2024-12-10 11:28:49 -06:00

222 lines
8.2 KiB

function balloon_output = create_balloon(balloon_input_filename)
% Authors:
% Brent Justice -
% Ian Means
% Purpose:
% Design contour for zero pressure balloon
% With given mission criteria
% References:
% "A Parallel Shooting Method for Determining the Natural
% shape of a Large Scientific Balloon", Frank Baginski,
% William Collier, Tami Williams
% "Scientific Ballooning", Nobuyuki Yajima, Naoki Izutsu,
% Takeshi Imamura, Toyoo Abe
% Units:
% ALL calculations performaed in SI units. Only converted
% to english units for printing or plotting
%% Inputs (Mission Criteria)
load(balloon_input_filename) %load the following input parameters
%rho_PE --> kg/m^3 density of polyethlyene we purchased
%thickness_PE --> m thickness of polyethylene we purchased
%Wpayload --> N payload weight
%alt_apogee --> altitude at apogee (m)
%numGores --> number of gores
%R_gas --> gas constant of lifting gas
%constants (mission criteria and materials)
g = 9.81; %m/s/s
R_air = 287.058; %specific gas constant air (SI)
%R_H2 = 4124; %specific gas constant hydrogen (SI)
%R_He = 2077; %specific gas constant helium (SI)
%% float conditions (at apogee)
[rho_air,a_apogee,T,P,nu,ZorH]=stdatmo(alt_apogee); %SI (standard atmosphere)
rho_gas = P/(R_gas*T); %Ideal gas law, assume ambient pressure
a = 0; %distance from zero pressure line to base (0 for apogee)
k = (2*pi)^(-1/3); %constant of geometry
tb = 1; % == b/bd == 1 at apogee
rho = 1; % == w/wd == 1 at apogee
bd = (rho_air - rho_gas) * g; %effective bouyant force per unit volume at apogee (N/m^3)
wd = rho_PE * thickness_PE; %mass per unit area of PE at apogee (kg/m^2) [changes with altitude]
lambda = (Wpayload/bd)^(1/3); %shaping parameter (m)
epsilon = (2*pi)^(1/3) * wd * g / (bd*lambda); %shaping parameter []
a_dash = a/lambda;
%print sizing parameters in english units (easier to digest)
%fprintf('bd = %f lbs/ft^3 \n',bd / 157.087464)
%fprintf('Payload = %f lbs \n',Wpayload / 4.44822162)
%fprintf('lambda = %f ft\n',lambda*3.28084)
%fprintf('wd = %f lbs/ft^2 \n',wd *0.204816144)
%fprintf('epsilon = %f \n',epsilon)
%fprintf('Number of gores = %f\n', numGores)
%% Shooting method simulation for finding gore contour shape
%constant initial conditions
r0 = 0; %radius at base = 0
z0 = 0; %height at base = 0
S0 = 0; %area at base = 0
V0 = 0; %volume at base = 0
%final value conditions
r_end_condition = 0; %radius at apex = 0
theta_end_condition = -pi/2; %angle at apex = -90 (radians)
options = simset('SrcWorkspace','current');
theta_end_error = 0.1; %set error high to enter loop
theta_0_guess = 60 * 0.0174532925; %angle at base (rads) [GUESS]
m0 = 2*pi*cos(theta_0_guess); %calculation dependant on guess
while abs(theta_end_error) > 0.00174532925 %while error high, keep iterating
r_end_error = 2; %set error high to enter loop
s_dash_end_guess = 2; %arclength of gore (m/lambda) [GUESS]
while abs(r_end_error) > 0.001 %shooting method until error for r is small
sim('natural_balloon',[],options) %run simulink model
s_dash = simout.time; %format sim outputs
z_dash =,1);
r_dash =,2);
S_dash =,4);
V_dash =,5);
theta =,3);
%Calcuate non-dashed values
r = r_dash*lambda; %m
s = s_dash*lambda; %m
z = z_dash*lambda; %m
S = S_dash(end)*lambda^2; %balloon surface area (m^2)
