Added notion of Flows

This commit is contained in:
Joseph Henry 2019-08-19 21:52:33 -07:00
parent 15e44f0ddd
commit 0634214f2c
8 changed files with 449 additions and 123 deletions

View File

@ -434,27 +434,49 @@ enum ZT_ResultCode
enum ZT_MultipathMode
* No active multipath.
* Traffic is merely sent over the strongest path. That being
* said, this mode will automatically failover in the event that a link goes down.
* No fault tolerance or balancing.
* Traffic is randomly distributed among all active paths.
* Will cease sending traffic over links that appear to be stale.
* Sends traffic out on all paths.
* Traffic is allocated across all active paths in proportion to their strength and
* reliability.
* Will cease sending traffic over links that appear to be stale.
* Sends traffic out on only one path at a time. Immediate fail-over.
* Sends traffic out on all interfaces according to a uniform random distribution.
* Stripes packets across all paths.
* Balances flows across all paths.
* Hashes flows across all paths.
* Balances traffic across all paths according to observed performance.
* Balances flows across all paths.

View File

@ -266,6 +266,12 @@
* How long before we consider a flow to be dead and remove it from the balancing
* policy's list.
* How frequently to check for changes to the system's network interfaces. When
* the service decides to use this constant it's because we want to react more

View File

@ -308,7 +308,6 @@ public:
inline void recordOutgoingPacket(int64_t now, int64_t packetId, uint16_t payloadLength, Packet::Verb verb)
Mutex::Lock _l(_statistics_m);
if (verb != Packet::VERB_ACK && verb != Packet::VERB_QOS_MEASUREMENT) {
if ((packetId & (ZT_PATH_QOS_ACK_PROTOCOL_DIVISOR - 1)) == 0) {
@ -332,7 +331,6 @@ public:
inline void recordIncomingPacket(int64_t now, int64_t packetId, uint16_t payloadLength, Packet::Verb verb)
Mutex::Lock _l(_statistics_m);
if (verb != Packet::VERB_ACK && verb != Packet::VERB_QOS_MEASUREMENT) {
if ((packetId & (ZT_PATH_QOS_ACK_PROTOCOL_DIVISOR - 1)) == 0) {
@ -353,7 +351,6 @@ public:
inline void receivedAck(int64_t now, int32_t ackedBytes)
_expectingAckAsOf = 0;
_unackedBytes = (ackedBytes > _unackedBytes) ? 0 : _unackedBytes - ackedBytes;
int64_t timeSinceThroughputEstimate = (now - _lastThroughputEstimation);
@ -398,7 +395,6 @@ public:
inline void sentAck(int64_t now)
Mutex::Lock _l(_statistics_m);
_packetsReceivedSinceLastAck = 0;
@ -416,7 +412,6 @@ public:
inline void receivedQoS(int64_t now, int count, uint64_t *rx_id, uint16_t *rx_ts)
Mutex::Lock _l(_statistics_m);
// Look up egress times and compute latency values for each record
std::map<uint64_t,uint64_t>::iterator it;
@ -441,7 +436,6 @@ public:
inline int32_t generateQoSPacket(int64_t now, char *qosBuffer)
Mutex::Lock _l(_statistics_m);
int32_t len = 0;
std::map<uint64_t,uint64_t>::iterator it = _inQoSRecords.begin();
@ -466,7 +460,6 @@ public:
* @param Current time
inline void sentQoS(int64_t now) {
_packetsReceivedSinceLastQoS = 0;
_lastQoSMeasurement = now;
@ -586,7 +579,6 @@ public:
inline void processBackgroundPathMeasurements(const int64_t now)
if (now - _lastPathQualityComputeTime > ZT_PATH_QUALITY_COMPUTE_INTERVAL) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_statistics_m);
_lastPathQualityComputeTime = now;

