import platform import sys from logging import DEBUG from threading import Thread from traceback import print_stack from futile.logging import LoggerMixin from openmtc.exc import OpenMTCError if platform.python_implementation != "CPython": from inspect import ismethod, getfullargspec # TODO: kca: can't pass in values for then/error currently def log_error(error): if isinstance(error, OpenMTCError): return False return True class Promise(LoggerMixin): """ This is a class that attempts to comply with the Promises/A+ specification and test suite: """ __slots__ = ("_state", "value", "reason", "_callbacks", "_errbacks", "name") # These are the potential states of a promise PENDING = -1 REJECTED = 0 FULFILLED = 1 def __init__(self, name=None): """ Initialize the Promise into a pending state. """ self._state = self.PENDING self.value = None self.reason = None self._callbacks = [] self._errbacks = [] = name def _fulfill(self, value): """ Fulfill the promise with a given value. """ assert self._state == self.PENDING, "Promise state is not pending" self._state = self.FULFILLED self.value = value for callback in self._callbacks: try: callback(value) except Exception: # Ignore errors in callbacks self.logger.exception("Error in callback %s", callback) # We will never call these callbacks again, so allow # them to be garbage collected. This is important since # they probably include closures which are binding variables # that might otherwise be garbage collected. self._callbacks = [] self._errbacks = [] def fulfill(self, value): self._fulfill(value) return self def _reject(self, reason, bubbling=False): """ Reject this promise for a given reason. """ assert self._state == self.PENDING, "Promise state is not pending" if not bubbling and log_error(reason): exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.logger.debug("Promise (%s) rejected: %s",, reason, exc_info=exc_info[0] and exc_info or None) self.logger.debug(self._errbacks) if self.logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): print_stack() else: pass self._state = self.REJECTED self.reason = reason for errback in self._errbacks: try: errback(reason) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error in errback %s", errback) # Ignore errors in callbacks # We will never call these errbacks again, so allow # them to be garbage collected. This is important since # they probably include closures which are binding variables # that might otherwise be garbage collected. self._errbacks = [] self._callbacks = [] def reject(self, reason): self._reject(reason) return self def isPending(self): """Indicate whether the Promise is still pending.""" return self._state == self.PENDING def isFulfilled(self): """Indicate whether the Promise has been fulfilled.""" return self._state == self.FULFILLED def isRejected(self): """Indicate whether the Promise has been rejected.""" return self._state == self.REJECTED def get(self, timeout=None): """Get the value of the promise, waiting if necessary.""" self.wait(timeout) if self._state == self.FULFILLED: return self.value raise self.reason def wait(self, timeout=None): """ An implementation of the wait method which doesn't involve polling but instead utilizes a "real" synchronization scheme. """ import threading if self._state != self.PENDING: return e = threading.Event() self.addCallback(lambda v: e.set()) self.addErrback(lambda r: e.set()) e.wait(timeout) def addCallback(self, f): """ Add a callback for when this promise is fulfilled. Note that if you intend to use the value of the promise somehow in the callback, it is more convenient to use the 'then' method. """ self._callbacks.append(f) def addErrback(self, f): """ Add a callback for when this promise is rejected. Note that if you intend to use the rejection reason of the promise somehow in the callback, it is more convenient to use the 'then' method. """ self._errbacks.append(f) if platform.python_implementation != "CPython": def _invoke(self, func, value): try: if value is None: args = getfullargspec(func).args arglen = len(args) if not arglen or (arglen == 1 and ismethod(func)): return func() return func(value) except Exception as e: if log_error(e): self.logger.exception("Error in handler %s", func) else: self.logger.debug("Error in handler %s: %s", func, e) raise else: def _invoke(self, func, value): try: if value is None: try: target = func.__func__ except AttributeError: argcount = func.__code__.co_argcount else: argcount = target.