2015-04-10 03:54:00 +00:00
* ZeroTier One - Network Virtualization Everywhere
* Copyright ( C ) 2011 - 2015 ZeroTier , Inc .
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* - -
* ZeroTier may be used and distributed under the terms of the GPLv3 , which
* are available at : http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* If you would like to embed ZeroTier into a commercial application or
* redistribute it in a modified binary form , please contact ZeroTier Networks
* LLC . Start here : http : //www.zerotier.com/
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdint.h>
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
# include <time.h>
# include <errno.h>
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
# include <WinSock2.h>
# include <Windows.h>
# include <tchar.h>
# include <wchar.h>
# include <lmcons.h>
# include <newdev.h>
# include <atlbase.h>
# include "windows/ZeroTierOne/ServiceInstaller.h"
# include "windows/ZeroTierOne/ServiceBase.h"
# include "windows/ZeroTierOne/ZeroTierOneService.h"
# else
# include <unistd.h>
# include <pwd.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <signal.h>
# endif
2015-04-10 03:54:00 +00:00
2015-04-15 21:44:30 +00:00
# include <string>
# include <stdexcept>
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
# include "version.h"
# include "include/ZeroTierOne.h"
# include "node/Constants.hpp"
# include "node/Identity.hpp"
# include "node/CertificateOfMembership.hpp"
# include "node/Utils.hpp"
2015-04-16 01:36:32 +00:00
# include "node/NetworkController.hpp"
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
# include "osdep/OSUtils.hpp"
2015-04-15 21:44:30 +00:00
# include "service/OneService.hpp"
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
# include "controller/SqliteNetworkController.hpp"
# endif
# define ZT1_PID_PATH "zerotier-one.pid"
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
# define ZT1_CONTROLLER_DB_PATH "controller.db"
2015-04-10 03:54:00 +00:00
using namespace ZeroTier ;
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
static OneService * volatile zt1Service = ( OneService * ) 0 ;
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
/* zerotier-idtool personality */
static void idtoolPrintHelp ( FILE * out , const char * pn )
fprintf ( out , " Usage: %s <command> [<args>] " ZT_EOL_S " " ZT_EOL_S " Commands: " ZT_EOL_S , pn ) ;
fprintf ( out , " generate [<identity.secret>] [<identity.public>] " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " validate <identity.secret/public> " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " getpublic <identity.secret> " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " sign <identity.secret> <file> " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " verify <identity.secret/public> <file> <signature> " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " mkcom <identity.secret> [<id,value,maxDelta> ...] (hexadecimal integers) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
static Identity getIdFromArg ( char * arg )
2015-04-10 03:54:00 +00:00
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
Identity id ;
if ( ( strlen ( arg ) > 32 ) & & ( arg [ 10 ] = = ' : ' ) ) { // identity is a literal on the command line
if ( id . fromString ( arg ) )
return id ;
} else { // identity is to be read from a file
std : : string idser ;
2015-04-16 01:36:32 +00:00
if ( OSUtils : : readFile ( arg , idser ) ) {
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
if ( id . fromString ( idser ) )
return id ;
return Identity ( ) ;
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
int idtool ( int argc , _TCHAR * argv [ ] )
# else
int idtool ( int argc , char * * argv )
# endif
if ( argc < 2 ) {
idtoolPrintHelp ( stdout , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 1 ] , " generate " ) ) {
Identity id ;
id . generate ( ) ;
std : : string idser = id . toString ( true ) ;
if ( argc > = 3 ) {
2015-04-16 01:36:32 +00:00
if ( ! OSUtils : : writeFile ( argv [ 2 ] , idser ) ) {
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " Error writing to %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
} else printf ( " %s written " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( argc > = 4 ) {
idser = id . toString ( false ) ;
2015-04-16 01:36:32 +00:00
if ( ! OSUtils : : writeFile ( argv [ 3 ] , idser ) ) {
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " Error writing to %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 3 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
} else printf ( " %s written " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 3 ] ) ;
} else printf ( " %s " , idser . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 1 ] , " validate " ) ) {
if ( argc < 3 ) {
idtoolPrintHelp ( stdout , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
