# Quick Start In this short tutorial you will: 1. Setup an OpenMTC Gateway 2. Create an *application resource* and corresponding *content instance* via the REST API 3. Using the REST API to get this *content instance* Clone the OpenMTC repository ```sh git clone https://github.com/OpenMTC/OpenMTC openmtc-open-source.git ``` All following commands should be executed from within the repo folder ```sh cd openmtc-open-source.git ``` The next steps need Docker to be installed on your system. If you need help for the installation, follow [this guide](various.md). Build the gateway Image ```sh ./create-binary-docker gateway ``` To check if this step was successful run: ```sh docker image ls ``` If there is an entry "openmtc/gateway" the image was created successfully. Run the gateway Docker image ```sh docker run -d --name gateway -p \ -e "LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG" openmtc/gateway -vv ``` Create an application resource on your gateway ```sh curl -X POST localhost:8000/onem2m/ -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.onem2m-res+json" \ -d '{"m2m:ae": {"rn": "EXAMPLE_APP_NAME", "api": "placeholder", "rr": "TRUE"}}' ``` Create a container resource on your gateway ```sh curl -X POST localhost:8000/onem2m/EXAMPLE_APP_NAME/ -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.onem2m-res+json" \ -d '{"m2m:cnt": {"rn": "EXAMPLE_CONTAINER_NAME"}}' ``` Create plain text content ```sh curl -X POST localhost:8000/onem2m/EXAMPLE_APP_NAME/EXAMPLE_CONTAINER_NAME/ \ -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.onem2m-res+json" \ -d '{"m2m:cin": {"con": "EXAMPLE_VALUE", "cnf": "text/plain:0"}}' ``` Get the Content ```sh curl -X GET localhost:8000/onem2m/EXAMPLE_APP_NAME/EXAMPLE_CONTAINER_NAME/latest ```