwid);
json network(_db.get("network",nwids));
if (!network.size())
json network;
if (!_db.getNetwork(nwid,network))
return 404;
if (path.size() >= 3) {
@ -516,22 +515,21 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
if (path.size() >= 4) {
const uint64_t address = Utils::hexStrToU64(path[3].c_str());
json member(_db.get("network",nwids,"member",Address(address).toString()));
if (!member.size())
json member;
if (!_db.getNetworkMember(nwid,address,member))
return 404;
responseBody = OSUtils::jsonDump(member);
responseContentType = "application/json";
} else {
responseBody = "{";
_db.filter((std::string("network/") + nwids + "/member/"),[&responseBody](const std::string &n,const json &member) {
_db.eachMember(nwid,[&responseBody](uint64_t networkId,uint64_t nodeId,const json &member) {
if ((member.is_object())&&(member.size() > 0)) {
responseBody.append((responseBody.length() == 1) ? "\"" : ",\"");
return true; // never delete
responseContentType = "application/json";
@ -543,9 +541,9 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
} else {
const uint64_t now = OSUtils::now();
_NetworkMemberInfo nmi;
JSONDB::NetworkSummaryInfo ns;
responseBody = OSUtils::jsonDump(network);
responseContentType = "application/json";
return 200;
@ -553,21 +551,20 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpGET(
} else if (path.size() == 1) {
std::set<std::string> networkIds;
_db.filter("network/",[&networkIds](const std::string &n,const json &obj) {
if (n.length() == (16 + 8))
return true; // do not delete
std::vector<uint64_t> networkIds(_db.networkIds());
char tmp[64];
for(std::set<std::string>::iterator i(networkIds.begin());i!=networkIds.end();++i) {
responseBody.append((responseBody.length() == 1) ? "\"" : ",\"");
for(std::vector<uint64_t>::const_iterator i(networkIds.begin());i!=networkIds.end();++i) {
if (responseBody.length() > 1)
Utils::snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"\"%.16llx\"",(unsigned long long)*i);
responseContentType = "application/json";
return 200;
} // else 404
@ -625,7 +622,8 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
char addrs[24];
Utils::snprintf(addrs,sizeof(addrs),"%.10llx",(unsigned long long)address);
json member(_db.get("network",nwids,"member",Address(address).toString()));
json member;
json origMember(member); // for detecting changes
@ -649,7 +647,6 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
// Member is being de-authorized, so spray Revocation objects to all online members
if (!newAuth) {
Revocation rev((uint32_t)_node->prng(),nwid,0,now,ZT_REVOCATION_FLAG_FAST_PROPAGATE,Address(address),Revocation::CREDENTIAL_TYPE_COM);
Mutex::Lock _l(_lastRequestTime_m);
@ -722,7 +719,7 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
member["lastModified"] = now;
json &revj = member["revision"];
member["revision"] = (revj.is_number() ? ((uint64_t)revj + 1ULL) : 1ULL);
@ -799,8 +796,7 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
uint64_t tryNwid = nwidPrefix | (nwidPostfix & 0xffffffULL);
if ((tryNwid & 0xffffffULL) == 0ULL) tryNwid |= 1ULL;
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)tryNwid);
if (_db.get("network",nwids).size() <= 0) {
if (!_db.hasNetwork(tryNwid)) {
nwid = tryNwid;
@ -808,8 +804,10 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
if (!nwid)
return 503;
json network(_db.get("network",nwids));
Utils::snprintf(nwids,sizeof(nwids),"%.16llx",(unsigned long long)nwid);
json network;
json origNetwork(network); // for detecting changes
@ -1023,18 +1021,17 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpPOST(
json &revj = network["revision"];
network["revision"] = (revj.is_number() ? ((uint64_t)revj + 1ULL) : 1ULL);
network["lastModified"] = now;
// Send an update to all members of the network
_db.filter((std::string("network/") + nwids + "/member/"),[this,&now,&nwid](const std::string &n,const json &obj) {
return true; // do not delete
_db.eachMember(nwid,[this,&now,&nwid](uint64_t networkId,uint64_t nodeId,const json &obj) {
_NetworkMemberInfo nmi;
JSONDB::NetworkSummaryInfo ns;
responseBody = OSUtils::jsonDump(network);
responseContentType = "application/json";
@ -1074,20 +1071,11 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpDELETE(