View File

@ -75,7 +75,9 @@ Peer::Peer(const RuntimeEnvironment *renv,const Identity &myIdentity,const Ident
if (!myIdentity.agree(peerIdentity,_key,ZT_PEER_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH))
@ -195,6 +197,9 @@ void Peer::received(
} else {
attemptToContact = true;
// Every time we learn of new path, rebuild set of virtual paths
@ -256,6 +261,39 @@ void Peer::received(
void Peer::constructSetOfVirtualPaths()
if (!_remoteMultipathSupported) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_virtual_paths_m);
int64_t now = RR->node->now();
_virtualPathCount = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;++i) {
if (_paths[i].p && _paths[i].p->alive(now)) {
for(unsigned int j=0;j<ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;++j) {
if (_paths[j].p && _paths[j].p->alive(now)) {
int64_t localSocket = _paths[j].p->localSocket();
bool foundVirtualPath = false;
for (int k=0; k<_virtualPaths.size(); k++) {
if (_virtualPaths[k]->localSocket == localSocket && _virtualPaths[k]->p == _paths[i].p) {
foundVirtualPath = true;
if (!foundVirtualPath)
VirtualPath *np = new VirtualPath;
np->p = _paths[i].p;
np->localSocket = localSocket;
void Peer::recordOutgoingPacket(const SharedPtr<Path> &path, const uint64_t packetId,
uint16_t payloadLength, const Packet::Verb verb, int64_t now)
@ -320,10 +358,10 @@ void Peer::computeAggregateAllocation(int64_t now)
for(uint16_t i=0;i<ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;++i) {
if (_paths[i].p) {
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_RANDOM) {
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_RANDOM) {
_paths[i].p->updateComponentAllocationOfAggregateLink(((float)_pathChoiceHist.countValue(i) / (float)_pathChoiceHist.count()) * 255);
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_PROPORTIONALLY_BALANCED) {
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_DYNAMIC_OPAQUE) {
_paths[i].p->updateComponentAllocationOfAggregateLink((unsigned char)((_paths[i].p->relativeQuality() / totalRelativeQuality) * 255));
@ -382,9 +420,22 @@ int Peer::aggregateLinkLogicalPathCount()
return pathCount;
SharedPtr<Path> Peer::getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired)
std::vector<SharedPtr<Path>> Peer::getAllPaths(int64_t now)
Mutex::Lock _l(_virtual_paths_m); // FIXME: TX can now lock RX
std::vector<SharedPtr<Path>> paths;
for (int i=0; i<_virtualPaths.size(); i++) {
if (_virtualPaths[i]->p) {
return paths;
SharedPtr<Path> Peer::getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired, int64_t flowId)
Mutex::Lock _l(_paths_m);
SharedPtr<Path> selectedPath;
unsigned int bestPath = ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;
@ -410,52 +461,129 @@ SharedPtr<Path> Peer::getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired)
return SharedPtr<Path>();
// Update path measurements
for(unsigned int i=0;i<ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;++i) {
if (_paths[i].p) {
// Detect new flows and update existing records
if (_flows.count(flowId)) {
_flows[flowId]->lastSend = now;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "new flow %llx detected between this node and %llx (%lu active flow(s))\n",
flowId, this->_id.address().toInt(), (_flows.size()+1));
struct Flow *newFlow = new Flow(flowId, now);
_flows[flowId] = newFlow;
newFlow->assignedPath = nullptr;
// Construct set of virtual paths if needed
if (!_virtualPaths.size()) {
if (!_virtualPaths.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, "no paths to send packet out on\n");
return SharedPtr<Path>();
* Randomly distribute traffic across all paths
* Traffic is randomly distributed among all active paths.
int numAlivePaths = 0;
int numStalePaths = 0;
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_RANDOM) {
computeAggregateAllocation(now); /* This call is algorithmically inert but gives us a value to show in the status output */
memset(&alivePaths, -1, sizeof(alivePaths));
memset(&stalePaths, -1, sizeof(stalePaths));
for(unsigned int i=0;i<ZT_MAX_PEER_NETWORK_PATHS;++i) {
if (_paths[i].p) {
if (_paths[i].p->alive(now)) {
alivePaths[numAlivePaths] = i;
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_RANDOM) {
int sz = _virtualPaths.size();
if (sz) {
int idx = _freeRandomByte % sz;
char pathStr[128];
fprintf(stderr, "sending out: (%llx), idx=%d: path=%s, localSocket=%lld\n",
this->_id.address().toInt(), idx, pathStr, _virtualPaths[idx]->localSocket);
return _virtualPaths[idx]->p;
