Ettore Di Giacinto 59ef426fbf
feat(model-list): be consistent, skip known files from listing (#2760)
fix(model-list): be consistent, skip known files from listing

This changeset does two things:

- Removes the dependency of listing models from the OpenAI schema.
- Tries to reduce confusion between ListModels() in model loader and in
  the service - now there is only one ListModels which is in services
and does not depend anymore on the OpenAI schema
- The OpenAI-schema functions were moved nearby the OpenAI specific
  endpoints that needs the schema
- Drops the ListModel Service structure as there was no real need for

Signed-off-by: Ettore Di Giacinto <>
2024-07-10 15:28:39 +02:00

62 lines
1.9 KiB

package elevenlabs
import (
fiberContext ""
// TTSEndpoint is the OpenAI Speech API endpoint
// @Summary Generates audio from the input text.
// @Param voice-id path string true "Account ID"
// @Param request body schema.TTSRequest true "query params"
// @Success 200 {string} binary "Response"
// @Router /v1/text-to-speech/{voice-id} [post]
func TTSEndpoint(cl *config.BackendConfigLoader, ml *model.ModelLoader, appConfig *config.ApplicationConfig) func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
input := new(schema.ElevenLabsTTSRequest)
voiceID := c.Params("voice-id")
// Get input data from the request body
if err := c.BodyParser(input); err != nil {
return err
modelFile, err := fiberContext.ModelFromContext(c, cl, ml, input.ModelID, false)
if err != nil {
modelFile = input.ModelID
log.Warn().Msgf("Model not found in context: %s", input.ModelID)
cfg, err := cl.LoadBackendConfigFileByName(modelFile, appConfig.ModelPath,
if err != nil {
modelFile = input.ModelID
log.Warn().Msgf("Model not found in context: %s", input.ModelID)
} else {
if input.ModelID != "" {
modelFile = input.ModelID
} else {
modelFile = cfg.Model
log.Debug().Msgf("Request for model: %s", modelFile)
filePath, _, err := backend.ModelTTS(cfg.Backend, input.Text, modelFile, "", voiceID, ml, appConfig, *cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.Download(filePath)