# Introduction With this app you are able to integrate data of a csv file into OpenMTC. The csv file must have a column with a timestamp and one column with some kind of device id. You are able to configure the duration of the data injection. The timing of your csv will be scaled to that duration. # Getting started To get an overview of the available parameters, just execute: ``` ./apps/csv-injector --help ``` # Configuration The most important paramters are: * csv-path: Path to your csv file * device-classifier: The id of the column with the device ids * date-classifier: The id of the column with the timestamp * time-format: Format of your timestamp (example: %d/%m/%Y-%H:%M) * duration: time to inject the data (seconds) * repeat: repeat after full csv is injected (bool) # Example If you have a csv like this at "~/test.csv": ```csv Date,ID,Temp,Hum,Battery 23/01/2018-00:50,environment_1,13.3,41,100 18/02/2018-14:01,environment_2,20.4,46,0,99 02/03/2018-23:11,environment_1,19.1,14,100 03/03/2018-00:01,environment_2,19,13,100 08/03/2018-03:01,environment_1,19.5,26,0,99 08/03/2018-10:11,environment_2,21.9,29,0,100 09/03/2018-16:21,environment_1,21.4,27,0,99 09/03/2018-16:51,environment_1,21.3,27,0,100 16/03/2018-06:36,environment_2,15.1,36,0,100 20/03/2018-09:27,environment_1,18.9,19,0,100 20/03/2018-10:27,environment_1,20.3,20,0,99 ``` The app could be started like this: ``` ./apps/csv-injector \ --csv-path "~/test.csv" \ --device-classifier "ID" \ --date-classifier "Date" \ --time-format "%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M" \ --duration 300 --repeat 0 ```