// This call is algorithmically inert but gives us a value to show in the status output
* All traffic is sent on all paths.
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BROADCAST) {
// Not handled here. Handled in Switch.cpp
* Only one link is active. Fail-over is immediate.
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_ACTIVE_BACKUP) {
// fprintf(stderr, "ZT_MULTIPATH_ACTIVE_BACKUP\n");
* Packets are striped across all available paths.
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_RR_OPAQUE) {
// fprintf(stderr, "ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_RR_OPAQUE\n");
int16_t previousIdx = _roundRobinPathAssignmentIdx;
if (_roundRobinPathAssignmentIdx < (_virtualPaths.size()-1)) {
else {
stalePaths[numStalePaths] = i;
_roundRobinPathAssignmentIdx = 0;
selectedPath = _virtualPaths[previousIdx]->p;
char pathStr[128];
fprintf(stderr, "sending packet out on path %s at index %d\n",
pathStr, previousIdx);
return selectedPath;
* Flows are striped across all available paths.
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_RR_FLOW) {
// fprintf(stderr, "ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_RR_FLOW\n");
* Flows are hashed across all available paths.
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_XOR_FLOW) {
// fprintf(stderr, "ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_XOR_FLOW (%llx) \n", flowId);
char pathStr[128];
struct Flow *currFlow = NULL;
if (_flows.count(flowId)) {
currFlow = _flows[flowId];
if (!currFlow->assignedPath) {
int idx = abs((int)(currFlow->flowId % (_virtualPaths.size()-1)));
currFlow->assignedPath = _virtualPaths[idx];
fprintf(stderr, "assigning flow %llx between this node and peer %llx to path %s at index %d\n",
currFlow->flowId, this->_id.address().toInt(), pathStr, idx);
else {
if (!currFlow->assignedPath->p->alive(now)) {
char newPathStr[128];
// Re-assign
int idx = abs((int)(currFlow->flowId % (_virtualPaths.size()-1)));
currFlow->assignedPath = _virtualPaths[idx];
fprintf(stderr, "path %s assigned to flow %llx between this node and %llx appears to be dead, reassigning to path %s\n",
pathStr, currFlow->flowId, this->_id.address().toInt(), newPathStr);
unsigned int r = _freeRandomByte;
if (numAlivePaths > 0) {
int rf = r % numAlivePaths;
_pathChoiceHist.push(alivePaths[rf]); // Record which path we chose
return _paths[alivePaths[rf]].p;
else if(numStalePaths > 0) {
// Resort to trying any non-expired path
int rf = r % numStalePaths;
return _paths[stalePaths[rf]].p;
return currFlow->assignedPath->p;
* Proportionally allocate traffic according to dynamic path quality measurements
* Proportionally allocate traffic according to dynamic path quality measurements.
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_PROPORTIONALLY_BALANCED) {
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_DYNAMIC_OPAQUE) {
if ((now - _lastAggregateAllocation) >= ZT_PATH_QUALITY_COMPUTE_INTERVAL) {
_lastAggregateAllocation = now;
@ -476,6 +604,13 @@ SharedPtr<Path> Peer::getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired)
return _paths[bestPath].p;
* Flows are dynamically allocated across paths in proportion to link strength and load.
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_DYNAMIC_FLOW) {
return SharedPtr<Path>();
@ -676,10 +811,20 @@ inline void Peer::processBackgroundPeerTasks(const int64_t now)
_localMultipathSupported = ((RR->node->getMultipathMode() != ZT_MULTIPATH_NONE) && (ZT_PROTO_VERSION > 9));
_remoteMultipathSupported = _vProto > 9;
// If both peers support multipath and more than one path exist, we can use multipath logic
DEBUG_INFO("from=%llx, _localMultipathSupported=%d, _remoteMultipathSupported=%d, (_uniqueAlivePathCount > 1)=%d",
this->_id.address().toInt(), _localMultipathSupported, _remoteMultipathSupported, (_uniqueAlivePathCount > 1));
_canUseMultipath = _localMultipathSupported && _remoteMultipathSupported && (_uniqueAlivePathCount > 1);
// Remove old flows
std::map<int64_t, struct Flow *>::iterator it = _flows.begin();
while (it != _flows.end()) {
if ((now - it->second->lastSend) > ZT_MULTIPATH_FLOW_EXPIRATION) {
fprintf(stderr, "forgetting flow %llx between this node and %llx (%lu active flow(s))\n",
it->first, this->_id.address().toInt(), _flows.size());
it = _flows.erase(it);
} else {
void Peer::sendACK(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Path> &path,const int64_t localSocket,const InetAddress &atAddress,int64_t now)

