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desc: Test the arity of every function
table_variable_name: tbl
# TODO: add test for slice (should require one or two arguments)
# Set up some data
- def: db = r.db('test')
- def: obj = r.expr({'a':1})
- def: array = r.expr([1])
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 0 arguments but found 1.", [])
cd: r.db_list(1)
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- tbl.zip(1)
- tbl.is_empty(1)
- obj.keys(1)
- cd: tbl.distinct(1)
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 0 arguments (not including options) but found 1.", [])
- cd: tbl.delete(1)
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 0 arguments (not including options) but found 1.", [])
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- rb: db.table_list(1)
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 0 and 1 arguments but found 2.", [])
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
- r.db_create()
- r.db_drop()
- r.db()
- r.floor()
- r.ceil()
- r.round()
- cd: r.error()
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Empty ERROR term outside a default block.", [])
- cd: r.js()
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- cd: r.expr()
py3.3: err_regex('TypeError', '.* missing 1 required positional argument.*', [])
py3.4: err_regex('TypeError', '.* missing 1 required positional argument.*', [])
py3.5: err_regex('TypeError', '.* missing 1 required positional argument.*', [])
py: err_regex('TypeError', ".* takes at least 1 (?:positional )?argument \(0 given\)", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 0.", [])
rb: err("ArgumentError", 'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)', [])
rb2: err("ArgumentError", 'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..2)', [])
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
- tbl.concat_map()
- tbl.skip()
- tbl.limit()
- array.append()
- array.prepend()
- array.difference()
- array.set_insert()
- array.set_union()
- array.set_intersection()
- array.set_difference()
- tbl.nth()
- tbl.for_each()
- tbl.get()
- r.expr([]).sample()
- tbl.offsets_of()
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
- r.db_create(1,2)
- r.db_drop(1,2)
- r.db(1,2)
- r.floor(1, 2)
- r.ceil(1, 2)
- r.round(1, 2)
- cd: tbl.filter()
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
- cd: r.error(1, 2)
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 0 and 1 arguments but found 2.", [])
- cd: db.table_drop()
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
- cd: db.table_create()
cd: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- cd: r.js(1,2)
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [])
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- tbl.concat_map(1,2)
- tbl.skip(1,2)
- tbl.limit(1,2)
- array.append(1,2)
- array.prepend(1,2)
- array.difference([], [])
- array.set_insert(1,2)
- array.set_union([1],[2])
- array.set_intersection([1],[2])
- array.set_difference([1],[2])
- tbl.nth(1,2)
- tbl.for_each(1,2)
- tbl.get(1,2)
- r.expr([]).sample(1,2)
- tbl.offsets_of(1,2)
- cd: tbl.filter(1,2,3)
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 4.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 3.", [])
- cd: db.table_drop(1,2)
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- cd: r.expr([]).delete_at()
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 2 and 3 arguments but found 1.", [])
- cd: db.table_create(1,2)
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [])
- cd: tbl.count(1,2)
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected between 1 and 2 arguments but found 3.", [])
- ot:
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- tbl.update()
- tbl.replace()
- tbl.insert()
- cd: db.table()
cd: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Expected type DATUM but found DATABASE:", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- cd: tbl.reduce()
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments but found 1.", [])
- cd: tbl.eq_join()
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 1.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 0.", [])
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 1.", [])
- tbl.inner_join()
- tbl.outer_join()
- r.expr([]).insert_at()
- r.expr([]).splice_at()
- r.expr([]).change_at()
- cd: tbl.eq_join(1)
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 2.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 1.", [])
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 2.", [])
- tbl.inner_join(1)
- tbl.outer_join(1)
- r.expr([]).insert_at(1)
- r.expr([]).splice_at(1)
- r.expr([]).change_at(1)
- cd: tbl.eq_join(1,2,3,4)
cd: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 5.", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 4.", [])
- ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 arguments but found 4.", [])
- tbl.inner_join(1,2,3)
- tbl.outer_join(1,2,3)
- r.expr([]).insert_at(1, 2, 3)
- r.expr([]).splice_at(1, 2, 3)
- r.expr([]).change_at(1, 2, 3)
- cd: tbl.map()
cd: err('ReqlCompileError', "Expected 2 or more arguments but found 1.", [])
js: err('ReqlCompileError', "Expected 1 or more arguments but found 0.", [])
- cd: r.branch(1,2)
ot: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 3 or more arguments but found 2.", [])
- cd: r.branch(1,2,3,4)
ot: err("ReqlQueryLogicError", "Cannot call `branch` term with an even number of arguments.", [])
- cd: r.expr({})[1,2]
js: r.expr({})(1,2)
js: err('ReqlCompileError', "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
py: err('ReqlQueryLogicError', 'Expected NUMBER or STRING as second argument to `bracket` but found ARRAY.')