Identity id = getIdFromArg ( argv [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( ! id ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( ! id . locallyValidate ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s FAILED validation. " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
} else printf ( " %s is a valid identity " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
} else if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 1 ] , " getpublic " ) ) {
if ( argc < 3 ) {
idtoolPrintHelp ( stdout , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
Identity id = getIdFromArg ( argv [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( ! id ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
printf ( " %s " , id . toString ( false ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 1 ] , " sign " ) ) {
if ( argc < 4 ) {
idtoolPrintHelp ( stdout , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
Identity id = getIdFromArg ( argv [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( ! id ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( ! id . hasPrivate ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s does not contain a private key (must use private to sign) " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
std : : string inf ;
2015-04-16 01:36:32 +00:00
if ( ! OSUtils : : readFile ( argv [ 3 ] , inf ) ) {
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " %s is not readable " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 3 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
C25519 : : Signature signature = id . sign ( inf . data ( ) , ( unsigned int ) inf . length ( ) ) ;
printf ( " %s " , Utils : : hex ( signature . data , ( unsigned int ) signature . size ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 1 ] , " verify " ) ) {
if ( argc < 4 ) {
idtoolPrintHelp ( stdout , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
Identity id = getIdFromArg ( argv [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( ! id ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Identity argument invalid or file unreadable: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
std : : string inf ;
2015-04-16 01:36:32 +00:00
if ( ! OSUtils : : readFile ( argv [ 3 ] , inf ) ) {
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " %s is not readable " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 3 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
std : : string signature ( Utils : : unhex ( argv [ 4 ] ) ) ;
if ( ( signature . length ( ) > ZT_ADDRESS_LENGTH ) & & ( id . verify ( inf . data ( ) , ( unsigned int ) inf . length ( ) , signature . data ( ) , ( unsigned int ) signature . length ( ) ) ) ) {
printf ( " %s signature valid " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 3 ] ) ;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s signature check FAILED " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 3 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
} else if ( ! strcmp ( argv [ 1 ] , " mkcom " ) ) {
if ( argc < 3 ) {
idtoolPrintHelp ( stdout , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
Identity id = getIdFromArg ( argv [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( ( ! id ) | | ( ! id . hasPrivate ( ) ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Identity argument invalid, does not include private key, or file unreadable: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
CertificateOfMembership com ;
for ( int a = 3 ; a < argc ; + + a ) {
std : : vector < std : : string > params ( Utils : : split ( argv [ a ] , " , " , " " , " " ) ) ;
if ( params . size ( ) = = 3 ) {
uint64_t qId = Utils : : hexStrToU64 ( params [ 0 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
uint64_t qValue = Utils : : hexStrToU64 ( params [ 1 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
uint64_t qMaxDelta = Utils : : hexStrToU64 ( params [ 2 ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
com . setQualifier ( qId , qValue , qMaxDelta ) ;
if ( ! com . sign ( id ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Signature of certificate of membership failed. " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
return 1 ;
printf ( " %s " , com . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else {
idtoolPrintHelp ( stdout , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
2015-04-10 03:54:00 +00:00
return 0 ;
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
/* Unix helper functions and signal handlers */
# ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
static void _sighandlerHup ( int sig )
static void _sighandlerQuit ( int sig )
2015-04-16 01:36:32 +00:00
OneService * s = zt1Service ;
if ( s )
s - > terminate ( ) ;
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