View File

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
#define ZT_PEER_HPP
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include "../include/ZeroTierOne.h"
@ -147,6 +149,8 @@ public:
return false;
void constructSetOfVirtualPaths();
* Record statistics on outgoing packets
@ -216,14 +220,17 @@ public:
int aggregateLinkLogicalPathCount();
std::vector<SharedPtr<Path>> getAllPaths(int64_t now);
* Get the most appropriate direct path based on current multipath and QoS configuration
* @param now Current time
* @param flowId Session-specific protocol flow identifier used for path allocation
* @param includeExpired If true, include even expired paths
* @return Best current path or NULL if none
SharedPtr<Path> getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired);
SharedPtr<Path> getAppropriatePath(int64_t now, bool includeExpired, int64_t flowId = -1);
* Generate a human-readable string of interface names making up the aggregate link, also include
@ -680,6 +687,44 @@ private:
int64_t _lastAggregateAllocation;
char _interfaceListStr[256]; // 16 characters * 16 paths in a link
struct LinkPerformanceEntry
int64_t packetId;
struct VirtualPath *egressVirtualPath;
struct VirtualPath *ingressVirtualPath;
// Virtual paths
int _virtualPathCount;
Mutex _virtual_paths_m;
struct VirtualPath
SharedPtr<Path> p;
int64_t localSocket;
std::queue<struct LinkPerformanceEntry *> performanceEntries;
std::vector<struct VirtualPath*> _virtualPaths;
// Flows
struct Flow
Flow(int64_t fid, int64_t ls) :
int64_t flowId;
int64_t bytesPerSecond;
int64_t lastSend;
struct VirtualPath *assignedPath;
std::map<int64_t, struct Flow *> _flows;
int16_t _roundRobinPathAssignmentIdx;
} // namespace ZeroTier

