function [ax,hl1,hl2] = plotxx(x1,y1,x2,y2,xlabels,ylabels); %PLOTXX - Create graphs with x axes on both top and bottom % %Similar to PLOTYY, but ... %the independent variable is on the y-axis, %and both dependent variables are on the x-axis. % %Syntax: [ax,hl1,hl2] = plotxx(x1,y1,x2,y2,xlabels,ylabels); % %Inputs: X1,Y1 are the data for the first line (black) % X2,Y2 are the data for the second line (red) % XLABELS is a cell array containing the two x-labels % YLABELS is a cell array containing the two y-labels % %The optional output handle graphics objects AX,HL1,HL2 %allow the user to easily change the properties of the plot. % %Example: Plot temperature T and salinity S % as a function of depth D in the ocean % %D = linspace(-100,0,50); %S = linspace(34,32,50); %T = 10*exp(D/40); %xlabels{1} = 'Temperature (C)'; %xlabels{2} = 'Salinity'; %ylabels{1} = 'Depth(m)'; %ylabels{2} = 'Depth(m)'; %[ax,hlT,hlS] = plotxx(T,D,S,D,xlabels,ylabels); % % %The code is inspired from page 10-26 (Multiaxis axes) %of the manual USING MATLAB GRAPHICS, version 5. % %Tested with Matlab 5.3.1 and above on PCWIN % %Author: Denis Gilbert, Ph.D., physical oceanography %Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Canada %email: Web: %November 1997; Last revision: 01-Nov-2001 % % % Taken from MATLAB Central: % % if nargin < 4 error('Not enough input arguments') elseif nargin==4 %Use empty strings for the xlabels xlabels{1}=' '; xlabels{2}=' '; ylabels{1}=' '; ylabels{2}=' '; elseif nargin==5 %Use empty strings for the ylabel ylabels{1}=' '; ylabels{2}=' '; elseif nargin > 6 error('Too many input arguments') end if length(ylabels) == 1 ylabels{2} = ' '; end if ~iscellstr(xlabels) error('Input xlabels must be a cell array') elseif ~iscellstr(ylabels) error('Input ylabels must be a cell array') end hl1=line(x1,y1,'Color','k'); ax(1)=gca; set(ax(1),'Position',[0.12 0.12 0.75 0.70]) set(ax(1),'XColor','k','YColor','k'); ax(2)=axes('Position',get(ax(1),'Position'),... 'XAxisLocation','top',... 'YAxisLocation','right',... 'Color','none',... 'XColor','r','YColor','k'); set(ax,'box','off') hl2=line(x2,y2,'Color','r','Parent',ax(2)); %label the two x-axes set(get(ax(1),'xlabel'),'string',xlabels{1}) set(get(ax(2),'xlabel'),'string',xlabels{2}) set(get(ax(1),'ylabel'),'string',ylabels{1}) set(get(ax(2),'ylabel'),'string',ylabels{2})