V = V_dash(end)*lambda^3; %balloon volume (m^3)
%calculate radius error
r_end_error = (r_end_condition - r(end));
theta_end_error = theta_end_condition - theta(end);
%Use interpolation to determine next guess
if exist('shoot1') == 0 %this was our first guess. We must pick a 2nd arbitrary guess
shoot1.A2 = s_dash_end_guess;
shoot1.Z2 = r(end);
s_dash_end_guess = s_dash_end_guess + 0.0001; %set next guess to our first guess + some small amount
shoot1.A1 = shoot1.A2;
shoot1.Z1 = shoot1.Z2;
shoot1.A2 = s_dash_end_guess;
shoot1.Z2 = r(end);
Zsol = r_end_condition;
a = Zsol - shoot1.Z1;
b = shoot1.Z2 - Zsol;
Anew = (a*shoot1.A2 + b*shoot1.A1)/(a+b); %calculate next guess based upon interpolation of previous 2 results
s_dash_end_guess = Anew;
clearvars shoot1;
%calculate theta_0 guess for next iteration using interpolation method
if exist('shoot2') == 0
shoot2.A2 = theta_0_guess;
shoot2.Z2 = theta(end);
theta_0_guess = theta_0_guess + 0.001;
shoot2.A1 = shoot2.A2;
shoot2.Z1 = shoot2.Z2;
shoot2.A2 = theta_0_guess;
shoot2.Z2 = theta(end);
Zsol = theta_end_condition;
a = Zsol - shoot2.Z1;
b = shoot2.Z2 - Zsol;
Anew = (a*shoot2.A2 + b*shoot2.A1)/(a+b);
theta_0_guess = Anew;
m0 = 2*pi*cos(theta_0_guess);
%% Calculate sea level hydrogen needed
m_gas = rho_gas*V; %kg --> mass of lifting gas needed
[rho_air_SL,a_SL,T_SL,P_SL,nu_SL,ZorH_SL]=stdatmo(0); %SI (standard atmosphere)
rho_gas_SL = P_SL/(R_gas*T_SL); %Ideal gas law, assume ambient pressure
V_gas_SL = m_gas / rho_gas_SL; %m^3 lifting gas Volume at Sea Level
%% Print outputs
m_PE = S*wd; %kg
m_payload = Wpayload / g;
arclength = s(end);
height = z(end);
fprintf('epsilon = %f \n',epsilon)
fprintf('balloon surface area = %f m^2 \n',S )
fprintf('balloon volume = %f m^3 \n',V )
fprintf('balloon volume = %f ft^3 \n',V *35.3147)
fprintf('balloon mass = %f kg \n',m_PE )
fprintf('payload mass = %f kg \n',Wpayload/g )
fprintf('total weight = %f N \n',Wpayload+m_PE*g )
fprintf('total lift = %f N \n',V*bd )
fprintf('lifting gas Volume at Sea Level = %f ft^3 \n',V_gas_SL *35.3147 )
fprintf('angle at apex = %f degrees (shoot for -90) \n',theta(end)/ 0.0174532925 )
fprintf('angle at base = %f degrees (shoot for -90) \n',theta(1)/ 0.0174532925 )
fprintf('radius at apex = %f m (shoot for 0) \n',r(end) )
fprintf('arclength of gore = %f m \n',arclength )
f1 = figure(1);
xlabel('radius to center of balloon (m)')
ylabel('distance from balloon base (m)')
grid on
axis equal
title('balloon gore contour at apogee')
hold all
%% Determine Gore Shape
goreTheta = (2*pi)/numGores; %radians rotation per gore
s_print = 0:0.1:s(end);
for n = 1:1:length(s_print);
r_print = interp1(s,r,s_print(n));
goreWidth(n) = r_print*goreTheta; %m arc length formula
fprintf('At %.1f cm from bottom, gore is %.2f cm from center\n',s_print(n)*100,goreWidth(n)/2*100)
xlabel('width (m)')
ylabel('length (m)')
title('Flat Gore Shape (stencil)')
axis equal
grid on
hold all
%% 3D plot
y = r;
x = z;
ni = length(x);
nj = 2*ni-1;
tt = linspace(0,2*pi,nj);
for i=1:ni
for j=1:nj
xx(i,j) = x(i);
rr(i,j) = y(i);
yy(i,j) = rr(i,j)*cos(tt(j));
zz(i,j) = rr(i,j)*sin(tt(j));
f2 = figure(2);
zlabel('height (meters)')
title('Balloon Shape at Apogee')
axis equal
%% Output
w = whos;
for a = 1:length(w)
balloon_output.(w(a).name) = eval(w(a).name);