Ettore Di Giacinto d2934dd69f feat(elevenlabs): map elevenlabs API support to TTS
This allows elevenlabs Clients to work automatically with LocalAI by
supporting the elevenlabs API.

The elevenlabs server endpoint is implemented such as it is wired to the
TTS endpoints.

Fixes: https://github.com/mudler/LocalAI/issues/1809
2024-03-14 18:12:47 +01:00

241 lines
7.7 KiB

package http
import (
func readAuthHeader(c *fiber.Ctx) string {
authHeader := c.Get("Authorization")
// elevenlabs
xApiKey := c.Get("xi-api-key")
if xApiKey != "" {
authHeader = "Bearer " + xApiKey
// anthropic
xApiKey = c.Get("x-api-key")
if xApiKey != "" {
authHeader = "Bearer " + xApiKey
return authHeader
func App(cl *config.BackendConfigLoader, ml *model.ModelLoader, appConfig *config.ApplicationConfig) (*fiber.App, error) {
// Return errors as JSON responses
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
BodyLimit: appConfig.UploadLimitMB * 1024 * 1024, // this is the default limit of 4MB
DisableStartupMessage: appConfig.DisableMessage,
// Override default error handler
ErrorHandler: func(ctx *fiber.Ctx, err error) error {
// Status code defaults to 500
code := fiber.StatusInternalServerError
// Retrieve the custom status code if it's a *fiber.Error
var e *fiber.Error
if errors.As(err, &e) {
code = e.Code
// Send custom error page
return ctx.Status(code).JSON(
Error: &schema.APIError{Message: err.Error(), Code: code},
if appConfig.Debug {
Format: "[${ip}]:${port} ${status} - ${method} ${path}\n",
// Default middleware config
if !appConfig.Debug {
metricsService, err := services.NewLocalAIMetricsService()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if metricsService != nil {
app.Hooks().OnShutdown(func() error {
return metricsService.Shutdown()
// Auth middleware checking if API key is valid. If no API key is set, no auth is required.
auth := func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
if len(appConfig.ApiKeys) == 0 {
return c.Next()
// Check for api_keys.json file
fileContent, err := os.ReadFile("api_keys.json")
if err == nil {
// Parse JSON content from the file
var fileKeys []string
err := json.Unmarshal(fileContent, &fileKeys)
if err != nil {
return c.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Error parsing api_keys.json"})
// Add file keys to options.ApiKeys
appConfig.ApiKeys = append(appConfig.ApiKeys, fileKeys...)
if len(appConfig.ApiKeys) == 0 {
return c.Next()
authHeader := readAuthHeader(c)
if authHeader == "" {
return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Authorization header missing"})
// If it's a bearer token
authHeaderParts := strings.Split(authHeader, " ")
if len(authHeaderParts) != 2 || authHeaderParts[0] != "Bearer" {
return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Invalid Authorization header format"})
apiKey := authHeaderParts[1]
for _, key := range appConfig.ApiKeys {
if apiKey == key {
return c.Next()
return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Invalid API key"})
if appConfig.CORS {
var c func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error
if appConfig.CORSAllowOrigins == "" {
c = cors.New()
} else {
c = cors.New(cors.Config{AllowOrigins: appConfig.CORSAllowOrigins})
// LocalAI API endpoints
galleryService := services.NewGalleryService(appConfig.ModelPath)
galleryService.Start(appConfig.Context, cl)
app.Get("/version", auth, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.JSON(struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
}{Version: internal.PrintableVersion()})
// Load upload json
modelGalleryEndpointService := localai.CreateModelGalleryEndpointService(appConfig.Galleries, appConfig.ModelPath, galleryService)
app.Post("/models/apply", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.ApplyModelGalleryEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/available", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.ListModelFromGalleryEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.ListModelGalleriesEndpoint())
app.Post("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.AddModelGalleryEndpoint())
app.Delete("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.RemoveModelGalleryEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/jobs/:uuid", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.GetOpStatusEndpoint())
app.Get("/models/jobs", auth, modelGalleryEndpointService.GetAllStatusEndpoint())
// Elevenlabs
app.Post("/v1/text-to-speech/:voice-id", auth, elevenlabs.TTSEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// openAI compatible API endpoint
// chat
app.Post("/v1/chat/completions", auth, openai.ChatEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/chat/completions", auth, openai.ChatEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// edit
app.Post("/v1/edits", auth, openai.EditEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/edits", auth, openai.EditEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// files
app.Post("/v1/files", auth, openai.UploadFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Post("/files", auth, openai.UploadFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/v1/files", auth, openai.ListFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/files", auth, openai.ListFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/v1/files/:file_id", auth, openai.GetFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/files/:file_id", auth, openai.GetFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Delete("/v1/files/:file_id", auth, openai.DeleteFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Delete("/files/:file_id", auth, openai.DeleteFilesEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/v1/files/:file_id/content", auth, openai.GetFilesContentsEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
app.Get("/files/:file_id/content", auth, openai.GetFilesContentsEndpoint(cl, appConfig))
// completion
app.Post("/v1/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/v1/engines/:model/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// embeddings
app.Post("/v1/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/v1/engines/:model/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// audio
app.Post("/v1/audio/transcriptions", auth, openai.TranscriptEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
app.Post("/tts", auth, localai.TTSEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
// images
app.Post("/v1/images/generations", auth, openai.ImageEndpoint(cl, ml, appConfig))
if appConfig.ImageDir != "" {
app.Static("/generated-images", appConfig.ImageDir)
if appConfig.AudioDir != "" {
app.Static("/generated-audio", appConfig.AudioDir)
ok := func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.SendStatus(200)
// Kubernetes health checks
app.Get("/healthz", ok)
app.Get("/readyz", ok)
// Experimental Backend Statistics Module
backendMonitor := services.NewBackendMonitor(cl, ml, appConfig) // Split out for now
app.Get("/backend/monitor", localai.BackendMonitorEndpoint(backendMonitor))
app.Post("/backend/shutdown", localai.BackendShutdownEndpoint(backendMonitor))
// models
app.Get("/v1/models", auth, openai.ListModelsEndpoint(cl, ml))
app.Get("/models", auth, openai.ListModelsEndpoint(cl, ml))
app.Get("/metrics", localai.LocalAIMetricsEndpoint())
return app, nil