29 lines
658 B
29 lines
658 B
function a = wraptopi(a, a_center )
% function a = wrap(a,a_center)
% Wraps angles to a range of 2*pi.
% Inverse of Matlab's "unwrap", and better than wrapToPi ( which has
% redundant [-pi,pi])
% Optional input "a_center" defines the center angle. Default is 0, giving
% angles from (-pi,pi], chosen to match angle(complex(-1,0)). Maximum
% possible value is pi.
% T.Hilmer, UH
% 2010.10.18 version 2
% removed code from version 1. Have not bug-checked second input
% "a_center"
if nargin < 2, a_center = 0; end
% new way
a = mod(a,2*pi); % [0 2pi)
% shift
j = a > pi - a_center;
a(j) = a(j) - 2*pi;
j = a < a_center - pi;
a(j) = a(j) + 2*pi;