else exit ( 0 ) ;
# endif
/* Windows helper functions and signal handlers */
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
// Console signal handler routine to allow CTRL+C to work, mostly for testing
static BOOL WINAPI _winConsoleCtrlHandler ( DWORD dwCtrlType )
switch ( dwCtrlType ) {
Node * n = node ;
if ( n )
n - > terminate ( Node : : NODE_NORMAL_TERMINATION , " terminated by signal " ) ;
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
// Pokes a hole in the Windows firewall (advfirewall) for the running program
static void _winPokeAHole ( )
char myPath [ MAX_PATH ] ;
DWORD ps = GetModuleFileNameA ( NULL , myPath , sizeof ( myPath ) ) ;
if ( ( ps > 0 ) & & ( ps < ( DWORD ) sizeof ( myPath ) ) ) {
STARTUPINFOA startupInfo ;
startupInfo . cb = sizeof ( startupInfo ) ;
memset ( & startupInfo , 0 , sizeof ( STARTUPINFOA ) ) ;
memset ( & processInfo , 0 , sizeof ( PROCESS_INFORMATION ) ) ;
if ( CreateProcessA ( NULL , ( LPSTR ) ( std : : string ( " C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ netsh.exe advfirewall firewall delete rule name= \" ZeroTier One \" program= \" " ) + myPath + " \" " ) . c_str ( ) , NULL , NULL , FALSE , 0 , NULL , NULL , & startupInfo , & processInfo ) ) {
WaitForSingleObject ( processInfo . hProcess , INFINITE ) ;
CloseHandle ( processInfo . hProcess ) ;
CloseHandle ( processInfo . hThread ) ;
startupInfo . cb = sizeof ( startupInfo ) ;
memset ( & startupInfo , 0 , sizeof ( STARTUPINFOA ) ) ;
memset ( & processInfo , 0 , sizeof ( PROCESS_INFORMATION ) ) ;
if ( CreateProcessA ( NULL , ( LPSTR ) ( std : : string ( " C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name= \" ZeroTier One \" dir=in action=allow program= \" " ) + myPath + " \" enable=yes " ) . c_str ( ) , NULL , NULL , FALSE , 0 , NULL , NULL , & startupInfo , & processInfo ) ) {
WaitForSingleObject ( processInfo . hProcess , INFINITE ) ;
CloseHandle ( processInfo . hProcess ) ;
CloseHandle ( processInfo . hThread ) ;
startupInfo . cb = sizeof ( startupInfo ) ;
memset ( & startupInfo , 0 , sizeof ( STARTUPINFOA ) ) ;
memset ( & processInfo , 0 , sizeof ( PROCESS_INFORMATION ) ) ;
if ( CreateProcessA ( NULL , ( LPSTR ) ( std : : string ( " C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name= \" ZeroTier One \" dir=out action=allow program= \" " ) + myPath + " \" enable=yes " ) . c_str ( ) , NULL , NULL , FALSE , 0 , NULL , NULL , & startupInfo , & processInfo ) ) {
WaitForSingleObject ( processInfo . hProcess , INFINITE ) ;
CloseHandle ( processInfo . hProcess ) ;
CloseHandle ( processInfo . hThread ) ;
// Returns true if this is running as the local administrator
static BOOL IsCurrentUserLocalAdministrator ( void )
BOOL fReturn = FALSE ;
DWORD dwStatus ;
DWORD dwAccessMask ;
DWORD dwAccessDesired ;
DWORD dwStructureSize = sizeof ( PRIVILEGE_SET ) ;
PSID psidAdmin = NULL ;
HANDLE hToken = NULL ;
HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL ;
GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping ;
if ( ! OpenThreadToken ( GetCurrentThread ( ) , TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY , TRUE , & hToken ) )
if ( GetLastError ( ) ! = ERROR_NO_TOKEN )
__leave ;
if ( ! OpenProcessToken ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY , & hToken ) )
__leave ;
if ( ! DuplicateToken ( hToken , SecurityImpersonation , & hImpersonationToken ) )
__leave ;
if ( ! AllocateAndInitializeSid ( & SystemSidAuthority , 2 ,
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , & psidAdmin ) )
__leave ;
if ( psdAdmin = = NULL )
__leave ;
if ( ! InitializeSecurityDescriptor ( psdAdmin , SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION ) )
__leave ;
dwACLSize = sizeof ( ACL ) + sizeof ( ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE ) + GetLengthSid ( psidAdmin ) - sizeof ( DWORD ) ;
pACL = ( PACL ) LocalAlloc ( LPTR , dwACLSize ) ;
if ( pACL = = NULL )
__leave ;
if ( ! InitializeAcl ( pACL , dwACLSize , ACL_REVISION2 ) )
__leave ;
if ( ! AddAccessAllowedAce ( pACL , ACL_REVISION2 , dwAccessMask , psidAdmin ) )
__leave ;
if ( ! SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ( psdAdmin , TRUE , pACL , FALSE ) )
__leave ;
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup ( psdAdmin , psidAdmin , FALSE ) ;
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner ( psdAdmin , psidAdmin , FALSE ) ;
if ( ! IsValidSecurityDescriptor ( psdAdmin ) )
__leave ;
dwAccessDesired = ACCESS_READ ;
GenericMapping . GenericRead = ACCESS_READ ;
GenericMapping . GenericWrite = ACCESS_WRITE ;
GenericMapping . GenericExecute = 0 ;
GenericMapping . GenericAll = ACCESS_READ | ACCESS_WRITE ;
if ( ! AccessCheck ( psdAdmin , hImpersonationToken , dwAccessDesired ,
& GenericMapping , & ps , & dwStructureSize , & dwStatus ,
& fReturn ) )
fReturn = FALSE ;
__leave ;
// Clean up.