if (path[0] == "network") {
if ((path.size() >= 2)&&(path[1].length() == 16)) {
const uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(path[1].c_str());
char nwids[24];
json network(_db.get("network",nwids));
if (!network.size())
return 404;
if (path.size() >= 3) {
if ((path.size() == 4)&&(path[2] == "member")&&(path[3].length() == 10)) {
const uint64_t address = Utils::hexStrToU64(path[3].c_str());
json member = _db.get("network",nwids,"member",Address(address).toString());
json member = _db.eraseNetworkMember(nwid,address);
if (!member.size())
return 404;
responseBody = OSUtils::jsonDump(member);
@ -1095,15 +1083,9 @@ unsigned int EmbeddedNetworkController::handleControlPlaneHttpDELETE(
return 200;
} else {
std::string pfx("network/");
_db.filter(pfx,[](const std::string &n,const json &obj) {
return false; // delete
Mutex::Lock _l2(_nmiCache_m);
json network = _db.eraseNetwork(nwid);
if (!network.size())
return 404;
responseBody = OSUtils::jsonDump(network);
responseContentType = "application/json";
return 200;
@ -1143,7 +1125,7 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::threadMain()
void EmbeddedNetworkController::_circuitTestCallback(ZT_Node *node,ZT_CircuitTest *test,const ZT_CircuitTestReport *report)
char tmp[1024],id[128];
char tmp[2048],id[128];
EmbeddedNetworkController *const self = reinterpret_cast<EmbeddedNetworkController *>(test->ptr);
if ((!test)||(!report)||(!test->credentialNetworkId)) return; // sanity check
@ -1152,6 +1134,7 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_circuitTestCallback(ZT_Node *node,ZT_CircuitTes
"{\"id\": \"%s\","
"\"objtype\": \"circuit_test\","
"\"timestamp\": %llu,"
"\"networkId\": \"%.16llx\","
"\"testId\": \"%.16llx\","
@ -1219,16 +1202,14 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
char nwids[24];
json network(_db.get("network",nwids));
json member(_db.get("network",nwids,"member",identity.address().toString()));
if (!network.size()) {
json network,member;
JSONDB::NetworkSummaryInfo ns;
if (!_db.getNetworkAndMember(nwid,identity.address().toInt(),network,member,ns)) {
const bool newMember = (member.size() == 0);
json origMember(member); // for detecting modification later
@ -1365,7 +1346,7 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
if (!authorizedBy) {
if (origMember != member) {
member["lastModified"] = now;
@ -1376,15 +1357,13 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
NetworkConfig nc;
_NetworkMemberInfo nmi;
if (now > nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime) {
if (now > ns.mostRecentDeauthTime) {
// If we recently de-authorized a member, shrink credential TTL/max delta to
// be below the threshold required to exclude it. Cap this to a min/max to
// prevent jitter or absurdly large values.
const uint64_t deauthWindow = now - nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime;
const uint64_t deauthWindow = now - ns.mostRecentDeauthTime;
@ -1403,9 +1382,8 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
nc.multicastLimit = (unsigned int)OSUtils::jsonInt(network["multicastLimit"],32ULL);
for(std::set<Address>::const_iterator ab(nmi.activeBridges.begin());ab!=nmi.activeBridges.end();++ab) {
for(std::vector<Address>::const_iterator ab(ns.activeBridges.begin());ab!=ns.activeBridges.end();++ab)
json &v4AssignMode = network["v4AssignMode"];
json &v6AssignMode = network["v6AssignMode"];
@ -1629,14 +1607,13 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
// If it's routed, then try to claim and assign it and if successful end loop
if ((routedNetmaskBits > 0)&&(!nmi.allocatedIps.count(ip6))) {
if ( (routedNetmaskBits > 0) && (!std::binary_search(ns.allocatedIps.begin(),ns.allocatedIps.end(),ip6)) ) {
member["ipAssignments"] = ipAssignments;
ip6.setPort((unsigned int)routedNetmaskBits);
if (nc.staticIpCount < ZT_MAX_ZT_ASSIGNED_ADDRESSES)
nc.staticIps[nc.staticIpCount++] = ip6;
haveManagedIpv6AutoAssignment = true;
_clearNetworkMemberInfoCache(nwid); // clear cache to prevent IP assignment duplication on many rapid assigns
@ -1682,7 +1659,7 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
// If it's routed, then try to claim and assign it and if successful end loop
const InetAddress ip4(Utils::hton(ip),0);
if ((routedNetmaskBits > 0)&&(!nmi.allocatedIps.count(ip4))) {
