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index 9ca04a5..4252a6a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-The OpenMTC SDK aims to provide developers with a convenient yet flexible tool to write oneM2M compliant applications. This includes network applications (NAs), gateway application (GAs), device applications (DAs), as well as interworking proxy entities (IPEs).
+[![FIWARE IoT Agents](https://nexus.lab.fiware.org/static/badges/chapters/iot-agents.svg)](https://www.fiware.org/developers/catalogue/)
+[![License: Eclipse](https://img.shields.io/github/license/OpenMTC/OpenMTC.svg)](https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html)
+[![Support badge](https://nexus.lab.fiware.org/repository/raw/public/badges/stackoverflow/iot-agents.svg)](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/fiware+iot)
+[![Documentation badge](https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/fiware-openmtc.svg)](http://fiware-openmtc.readthedocs.org/en/latest/?badge=latest)
-# Table of Content
+The OpenMTC SDK aims to provide developers with a convenient yet flexible tool
+to write oneM2M compliant applications. This includes network applications
+(NAs), gateway application (GAs), device applications (DAs), as well as
+interworking proxy entities (IPEs).
-- [Quick Start](doc/openmtc-get-started.md)
-- [Introduction](doc/introduction.md)
-- [Deployment](doc/deployment-guide.md)
-- [The MQTT Client](doc/onem2m-client-mqtt.md)
-- [Authentication Guide](doc/authentication.md)
-- [Installation of the OpenMTC SDK](doc/install-sdk.md)
-- [Overview REST API](doc/overview-rest-api.md)
-- [Write your first OpenMTC applications](doc/training/training-index.md)
-- [SDK - Using the Application Framework](doc/sdk-framework.md)
-- [SDK - The low-level CSE Client](doc/sdk-client.md)
-- [SDK - The Data Model](doc/sdk-datamodel.md)
-- Examples
- - [IoT Data Visualization](doc/example-apps/IoT-data-visualization.py)
- - [Data Aggregation](doc/example-apps/data-aggregation.py)
- - [Simple Decision](doc/example-apps/simple-decision.py)
- - [Simple Decision 2](doc/example-apps/simple-decision-2.py)
-- Scripts
- - [Create App Structure Script](doc/create-app-structure.md)
- - [Create binary docker images Script](doc/create-binary-docker.md)
-- [Code Repository Structure](doc/repository-structure.md)
-- [Developer FAQ](doc/developer-faq.md)
+This project is part of [FIWARE](https://www.fiware.org/). For more information
+check the FIWARE Catalogue entry for the
+[IoT Agents](https://github.com/Fiware/catalogue/tree/master/iot-agents).
+# Content
+- [Install](#install)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+- [API](#api)
+- [Quality Assurance](#quality-assurance)
+- [License](#license)
-# Python
+## Install
-The OpenMTC SDK is written in and for the Python programming language. Users should therefore have at least a certain knowledge of Python and its paradigms. For this matter, the following material is recommended:
+Information about how to install the JSON IoTAgent can be found at the
+corresponding section of the
+[Installation & Administration Guide](https://fiware-openmtc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deployment-guide).
-- [The Python Homepage](http://www.python.org)
-- [Expert Python Programming by Tarek Ziadé](http://www.e-reading.by/bookreader.php/138816/Ziade_-_Expert_Python_programming.pdf)
-- [Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python](http://www.omahapython.org/IdiomaticPython.html)
+## Usage
-# Feedback
+Information about how to use the IoT Agent can be found in the
+[User & Programmers Manual](https://fiware-openmtc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction).
-Please create issues for any problems and direct any comments or feedback you are having to support@openmtc.org
+## API
+Information about the REST API can be found in the
+[API Section](https://fiware-openmtc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview-rest-api)
+## Python
+The OpenMTC SDK is written in and for the Python programming language. Users
+should therefore have at least a certain knowledge of Python and its paradigms.