if ( pACL ) LocalFree ( pACL ) ;
if ( psdAdmin ) LocalFree ( psdAdmin ) ;
if ( psidAdmin ) FreeSid ( psidAdmin ) ;
if ( hImpersonationToken ) CloseHandle ( hImpersonationToken ) ;
if ( hToken ) CloseHandle ( hToken ) ;
return fReturn ;
# endif // __WINDOWS__
/* main() and friends */
static void printHelp ( const char * cn , FILE * out )
fprintf ( out , " ZeroTier One version %d.%d.%d " ZT_EOL_S " (c)2011-2015 ZeroTier, Inc. " ZT_EOL_S , ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MAJOR , ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_MINOR , ZEROTIER_ONE_VERSION_REVISION ) ;
fprintf ( out , " Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 " ZT_EOL_S " " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
2015-04-16 02:38:01 +00:00
fprintf ( out , " Usage: %s [-switches] [home directory] " ZT_EOL_S " " ZT_EOL_S , cn ) ;
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
fprintf ( out , " Available switches: " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " -h - Display this help " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " -v - Show version " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
fprintf ( out , " -p<port> - Port for UDP and TCP/HTTP (default: 9993) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
//fprintf(out," -T<path> - Override root topology, do not authenticate or update"ZT_EOL_S);
# ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
fprintf ( out , " -d - Fork and run as daemon (Unix-ish OSes) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
# endif // __UNIX_LIKE__
fprintf ( out , " -i - Generate and manage identities (zerotier-idtool) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
fprintf ( out , " -C - Run from command line instead of as service (Windows) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " -I - Install Windows service (Windows) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " -R - Uninstall Windows service (Windows) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
fprintf ( out , " -D - Load tap driver into system driver store (Windows) " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
# endif // __WINDOWS__
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
int _tmain ( int argc , _TCHAR * argv [ ] )
# else
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
# endif
# ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
signal ( SIGHUP , & _sighandlerHup ) ;
signal ( SIGPIPE , SIG_IGN ) ;
signal ( SIGUSR1 , SIG_IGN ) ;
signal ( SIGUSR2 , SIG_IGN ) ;
signal ( SIGALRM , SIG_IGN ) ;
signal ( SIGINT , & _sighandlerQuit ) ;
signal ( SIGTERM , & _sighandlerQuit ) ;
signal ( SIGQUIT , & _sighandlerQuit ) ;
/* Ensure that there are no inherited file descriptors open from a previous
* incarnation . This is a hack to ensure that GitHub issue # 61 or variants
* of it do not return , and should not do anything otherwise bad . */
int mfd = STDIN_FILENO ;
if ( STDOUT_FILENO > mfd ) mfd = STDOUT_FILENO ;
if ( STDERR_FILENO > mfd ) mfd = STDERR_FILENO ;
for ( int f = mfd + 1 ; f < 1024 ; + + f )
: : close ( f ) ;
bool runAsDaemon = false ;
# endif // __UNIX_LIKE__
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
WSADATA wsaData ;
WSAStartup ( MAKEWORD ( 2 , 2 ) , & wsaData ) ;
bool winRunFromCommandLine = true ;
# else
bool winRunFromCommandLine = false ;
# endif
# endif // __WINDOWS__
if ( ( strstr ( argv [ 0 ] , " zerotier-idtool " ) ) | | ( strstr ( argv [ 0 ] , " ZEROTIER-IDTOOL " ) ) )
return idtool ( argc , argv ) ;
std : : string overrideRootTopology ;
std : : string homeDir ;
unsigned int port = ZT1_DEFAULT_PORT ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < argc ; + + i ) {
if ( argv [ i ] [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) {
switch ( argv [ i ] [ 1 ] ) {
case ' p ' : // port -- for both UDP and TCP, packets and control plane
port = Utils : : strToUInt ( argv [ i ] + 2 ) ;
if ( ( port > 0xffff ) | | ( port = = 0 ) ) {
printHelp ( argv [ 0 ] , stdout ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
# ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
case ' d ' : // Run in background as daemon
runAsDaemon = true ;
break ;
# endif // __UNIX_LIKE__
case ' T ' : // Override root topology
if ( argv [ i ] [ 2 ] ) {
if ( ! OSUtils : : readFile ( argv [ i ] + 2 , overrideRootTopology ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: cannot read root topology from %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , argv [ i ] + 2 ) ;
return 1 ;
} else {
printHelp ( argv [ 0 ] , stdout ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
case ' v ' : // Display version
return 0 ;
case ' i ' : // Invoke idtool personality
if ( argv [ i ] [ 2 ] ) {