__code__.co_argcount - 1 if argcount == 0: return func() return func(value) except Exception as e: if log_error(e): self.logger.exception("Error in handler %s", func) else: self.logger.debug("Error in handler %s: %s", func, repr(e)) raise def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): if self.isPending(): if exc_value is not None: if log_error(exc_value): self.logger.exception("Promise automatically rejected") self._reject(exc_value, bubbling=True) return True else: self.fulfill(None) def then(self, success=None, failure=None, name=None): """ This method takes two optional arguments. The first argument is used if the "self promise" is fulfilled and the other is used if the "self promise" is rejected. In either case, this method returns another promise that effectively represents the result of either the first of the second argument (in the case that the "self promise" is fulfilled or rejected, respectively). Each argument can be either: * None - Meaning no action is taken * A function - which will be called with either the value of the "self promise" or the reason for rejection of the "self promise". The function may return: * A value - which will be used to fulfill the promise returned by this method. * A promise - which, when fulfilled or rejected, will cascade its value or reason to the promise returned by this method. * A value - which will be assigned as either the value or the reason for the promise returned by this method when the "self promise" is either fulfilled or rejected, respectively. """ if name is None: try: name = success.__name__ except AttributeError: name = str(success) ret = Promise(name=name) state = self._state if state == self.PENDING: """ If this is still pending, then add callbacks to the existing promise that call either the success or rejected functions supplied and then fulfill the promise being returned by this method """ def callAndFulfill(v): """ A callback to be invoked if the "self promise" is fulfilled. """ try: # From 3.2.1, don't call non-functions values if callable(success): newvalue = self._invoke(success, v) if _isPromise(newvalue): newvalue.then(ret._fulfill, ret._reject) else: ret._fulfill(newvalue) else: # From ret._fulfill(v) except Exception as e: ret._reject(e) def callAndReject(r): """ A callback to be invoked if the "self promise" is rejected. """ try: if callable(failure): newvalue = failure(r) if _isPromise(newvalue): newvalue.then(ret._fulfill, ret._reject) else: ret._fulfill(newvalue) else: # From ret._reject(r) except Exception as e: ret._reject(e) self._callbacks.append(callAndFulfill) self._errbacks.append(callAndReject) elif state == self.FULFILLED: # If this promise was already fulfilled, then # we need to use the first argument to this method # to determine the value to use in fulfilling the # promise that we return from this method. try: if callable(success): newvalue = self._invoke(success, self.value) if _isPromise(newvalue): newvalue.then(ret._fulfill, lambda r: ret._reject(r, bubbling=True)) else: ret._fulfill(newvalue) else: # From ret._fulfill(self.value) except Exception as e: ret._reject(e) else: # If this promise was already rejected, then # we need to use the second argument to this method # to determine the value to use in fulfilling the # promise that we return from this method. try: if callable(failure): newvalue = self._invoke(failure, self.reason) if _isPromise(newvalue): newvalue.then(ret._fulfill, ret._reject) else: ret._fulfill(newvalue) else: # From ret._reject(self.reason, bubbling=True) except Exception as e: ret._reject(e) return ret def _isPromise(obj): """ A utility function to determine if the specified object is a promise using "duck typing". """ if isinstance(obj, Promise): return True try: return callable(obj.fulfill) and callable(obj.reject) and\ callable(obj.then) except AttributeError: return False def listPromise(*args): """ A special function that takes a bunch of promises and turns them into a promise for a vector of values. In other words, this turns an list of promises for values into a promise for a list of values. """ ret = Promise() def handleSuccess(v, ret): for arg in args: if not arg.isFulfilled(): return value = [p.value for p in args] ret._fulfill(value) for arg in args: arg.addCallback(lambda v: handleSuccess(v, ret)) arg.addErrback(lambda r: ret.reject(r)) # Check to see if all the promises are already fulfilled handleSuccess(None, ret) return ret def dictPromise(m): """ A special function that takes a dictionary of promises and turns them into a promise for a dictionary of values. In other words, this turns an dictionary of promises for values into a promise for a dictionary of values. """ ret = Promise() def handleSuccess(v, ret): for p in m.values(): if not p.isFulfilled(): return value = {} for k in m: value[k] = m[k].value ret.fulfill(value) for p in m.values(): p.addCallback(lambda v: handleSuccess(v, ret)) p.addErrback(lambda r: ret.reject(r)) # Check to see if all the promises are already fulfilled handleSuccess(None, ret) return ret class BackgroundThread(Thread): def __init__(self, promise, func): self.promise = promise self.func = func Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): try: val = self.func() self.promise.fulfill(val) except Exception as e: self.promise.reject(e) def background(f): p = Promise() t = BackgroundThread(p, f) t.start() return p def spawn(f): from gevent import spawn p = Promise() def process(): try: val = f() p.fulfill(val) except Exception as e: p.reject(e) spawn(process) return p def FulfilledPromise(result): p = Promise() p.fulfill(result) return p def RejectedPromise(error): p = Promise() p.reject(error) return p