if ( (routedNetmaskBits > 0) && (!std::binary_search(ns.allocatedIps.begin(),ns.allocatedIps.end(),ip4)) ) {
member["ipAssignments"] = ipAssignments;
if (nc.staticIpCount < ZT_MAX_ZT_ASSIGNED_ADDRESSES) {
@ -1692,7 +1669,6 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
v4ip->sin_addr.s_addr = Utils::hton(ip);
haveManagedIpv4AutoAssignment = true;
_clearNetworkMemberInfoCache(nwid); // clear cache to prevent IP assignment duplication on many rapid assigns
@ -1720,65 +1696,12 @@ void EmbeddedNetworkController::_request(
if (member != origMember) {
member["lastModified"] = now;
_sender->ncSendConfig(nwid,requestPacketId,identity.address(),nc,metaData.getUI(ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_REQUEST_METADATA_KEY_VERSION,0) < 6);
void EmbeddedNetworkController::_getNetworkMemberInfo(uint64_t now,uint64_t nwid,_NetworkMemberInfo &nmi)
char pfx[256];
Mutex::Lock _l(_nmiCache_m);
std::map<uint64_t,_NetworkMemberInfo>::iterator c(_nmiCache.find(nwid));
if ((c != _nmiCache.end())&&((now - c->second.nmiTimestamp) < 1000)) { // a short duration cache but limits CPU use on big networks
nmi = c->second;
_db.filter(pfx,[&nmi,&now](const std::string &n,const json &member) {
try {
if (OSUtils::jsonBool(member["authorized"],false)) {
if (member.count("recentLog")) {
const json &mlog = member["recentLog"];
if ((mlog.is_array())&&(mlog.size() > 0)) {
const json &mlog1 = mlog[0];
if (mlog1.is_object()) {
if ((now - OSUtils::jsonInt(mlog1["ts"],0ULL)) < ZT_NETCONF_NODE_ACTIVE_THRESHOLD)
if (OSUtils::jsonBool(member["activeBridge"],false)) {
if (member.count("ipAssignments")) {
const json &mips = member["ipAssignments"];
if (mips.is_array()) {
for(unsigned long i=0;i<mips.size();++i) {
InetAddress mip(OSUtils::jsonString(mips[i],""));
if ((mip.ss_family == AF_INET)||(mip.ss_family == AF_INET6))
} else {
nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime = std::max(nmi.mostRecentDeauthTime,OSUtils::jsonInt(member["lastDeauthorizedTime"],0ULL));
} catch ( ... ) {}
return true;
nmi.nmiTimestamp = now;
_nmiCache[nwid] = nmi;
void EmbeddedNetworkController::_pushMemberUpdate(uint64_t now,uint64_t nwid,const nlohmann::json &member)
try {
@ -104,23 +104,8 @@ private:
// Gathers a bunch of statistics about members of a network, IP assignments, etc. that we need in various places
struct _NetworkMemberInfo
_NetworkMemberInfo() : authorizedMemberCount(0),activeMemberCount(0),totalMemberCount(0),mostRecentDeauthTime(0) {}
std::set<Address> activeBridges;
std::set<InetAddress> allocatedIps;
unsigned long authorizedMemberCount;
unsigned long activeMemberCount;
unsigned long totalMemberCount;
uint64_t mostRecentDeauthTime;
uint64_t nmiTimestamp; // time this NMI structure was computed
static void _circuitTestCallback(ZT_Node *node,ZT_CircuitTest *test,const ZT_CircuitTestReport *report);
void _request(uint64_t nwid,const InetAddress &fromAddr,uint64_t requestPacketId,const Identity &identity,const Dictionary<ZT_NETWORKCONFIG_METADATA_DICT_CAPACITY> &metaData);
void _getNetworkMemberInfo(uint64_t now,uint64_t nwid,_NetworkMemberInfo &nmi);
inline void _clearNetworkMemberInfoCache(const uint64_t nwid) { Mutex::Lock _l(_nmiCache_m); _nmiCache.erase(nwid); }
void _pushMemberUpdate(uint64_t now,uint64_t nwid,const nlohmann::json &member);
// These init objects with default and static/informational fields
@ -164,12 +149,12 @@ private:
network["objtype"] = "network";
inline void _addNetworkNonPersistedFields(nlohmann::json &network,uint64_t now,const _NetworkMemberInfo &nmi)
inline void _addNetworkNonPersistedFields(nlohmann::json &network,uint64_t now,const JSONDB::NetworkSummaryInfo &ns)
network["clock"] = now;
network["authorizedMemberCount"] = nmi.authorizedMemberCount;
network["activeMemberCount"] = nmi.activeMemberCount;
network["totalMemberCount"] = nmi.totalMemberCount;
network["authorizedMemberCount"] = ns.authorizedMemberCount;
network["activeMemberCount"] = ns.activeMemberCount;
network["totalMemberCount"] = ns.totalMemberCount;
inline void _addMemberNonPersistedFields(nlohmann::json &member,uint64_t now)
@ -183,9 +168,6 @@ private:
std::vector<Thread> _threads;
Mutex _threads_m;
std::map<uint64_t,_NetworkMemberInfo> _nmiCache;