printHelp ( argv [ 0 ] , stdout ) ;
return 0 ;
} else return idtool ( argc , argv ) ;
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
case ' C ' : // Run from command line instead of as Windows service
winRunFromCommandLine = true ;
break ;
case ' I ' : { // Install this binary as a Windows service
if ( IsCurrentUserLocalAdministrator ( ) ! = TRUE ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: must be run as a local administrator. " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( ret . length ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: unable to install service: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , ret . c_str ( ) ) ;
return 3 ;
return 0 ;
} break ;
case ' R ' : { // Uninstall this binary as Windows service
if ( IsCurrentUserLocalAdministrator ( ) ! = TRUE ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: must be run as a local administrator. " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
std : : string ret ( UninstallService ( ZT_SERVICE_NAME ) ) ;
if ( ret . length ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: unable to uninstall service: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , ret . c_str ( ) ) ;
return 3 ;
return 0 ;
} break ;
#if 0
case ' D ' : { // Install Windows driver (since PNPUTIL.EXE seems to be weirdly unreliable)
std : : string pathToInf ;
# ifdef _WIN64
pathToInf = ZT_DEFAULTS . defaultHomePath + " \\ tap-windows \\ x64 \\ zttap200.inf " ;
# else
pathToInf = ZT_DEFAULTS . defaultHomePath + " \\ tap-windows \\ x86 \\ zttap200.inf " ;
# endif
printf ( " Installing ZeroTier One virtual Ethernet port driver. " ZT_EOL_S " " ZT_EOL_S " NOTE: If you don't see a confirmation window to allow driver installation, " ZT_EOL_S " check to make sure it didn't appear under the installer. " ZT_EOL_S ) ;
BOOL needReboot = FALSE ;
if ( DiInstallDriverA ( NULL , pathToInf . c_str ( ) , DIIRFLAG_FORCE_INF , & needReboot ) ) {
printf ( " %s: driver successfully installed from %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , pathToInf . c_str ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
printf ( " %s: failed installing %s: %d " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , pathToInf . c_str ( ) , ( int ) GetLastError ( ) ) ;
return 3 ;
} break ;
# endif // __WINDOWS__
# endif
case ' h ' :
case ' ? ' :
default :
printHelp ( argv [ 0 ] , stdout ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
if ( homeDir . length ( ) ) {
printHelp ( argv [ 0 ] , stdout ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
homeDir = argv [ i ] ;
if ( ! homeDir . length ( ) )
homeDir = OneService : : platformDefaultHomePath ( ) ;
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
if ( ! homeDir . length ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: no home path specified and no platform default available " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
} else {
std : : vector < std : : string > hpsp ( Utils : : split ( homeDir . c_str ( ) , ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S , " " , " " ) ) ;
std : : string ptmp ;
if ( homeDir [ 0 ] = = ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR )
ptmp . push_back ( ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR ) ;
for ( std : : vector < std : : string > : : iterator pi ( hpsp . begin ( ) ) ; pi ! = hpsp . end ( ) ; + + pi ) {
if ( ptmp . length ( ) > 0 )
ptmp . push_back ( ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR ) ;
ptmp . append ( * pi ) ;
if ( ( * pi ! = " . " ) & & ( * pi ! = " .. " ) ) {
if ( ! OSUtils : : mkdir ( ptmp ) )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " home path does not exist, and could not create " ) ;
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00
# ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
if ( getuid ( ) ! = 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: must be run as root (uid 0) " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( runAsDaemon ) {
long p = ( long ) fork ( ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: could not fork " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
} else if ( p > 0 )
return 0 ; // forked
// else p == 0, so we are daemonized
# endif // __UNIX_LIKE__
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
if ( winRunFromCommandLine ) {
// Running in "interactive" mode (mostly for debugging)
if ( IsCurrentUserLocalAdministrator ( ) ! = TRUE ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: must be run as a local administrator. " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
_winPokeAHole ( ) ;
SetConsoleCtrlHandler ( & _winConsoleCtrlHandler , TRUE ) ;
// continues on to ordinary command line execution code below...