rb: err('ArgumentError', 'wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)')
- cd: tbl.insert([{'id':0},{'id':1},{'id':2},{'id':3},{'id':4},{'id':5},{'id':6},{'id':7},{'id':8},{'id':9}]).get_field('inserted')
ot: 10
- cd: tbl.get_all(0, 1, 2).get_field('id')
ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([]), 0, 1, 2).get_field('id')
ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0]), 1, 2).get_field('id')
ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0, 1]), 2).get_field('id')
ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0, 1, 2])).get_field('id')
ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
- cd: tbl.get_all(r.args([0]), 1, r.args([2])).get_field('id')
ot: bag([0, 1, 2])
# Make sure partial-evaluation still works
- cd: r.branch(true, 1, r.error("a"))
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch(r.args([true, 1]), r.error("a"))
ot: 1
- cd: r.expr(true).branch(1, 2)
ot: 1
- cd: r.branch(r.args([true, 1, r.error("a")]))
ot: err("ReqlUserError", "a", [])
# Make sure our grouped data hack still works
- rb: tbl.group{|row| row['id'] % 2}.count({'id':0}).ungroup()
py: tbl.group(lambda row:row['id'].mod(2)).count({'id':0}).ungroup()
js: tbl.group(r.row('id').mod(2)).count({'id':0}).ungroup()
ot: ([{'group':0, 'reduction':1}])
- rb: tbl.group{|row| row['id'] % 2}.count(r.args([{'id':0}])).ungroup()
py: tbl.group(r.row['id'].mod(2)).count(r.args([{'id':0}])).ungroup()
js: tbl.group(r.row('id').mod(2)).count(r.args([{'id':0}])).ungroup()
ot: ([{'group':0, 'reduction':1}])
# Make sure `r.literal` still works
- cd: r.expr({'a':{'b':1}}).merge(r.args([{'a':r.literal({'c':1})}]))
ot: ({'a':{'c':1}})
- cd: r.http("httpbin.org/get","bad_param")
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument (not including options) but found 2.", [])
rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
py: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(2 given\)", [])
py3.0: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
py3.1: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
py3.2: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
py3: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given", [])
- cd: r.binary("1", "2")
py: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(2 given\)", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 2.", [])
py3.0: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
py3.1: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
py3.2: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(2 given\)", [])
py3: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given", [])
- cd: r.binary()
py: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(0 given\)", [])
js: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
rb: err("ReqlCompileError", "Expected 1 argument but found 0.", [])
py3.0: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(0 given\)", [])
py3.1: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 positional argument \(0 given\)", [])
py3.2: err_regex('TypeError', ".*takes exactly 1 argument \(0 given\)", [])
py3: err_regex('TypeError', ".* missing 1 required positional argument.*", [])
# TODO: Math and logic
# TODO: Upper bound on optional arguments
# TODO: between, merge, slice
- cd: tbl.index_rename('idx')
cd: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 3 arguments but found 2.',[])
js: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 1.',[])
- cd: tbl.index_rename('idx','idx2','idx3')
cd: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 3 arguments but found 4.',[])
js: err('ReqlCompileError','Expected 2 arguments (not including options) but found 3.',[])
- cd:
- r.now('foo')
- r.now(r.args([1,2,3]))
ot: err('ReqlCompileError','NOW does not accept any args.')