MQTTConnector is able to connect a MQTT-Broker with OpenMTC. The subscribes to specific topics on the broker in order to forward all published data to OpenMTC.
The MQTTConnector will subscribe itself on the MQTT-Broker (e.g. MeshBlu) to a specific first topics level. Published data is expected to contain at least two more topic levels, with one representing the location and one the device. This information will later be used to create an entity within the OpenMTC resource tree. If data is published, the MQTTConnector app will be notified via the subscription and will forward the data to an instance of OpenMTC (gateway or backend).
# Getting started
In order to get an overview of the possible paramters of the app:
where the B64_ENCODED_SENML_PAYLOAD could look like this:
"bn": "23",
"v": 27,
"u": "Celsius",
"t": 1527757260000,
"n": "Temperatur"
# Example
In this example setup, we are using the MQTTConnector to forward data of a temperature sensor connected to the Mosquitto MQTT-Broker via OpenMTC to an instance of the Fiware Orion Context Broker. The following docker-compose configuration shows the setup in more detail.