Mutex _nmiCache_m;
Node *const _node;
@ -26,12 +26,11 @@ static const nlohmann::json _EMPTY_JSON(nlohmann::json::object());
static const std::map<std::string,std::string> _ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS;
JSONDB::JSONDB(const std::string &basePath) :
if ((_basePath.length() > 7)&&(_basePath.substr(0,7) == "http://")) {
// TODO: this doesn't yet support IPv6 since bracketed address notiation isn't supported.
// Typically it's used with anyway.
// Typically it's just used with anyway.
std::string hn = _basePath.substr(7);
std::size_t hnend = hn.find_first_of('/');
if (hnend != std::string::npos)
@ -50,7 +49,32 @@ JSONDB::JSONDB(const std::string &basePath) :
OSUtils::lockDownFile(_basePath.c_str(),true); // networks might contain auth tokens, etc., so restrict directory permissions
unsigned int cnt = 0;
while (!_load(_basePath)) {
if ((++cnt & 7) == 0)
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: controller still waiting to read '%s'..." ZT_EOL_S,_basePath.c_str());
for(std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::iterator n(_networks.begin());n!=_networks.end();++n)
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
Mutex::Lock _l(_summaryThread_m);
if (_summaryThread) {
bool JSONDB::writeRaw(const std::string &n,const std::string &obj)
@ -73,84 +97,173 @@ bool JSONDB::writeRaw(const std::string &n,const std::string &obj)
bool JSONDB::put(const std::string &n,const nlohmann::json &obj)
void JSONDB::saveNetwork(const uint64_t networkId,const nlohmann::json &networkConfig)
const bool r = writeRaw(n,OSUtils::jsonDump(obj));
char n[256];
Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx",(unsigned long long)networkId);
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
_db[n].obj = obj;
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
_networks[networkId].config = networkConfig;
return r;
nlohmann::json JSONDB::get(const std::string &n)
void JSONDB::saveNetworkMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,const nlohmann::json &memberConfig)
while (!_ready) {
char n[256];
Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx/member/%.10llx",(unsigned long long)networkId,(unsigned long long)nodeId);
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
std::map<std::string,_E>::iterator e(_db.find(n));
if (e != _db.end())
return e->second.obj;
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
_networks[networkId].members[nodeId] = memberConfig;
nlohmann::json JSONDB::eraseNetwork(const uint64_t networkId)
if (!_httpAddr) { // Member deletion is done by Central in harnessed mode, and deleting the cache network entry also deletes all members
std::vector<uint64_t> memberIds;
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i == _networks.end())
return _EMPTY_JSON;
for(std::unordered_map<uint64_t,nlohmann::json>::iterator m(i->second.members.begin());m!=i->second.members.end();++m)
for(std::vector<uint64_t>::iterator m(memberIds.begin());m!=memberIds.end();++m)
std::string buf;
char n[256];
Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx",(unsigned long long)networkId);
if (_httpAddr) {
std::map<std::string,std::string> headers;
const unsigned int sc = Http::GET(1048576,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr *>(&_httpAddr),(_basePath+"/"+n).c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,buf);
if (sc != 200)
return _EMPTY_JSON;
// Deletion is currently done by Central in harnessed mode
//std::map<std::string,std::string> headers;
//std::string body;
//Http::DEL(1048576,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr *>(&_httpAddr),(_basePath+"/"+n).c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,body);
} else {
const std::string path(_genPath(n,false));
if (!path.length())
return _EMPTY_JSON;
if (!OSUtils::readFile(path.c_str(),buf))
return _EMPTY_JSON;
if (path.length())
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
try {
_E &e2 = _db[n];
e2.obj = OSUtils::jsonParse(buf);
return e2.obj;
} catch ( ... ) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i == _networks.end())
return _EMPTY_JSON; // sanity check, shouldn't happen
nlohmann::json tmp(i->second.config);
return tmp;
nlohmann::json JSONDB::eraseNetworkMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,bool recomputeSummaryInfo)