View File

@ -255,6 +255,35 @@ void Switch::onRemotePacket(void *tPtr,const int64_t localSocket,const InetAddre
} catch ( ... ) {} // sanity check, should be caught elsewhere
// Returns true if packet appears valid; pos and proto will be set
static bool _ipv6GetPayload(const uint8_t *frameData,unsigned int frameLen,unsigned int &pos,unsigned int &proto)
if (frameLen < 40)
return false;
pos = 40;
proto = frameData[6];
while (pos <= frameLen) {
switch(proto) {
case 0: // hop-by-hop options
case 43: // routing
case 60: // destination options
case 135: // mobility options
if ((pos + 8) > frameLen)
return false; // invalid!
proto = frameData[pos];
pos += ((unsigned int)frameData[pos + 1] * 8) + 8;
//case 44: // fragment -- we currently can't parse these and they are deprecated in IPv6 anyway
//case 50:
//case 51: // IPSec ESP and AH -- we have to stop here since this is encrypted stuff
return true;
return false; // overflow == invalid
void Switch::onLocalEthernet(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Network> &network,const MAC &from,const MAC &to,unsigned int etherType,unsigned int vlanId,const void *data,unsigned int len)
if (!network->hasConfig())
@ -271,6 +300,73 @@ void Switch::onLocalEthernet(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Network> &network,const
uint8_t qosBucket = ZT_QOS_DEFAULT_BUCKET;
/* A pseudo-unique identifier used by the balancing and bonding policies to associate properties
* of a specific protocol flow over time and to determine which virtual path this packet
* shall be sent out on. This identifier consists of the source port and destination port
* of the encapsulated frame.
* A flowId of -1 will indicate that whatever packet we are about transmit has no
* preferred virtual path and will be sent out according to what the multipath logic
* deems appropriate. An example of this would be an ICMP packet.
int64_t flowId = -1;
if (etherType == ZT_ETHERTYPE_IPV4 && (len >= 20)) {
uint16_t srcPort = 0;
uint16_t dstPort = 0;
int8_t proto = (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[9]);
const unsigned int headerLen = 4 * (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[0] & 0xf);
switch(proto) {
case 0x01: // ICMP
flowId = 0x01;
// All these start with 16-bit source and destination port in that order
case 0x06: // TCP
case 0x11: // UDP
case 0x84: // SCTP
case 0x88: // UDPLite
if (len > (headerLen + 4)) {
unsigned int pos = headerLen + 0;
srcPort = (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos++]) << 8;
srcPort |= (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos]);
dstPort = (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos++]) << 8;
dstPort |= (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos]);
flowId = ((int64_t)srcPort << 48) | ((int64_t)dstPort << 32) | proto;
if (etherType == ZT_ETHERTYPE_IPV6 && (len >= 40)) {
uint16_t srcPort = 0;
uint16_t dstPort = 0;
unsigned int pos;
unsigned int proto;
_ipv6GetPayload((const uint8_t *)data, len, pos, proto);
switch(proto) {
case 0x3A: // ICMPv6
flowId = 0x3A;
// All these start with 16-bit source and destination port in that order
case 0x06: // TCP
case 0x11: // UDP
case 0x84: // SCTP
case 0x88: // UDPLite
if (len > (pos + 4)) {
srcPort = (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos++]) << 8;
srcPort |= (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos]);
dstPort = (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos++]) << 8;
dstPort |= (reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data)[pos]);
flowId = ((int64_t)srcPort << 48) | ((int64_t)dstPort << 32) | proto;
if (to.isMulticast()) {
MulticastGroup multicastGroup(to,0);
@ -429,7 +525,7 @@ void Switch::onLocalEthernet(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Network> &network,const
if (!network->config().disableCompression())
} else {
Packet outp(toZT,RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_FRAME);
@ -437,7 +533,7 @@ void Switch::onLocalEthernet(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Network> &network,const
if (!network->config().disableCompression())
} else {
// Destination is bridged behind a remote peer
@ -493,7 +589,7 @@ void Switch::onLocalEthernet(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Network> &network,const
if (!network->config().disableCompression())
} else {
RR->t->outgoingNetworkFrameDropped(tPtr,network,from,to,etherType,vlanId,len,"filter blocked (bridge replication)");
@ -501,10 +597,10 @@ void Switch::onLocalEthernet(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Network> &network,const
void Switch::aqm_enqueue(void *tPtr, const SharedPtr<Network> &network, Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int qosBucket)
void Switch::aqm_enqueue(void *tPtr, const SharedPtr<Network> &network, Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int qosBucket,int64_t flowId)
if(!network->qosEnabled()) {
send(tPtr, packet, encrypt);
send(tPtr, packet, encrypt, flowId);
NetworkQoSControlBlock *nqcb = _netQueueControlBlock[network->id()];
@ -518,11 +614,9 @@ void Switch::aqm_enqueue(void *tPtr, const SharedPtr<Network> &network, Packet &