} else {
// Running from service manager
_winPokeAHole ( ) ;
ZeroTierOneService zt1Service ;
if ( CServiceBase : : Run ( zt1Service ) = = TRUE ) {
return 0 ;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: unable to start service (try -h for help) " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
return 1 ;
# endif // __WINDOWS__
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
NetworkController * controller = ( NetworkController * ) 0 ;
try {
controller = new SqliteNetworkController ( ( homeDir + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + ZT1_CONTROLLER_DB_PATH ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} catch ( std : : exception & exc ) {
2015-04-16 01:47:38 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: failure initializing SqliteNetworkController: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , exc . what ( ) ) ;
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
return 1 ;
} catch ( . . . ) {
2015-04-16 01:47:38 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: failure initializing SqliteNetworkController: unknown exception " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
return 1 ;
2015-04-16 02:00:26 +00:00
# ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
std : : string pidPath ( homeDir + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + ZT1_PID_PATH ) ;
// Write .pid file to home folder
FILE * pf = fopen ( pidPath . c_str ( ) , " w " ) ;
if ( pf ) {
fprintf ( pf , " %ld " , ( long ) getpid ( ) ) ;
fclose ( pf ) ;
# endif // __UNIX_LIKE__
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
unsigned int returnValue = 0 ;
try {
for ( ; ; ) {
zt1Service = OneService : : newInstance ( homeDir . c_str ( ) , port , controller , ( overrideRootTopology . length ( ) > 0 ) ? overrideRootTopology . c_str ( ) : ( const char * ) 0 ) ;
switch ( zt1Service - > run ( ) ) {
case OneService : : ONE_STILL_RUNNING : // shouldn't happen, run() won't return until done
case OneService : : ONE_NORMAL_TERMINATION :
break ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: fatal error: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , zt1Service - > fatalErrorMessage ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
returnValue = 1 ;
break ;
case OneService : : ONE_IDENTITY_COLLISION : {
delete zt1Service ;
zt1Service = ( OneService * ) 0 ;
std : : string oldid ;
OSUtils : : readFile ( ( homeDir + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + " identity.secret " ) . c_str ( ) , oldid ) ;
if ( oldid . length ( ) ) {
OSUtils : : writeFile ( ( homeDir + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + " identity.secret.saved_after_collision " ) . c_str ( ) , oldid ) ;
OSUtils : : rm ( ( homeDir + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + " identity.secret " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
OSUtils : : rm ( ( homeDir + ZT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S + " identity.public " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} continue ; // restart!
break ; // terminate loop -- normally we don't keep restarting
} catch ( std : : exception & exc ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: fatal error: %s " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] , exc . what ( ) ) ;
returnValue = 1 ;
} catch ( . . . ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: fatal error: unknown exception " ZT_EOL_S , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
returnValue = 1 ;
delete zt1Service ;
zt1Service = ( OneService * ) 0 ;
delete controller ;
2015-04-16 02:00:26 +00:00
# ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__
OSUtils : : rm ( pidPath . c_str ( ) ) ;
# endif
2015-04-16 01:32:25 +00:00
return returnValue ;
2015-04-16 00:00:26 +00:00