char n[256];
Utils::snprintf(n,sizeof(n),"network/%.16llx/member/%.10llx",(unsigned long long)networkId,(unsigned long long)nodeId);
if (_httpAddr) {
// Deletion is currently done by the caller in Central harnessed mode
//std::map<std::string,std::string> headers;
//std::string body;
//Http::DEL(1048576,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr *>(&_httpAddr),(_basePath+"/"+n).c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,body);
} else {
const std::string path(_genPath(n,false));
if (path.length())
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i == _networks.end())
return _EMPTY_JSON;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,nlohmann::json>::iterator j(i->second.members.find(nodeId));
if (j == i->second.members.end())
return _EMPTY_JSON;
nlohmann::json tmp(j->second);
if (recomputeSummaryInfo)
return tmp;
void JSONDB::threadMain()
uint64_t networkId = 0;
while ((networkId = _updateSummaryInfoQueue.get()) != 0) {
const uint64_t now = OSUtils::now();
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::iterator n(_networks.find(networkId));
if (n != _networks.end()) {
NetworkSummaryInfo &ns = n->second.summaryInfo;
ns.authorizedMemberCount = 0;
ns.activeMemberCount = 0;
ns.totalMemberCount = 0;
ns.mostRecentDeauthTime = 0;
for(std::unordered_map<uint64_t,nlohmann::json>::const_iterator m(n->second.members.begin());m!=n->second.members.end();++m) {
try {
if (OSUtils::jsonBool(m->second["authorized"],false)) {
try {
const nlohmann::json &mlog = m->second["recentLog"];
if ((mlog.is_array())&&(mlog.size() > 0)) {
const nlohmann::json &mlog1 = mlog[0];
if (mlog1.is_object()) {
if ((now - OSUtils::jsonInt(mlog1["ts"],0ULL)) < (ZT_NETWORK_AUTOCONF_DELAY * 2))
} catch ( ... ) {}
try {
if (OSUtils::jsonBool(m->second["activeBridge"],false))
} catch ( ... ) {}
try {
const nlohmann::json &mips = m->second["ipAssignments"];
if (mips.is_array()) {
for(unsigned long i=0;i<mips.size();++i) {
InetAddress mip(OSUtils::jsonString(mips[i],""));
if ((mip.ss_family == AF_INET)||(mip.ss_family == AF_INET6))
} catch ( ... ) {}
} else {
try {
ns.mostRecentDeauthTime = std::max(ns.mostRecentDeauthTime,OSUtils::jsonInt(m->second["lastDeauthorizedTime"],0ULL));
} catch ( ... ) {}
} catch ( ... ) {}
n->second.summaryInfoLastComputed = now;
void JSONDB::erase(const std::string &n)
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
void JSONDB::_erase(const std::string &n)
bool JSONDB::_load(const std::string &p)
if (_httpAddr) {
std::string body;
std::map<std::string,std::string> headers;
Http::DEL(1048576,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr *>(&_httpAddr),(_basePath+"/"+n).c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,body);
} else {
std::string path(_genPath(n,true));
if (!path.length())
void JSONDB::_reload(const std::string &p,const std::string &b)
if (_httpAddr) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
std::string body;
std::map<std::string,std::string> headers;
const unsigned int sc = Http::GET(2147483647,ZT_JSONDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT,reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr *>(&_httpAddr),_basePath.c_str(),_ZT_JSONDB_GET_HEADERS,headers,body);
@ -159,30 +272,73 @@ void JSONDB::_reload(const std::string &p,const std::string &b)
nlohmann::json dbImg(OSUtils::jsonParse(body));
std::string tmp;
if (dbImg.is_object()) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
for(nlohmann::json::iterator i(dbImg.begin());i!=dbImg.end();++i) {
if (i.value().is_object()) {
tmp = i.key();
_db[tmp].obj = i.value();
nlohmann::json &j = i.value();
if (j.is_object()) {
std::string id(OSUtils::jsonString(j["id"],"0"));
std::string objtype(OSUtils::jsonString(j["objtype"],""));
if ((id.length() == 16)&&(objtype == "network")) {
const uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(id.c_str());
if (nwid)
_networks[nwid].config = j;
} else if ((id.length() == 10)&&(objtype == "member")) {
const uint64_t mid = Utils::hexStrToU64(id.c_str());
const uint64_t nwid = Utils::hexStrToU64(OSUtils::jsonString(j["nwid"],"0").c_str());
if ((mid)&&(nwid))
_networks[nwid].members[mid] = j;
_ready = true;
return true;