nqcb->inactiveQueues.push_back(new ManagedQueue(i));
// Don't apply QoS scheduling to ZT protocol traffic
if (packet.verb() != Packet::VERB_FRAME && packet.verb() != Packet::VERB_EXT_FRAME) {
// DEBUG_INFO("skipping, no QoS for this packet, verb=%x", packet.verb());
// just send packet normally, no QoS for ZT protocol traffic
send(tPtr, packet, encrypt);
send(tPtr, packet, encrypt, flowId);
@ -530,7 +624,7 @@ void Switch::aqm_enqueue(void *tPtr, const SharedPtr<Network> &network, Packet &
// Enqueue packet and move queue to appropriate list
const Address dest(packet.destination());
TXQueueEntry *txEntry = new TXQueueEntry(dest,RR->node->now(),packet,encrypt);
TXQueueEntry *txEntry = new TXQueueEntry(dest,RR->node->now(),packet,encrypt,flowId);
ManagedQueue *selectedQueue = nullptr;
for (size_t i=0; i<ZT_QOS_NUM_BUCKETS; i++) {
@ -702,7 +796,7 @@ void Switch::aqm_dequeue(void *tPtr)
queueAtFrontOfList->byteCredit -= len;
// Send the packet!
send(tPtr, entryToEmit->packet, entryToEmit->encrypt);
send(tPtr, entryToEmit->packet, entryToEmit->encrypt, entryToEmit->flowId);
if (queueAtFrontOfList) {
@ -734,7 +828,7 @@ void Switch::aqm_dequeue(void *tPtr)
queueAtFrontOfList->byteLength -= len;
queueAtFrontOfList->byteCredit -= len;
send(tPtr, entryToEmit->packet, entryToEmit->encrypt);
send(tPtr, entryToEmit->packet, entryToEmit->encrypt, entryToEmit->flowId);
if (queueAtFrontOfList) {
@ -758,18 +852,18 @@ void Switch::removeNetworkQoSControlBlock(uint64_t nwid)
void Switch::send(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt)
void Switch::send(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int64_t flowId)
const Address dest(packet.destination());
if (dest == RR->identity.address())
if (!_trySend(tPtr,packet,encrypt)) {
if (!_trySend(tPtr,packet,encrypt,flowId)) {
Mutex::Lock _l(_txQueue_m);
if (_txQueue.size() >= ZT_TX_QUEUE_SIZE) {
if (!RR->topology->getPeer(tPtr,dest))
@ -791,10 +885,11 @@ void Switch::requestWhois(void *tPtr,const int64_t now,const Address &addr)
const SharedPtr<Peer> upstream(RR->topology->getUpstreamPeer());
if (upstream) {
int64_t flowId = -1;
Packet outp(upstream->address(),RR->identity.address(),Packet::VERB_WHOIS);
@ -819,7 +914,7 @@ void Switch::doAnythingWaitingForPeer(void *tPtr,const SharedPtr<Peer> &peer)
Mutex::Lock _l(_txQueue_m);
for(std::list< TXQueueEntry >::iterator txi(_txQueue.begin());txi!=_txQueue.end();) {
if (txi->dest == peer->address()) {
if (_trySend(tPtr,txi->packet,txi->encrypt)) {
if (_trySend(tPtr,txi->packet,txi->encrypt,txi->flowId)) {
} else {
@ -843,7 +938,7 @@ unsigned long Switch::doTimerTasks(void *tPtr,int64_t now)
Mutex::Lock _l(_txQueue_m);
for(std::list< TXQueueEntry >::iterator txi(_txQueue.begin());txi!=_txQueue.end();) {
if (_trySend(tPtr,txi->packet,txi->encrypt)) {
if (_trySend(tPtr,txi->packet,txi->encrypt,txi->flowId)) {
} else if ((now - txi->creationTime) > ZT_TRANSMIT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT) {
@ -907,7 +1002,7 @@ bool Switch::_shouldUnite(const int64_t now,const Address &source,const Address
return false;
bool Switch::_trySend(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt)
bool Switch::_trySend(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int64_t flowId)
SharedPtr<Path> viaPath;
const int64_t now = RR->node->now();
@ -915,26 +1010,39 @@ bool Switch::_trySend(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt)
const SharedPtr<Peer> peer(RR->topology->getPeer(tPtr,destination));
if (peer) {
viaPath = peer->getAppropriatePath(now,false);
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BROADCAST) {
// Nothing here, we'll grab an entire set of paths to send out on below
else {
viaPath = peer->getAppropriatePath(now,false,flowId);
if (!viaPath) {
peer->tryMemorizedPath(tPtr,now); // periodically attempt memorized or statically defined paths, if any are known
const SharedPtr<Peer> relay(RR->topology->getUpstreamPeer());
if ( (!relay) || (!(viaPath = relay->getAppropriatePath(now,false))) ) {
if (!(viaPath = peer->getAppropriatePath(now,true)))
if ( (!relay) || (!(viaPath = relay->getAppropriatePath(now,false,flowId))) ) {
if (!(viaPath = peer->getAppropriatePath(now,true,flowId)))
return false;
} else {
return false;
// If sending on all paths, set viaPath to first path
int nextPathIdx = 0;
std::vector<SharedPtr<Path>> paths = peer->getAllPaths(now);
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BROADCAST) {
if (paths.size()) {
viaPath = paths[nextPathIdx++];
while (viaPath) {
unsigned int mtu = ZT_DEFAULT_PHYSMTU;
uint64_t trustedPathId = 0;
unsigned int chunkSize = std::min(packet.size(),mtu);
packet.setFragmented(chunkSize < packet.size());
peer->recordOutgoingPacket(viaPath, packet.packetId(), packet.payloadLength(), packet.verb(), now);
if (trustedPathId) {
@ -962,7 +1070,13 @@ bool Switch::_trySend(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt)
if (RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BROADCAST) {
if (paths.size() > nextPathIdx) {
viaPath = paths[nextPathIdx++];
return true;