+For this matter, the following material is recommended:
+- [The Python Homepage](http://www.python.org)
+- [Expert Python Programming by Tarek Ziadé](http://www.e-reading.by/bookreader.php/138816/Ziade_-_Expert_Python_programming.pdf)
+- [Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python](http://www.omahapython.org/IdiomaticPython.html)
+## Feedback
+Please create issues for any problems and direct any comments or feedback you
+are having to support@openmtc.org
+Please let us know what you think. We are also very interested in any use case
+you are _not_ able to implement with the SDK or if you find it difficult to do
+## Quality Assurance
+This project is part of [FIWARE](https://fiware.org/) and has been rated as
+- **Version Tested:**
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Version&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.version&colorB=blue)
+- **Documentation:**
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Completeness&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.docCompleteness&colorB=blue)
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Usability&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.docSoundness&colorB=blue)
+- **Responsiveness:**
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Time%20to%20Respond&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.timeToCharge&colorB=blue)
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Time%20to%20Fix&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.timeToFix&colorB=blue)
+- **FIWARE Testing:**
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Tests%20Passed&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.failureRate&colorB=blue)
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Scalability&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.scalability&colorB=blue)
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Performance&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.performance&colorB=blue)
+ ![ ](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json.svg?label=Stability&url=https://fiware.github.io/catalogue/json/open_mtc.json&query=$.stability&colorB=blue)
+## Licence
+The OpenMTC SDK is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL)
+version 1.
+© 2018 OpenMTC
-Please let us know what you think. We are also very interested in any use case you are *not* able to implement with the SDK or if you find it difficult to do so.
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+# Open MTC IoT Agent
+[![FIWARE IoT Agents](https://nexus.lab.fiware.org/repository/raw/public/badges/chapters/iot-agents.svg)](https://www.fiware.org/developers/catalogue/)
+The OpenMTC SDK aims to provide developers with a convenient yet flexible tool
+to write oneM2M compliant applications. This includes network applications
+(NAs), gateway application (GAs), device applications (DAs), as well as
+interworking proxy entities (IPEs).
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+site_name: Open MTC
+site_url: https://github.com/OpenMTC/OpenMTC
+repo_url: https://github.com/OpenMTC/OpenMTC.git
+site_description: FIWARE Open MTC IoT Agent document site
+docs_dir: doc/
+site_dir: html
+markdown_extensions: [toc,tables, fenced_code]
+use_directory_urls: false
+theme: readthedocs
+extra_css: ["https://fiware.org/style/fiware_readthedocs.css", "https://fiware.org/style/fiware_readthedocs_iot.css"]
+ - Home: index.md
+ - 'User & Programmers Manual':
+ - Introduction: introduction.md
+ - Quick Start: openmtc-get-started.md
+ - The MQTT Client: onem2m-client-mqtt.md
+ - Authentication Guide: authentication.md
+ - Overview REST API: overview-rest-api.md
+ - Write your first OpenMTC applications: training/training-index.md
+ - Console Outputs:
+ - Sensor Backend: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-backend.md
+ - Sensor Gateway: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-gateway.md
+ - Sensor IPE: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-ipe.md
+ - Sensor GUI: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-gui.md
+ - Sensor Actuator Backend: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-actuator-backend.md
+ - Sensor Actuator Gateway: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-actuator-gateway.md
+ - Sensor Actuator IPE: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-actuator-ipe.md
+ - Sensor Actuator GUI: training/console-outputs/training-sensor-actuator-gui.md
+ - Training:
+ - IPE Sensors: training/training-ipe-sensors.md
+ - IPE Sensors Actuators: training/training-ipe-sensors-actuators.md
+ - GUI Sensors: training/training-gui-sensors.md
+ - GUI Sensors Actuators: training/training-gui-sensors-actuators.md
+ - SDK - Using the Application Framework: sdk-framework.md
+ - SDK - The low-level CSE Client: sdk-client.md
+ - SDK - The Data Model: sdk-datamodel.md
+ - Examples:
+ - IoT Data Visualization: example-apps/IoT-data-visualization.py
+ - Data Aggregation: example-apps/data-aggregation.py
+ - Simple Decision: example-apps/simple-decision.py
+ - Simple Decision 2: example-apps/simple-decision-2.py
+ - Scripts:
+ - Create App Structure Script: create-app-structure.md
+ - Create binary docker images Script: create-binary-docker.md
+ - Code Repository Structure: repository-structure.md
+ - Developer FAQ: developer-faq.md
+ - 'Installation & Administration Manual':
+ - Deployment: deployment-guide.md
+ - Installation of the OpenMTC SDK: install-sdk.md
+ - Appendix : various.md
+ - Resource Names & Types : reference-doc/resource-names-and-types.md