} catch ( ... ) {} // invalid JSON, so maybe incomplete request
return false;
} else {
_ready = true;
std::vector<std::string> dl(OSUtils::listDirectory(p.c_str(),true));
for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator di(dl.begin());di!=dl.end();++di) {
if ((di->length() > 5)&&(di->substr(di->length() - 5) == ".json")) {
this->get(b + di->substr(0,di->length() - 5));
std::string buf;
if (OSUtils::readFile((p + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *di).c_str(),buf)) {
try {
nlohmann::json j(OSUtils::jsonParse(buf));
std::string id(OSUtils::jsonString(j["id"],"0"));
std::string objtype(OSUtils::jsonString(j["objtype"],""));
if ((id.length() == 16)&&(objtype == "network")) {
const uint64_t nwid = Utils::strToU64(id.c_str());
if (nwid) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
_networks[nwid].config = j;
} else if ((id.length() == 10)&&(objtype == "member")) {
const uint64_t mid = Utils::strToU64(id.c_str());
const uint64_t nwid = Utils::strToU64(OSUtils::jsonString(j["nwid"],"0").c_str());
if ((mid)&&(nwid)) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
_networks[nwid].members[mid] = j;
} catch ( ... ) {}
} else {
this->_reload((p + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR + *di),(b + *di + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR));
this->_load((p + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + *di));
return true;
void JSONDB::_recomputeSummaryInfo(const uint64_t networkId)
Mutex::Lock _l(_summaryThread_m);
if (!_summaryThread)
_summaryThread = Thread::start(this);
std::string JSONDB::_genPath(const std::string &n,bool create)
std::vector<std::string> pt(OSUtils::split(n.c_str(),"/","",""));
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../node/Constants.hpp"
#include "../node/Utils.hpp"
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
#include "../osdep/OSUtils.hpp"
#include "../osdep/Http.hpp"
#include "../osdep/Thread.hpp"
#include "../osdep/BlockingQueue.hpp"
namespace ZeroTier {
@ -46,68 +48,145 @@ namespace ZeroTier {
class JSONDB
struct NetworkSummaryInfo
NetworkSummaryInfo() : authorizedMemberCount(0),activeMemberCount(0),totalMemberCount(0),mostRecentDeauthTime(0) {}
std::vector<Address> activeBridges;
std::vector<InetAddress> allocatedIps;
unsigned long authorizedMemberCount;
unsigned long activeMemberCount;
unsigned long totalMemberCount;
uint64_t mostRecentDeauthTime;
JSONDB(const std::string &basePath);
bool writeRaw(const std::string &n,const std::string &obj);
bool put(const std::string &n,const nlohmann::json &obj);
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2),obj); }
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3),obj); }
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4),obj); }
inline bool put(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const std::string &n5,const nlohmann::json &obj) { return this->put((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4 + "/" + n5),obj); }
inline bool hasNetwork(const uint64_t networkId) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::const_iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
return (i != _networks.end());
nlohmann::json get(const std::string &n);
inline nlohmann::json get(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2) { return this->get((n1 + "/" + n2)); }
inline nlohmann::json get(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3) { return this->get((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3)); }
inline nlohmann::json get(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4) { return this->get((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4)); }
inline nlohmann::json get(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const std::string &n5) { return this->get((n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4 + "/" + n5)); }
inline bool getNetwork(const uint64_t networkId,nlohmann::json &config) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::const_iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i == _networks.end())
return false;
config = i->second.config;
return true;
void erase(const std::string &n);
inline bool getNetworkSummaryInfo(const uint64_t networkId,NetworkSummaryInfo &ns) const