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public:
* @param encrypt Encrypt packet payload? (always true except for HELLO)
* @param qosBucket Which bucket the rule-system determined this packet should fall into
void aqm_enqueue(void *tPtr, const SharedPtr<Network> &network, Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int qosBucket);
void aqm_enqueue(void *tPtr, const SharedPtr<Network> &network, Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int qosBucket,int64_t flowId = -1);
* Performs a single AQM cycle and dequeues and transmits all eligible packets on all networks
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public:
* @param packet Packet to send (buffer may be modified)
* @param encrypt Encrypt packet payload? (always true except for HELLO)
void send(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt);
void send(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int64_t flowId = -1);
* Request WHOIS on a given address
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public:
bool _shouldUnite(const int64_t now,const Address &source,const Address &destination);
bool _trySend(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt); // packet is modified if return is true
bool _trySend(void *tPtr,Packet &packet,bool encrypt,int64_t flowId = -1); // packet is modified if return is true
const RuntimeEnvironment *const RR;
int64_t _lastBeaconResponse;
@ -261,16 +261,18 @@ private:
struct TXQueueEntry
TXQueueEntry() {}
TXQueueEntry(Address d,uint64_t ct,const Packet &p,bool enc) :
TXQueueEntry(Address d,uint64_t ct,const Packet &p,bool enc,int64_t fid) :
encrypt(enc) {}
flowId(fid) {}
Address dest;
uint64_t creationTime;
Packet packet; // unencrypted/unMAC'd packet -- this is done at send time
bool encrypt;
int64_t flowId;
std::list< TXQueueEntry > _txQueue;
Mutex _txQueue_m;

View File

@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ void Trace::peerConfirmingUnknownPath(void *const tPtr,const uint64_t networkId,
void Trace::peerLinkNowAggregate(void *const tPtr,Peer &peer)
if ((RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_RANDOM)) {
if ((RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_RANDOM)) {
ZT_LOCAL_TRACE(tPtr,RR,"link to peer %.10llx is now a randomly-distributed aggregate link",peer.address().toInt());
if ((RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_PROPORTIONALLY_BALANCED)) {
if ((RR->node->getMultipathMode() == ZT_MULTIPATH_BALANCE_DYNAMIC_OPAQUE)) {
ZT_LOCAL_TRACE(tPtr,RR,"link to peer %.10llx is now a proportionally-balanced aggregate link",peer.address().toInt());