Koen Farell 36da11a0ee
deps: Update version of vLLM to add support of Cohere Command_R model in vLLM inference ()
* Update vLLM version to add support of Command_R

Signed-off-by: Koen Farell <hellios.dt@gmail.com>

* fix: Fixed vllm version from requirements

Signed-off-by: Koen Farell <hellios.dt@gmail.com>

* chore: Update transformers-rocm.yml

Signed-off-by: Koen Farell <hellios.dt@gmail.com>

* chore: Update transformers.yml version of vllm

Signed-off-by: Koen Farell <hellios.dt@gmail.com>


Signed-off-by: Koen Farell <hellios.dt@gmail.com>
2024-04-10 11:25:26 +00:00

112 lines
2.7 KiB

name: transformers
- defaults
- _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main
- _openmp_mutex=5.1=1_gnu
- bzip2=1.0.8=h7b6447c_0
- ca-certificates=2023.08.22=h06a4308_0
- ld_impl_linux-64=2.38=h1181459_1
- libffi=3.4.4=h6a678d5_0
- libgcc-ng=11.2.0=h1234567_1
- libgomp=11.2.0=h1234567_1
- libstdcxx-ng=11.2.0=h1234567_1
- libuuid=1.41.5=h5eee18b_0
- ncurses=6.4=h6a678d5_0
- openssl=3.0.11=h7f8727e_2
- pip=23.2.1=py311h06a4308_0
- python=3.11.5=h955ad1f_0
- readline=8.2=h5eee18b_0
- setuptools=68.0.0=py311h06a4308_0
- sqlite=3.41.2=h5eee18b_0
- tk=8.6.12=h1ccaba5_0
- wheel=0.41.2=py311h06a4308_0
- xz=5.4.2=h5eee18b_0
- zlib=1.2.13=h5eee18b_0
- pip:
- --pre
- --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/
- accelerate==0.27.0
- auto-gptq==0.7.1
- aiohttp==3.8.5
- aiosignal==1.3.1
- async-timeout==4.0.3
- attrs==23.1.0
- bark==0.1.5
- boto3==1.28.61
- botocore==1.31.61
- certifi==2023.7.22
- TTS==0.22.0
- charset-normalizer==3.3.0
- datasets==2.14.5
- sentence-transformers==2.5.1 # Updated Version
- sentencepiece==0.1.99
- dill==0.3.7
- einops==0.7.0
- encodec==0.1.1
- filelock==3.12.4
- frozenlist==1.4.0
- fsspec==2023.6.0
- funcy==2.0
- grpcio==1.59.0
- huggingface-hub
- idna==3.4
- jinja2==3.1.2
- jmespath==1.0.1
- markupsafe==2.1.3
- mpmath==1.3.0
- multidict==6.0.4
- multiprocess==0.70.15
- networkx
- numpy==1.26.0
- packaging==23.2
- pandas
- peft==0.5.0
- protobuf==4.24.4
- psutil==5.9.5
- pyarrow==13.0.0
- python-dateutil==2.8.2
- pytz==2023.3.post1
- pyyaml==6.0.1
- regex==2023.10.3
- requests==2.31.0
- rouge==1.0.1
- s3transfer==0.7.0
- safetensors>=0.4.1
- scipy==1.12.0 # Updated Version
- six==1.16.0
- sympy==1.12
- tokenizers
- torch
- torchaudio
- tqdm==4.66.1
- triton==2.1.0
- typing-extensions==4.8.0
- tzdata==2023.3
- urllib3==1.26.17
- xxhash==3.4.1
- yarl==1.9.2
- soundfile
- langid
- wget
- unidecode
- optimum==1.17.1
- pyopenjtalk-prebuilt
- pypinyin
- inflect
- cn2an
- jieba
- eng_to_ipa
- openai-whisper
- matplotlib
- gradio==3.41.2
- nltk
- sudachipy
- sudachidict_core
- vocos
- vllm>=0.4.0
- transformers>=4.38.2 # Updated Version
- transformers_stream_generator==0.0.5
- xformers==0.0.23.post1
prefix: /opt/conda/envs/transformers