for(;;) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::const_iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i == _networks.end())
return false;
if (i->second.summaryInfoLastComputed) {
ns = i->second.summaryInfo;
return true;
Thread::sleep(100); // wait for this to be done the first time, which happens when we start
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2); }
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3); }
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4); }
inline void erase(const std::string &n1,const std::string &n2,const std::string &n3,const std::string &n4,const std::string &n5) { this->erase(n1 + "/" + n2 + "/" + n3 + "/" + n4 + "/" + n5); }
* @return Bit mask: 0 == none, 1 == network only, 3 == network and member
inline int getNetworkAndMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,nlohmann::json &networkConfig,nlohmann::json &memberConfig,NetworkSummaryInfo &ns) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::const_iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i == _networks.end())
return 0;
networkConfig = i->second.config;
ns = i->second.summaryInfo;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,nlohmann::json>::const_iterator j(i->second.members.find(nodeId));
if (j == i->second.members.end())
return 1;
memberConfig = j->second;
return 3;
inline bool getNetworkMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,nlohmann::json &memberConfig) const
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::const_iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i == _networks.end())
return false;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,nlohmann::json>::const_iterator j(i->second.members.find(nodeId));
if (j == i->second.members.end())
return false;
memberConfig = j->second;
return true;
void saveNetwork(const uint64_t networkId,const nlohmann::json &networkConfig);
void saveNetworkMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,const nlohmann::json &memberConfig);
nlohmann::json eraseNetwork(const uint64_t networkId);
nlohmann::json eraseNetworkMember(const uint64_t networkId,const uint64_t nodeId,bool recomputeSummaryInfo = true);
std::vector<uint64_t> networkIds() const
std::vector<uint64_t> r;
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
for(std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::const_iterator n(_networks.begin());n!=_networks.end();++n)
return r;
template<typename F>
inline void filter(const std::string &prefix,F func)
inline void eachMember(const uint64_t networkId,F func)
while (!_ready) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_db_m);
for(std::map<std::string,_E>::iterator i(_db.lower_bound(prefix));i!=_db.end();) {
if ((i->first.length() >= prefix.length())&&(!memcmp(i->first.data(),prefix.data(),prefix.length()))) {
if (!func(i->first,i->second.obj)) {
} else {
} else break;
Mutex::Lock _l(_networks_m);
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW>::const_iterator i(_networks.find(networkId));
if (i != _networks.end()) {
for(std::unordered_map<uint64_t,nlohmann::json>::const_iterator m(i->second.members.begin());m!=i->second.members.end();++m) {
try {
} catch ( ... ) {}
void threadMain()
void _erase(const std::string &n);
void _reload(const std::string &p,const std::string &b);
bool _load(const std::string &p);
void _recomputeSummaryInfo(const uint64_t networkId);
std::string _genPath(const std::string &n,bool create);
struct _E
std::string _basePath;
InetAddress _httpAddr;
BlockingQueue<uint64_t> _updateSummaryInfoQueue;
Thread _summaryThread;
Mutex _summaryThread_m;
struct _NW
nlohmann::json obj;
inline bool operator==(const _E &e) const { return (obj == e.obj); }
inline bool operator!=(const _E &e) const { return (obj != e.obj); }
_NW() : summaryInfoLastComputed(0) {}
nlohmann::json config;
NetworkSummaryInfo summaryInfo;
uint64_t summaryInfoLastComputed;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,nlohmann::json> members;
InetAddress _httpAddr;
std::string _basePath;
std::map<std::string,_E> _db;
Mutex _db_m;
volatile bool _ready;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t,_NW> _networks;
Mutex _networks_m;
} // namespace ZeroTier
Reference in New Issue
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